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The Elche International Independent Film Festival aims to provide a cultural space for film creators and film lovers. This event has a constant committment to promote culture and support new talent in the seventh art. This year it is focusing specifically on innovation, dialogue between the audience and the films creators and removing technological barriers for entering the competition and voting, which, for the first time ever, will both be carried out exclusively online. Despite adaptating to the era of new technologies, the Elche International Independent Film Festival has not forgotten its roots or disregarded the respect it has always held for the quality of the original formats used in film. Therefore, winning entries will be shown in their original formats, 35 mm and video, at the Screening Sessions. One of the main attractions of the Elche International Independent Film Festival is that it has been chosen by the Spanish Academy of Film Arts and Sciences to carry out the preselection of candidates for the Goya Awards in the National Best Fiction Short Film category. Over the years, the Elche International Independent Film Festival has honoured such important figures from Spanish cinema as Sara Montiel, Fernando Fernn Gmez, Julieta Serrano, Sancho Gracia and Juan Diego, amongst others.

The 35th Festival Rules are as follows:

1. The festival is open to any person aged 18 or over or any legal entity, of any nationality. In order to take part, participants must register on the website. All films to be entered into the competition can only be presented online, via the corresponding website and in the way described in the Register, Participate and Vote section, included in the websites General Terms and Conditions. NO deliveries will be accepted by postal and/or courier services. 2. Each author/director/producer may present an unlimited number of films, as long as they have not already been presented in this festival and have been created after 1st January 2011. 3. Each Author/Director/Producer has until 15th June 2012 to upload all the films they wish to present in the competition onto the website. After this date, it will not be possible to upload any more films. 4. The Author/Director/Producer has the right to request, at any time, the withdrawal of any film they may have presented by sending an e-mail to 5. The Organisation will only recognise as a participant the Author/Director/Producer who registers as a user on the website. Any other people who intervene or participate in the creation of the film presented should address the Author/Director/Producer registered on the website should any incident or problems arise as a result of a film being presented in the competition.



The Festival will consist of the following official categories:


Video or 35mm. Zone/Region 0 and 16:9 Compressed video formats.

25 minutes 5 minutes

To take part in the competition, the Author/Director/Producer must convert their film into one of the formats specificed on the website and indicated in the Register, Participate and Vote section, included in the websites General Terms and Conditions. The topic of the CAMON Supershorts category makes reference to the new formats in digital cinema, experimentation with new creative formats, false trailers, etc. Films registered in the Festival can be presented in any of the official languages of Spain. Films that have been produced in any other language must include subtitles in Spanish or any of the other official languages of Spain, although depending on the quality of the short, they may be admitted by the Selection Committee even if subtitles are not included.

A Selection Committee made up of prestigious members from the world of image will choose the finalists. Their decision will be made public after 22nd June 2012. The original formats accepted for the finalist selection process and for the resulting Screening Sessions are 35mm and video (zone/region 0 and in 16:9) In order to carry out the necessary preparation for the Screening Sessions, the Committee will ask the chosen canditates to provide their winning film in its original format, and the content of this must be identical to the film uploaded by the participant on the website. Any film that does not comply with the categories, formats and/or durations established in these rules will automatically be disqualified. The originals in 35 mm and/or video of the films selected must reach the Festival Organisers before July 5th 2012 and must be sent, with all postage paid by the participants, to the following address: 35 FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE CINE INDEPENDIENTE DE ELCHE Aula de Cultura CAM Calle Kursaal, 1 03203 ELCHE (Alicante) SPAIN



As from 5th July 2012, the Organisation will convene the Qualifying Committee which will be made up of different figures from the world of film and the media. Their decision will be final and will be made public during the Closing Ceremony on 27th July 2012. The Screening Sessions of this 35th Festival will be held from 20th to 26th July 2012 in the Aula CAM in Elche, LHort del Xocolater and Arenales del Sol beach.

