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A Study on Customer satisfaction towards Total Mall in SARJAPURE

Submitted for partial fulfillment of award of MASTER`S DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION of Uttar Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow.

BY SUNIL KUMAR GIRI Roll No. 0823070040 MBA ll Year, 4th Semester (January-May - 2010)



I take this as an opportunity to thank with bottom of my hear all those without whom the journey of doing my project would not have been as pleasant as it has been to me. Working on my project was a constant learning experience with all sweat and tear which was its due but not without being richly stimulating experience of life time. I am very thankful to Principal, Prof. (Dr.) R.N. Sharma & H.O.D., MBA, Dept. Prof. S.K. Bishayee for giving me their valuable advice and guidance towards fulfillment of the project For any project to be a success, it is very important to get the right guidance and support which I got from my Faculty Guide Dr.Rinku Sanjeev. I express my gratitude to my faculty guide for inspiring me throughout the project. I want to express my deep gratitude to our institution D.C.E., Gr. Noida , for giving me the opportunity to undertake this project and enhance my knowledge.

Finally I would like to convey my heartiest thanks to all my well wishers for their blessing and co-operation throughout my study. They boosted me up every day to work with a new and high spirit.

SUNIL KUMAR GIRI Roll. No. 0823070040


I hereby declare that this Research Project entitled, A Study on Customer satisfaction

towards Total Mall in SARJAPURE written and submitted by me, under the guidance
of Dr.(Mrs.) Rinku Sanjeev, is my original work and that has not been submitted to any other University / Institute previously.

SUNIL KUMAR GIRI Roll No.0823070040 MBA-IV Sem.


This is to certify that the Research Project Report entitled,

A Study on Customer
for the award of

satisfaction towards Total Mall in SARJAPURE

MASTERS DEGREE IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION from Utter Pradesh Technical University, Lucknow, has been carried out by Shiv Kumar Tiwari bearing University Roll No. 0823070405, under my supervision and guidance. The Report embodies result of original work and studies carried out by the student himself and the contents of the Report do not form the basis for award of any other Degree to the candidate or to anybody else.

Dr. Rinku Sanjeev Associate Professor Date Dept. MBA

Dronacharya college of Engineering


This is to certify that Shiv Kumar Tiwari, MBA-IV Semester, University Roll No. 0823070405, has carried out the Project Work presented in this Report entitled A Study on Customer

satisfaction towards Total Mall in SARJAPURE. The results embodied in the

Report are original and not submitted to any other University / Institute for the award of any Degree / Diploma.

Prof. S.K. Bishayee H.O.D, Dept. MBA Date. Dronacharya college of Engineering

Theoretical Perspective
The Indian consumer could well be crowned King with all economic indicators in the right place. Queuing up for the coronation ceremony are a multitude of global companies that are looking at India as the next consumer market powerhouse. And it seems to be the retail sector that will give the consumer royal status.

In this study I will try to find out the present scenario of retail market in India. This project will give focus on the global scene to retail industry and what will drive the growth of industry in the future.

Retailing is the final step in the distribution of merchandise, the last link in supply chain connecting the bulk procedures of commodities to the final consumers.

Retailing in India is thoroughly unorganized. There is no supply chain management perspective. According to a survey b y AT Kearney, an overwhelming proportion of the Rs. 400,000 crore retail market is UNORGANISED. In fact, only a Rs. 20,000 crore segment of the market is organized. From a size of only Rs.20,000 crore, the ORGANISED retail industry will grow to Rs. 160,000 crore by 2005. The TOTAL retail market, however, as indicated above will grow 20 per cent annually from Rs. 400,000 crore in 2000 to Rs. 800,000 crore by 2005

A study by McKinsey points out that India's market for consumer goods can reach a w $450 billion by 2011 - making it one of the five largest in the world. Further, KPMG in a recent report titled `Consumer Markets in India - the next big thing?' has said: "India represents an economic opportunity on a massive scale, both as a global base and a domestic market." The report, however, finds that the next leap in the growth of the consumer market will be spearheaded by the changing dynamics of the retail sector. "Companies expect that the next cycle of change in Indian consumer markets will be the arrival of foreign players in consumer retailing. Although FDI remains highly restricted in retailing, most companies believe that will not be for long," says Deepankar Sanwalka, Executive Director and Head - Consumer Markets, KPMG India.

