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Business English

Causative Verb

Causative Verb Definition:

Simply put, causatives are those verbs that cause people, or equipment to do things. To be more precise, in a causative, a person does not do an action directly. The person causes it to happen by making another person to do it. Causative verbs list:

Make Get Help Have Let

Examples of Causative Sentences using Make Verb


This construction means "to force someone to do something." 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Are you going to make your son work part time in the bakery this Winter? I can't seem to make this washing machine run. Professor Philip made us type up our seminar reports. I made the refrigerator work My teacher made me apologize for what I had said. Did somebody make you wear that ugly hat? She made her children do their homework.

Examples of Causative Sentences using Get Verb


This construction usually means "to convince to do something" or "to trick someone into doing something." 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I want to get the house painted before summer. We will have to get someone to fix the dishwasher right away. Let us get some more exchanged for dollars. Let us get our car fixed first. Susie got her son to take the medicine even though it tasted terrible. How can parents get their children to read more? The government TV commercials are trying to get people to stop smoking.

Examples of Causative Forms using Have Verb


This construction means "to give someone the responsibility to do something."

HAVE has even less firmness than GET 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. My science teacher had us give seminar reports Tom had a tooth filled. Have you had your lab reports taken yet? I like the way you had the team member do the task. We are going to have our car fixed before we go office. Dr. Smith had his nurse take the patient's temperature. Please have your secretary fax me the information. I had the mechanic check the brakes.

Note: Both get and have are also used as passive voice. A simple trick to identify the causative passives is, "to" word follows: 1. I will be made to do the job 2. I was made to clean the basket.

Examples of Causative Forms using Let Verb


This construction means "to allow someone to do something." With Let, a person gives permission for another person to do an action. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. His father let her go to cinema. I am letting this equipment cool. My dad let me use his motorcycle. Would you let us to watch the movie? John let me drive his new car. Will your parents let you go to the party? I don't know if my boss will let me take the day off.

Examples of Causative Forms using Help Verb

With help, a person assists another person to do an action. 1. He is helping me type my letter. 2. His wife always helps him do the office task.

3. Don't you help each other study for exams? 4. This video should help you to understand the lecture.

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