Robins Healing Ebook 1

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Healing: From Mystery To Mastery


Robin Linke


So you want to heal and maybe youve tried healing and energy work and things arent movingor maybe they are, but you cant break through the resistance. Whats going on? Why isnt it working?


First of all, healing is not only needed because you are sick with a physical ailment. Healing is bringing your mind, body, spirit, and soul into balance. Healing is letting-go of the underlying emotional cause that is causing your mind, body, spirit, and soul to be out of alignment. Its creating a relationship between these bodies that is harmonious and in alignment. If youre emotions are out of alignment (off-kilter, whacked out) healing can help. If you are at a spiritual crossroads or crisis, you may need healing. Any time you are unbalanced emotionally, physically, spiritually or mentally, you need healing. If you are trying to make a change in your life or accomplish a certain goal but find nothing is working, healing can help. Healing work essentially allows you to let go of blocks and open up your natural energetic flow. Healing can be done in the form of energetic work such as Reiki or Thetahealing.just to name a few. It can be meditating upon forgiveness and forgiving those who have hurt you. It can be taking herbal supplements or going on anti-depressants until enough of the energetic blocks have been removed allowing you to go off them (only under the advice of your doctor). It can be any combination of these and/or other methods. The more your natural energy can flow, the more balanced and healthy you become on all levelsthe more at ease you are with your life and your circumstances.the more you are at peace. We already know medication can help with the physical symptoms, but it doesnt affect the underlying cause of the doesnt make you TRULY happy. Finally, you must actually accept the healing AND do the follow-up work necessary to support it.


Healing is NOT curing. If you have a physical illness, healing the underlying emotional cause can result in curing, but there are circumstances where thats simply not the case.


Molecularly speaking, when you break a human and every single thing in the Universe down to the nitty gritty, youll find that we are each made up of energy. Were a conglomeration of atoms and molecules that vibrate at a certain speed. The slower the vibration, the more solid the conglomeration. Our experiences create emotions that are also energy. These become a part of molecular systems that can mess with the flow of our natural energy. If something happens that causes you to feel anger and you constantly revisit that situation, you are creating new energetic imprints of anger each time. Not just reliving them, but actually re-creating them. The same goes for happy experiences. However, happy vibrates faster than anger does and therefore, does not create blockages. If you bury or repress the anger, the emotion and slower vibrating energy stays in your body which does create an energetic blocksimilarly to how eating too many fatty, sugary foods can build up and block the flow of blood through your arterieseven more so if you dont exercise. A block could be a result of an incident(s) from a past life, your current life, or even an ancestral belief system. It could be a need to let go of unresolved anger or a need to forgive someone or something. These emotions get stored in the cells of our bodies and create energy blocks. The energy blocks form and make certain areas of the body more susceptible to physical illness. In a person who is prone to bouts of depression, these energy blocks can stir it up. At times, the blocks have been in place for so long, and the disharmonious emotions have been fed for so long, that the body or mind cannot or will not heal. In cases like this, healing helps us to be more at peace living life with the illness, clearing up some karma, and when were ready to transition, were able to do so with more peace in our hearts


and much less anger. In other words, sometimes healing is simply being able to gracefully accept a situation we cannot change, and be in a space of gratitude even though we may not like whats going on.


Healing begins with the desire, willingness, and openness to heal. It begins with the belief that its not only possible to heal, but also that you are worthy and deserving of it. Our lives work on many different levels. Primarily those levels are the conscious, the subconscious, and the High-Self. The conscious is the level where we make cognizant choices, usually based on logical or physical evidence. The subconscious is where we hold belief systems that we arent even aware exist. This is the area that most often blocks healings and/or manifestations. The choices made by the High-Self often never reach our conscious mind. This is where our intuitive or gut-based decisions come from. If we look back at certain things weve done in our lives, we may not have a clue as to why we made the choices we did. Sometimes we feel as though the choices were mistakes. In actuality, they were usually decisions and choices we were led to make in order to change the direction we were originally headed in. Those come from our higher selves and are often related to our sacred contracts that we made long before we came into this incarnation of physical self. Accepting a healing must be done on all three levels. You may want the healing on a conscious level because you want a particular pain to go away, but subconsciously you may feel you deserve the pain and that can block the healing. While the higher self always has your best interest at heart, because it is our most non-physical aspect, it may see the pain as something necessary for you to experience so you can reach your next level of growth. So while you must accept the healing on all three levels for it to be fully effective, accepting it on any one of the levels can result in a shift. For instance, if you have a knee pain, your conscious desire for relief may be enough to allow the


