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Unang Yakap

Yakap ng Ina Yakap ng Buhay

he Philippines is one of 42 nations that account for 90 percent of global under-five mortality. An estimated 82,000 Filipino children die annually before their 5th birthday. More than onethird (37 percent) of these children are newborns less than 28 days old. These newborns die mostly of preventable causes such as asphyxia (lack of oxygen to the brain) or sepsis (severe infection). The highest number of newborn deaths occur in the first two days of life. Factors and conditions surrounding labor, delivery, and the immediate postpartum period have been seen as reasons.

oting an alarming stagnation in the countrys neonatal mortality rate, subsequent studies have documented a marked lack in the practice of newborn care interventions in the biggest health facilities in the country.

In response, the Department of Healthwith support from experts, stakeholders, and partners led by the World Health Organizationcrafted the Newborn Care in the First Week of Life Clinical Practice Guide Book utilizing a validated, evidence-based process. On December 7, 2009, the DOH issued an administrative order to implement the ENC protocol with the goal of rapidly reducing the number of newborn deaths in the Philippines. With AO 2009 - 0025, the whole hierarchy of the DOH and its attached agencies, public and private providers of health care and development partners implementing the Maternal, Newborn and Child Health and Nutrition Strategy and all health practitioners of maternal and newborn care are enjoined to adopt the policies and protocol on Essential Newborn Care. Implementation of the ENC protocol has the potential to avert approximately 70 percent of newborn deaths that are due to preventable causes.

he Unang Yakap campaign is a call to action by the Department of Health on the national and local sectors, public and private health and related sectors, individuals and organizations, mass media, and academe to strengthen alliances to implement the Essential Newborn Care protocol.

The Millennium Development Goal (MDG) 4, in particular, aims for a reduction in under-five mortality by two-thirds by 2015. Childhood death rates in the Philippines have shown a downward trend, but the decline dangerously slowed down in the past 10 years because the neonatal mortality rate has remained almost unchanged.

Malaria 8%

Pneumonia 19% Injuries 3% Other 10%

Unang Yakap aims to save newborn lives.

Essential Newborn Care: Protocol for New Life

Measles 4%

Diarrhea 17%


Neonatal 37%
Causes of neonatal death
100 80

Other 7% Tetanus 7% Diarrhea 3% Sepsis or Pneumonia 26%


Write for more information to: Department of Health San Lazaro Compound Sta. Cruz, Manila (+632) 743-8301 local 1726/8 Or your DOH Centers for Health Development (Regional DOH Offices)
unang yakap
Asphyxia 23%

Congenital 8%

Preterm 28%

National Demographic and Health Survey, 2003

Unang Yakap Flyer Final3.indd 1

3/5/2010 11:52:28 AM

The Essential Newborn Care protocol is a simple, concise and straightforward guideline that is backed by solid research evidence It emphasizes a core sequence of four actions that are performed step-by-step. It can be enforced immediately in all health care settings.

What are these time-bound interventions?

unang yakap

1 Immediate and thorough drying of the newborn

Immediate and thorough drying for 30 seconds to one minute warms the newborn and stimulates breathing.

2 Early skin-to-skin contact between mother and newborn

Early skin-to-skin contact between mother and newborn and delayed washing for at least six hours prevents hypothermia, infection and hypoglycemia.

3 Properly-timed cord clamping and cutting

Properly-timed cord clamping and cutting prevents anemia and protects against brain hemorrhage in premature newborns. Properly timed cord-clamping means waiting for the cord pulsations to stop (between 1 to 3 minutes).

4 Non-separation of newborn and mother for early breastfeeding

Continous non-separation of newborn and mother for early breastfeeding protects infants from dying from infection. The first feed provides colostrum, a substance equivalent to the babies first immunization in its protective properties.

Unang Yakap Flyer Final3.indd 2

nang Yakap is the campaign to spread the use of the Essential Newborn Care protocol. The ENC protocol can prevent at least half of newborn deaths without additional cost to both families and hospitals. It is time to rapidly reduce neonatal mortality. It is time to embrace the Essential Newborn Care protocol.

3/5/2010 11:52:30 AM

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