Aug 22

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Juniors 1& 2 Learning Target: I will be able to use commas in a series and for nonessential adjectives.

. I will be able to write an argument and counterargument. Standard: - L.11-12.2. Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard -

English capitalization, punctuation, and spelling when writing. W.11-12.1. Write arguments to support claims in an analysis of substantive topics or texts, using valid reasoning and relevant and sufficient evidence Develop claim(s) and counterclaims fairly and thoroughly, supplying the most relevant evidence for each while pointing out the strengths and limitations of both in a manner that anticipates the audiences knowledge level, concerns, values, and possible biases.
Al Green (3 minutes) On the board, when the students walk in for Writers Notebook: By the end of this year I want to (5 minutes) Who has a signed syllabus? (1 minute) Who has their binder? (5 minutes) While students are sharing goals for the year, have students who have not put together their binders do so. Comma Lesson Series take notes in Writers Notebook (5 minutes) In Writers Notebook: When I have accomplished these goals, I will look back and say this was a _____________ _______________ year. (2 minutes) Commas Lesson Nonessential adjectives take notes in Writers Notebook (5 minutes) In your journal Think about when you are least motivated. Write an argument to yourself about why you shouldnt accomplish these goals. Now think of yourself when you are most motivated. Write a counterargument to yourself telling yourself why you should accomplish these goals. (10 minutes) Homework: How can English/Language Arts help you accomplish your goal? Be ready to write this goal down tomorrow to hang on the walls. Give two adjectives to describe your current mood toward English class. Are these essential or nonessential? Would you put a comma between them or not? (3 minutes) Extra Time: Allow students to work on surveys and read answers aloud (1st hour pass back those that need more time working on them, make sure to collect 2nd hours)

Total Time: 40 minutes Juniors 5 Al Green (3 minutes) Who has a signed syllabus? (1 minute)

On the board, when the students walk in have them get out their class materials binder, tabs, etc. Go over binder checklist (7 minutes) In the Writers Notebook: By the end of this year I want to (5 minutes) Comma Lesson Series take notes in Writers Notebook (5 minutes) In Writers Notebook: When I have accomplished these goals, I will look back and say this was a _____________ _______________ year. (2 minutes) Commas Lesson Nonessential adjectives take notes in Writers Notebook (5 minutes) In your journal Think about when you are least motivated. Write an argument to yourself about why you shouldnt accomplish these goals. Now think of yourself when you are most motivated. Write a counterargument to yourself telling yourself why you should accomplish these goals. (10 minutes) Homework: How can English/Language Arts help you accomplish your goal? Be ready to write this goal down tomorrow to hang on the walls. Give two adjectives to describe your current mood toward English class. Are these essential or nonessential? Would you put a comma between them or not? (3 minutes) Total Time: 41 minutes

Seniors 3,4,6 Learning Target: I will be able to determine a wrtiers purpose and audience. I will be able to determine the most important idea from a text. I will be able to infer information from a text. Standard:

RL.11-12.1. Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text, including determining where the text leaves matters uncertain. RL.11-12.2. Determine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text, including how they interact and build on one another to produce a complex account; provide an objective summary of the text.
Al Green (3 minutes) Who has a signed syllabus? (1 minute) On the board, when the students walk in have them get out their class materials binder, tabs, etc. Go over binder checklist (7 minutes) Pass out Tyras college essay from FNL. Have students annotate. Go over annotations on smart board together. (10 minutes) In think pair shares have students discuss Tyras audience and purpose. (5 minutes)

Partners pair up and as a group of four decide on what Tyras most important point was in her essay. Discuss as a class. (10 minutes) Homework decide upon a goal for yourself this year. Think about how English/Language Arts can help you achieve this goal. Be ready to write down this goal tomorrow in class to post for the class. Exit slip: Choose one questioning to understand sentence and one inferring sentence to complete about this passage. (5 minutes)

Total Time: 41 minutes

Albert Greene (born April 13, 1946),[1] better known as Al Green, is an American gospel and soul music singer. He reached the peak of his popularity in the 1970s, with hit singles such as "You Oughta Be With Me", "I'm Still In Love With You", "Love and Happiness", and "Let's Stay Together".[2] In 2005, Rolling Stone named him #65 in their list of the '100 Greatest Artists of All Time'. The nomination, written by Justin Timberlake, stated that "people are born to do certain things, and Al was born to make us smile."[3] On October 18, 1974, Mary Woodson White, a girlfriend of Green's, assaulted him. At some point during the evening, White doused Green with a pan of boiling grits while he was showering, causing burns on Green's back, stomach and arms.[9] Green cited the incident as a wake-up call to change his life.[7] He became an ordained pastor of the Full Gospel Tabernacle in Memphis in 1976 and continues to serve in this capacity, delivering services down the street from Graceland.[

Tyras College Essay from Friday Night Lights.

Two years ago, I was afraid of wanting anything. I figured wanting would lead to trying and trying would lead to failure. But now I find I can't stop wanting. I want to fly somewhere on first class. I want to travel to Europe on a business trip. I want to get invited to the White House. I want to learn about the world. I want to surprise myself. I want to be important. I want to be the best person I can be. I want to define myself instead of having others define me. I want to win and have people be happy for me. I want to lose and get over it. I want to not be afraid of the unknown. I want to grow up and be generous and big hearted, the way people have been with me. I want an interesting and surprising life. It's not that I think I'm going to get all these things, I just want the possibility of getting them. College represents possibility. The possibility that things are going to change. I can't wait.

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