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VOCABULARY Katherin Grueso Palomino English B. 1.

1. Odd: That is rare or very different from normal, usual or known 2. Fuel: On burning substance that produces heat or usable energy such as coal or wood. 3. Pipeline: Through pipes to carry liquids or gases. 4. Endanger : 5. Poverty : Lack or shortage of the necessities of life 6. Impose: Compel compliance or to accept something 7. Aiming 8. Debt: Obligation on a person to pay or return something, usually money 9. Attempt: Purpose or willingness to do something, even if it is certain to get 10.Uncomfortable: Provoke anger or disgust 11.Development: Growth or progress of a person, country or anything 12.Stressed: Draw a line under a letter, a word or phrase written to point, highlight or draw attention toit for some reason. 13.Wide: Which has an area or space greater than normal 14.Delays: Delay in the realization of something: the shortage of rain will cause a delay of the harvest. 15.Route: Fixed path for a trip 16.Lobbying: Action and effect of lobbying. 17.Likelihood: Possibility of something happening is met or 18.Emerging (Emergente) 19.Long-term: long-range plans while

20.Movement : Changing the position of a body about a reference system 21.Instability: Constant or frequent alteration of and characteristics of a phenomenon 22.Poorest: Shortage of a certain thing 23.Towards: Indicates destination address or 24.Sharing: Use or have one thing in common with other 25.Otherwise 26.Suggest : Propose or provide insight to a person to take it into consideration when doing something 27.Wondering : Exposing an issue as a question to imply a doubt or to enforce such an expressionbefore 28.Assumptions: That is not true but it attempts to present some 29.Overtake : Move or take someone or something forward 30.Framework: Fence or trim that surrounds and adorns the edges of a thing 31.Understanding: Ability to form ideas or representations of reality in the minds about each other, ability tolearn, understand, judge and make decisions 32.Round-up: Way that is not direct and is longer 33.Clues : Signal used to discover a thing or to reach a conclusion 34.Relating : That affiliated or connected with a person or thing or referral is made to it 35.Joining : Action is to join two or more elements to form a whole or perform the same activity 36.Involving: Intervention, along with others, in an event or activity 37.Paperwork: Long, slow processing of a matter in public offices. 38.Linked: Intangible things together securely or lasting 39.Chain: Succession of phenomena, events or related facts 40.Arranged: Sorted, ready the conditions

41.Shares: Hecho o acto voluntario 42.Staff: That is one person or one person 43.Survival: Preservation of life, especially when despite a difficult situation or after an event or a very significant 44.Able: Who owns the intellectual conditions necessary for the fulfillment of a function or performance of a charge 45.Adapt: Change one thing to play a different role from the original 46.Changing : Changing one thing into something different or opposite 47.Lifelong 48.Purchasing: On the acquisition or used to acquire 49.Networks: Mesh fabric made from yarn, strings or wires attached and cross each other, for different uses such as fishing, hunting or fencing 50.Issues: To question or make a case contrary in an argument. 51.Patents: Clearly perceived or without arguments or explanations 52.Facing : Front of one thing 53.Tough: You cannot do, understand or get without using a lot of skill, intelligence or effort 54.Placements: Situation or position in which it is someone or something 55.Following: That immediately after something else in a particular order 56.Managerial: Office or place where the manager works. 57.Hugely: Which is very large, exceeding in size, quantity, quality, etc. what is considered normal 58.Successful: That is successful, good acceptance and fame: 59.Envy: Feelings of sadness or irritation occurred in a person by the desire for happiness or something from another person 60.Gathers: Join or get things to collect them or for another purpose 61.Instead: Part of an area or point

62.Decentralized: Make one thing away from dependence on a single site or a central management 63.Approach: Accin de enfocar o ajustar un mecanismo ptico para hacer que una imagen se vea con nitidez 64.Hierarchy: Organization or classification categories or powers, in order of importance 65.Greatest: That is larger than normal 66.Increasingly ( cada vez mas) 67.Catering: Supplies or you need a certain thing 68.Plenty: Indicates or number that the noun it accompanies is in great quantity events in one

69.Sorts: Way to be properly placed things, people or place or succession in time according to certain criteria

70.Teaching: Communication of knowledge, skills, ideas or experiences a person who is not with the intention that understand and make use of them. 71.Urges: Encouraging words, reasons or requests to act a certain way, especially a person who has authority for this material or moral 72.Bureaucracy: Set of activities and procedures to be followed to resolve a matter of administrative 73.Liaising (server de enlace) 74.Bored: He's tired or upset by the lack of fun or of interest 75.Warehouse: Local or building used to store goods or other things in large quantities 76.Focusing: Address or proceeding is taken before a project, problem or something else, which involves a particular way to evaluate it or consider it 77.Rated: Evaluation of the adequacy or sufficiency of the person being examined 78.Among: Indicates state or intermediate state of two or more persons or things 79.Partly ( en parte)

80.Knowledge: Human capacity to understand through reason the nature, qualities and relations of things 81.Few: Indicates a small amount or number of people or things 82.Still: Until now, or until it is spoken 83.Placement: Act of placing or register. 84.Counterparts( contraparte) 85.Struggle: Face or fight using physical force or weapons: 86.Dealing: Act, conduct or carry a person in a certain way in relation to others or animals 87.Workplace ( Lugar de trabajo) 88.Careful: That makes things with care and attention 89.Strike: form of labor protest that is halting work for a period of time, carried out by mutual agreement as leverage against the employer or the government for any claim. 90.Late: Indicates that a thing is done at a later time than considered desirable, appropriate or expected 91.Risk: The potential to cause a hazard 92.Dismissal: It applies to the person who commits cruel without showing any compassion, especially against people or animals 93.Trusted: Proximity, ease and sincerity in dealing with friends, relatives or others 94.Reward: Rewarding someone voluntarily in recognition of service, merit or a good deed 95.Avoid: Prevent something bad or annoying happens 96.Worse: That is bad or inferior in relation to another thing that compares 97.Appear: Appear or be seen, usually in unexpected ways 98.Unpleasant: What causes bad impression on the senses: 99.Hedgehog: Small mammal, his back covered with spikes, which feeds on insects, has the legs, tailand very small head and pointed snout


Shareholders: Person has one or more shares of a company

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