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WCC - Chlor-Alkali Industry

Number of plants and capacity of mercury electrolysis units in USA/Canada/Mexico, Europe, Russia, India and Brazil/Argentina/Uruguay Number of Capacity of plants plants (1000 t/y) 95 9,500 90 85 80 75 70 65 60 55 50 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 9,000 8,500 8,000 7,500 7,000 6,500 6,000 5,500 5,000 Years

WCC - Chlor-Alkali Industry

g Hg/t Cl2 annual cap. 3.00 2.50 2.00 1.50 1.00 0.50 0.00 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Total mercury emissions (air + water + products) for USA/Canada/Mexico, Europe, Russia, India and Brazil/Argentina/Uruguay kg Hg/y 30,000 25,000 20,000 15,000 10,000 5,000 0 2010 Years

Explanation of the table

References: the data communicated refer normally to the end of the mentioned year (December 31). Number Hg plants: number of electrolysis production units in activity using the mercury technology. Capacity: nameplate chlorine production capacity according to authorisations (expressed in thousands metric tonnes chlorine per year). Mercury data: the quantities of mercury are expressed in kilograms per year. Purchases / Sales: quantity of mercury coming in or leaving (negative value) the production site (from or to other sites of the same company, other companies, traders, suppliers ). If the mercury comes from a unit already closed, even on the same production site, it will also be considered as Purchase. The quantity of mercury contained in solid waste sent to external treatment units for metal recovery will be considered here as Sales; if (and when) recovered metallic mercury is reintegrated back in the production site, the corresponding quantity will then be considered as Purchases. Consumption / Use: mercury added to the production cells and circuits (negative value if removed) to keep the amount of mercury contained in the cells and circuits at the same constant level (structurally immobilised in the process); this value correspond to the Purchases /Sales figure corrected to remove the effect of mercury inventory variation in the warehouse of the site, and/or any voluntary change in the installation inventory (cells ). A comment has to be added is there is a voluntary increase or decrease of the inventory. Emission to air: quantity of mercury emitted to the air (including process exhaust, hydrogen vented or burned, diffuse emissions from cell room ). Emission to water: quantity of mercury emitted with the water effluents leaving the production unit (after treatment). Emission with products: quantity of mercury emitted with the products (mainly caustic soda/potash and hydrogen used as chemical); this does not include the hydrogen vented or burned. If mercury emission with HCl, hypochlorite is separately accounted, care must be taken to avoid double counting (with mercury in hydrogen, caustic ). Total emissions: sum of emissions to air, water and with products. Solid waste to deposit: estimation/measure of the quantity of mercury included in the solid waste sent to final waste disposal (internal or external). The mercury contained in the waste waiting for recovery treatment or to be sent to final disposal, and temporarily stored on the site, will still be considered as being part of the site inventory for this reporting. Difference to balance: this calculated value (not indicated in the tables) corresponds to the difference between the consumption and the sum of the total emissions (air, water, products) and the mercury in the waste sent to final disposal; it integrate the inaccuracies of the measures and the mercury accumulated in the installation but not measured.

Evolution for USA/Canada + Europe + India + Brazil/Argentina (and 1 plant in Uruguay from 2005 onwards) plus 3 Russian plants from 2005 onwards plus 2 Mexican plants from 2008 onwards
Absolute values


Hg plants Number

Capacity In 1000 t Cl2/y 8,584 8,281 8,124 8,271 7,929 6,904 6,249 5,706 5487.8

Purchases /Sales kg Hg /y 688 402,444 263,511 227,470 70,891 202,279 101,443 -181,103 -83,627

Consumption /Use kg Hg /y 249,944 205,274 159,806 176,706 162,049 241,224 202,410 207,281 61,868

Emission to products kg Hg /y *(1) 2,402 1,448 1,361 782 626 453 408 410

Emission to water kg Hg /y 821 820 657 774 555 455 377 838 659

Emission to air kg Hg /y *(1) 15,821 14,217 11,662 9,698 7,482 7,293 5,699 5652

Total emissions Solid waste kg Hg /y 23,265 19,043 16,321 13,797 11,035 8,563 8,124 6,945 6,721 kg Hg /y *(1) 129,730 69,601 116,257 175,116 197,980 190,313 72,782 70,700

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

85 83 80 78 74 70 62 60 57

*(1) no data reported for the Indian plants

without some Russian plants data

Relative values (/t chlorine capacity)

Year Hg plants Number 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 85 83 80 78 74 70 62 60 57 Capacity In 1000 t Cl2/y 8,584 8,281 8,124 8,271 7,929 6,904 6,249 5,706 5,488 Purchases /Sales g Hg /t Cl2 0.08 48.60 32.44 29.01 9.42 31.11 16.23 -31.74 -16.44 Consumption /Use g Hg /t Cl2 29.12 24.79 19.67 22.54 21.53 34.94 32.39 36.33 11.27 Emission to products g Hg /t Cl2 *(1) 0.29 0.18 0.16 0.10 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.07 Emission to water g Hg /t Cl2 0.10 0.10 0.08 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.06 0.15 0.12 Emission to air g Hg /t Cl2 *(1) 1.91 1.75 1.41 1.22 1.08 1.17 1.00 1.03 Total emissions Solid waste g Hg /t Cl2 2.71 2.30 2.01 1.67 1.39 1.24 1.30 1.22 1.22 g Hg /t Cl2 *(1) 15.67 8.57 14.06 22.09 28.68 30.46 12.76 12.88

*(1) no data reported for the Indian plants

without some Russian plants data

WCC - Chlor-Alkali Industry Mercury consumption and emissions in kg/year (absolute data)

Production year: 2010

Hg plants Country or Area Number Europe United States of America + Canada + Mexico India Brazil + Argentina (1 plant) + Uruguay (1 plant) Russia Total In 1000 t Cl2/y 34 3,966 6 614 7 7 3 57 188 318 402 5,488 kg Hg /y (- if sold) -127,028 -17,029 994 24,078 35,358 -83,627 kg Hg /y 14,884 346 2,804 16,020 27,814 61,868 Capacity Purchases /Sales Consumptio n /Use Emission with products kg Hg /y 292 44 8 29 37 410 Emission to water kg Hg /y 589 24 0 16 30 658.5 Emission to air kg Hg /y 2,606 1,113 111 1,489 333 5,652 Total emissions kg Hg /y 3,487 1,181 119 1,533 400 6,721 Solid waste kg Hg /y 38,319 6,077 541 3,344 22,419 70,700

WCC - Chlor-Alkali Industry Mercury Consumption and Emissions in g Hg / t chlorine annual capacity

Production year: 2010

Hg plants Country or Area Number Europe United States of America + Canada + Mexico India Brazil + Argentina (1 plant) + Uruguay (1 plant) Russia Total In 1000 t g Hg / t Cl2 g Hg / t Cl2 Cl2/y (- if sold) 34 3966 -32.03 3.75 6 614 -27.76 0.56 7 7 3 57 188 318 402 5,488 5.29 75.72 87.96 -16.44 14.91 50.38 69.19 11.27 Capacity Purchases /Sales Consumptio n /Use Emission with products g Hg / t Cl2 0.07 0.07 0.04 0.09 0.09 0.07 Emission to water g Hg / t Cl2 0.15 0.04 0.00 0.05 0.07 0.12 Emission to Total emissions Solid waste air g Hg / t Cl2 0.66 1.81 0.59 4.68 0.83 1.03 g Hg / t Cl2 0.88 1.93 0.64 4.82 1.00 1.22 g Hg / t Cl2 9.66 9.91 2.88 10.52 55.77 12.88

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