FDI in retail has once again begun to appear imminent following Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's recent interview to McKinsey, in which he expressed confidence that he would be able to get the Left parties on board on the matter. KPMG is in fact going ahead with its plans to conduct a series of five roadshows in the US and a few countries in Europe to hold discussions

about the opportunities in India's consumer markets, especially in retail. And the numbers do lend credence to the enthusiasm.

The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) country briefing on India, 2005, estimates the retail market in India will grow from $394 billion in 2005 to $608.9 billion in 2009. In fact, KPMG finds that the organised retail sector in India is expected to grow at a higher rate than GDP growth in the next five years, driven by changing lifestyles, strong income growth and favourable demographic patterns. According to EIU, India currently has more than five million retails outlets, out of which 96 per cent are smaller than 500 sq. ft. But this scenario is changing fast. The structure of retailing is developing rapidly with malls becoming iSARJAPUREeasingly common in large cities, and development plans being projected at 150 new shopping malls by 2008.

Emerging trends in organized retailing

Over the last five years, a number of large business groups such as Tatas, RPG, Rahejas and Piramals has set up stores/malls and built businesses within retail. Thesem include the Rs1.9bn Food World - a leading supermarket chain set up by RPG; the Rahejas Rs1.8bn Shoppers Stop - a multi-brand departmental outlet and the Crossroads Mall set up by the Piramals. While many of these initiatives were initially driven by the need to use existing real estate, they are beginning to assume the contours of a serious business today.

Fuel retailers, notably BPCL and HPCL are also expanding their presence from fuel retail to grocery and convenience stores. Suitability of location, optimal utilization of real estate,

diversifying business to reduce reliance on the commodity nature of fuel retail business and improve margins are the key factors that has lead fuel majors to enter into the retailing.

Also, existing family owned businesses are expanding their businesses. The more successful of them are the Nilgiris - a Bangalore base food retailer, Viveks - a 40-year old Chennai based chain selling consumer durables and Narulas - the food chain in North India.

Interestingly, manufacturers are also looking for forward integration and are building chains around brands. Brands in apparel, footwear and durables have driven the growth of specialty chains and upgraded existing multi-brand outlet.

Theme for a mall

Although the retail sector in India highly fragmented and consists predominantly of small, independent, owner-managed shops, it happens to be the country's second largest employer after agriculture. The country is currently witnessing a boom in retailing, thanks mainly on account of an iSARJAPUREease in the disposable incomes of middle and upper-middle class households.

More and more corporate houses, including large real estate companies, are now entering the retail business directly or indirectly. One sign of the modernization of Indian retailing is the rapid growth in the number of speciality malls and theme malls. The Piramals, Tatas, Rahejas, ITC, S. Kumar's, RPG Enterprises, Aerens, Omaxe and mega retailers like Crosswords, Shopper's Stop










Emergence of specialty retailing

Though organised retailing is still at a nascent stage - accounting for only around two per cent of the $180 billion retail market in India - it is likely to touch 10 per cent by the end of this decade. Four product categories have led the organised retailing wave: foods, apparel, lifestyle products, consumer durables and electronics. In recent times, several theme malls such as Gold Souk (jewellery malls), Wedding Mall, Electronic Mall, Auto Mall, etc catering to specific needs and occasions have been completed or announced.

Many top developers are now toying with the idea of developing speciality malls. Speciality malls are already a success in the West, whereas the concept is in its infancy in India. One could venture so far as to say speciality and theme based retailing will drive the growth of organized retailing in India.