healing to reduce the severity of the pain, but your subconscious belief that you deserve the pain may prevent it from fully leaving. In a case like this, a good healer will help you understand that the healing you need isnt just on the physical level and you can now begin to heal the emotions that created the belief. In other words, you are not just working on the symptom, but the actual cause. Only by finding these layers of cause and effect can a complete healing take place. But it all starts with you accepting the healing work.

If youre serious about healing, going for a healing session and forgetting about it aint gonna cut it. Its also important to understand that most issues will not be healed in just one session. There will be times, especially when dealing with a crisis or physical illness that it will be beneficial to go for monthly or weekly sessions to get things moving. Remember, healing is cumulative. Sometimes healing work needs some sort of physical support or reminder. I love to work with stones and crystals, so I might suggest a citrine crystal for someone who is working on becoming more confident. As a matter of fact, I make healing jewelry and clients will often purchase a bracelet or necklace that supports the work theyre doing. The energy of the piece along with the physical reminder combines to reinforce the healing. Healing is also about doing the follow-up work. What kind of follow-up work? Well, sometimes its seeing a medical doctor or psychotherapist. Sometimes its medication. And sometimes it means taking action stepsie: changing jobs, moving, decluttering etc. Its not just buying a self-help book and leaving it on the shelf. Its reading the book AND really DOING the exercises. THEN, actually applying what youve learned to your day to day life.


A very important part of healing is finding someone you can relate to and trust to guide you through your healing process. Generally speaking, healers are not one size fits all, and sometimes you need to work with more than one in order to effect the changes you are trying to create. If youre in a vulnerable, sensitive state, then you may want to work with someone who is naturally quiet and peaceful. If youre someone whose energy is high and focus could use some reigning in, then you may want to look for someone who can keep you on track during your sessions. You may even need someone who is capable of giving you a gentle kick in the butt (LOL). The bottom line is that you want to find someone with whom you resonate, someone who makes you feel safe enough to let-go, someone who is knowledgeable, ethical, compassionateand definitely NOT someone who tries to take over and take your power away. She MUST respect you and your free will. I always remind my clients that this is their healing session. If we touch on something they arent ready to deal with, we move on. If I suggest something they dont feel ready to tackle, we work together at finding an alternative. Talk to your friends, do an internet search, visit your local metaphysical shop and ask for recommendations. Then either call or email (I prefer talking instead emailing) and discuss how the practitioner goes about guiding you through the healing process. If youre comfortable enough after the initial contact, schedule a session and see how it goes. You may find that youre not as comfortable with her in person, or that you dont particularly care for the modality she works with. If thats the case, no worriesmove onto the next person until you find the one that works for and with you. If cant find someone to work with, check in with yourself to be sure that you are truly ready to begin the healing process. This is part of accepting the healing as we discussed earlier. People carry their stuff with them for a long time and can be afraid of not knowing who they are and how theyre supposed to act if they dont have their stuff anymore. If thats your case, you can always try again another time. I will tell you this though: as long as youre a physical being walking around on this planet, there will always be some sort of stuff that needs to be healed and let go of.


