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Marine & Family Programs

Volume 1, Issue 1

May 2012

In Pursuit of Happiness... The U.S. Constitution guarantees us the right to pursue happiness; but actually being happy is certainly not guaranteed at any given time. We all want to be happy, but what does that mean? If we get what we want, it doesnt make us happy because we then want something else. Take time to appreciate the journey to your personal mountain tops. Enjoy the challenge of a difficult project. Use time in the car to notice the world around you or to catch up with your family. What other ways can you find to create more happiness on your personal journey? As you go about your day, or over the next few days, take time to think about the good things about your lifes journey. ApIn his book, Happier, Tal preciate the day, other peoBen-Sharar says, Attaining ple, your surroundings, your lasting happiness requires job, etc. You might even find that we enjoy the journey on that writing down your thoughts in a journal will be a our way toward a destinagood thing because you will tion we deem valuable. be acknowledging the positive Happiness is not about making it to the peak of the aspects of the journey and will be able to look back and mountain nor is it about review it again in the future. climbing aimlessly around the mountain; happiness is the experience of climbing Sometimes we have trauma toward the peak. (p. 27) or loss in our lives, and the associated events seem to block any possibility of future Often we think that achiev- happiness. Simply writing about a traumasuch as the ing our goals will make us happier. The high emotions death of a loved one or a physical assaultcan lead to we get from completing a project quickly fade, usually surprising improvements in both subjective well-being and leaving us searching for the physical health. Whats more, next victory. Long-term hapthe people who experience piness is found in enjoying the greatest benefit from thethe process leading up to se writing exercises are those our success. By keeping whose writing contains an our goals in mind, while still explanation of the trauma. taking time to appreciate (Professor of psychology, Danthings along the way, we iel Gilbert, in his book, Stumbling on Happiness, pp. 186find greater happiness. 187). Making meaning of events is good for our souls. When things happen in our lives without explanation, our minds tend to dwell on the mystery of the events. When we find explanations for things, our minds are better able to heal and file the events away. When dealing with challenging events in your life, set aside time to write about those events. Try to make sense of your experience. See if you can understand the motivation of others in your story. As you come up with understanding, you are likely to feel more peaceful. Perhaps it would be beneficial for you to take a class to help deal with issues in your life. Take a look at the scheduled classes at Resilience Education, CREDO, Marine Corps Family Team Building, the Community Counseling Center, etc. There really are some outstanding resources here and plenty of opportunities to help bring about positive changes in your life. As you refine yourself along lifes journey, you will discover that happiness is a byproduct of personal improvement and achievement. Pursue happiness in that way, and you will find it!

Schedule of Events/Workshops 08 May Stress Management 0830-1600

09 May

Anger Management 0830-1600 Prime for Life for Leaders 0800-1200 Stress Management 0830-1600

10 May

22 May

23 May

Anger Management 0830-1600

24 May Prime for Life (Alcohol Abuse Prevention) 0830-1600

Resilience Education

Bldg 257 D Street Camp Lejeune, NC 28547 Phone: 451-2865 Fax: 451-4912 All classes will be held at Bldg 62 (Central Area Rec Center) Across from the Bowling Center

For more information, please contact our office at 451-2865.

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