Organised retailing got a leg up during 2004 with the opening of new format stores, rapid growth of existing players, start-up of new-generation shopping malls, the Government's intention of allowing a certain level of foreign direct investment in retail and the formation of a retailers' association. With consumer sentiment positive during most of 2004, it led to substantial spending across a number of categories such as consumer durables, clothing and lifestyle, automobiles and telecom products. At the beginning of this decade, organised retailing accounted for a mere $2.9 billion in India. This is only 1.25 per cent of the estimated total retail market. This share has

already grown to 2 per cent.Growth projections for retail business vary widely. Some studies estimate that by 2007, the share of organised retail in the retail pie will jump three times to reach 5-6 per cent.

Retail in India largest industry accounting for over 10% of the country GDP and around 8% of the employment. Retail industry in India is at the cross road. It has emerged as one of the most dynamic and fast paced industries with several player entering the market. The future is promising the market is growing government policies are becoming more favorable and emerging technology and facilitating operations. Some key facts retail in India largest industry accounting for over 10% of the country GDP and around 8% of the employment. The market size of Indian retail industry is about US $ 312 billion.

Indian consumption cosmos

During past decades private final consumption expenditure has been the key driver economic growth in India.

fashion accessories 5.5% Telephone 1.8% consumer durable 4%

Enterainm ent 7.9%

consumption spending $350 billion

furniture 3.4%

Fashion 9.5%

Health, beauty & pharama 3.8%

food 62%

Book & music 1.1

The headquartered in Mumbai the company operates over 12 million square feet of retail space as over one thousand stores across 71 cities in India and employees over 35,000 people. The companies leading formats include Pantaloons a chain of fashion outlet, Total Mall, uniquely Indian hypermarket chain, food Bazaar a supermarket chain blends he look, touch and

feel of Indian Bazaars with aspects of modern retail like choice convenience and quality and control a chain of seamless destination malls.

Future group, led its founder & group CEO Mr. Kishore Biyani is one of India leading business house with multiple business spanning across the consumption space. While retail firm the core business activity of future group, group subsidiaries are present in consumer finance, capital, insurance, brand development & entertainment. The first set of Total Mall store open in 2001 in Kolkata, Hyderabad and Bangalore.

A layout chart of Total Mall located at Indralok






HELP DESK As you can see from the layout, the Help Desk is located in a place where
everyone has their first sight that is in front of the entrance. This shows that when a person enters in to Total Mall it can get all information about the stores of Total Mall from the person sitting in the help desk. Help Desk uses paging service as a tool for the convenience of its employees and customers.

KIDS SECTION The kids section is located just at the left corner of the entrance of Total
Mall. In the kids section kids accessories like diapers, trolleys, suckers, water bottles are available in one part. Kids jackets and baba suits are available in another part. Kids casual wear (jeans and shorts) are placed in one part of it and infant shirts & t-shirts are also placed in another part. In this section the pillars are used for displaying information like size chart and section description. The apparels are available at a price of Rs59 onwards.

MENS SECTION Next to it is the mens section that is in the center. It is divided in to
five parts. At one part men formal shirts are available. In other parts men trousers, suits and

blazers, fabrics and ethnics are available respectively. Here the price ranges from a minimum of Rs99 to Rs899.

LADIES SECTION Next to it is the ladies section that is in the extreme right side. The
ladies section is segregated in to seven parts. Ladies section starts from ladies ethnics, ladies western wear, ladies formals (office wear), ladies accessories lingeries, ladies perfumeries, and ladies cosmetics respectively. Here the price of the apparel ranges from Rs99 to Rs1000 approx.

Promotional scheme With an add on to the above products there are various other
products which are available with a promotional scheme. The various products under this scheme includes girl t-shirts, infant winter wear etc.

Non-Promotional scheme There are various other products available without any
promotional scheme which includes jeans, infant baba suits, infant t-shirts, kids night wear, kids salwar suits etc.

Sports Store At the extreme corner there is a sports store where various kinds of sport items
are available.

Food Bazaar The food bazaar is in the 1st floor of the building. Various kinds of food items,
fruits and vegetables are available there. Sitting arrangements are well made so that people can sit and take tea, coffee or snacks or any other food item and can relax.