35th Festival AWARDS

THE CAJA MEDITERRNEO AWARD FOR THE BEST SHORT FILM in any of the accepted formats and/or categories with prize money of Euros 6,000 Euros and the DAMA Trophy.
u u THE ELCHE TOWN HALL AWARD FOR THE BEST FICTION SHORT FILM with prize money of Euros 2,000 and the DAMA Trophy. u

AWARD FOR THE BEST ANIMATION SHORT FILM with prize money of Euros 2,000 and the DAMA Trophy.

AWARD FOR THE BEST DOCUMENTARY SHORT FILM with prize money of Euros 2,000 and the DAMA Trophy.
u u

AWARD FOR CAMON SUPERSHORTS with prize money of Euros 500 and the DAMA Trophy.


with prize money of Euros 1.000 and the DAMA Trophy. The film which receives the most votes from the users registered on the website will receive this award. All the information regarding the counting of these votes is available in the Register, Participate and Vote section included in the aforementioned websites General Terms and Conditions. The Organisation reserves the right to cancel any vote issued fraudulently or if the voting system is manipulated in any improper manner. The prize money will be paid by a cheque from the Organisation made out to the winning individual or legal entity registered as a participant in this competition, and is subject to all deductions specified by current tax regulations. Both prizes and trophies must be collected by the participants during the closing ceremony on 27th July 2012. Whilst in its possession, the Organisation will look after all the original copies of the films. If any loss or theft of these original copies should occur, the Organisation will cover the cost of a new copy, based on the rates applied by the laboratories that specialise in making standard copies. The winning 35mm. and/or video originals WILL NOT be returned by the Organisation. However, the latter will cover the costs of returning the original 35mm. and/or video originals to the Authors/ Directors/Producers who are not selected.


The Author/Director/Producer of the film/s presented in this competition declares that the films are



of their own authorship, direction or production and confirms that said film is original, has not been previously released and that no third party possesses any claims over it. Furthermore, by accepting these terms and conditions, the Author/Director/Producer expresses their unwavering consent and legal capacity to assign the exploitation rights regarding the intellectual property of the film/s to Caja de Ahorros del Mediterrneo, a social entity, with Spanish fiscal code G-03046562 and registered address in C/ San Fernando, 40, Alicante. The scope of said authorisation or assignment is not exclusive, is international and will last for 15 years. The Author/Director/Producer assigns to the Caja de Ahorros del Mediterrneo at no cost: The rights to reproduce the film for the purposes of documentation and to create a special edition in CD, DVD, online or similar format which includes the film in question together with the other films presented at this or other editions of the International Independent Film Festival. The distribution rights to any such DVDs, CDs or direct online viewing that might be created in order to be distributed, with no charge, through any dissemination activity carried out by Caja de Ahorros del Mediterrneo. The public communication rights to the film, enabling Caja de Ahorros del Mediterrneo, through the activities it organises or with which it collaborates, to arrange as many showings as required to promote the films presented at the Festival. All showings will be offered free of charge and, if applicable, the prize it might receive at the aforementioned Festival shall be stated. The purpose of these showings will be to promote the film and the Festival itself. The right to save the film in a digital file on the domains and/or web pages of the Caja de Ahorros del Mediterrneo for the sole purpose of providing free online access to the film. Online access to the films will be possible wherever and whenever the user chooses, by way of streaming only.

The Organisation accepts no responsibility in the case of a malfunctioning of the internet that may hinder the competition from running smoothly due to causes beyond the Organisations control and particularly due to external acts of bad faith. For any queries, follow-up on the Festival and/or doubts, these are our contact details: e-mail: Twitter: @festivalelche Facebook: Phone: 965 90 50 62. From Monday to Saturday and from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. By entering this festival, participants hereby accept these rules. Any circumstance that may not be contemplated herein will be resolved by the Organisation and must be fulfilled by all participants. APRIL 2012

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