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May/June 2012

Translation Studies) and his leadership ability, as he founded a school serving hundreds of AIDS orphans. His love for Jesus and desire to bring Him glory was an inspiration. Trinity is currently supporting a three year Seed Company project in Sudan to translate the Gospel of Luke for one of the many Sudan tribal peoples. This is the last year of the three year project and current project focus is to use the new translation to dub onto the Jesus Film.

African Bible Translator Visits Trinity

On Sunday morning April 22, Naphtaly Mattah gave the sermon in our worship service. Naphtaly is from Kenya and translated the New Testament into his native tongue, the Suba language. He was in the states representing The Seed Company, which is the largest Bible translator organization in the world. The Missions Committee hosted a reception for Naphtaly the day before at the Gilliom home. His humble spirit masts his keen intellect (he has a masters degree in



March Madness. An event that is like no other. People from all walks of life begin to gather around a central purpose of watching their team become the next Cinderella, Bracket Buster or better yet National Champion. The NCAA National Tournament always creates a hysteria not just with fans but anyone that desires to get in on the excitement surrounding it from just lling out your bracket to gain bragging rights or to truly route for the team you have been passionate about your entire life. This past March a different kind of Madness took place. Fred and Judy Geyer, Monica Gilraine and myself Andy Vanderford took advantage of an opportunity to visit the Fort Wayne Islamic Center with the Perspectives class that Fred was auditing. Now that seems like true madness. White Christians from a typical rural community traveling to a city to visit with Muslims. So as about 20 people gathered at Fellowship Missionary Church to discuss the Islamic faith and the different factions of it (denominations) we embarked on this journey to begin to have a better understanding of where those in the Muslim faith are coming from to hopefully begin to minister to them through the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So ultimately the most intriguing thing that was taken from our visit was the fact that Muslims believe in all the same historical content of scripture as we do from a factual basis and from the extent of all being descendants of Adam and Eve and then of course Noah and Abraham. It brings to mind a picture of Muslim children dancing around with Christian children singing, Father Abraham had many sons and many sons had Father Abraham. I digress. The greatest disappointment though came as well all realized the true difference between ourselves and those of the Islamic faith. Jesus Christ!!! As they began their presentation on the truths of Islam, as they practice, you could see the self dependent nature of their practices. Absolutely no grace. Well, they would call it grace because if you did the right things or at least more good than bad then Allah would allow you to enter heaven. Heck, that is not grace at all that is a purchase. No different than saving up for a new house, or car. Obviously there is much needed prayer that these individuals would begin to call on Jesus Christ for that true grace we have all come to take for granted because as scripture tells us in Ephesians 2:8-9 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Some other missions supported to pray for...

World Partners Dave & Dorcas McDeavitt

The Seed Company Sudan / Jesus Movie

Trinity Evangelical Presbyterian Church
PO Box 638 Columbia City, IN 46725 Phone (260) 244-5494 Email

Voice of the Martyrs Pioneers John & Margy Haines

Eastern European Aid Assoc Stephen & Genovieva Beattie


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