Cash Counter The cash counter is located just near the exit


Mr. Kishore Biyani, Managing Director

Kishore Biyani is the Managing Director of Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited and the Group Chief Executive Officer of Future Group.

Mr. Gopikishan Biyani, Wholetime Director

Gopikishan Biyani, is a commerce graduate and has more than twenty years of experience in the textile business.

Mr. Rakesh Biyani, Wholetime Director

Rakesh Biyani, is a commerce graduate and has been actively involved in category management; retail stores operations, IT and exports. He has been instrumental in the implementation of the various new retail formats.

Mr. Ved Prakash Arya, Director

Ved Prakash Arya, is an engineer by training and is a graduate of the Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad. Prior to joining Pantaloon Retail, he was the CEO of Globus.

Mr. Shailesh Haribhakti, Independent Director

Shri Shailesh Haribhakti, is a Chartered Accountant, Cost Accountant, and a Certified Internal Auditor. He is the Deputy Managing Partner of Haribhakti & Co., Chartered Accountants and past president of Indian merchant Chambers. He is on the Board of several Public Limited Companies, including Indian Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd., Ambuja Cement Eastern Ltd. etc. He is on the Board of Company since June 1, 1999.

Mr. S Doreswamy, Independent Director

S. Doreswamy, is a former Chairman and Managing Director of Central Bank of India and serves on the board of DSP Merrill Lynch Trustee Co and Ceat Limited

Dr. D O Koshy, Independent Director

D. O. Koshy, holds a doctorate from IIT, Bangalore and is the Director of National Institute of Design (NID), Ahmedabad. He has over 24 years of rich experience in the textiles and garment industry and was instrumental in the setting up of NIFT centres in Bangalore, Chennai and Bangalore. He is a renowned consultant specializing in international marketing and apparel retail management.

Ms. Anju Poddar, Independent Director

Anju Poddar, holds a Bachelor of Engineering from University of Oklahoma and is a Director, NIFT, Hyderabad chapter. She also serves on the board of Maharishi Commerce Ltd and Samay Books Ltd,

Ms. Bala Deshpande, Independent Director

Bala Deshpande, is Independent Director, Pantaloon Retail (India) Ltd. and also serves on the boards of Deccan Aviation, Nagarjuna Construction, Welspun India and Indus League Clothing Ltd,

Mr. Anil Harish, Independent Director

Anil Harish, is the partner of DM Harish & Co. Associates & Solicitors and an LLM from University of Miami. He also serves on the board of Mahindra Gesco, Unitech, IndusInd Bank and Hinduja TMT,

Major Milestones 1987 Company incorporated as Manz Wear Private Limited. Launch of Pantaloons trouser, Indias first formal trouser brand. 1991 Launch of BARE, the Indian jeans brand. 1992 Initial public offer (IPO) was made in the month of May. 1994 The Pantaloon Shoppe exclusive menswear store in franchisee format launched across the nation. The company starts the distribution of branded garments through multi-brand retail outlets across the nation.

1995 John Miller Formal shirt brand launched. 1997 Pantaloons Indias family store launched in Kolkata. 2001 Total Mall, Is se sasta aur accha kahi nahin - Indias first hypermarket chain launched. 2002 Food Bazaar, the supermarket chain is launched. 2004 Central Shop, Eat, Celebrate in the Heart of Our City - Indias first seamless mall is launched in Bangalore. 2005 Fashion Station - the popular fashion chain is launched 2006 Future Capital Holdings, the companys financial arm launches real estate funds Kshitij and Horizon and private equity fund In division. Plans forays into insurance and consumer credit. Multiple retail formats including Collection i, Furniture Bazaar, Shoe Factory, EZone, Depot and are launched across the nation. Group enters into joint venture agreements with ETAM Group and Generali. 2007- future group cross $1 billion mark. 2008- future group holding becomes the second group company to make a successful initial public offering in the Indian capital market.