So youve found a healer that youre comfortable with and youre doing the work. What next? My suggestion is to create a sacred space. Now, you may be asking, What does that mean? Do I need to line my walls with pictures of Jesus and Mary? Do I need to buy 20 different Buddha statues, light incense, and chant OM? Sure, if thats what makes you feel good. can create a peaceful, sacred space by using things that help you connect to Spirit/God/Universe (insert name of your divinity here) and that also help you to feel peaceful. The point is to create a sanctuary where you can spend quiet time meditating, praying, or simply being still. Of course, the optimal way to do this is to have a room which is dedicated to being your sanctuary. If youre like me, though, you dont have an extra room, or any quiet room. To offset that, I have a few different altar spaces where I can take a few moments to be at peace. Each altar is different, but has similarities too. Since I have a strong connection to rocks and crystals, they are on all my altars. I also have a connection to wolves and Isisthey too are on all my altars. Some have candles and live plants, some dont. Some have other animals, gods, or goddesses that I connect to, some dont. Each is unique and, other than my main altar, they often change. When I feel the need to connect, I close my computer and turn off my phone (OMG!!!). Sometimes I light candles, sometimes not. Sometimes I play musicand that can vary from chanting, to nature sounds, to Shamanic Drumming etc. What I always do is take a few deep breaths, find something to be grateful for, close my eyes and connect. Who do I connect with? It depends on where Im led. Sometimes to God or a godsometimes to one of my animal totems, sometimes to the angels, and sometimes to my High Self. You can even create a ritual if you want. A ritual is nothing more than a routine that has a sacred feel to it. If twirling around in a circle three times while repeating the Brady Bunch theme brings you feelings of sacredness and peace, do it. Just be sure to do it every time you are going to sit in your sacred space. The bottom line is that it doesnt matter how you do it. When you take time to be in your sacred space and connect, you are not only getting out of your head, youre also reminding yourself that you are important and worth the nurturing and attention. That alone is a huge step towards effective healing.


My next suggestion towards getting the most out of healing is having good spiritual hygiene. What in the world is spiritual hygiene, you say? Im so glad you asked. Spiritual hygiene is making sure your energy field, your living space, and you are as clean and clear as possible. We pick up on other peoples energy and stuff all day long. Little bits of this stuff attaches to us and stays with us until we get rid of it. You know how when youre in a good mood, and then you run into someone who is in a bad mood your mood shifts? Thats because some of their energetic goo has attached itself to your energy field. There are several ways to get rid of this. One is by calling on Archangel Michael and asking him to cut all energetic cords. This doesnt cut away relationships; it just keeps your energetic goo and other peoples energetic goo separate. In addition to this, I highly suggest cleansing with sage or taking a sea salt bath. If you go with sage, you want to get white sage or mountain sage (not the cooking herb). Open a few windows in your house, find something to be grateful for and hold onto the energy of gratitude. Place the sage in a heat proof container, light the sage until it flames, then gently blow it out. The resulting smoke is what does the actual cleansing. Fan the smoke over yourself for a few minutes and I can almost guarantee youll feel different than before you cleansed. Walk around the room youre in so that you clear unbalanced energy from there too. If want to create a ritual for doing this, create one that works for you. If it feels weird, youre not going to want to do it againso make sure youre comfortable. For the bath, you can purchase sea salt in the grocery store and add it to your bath water, or you can add some ocean water to your bath water. Light some candles (if you want) and spend some quiet time in the tub. The salt water will cleanse you and your energy field of disharmonious energies. Youll feel a heck of a lot better after the bath. Spiritual hygiene should be carried out daily. If you only have time for something quick, lighting one leaf of sage and bathing in the smoke for a few seconds is fine. Just do something every day. If youre going through a difficult time and can do it more often, go for it. The more you honor yourself, the more you respect yourself, the more effort you put into the work, the more effective the healing. Doing the following will help you get more from the healing process too: Give yourself permission to heal Believe healing is possible


Know that you are worthy and deserving of healing Take chances and move out of your comfort zone Nurture yourself often Have compassion for yourself Play, have fun, do something creative Learn a healing modality you can use on yourself. For example, if you know how to do Reiki, you can self-treat during challenging times and possibly avoid hitting a crisis point. Connect with some form of divinity or nature daily (taking a walk in nature is a great way to connect and meditate while having fun) Let go of expectationsie: the healing should happen this way or that way Detach from the outcomejust ask that you be healed in a way that supports your highest good Gratitude, gratitude, gratitudeIm not talking about just saying that youre grateful and thankfulIm talking about FEELING thankful. Put emotion and emphasis behind the wordsotherwise theyre just words and not gratitude at all.

Following up your healing sessions with these steps will greatly impact your healing process. Patterns will repeat less often, doors will open, and youll start feeling better quicker. Although there will be times when you dont need to actively seek help, healing is a lifetime adventure. Be aware of that and give yourself a break. You deserve it. Blessings and Love,


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