Future Group Future Group is one of the countrys leading business groups present in retail, asset management, consumer finance, insurance, retail media, retail spaces and logistics. Future Group is present in 61 cities and 65 rural locations. The groups flagship company, Pantaloon Retail (India) Limited operates over 10,000,000 square feet (930,000 m2) of retail space, has over 1,000 stores and

employs over 30,000 people. Some of its leading retail formats include Pantaloons, Total Mall, Central, Food Bazaar, Home Town, eZone, Depot, Future Money and online retail format

Future Group companies includes, Future Capital Holdings, Future Generali India, Indus League Clothing and Galaxy Entertainment which manages Sports Bar, Brew Bar and Bowling Co. Future Capital Holdings, the groups financial arm, focuses on asset management and consumer credit. It manages assets worth over $1 billion that are being invested in developing retail real estate and consumer-related brands and hotels. The groups joint venture partners include Italian insurance major Generali, French retailer ETAM group, US-based stationary products retailer Staples Inc and UK-based Lee Cooper and India-based Talwalkars, Blue Foods and Liberty Shoes. Future Groups vision is to, Deliver Everything, Everywhere, Everytime to Every Indian Consumer in the most profitable manner. The group considers Indian-ness as a core value and its corporate credo is - Rewrite rules, Retain values.


The low-intensity entry of the diversified Mahindra Group into retail is unique because it plans to focus on lifestyle products. The Mahindra group is the fourth large Indian business group to enter the business of retail after Reliance Industries Ltd, the Aditya Birla Group, and

Bharti Enterprises Ltd. The other three groups are focusing either on perishables and groceries, or a range of products, or both. RPG Retail-Formats: Music World, Books & Beyond, Spencers Hyper, Spencers Super, Daily & Fresh Pantaloon Retail-Formats: Total Mall, Food Bazaar, Pantaloons, Central, Fashion Station, Brand Factory, Depot, aLL, E-Zone etc. The Tata Group-Formats: Westside, Star India Bazaar, Steel junction, Landmark, and Titan Industries with World of Titans showrooms, Tanishq outlets, Chroma. K Raheja Corp Group-Formats: Shoppers Stop, Crossword, Hyper City, In orbit Lifestyle International-Lifestyle, Home Centre, Max, Fun City and International Franchise brand stores. Pyramid Retail-Formats: Pyramid Megastore, TruMart Nilgiris-Formats: Nilgiri's supermarket chain Subhiksha-Formats: Subhiksha supermarket pharmacy and telecom discount chain. Trinethra- Formats: Fabmall supermarket chain and Fabcity hypermarket chain Vishal Retail Group-Formats: De mart BPCL-Formats: In & Out Reliance Retail-Formats: Reliance Fresh Reliance ADAG Retail-Format: Reliance World German Metro Cash & Carry Shoprite Holdings-Formats: Shoprite Hyper


BY SOUMEN CHATTERJEE Unique customer perception (UCP): According to soumen, Unique Customer Perception is what is required by companies instead of Unique Selling Proposition. It is ultimately that customer look for satisfaction based on the picture of perception derived from various sources. If these perceptions of customer can be analyzed then promotion would be easier for customer centric marketing. This has lead to the concept - Customer Perception is the Rule and not Customer Satisfaction.

HUAWEI Satisfy customers perception is the biggest challenge: In meeting customers' requirements and measuring customers' satisfaction indexes, customer perception should be definitely a key consideration. Qualified services in the operation execution layer, technical management layer and business development layer are necessary. It is more important to understand customer expectations and make efforts to exceed their expectations. In customer satisfaction management, the biggest challenge is customer perception management, or customer perception satisfaction. The major characteristics of service is intangible, hence the core value of services is not like a physical product but the spiritual experience and perception of customers. The final aim and ideal effect of service provisioning is to have customers perceive and enjoy the service. Such perception is both at psychological and behavior levels, and it is the contents of high quality life in the modern society. Customers are seeking for material deliverables as well as perceptive enjoyment when purchasing a service product. Since perceptive enjoyment is a vital

service objective, one of the key service management objectives shall be meeting customers' perceptive enjoyment.


Total Mall: Is se sasta aur acha kahin nahin

Total Mall is the companys foray into the world of hypermarket discount stores, the first of its kind in India. Price and the wide array of products are the USPs towards Total Mall. Close to two lakh products are available under one roof at prices lower by 2 to 60 per cent over the corresponding market prices. The high quality of service, good ambience, implicit guarantees and continuous discount programmes have helped in changing the face of the Indian retailing industry. A leading foreign broking house compared the rush at Total Mall to that of a local suburban train.

Food Bazaar Wholesale prices

Food Bazaars core concept is to create a blend of a typical Indian Bazaar and International supermarket atmosphere with the objective of giving the customer all the advantages of Quality, Range and Price associated with large format stores and also the comfort to See, Touch and Feel the products. The company has recently launched an aggressive private label programme with its own brands of tea, salt, spices, pulses, jams, ketchups etc. With unbeatable prices and vast variety (there are 42 varieties of rice on sale), Food Bazaar has proved to be a hit with customers all over the country.

Total Mall
Total Mall is a chain of shopping malls in India, owned by the Pantaloon Group and which work on Wal-Mart type economies of scale. They have had considerable success in many Indian cities and small towns. Total Mall provides quality items but at an affordable price. It is a very innovative idea and this hypermarket has almost anything under one roof.Apparel, Footwear, Toys, Household Appliances and more. The ambience and customer care adds on to the shopping experience.

Is Se Sasta Aur Accha Kahin Nahin !! What's in store for you at Total Mall?

1,70,000 products at 6- 60 % discount.

At Total Mall, you will get : A wide range of products at 6 60 % lower than the corresponding market price, coupled with an international shopping experience. If you deal in the categories mentioned there's a big deal of success for you. Products available towards Total Mall

Apparel and Accessories for Men, Women and Children. Baby Accessories. Cosmetics Crockery Toys Luggage Home Textiles Linens Home Needs Sarees Dress Materials Suiting & Shirting Household Appliances Stationery Electrical Accessories Electronics Footwear Household Plastics Utensils & Utilities Hardware Home Decor

Food Bazaars core concept is to create a blend of a typical Indian Bazaar and International supermarket atmosphere with the objective of giving the customer all the advantages of Quality,

Range and Price associated with large format stores and also the comfort to See, Touch and Feel the products.

'FOOD BAZAAR' a division of Pantaloon Retail India Ltd is a chain of large supermarkets with a difference. It was flagged off in April'02.With store sizes ranging from 8,000 sq ft to 15,000 sq. ft. in Mumbai (two stores), Kolkata, Bangalore & Hyderabad, it is opening more stores at Gurgaon (Bangalore), New Bombay & Nagpur. It currently caters to over 1.2 million customers every day across 4 outlets in India and is soon set to expand and double this figure across 8 outlets all over the country by June 2003.

Food Bazaar offers the Indian consumer the best of Western and Indian values. The western values of convenience, cleanliness and hygiene are offered through pre packed commodities and the Indian values of "See- Touch- Feel" are offered through the Mandi atmosphere created by displaying staples out in the open, all at very economical and affordable prices without any compromise on quality. This satisfies the Indian consumer and comforts her before making her final buying decision. At other super markets, the consumer is deprived of this factor. Truly the Indian consumer now agrees with Food Bazaar: "Ab Ghar Chalaana kitna Aasaan. This positioning platform of Food Bazaar is evident from the higher discounts and the wholesale price-points which is below MRP.

Food Bazaar represents the companys entry into food retail and is targeted across all classes of population. Food Bazaar replicates a local mandi, to provide the much important touch & feel factor which Indian housewives are used to in the local bazaar. Food Bazaar has over 50,000 stock keeping units which cover grocery, FMCG products, milk

products, juices, tea, sugar, pulses, masalas, rice wheat etc, besides fruits and vegetables. All products are sold below MRP and discounts range between 2% to 20%. Fruits and vegetables are sold at prices comparable to wholesale prices.

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