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Compact High Performance

Planar Resonator Filter for

Wireless Communications

By Farhat Abbas
Global Wireless Systems Research

igh Q dielectric loaded normal

H or superconducting resonators
are used in microwave applica-
tions, such as satellite and mobile com-
munications, secondary frequency
standards and satellite navigation. A
key issue for many of these applications
is the stability with which the resonant
frequencies of such resonators may be
realized. For low-phase noise perfor-
mance, the Q value of the resonator
should be as high as possible. ▲ Figure 1. Investigation of the multilayer dielectric res-
This article discusses design guide- onator.
lines for various resonator geometries,
using Cu or YBCO thick or thin films as
planar shields for composite dielectric struc- of amplifiers and other nonfiltering circuits sig-
tures. Expressions for the attenuation coeffi- nificantly without causing performance degra-
cient, phase velocity, resonance frequency and Q dation. Passive filters generally cannot be
values of the dominant modes have been devel- reduced in size without a trade-off in perfor-
oped and computed assuming the losses in each mance. Microstrip or lumped element filters are
medium. Using these parameters, predictions smaller and always result in low performance
are made for the attainable stability in realistic for a given filter order. The best isolation-to-size
resonator structures. These predictions are ratio can be obtained from SAW filters, but they
compared with stability requirements for sever- are extremely lossy.
al wide ranging and niche applications. The con- The high cost of cryogenic systems may allow
tribution to the Q value arising from the nor- for high temperature superconducting (HTS)
mal- or super-conductors and the individual technology, which can reduce the filter size
dielectric components is also discussed. without degrading the performance to a small
Transmission and reflection response of the fil- number of niche applications. Miniaturization
ter for mobile communications has been opti- of a microwave filter, without sacrificing perfor-
mized by the Q enhancement due to the internal mance, has been obtained by implementing the
reflection at the surfaces of the dielectrics of the active circuit in microstrip technology [1-6]. Q-
resonator. enhancement achieved by negative resistance
Compared to microwave monolithic integrat- method of a microstrip filter also enhances the
ed circuits (MMICs), microwave filters are quite noise and biasing circuit in the system. This
bulky. To reduce the mass and size of communi- article proposes a simple way of Q-enhancement
cations, radar and signal processing systems, by using an internal reflection principle between
MMICs have made it possible to reduce the size the surfaces of the dielectric.


A novel design methodology is discussed for a planar 1
microwave multilayer dielectric resonator with high per- κ 2 ∆ κ 2r = + α 2 − ω 2ε o µ o +ιω µ oσ (3)
formance filter for mobile communications. A rectangu-
lar dielectric resonator placed between two similarly- and for the normal conductors,
shaped dielectric mirrors that is sandwiched between
two thin films of normal- or super-conductor is shown in κ 2 ∆ κ 2r = α 2 − ω 2ε o µ o +ιω µ oσ (4)
Figure 1. Dielectric mirrors with a lower (compared to
the resonator) dielectric constant confine the field to the In Equation (4), a is the propagation constant along
resonator because of the internal reflection at the sur- the z-direction (taking e-ia z), w is the angular frequency
face of the dielectric. This confinement of the field (assuming eiw t), eo is the permittivity of the vacuum, mo
enhances the Qr and Qc and, consequently, the perfor- is the permeability of the vacuum, er is the dielectric
mance of the filter. constant of the dielectrics, l is the penetration depth of
the superconductors, and s is the conductivity of the
Field solution superconductors.
Figure 1 shows the geometry of the normal- or super- Equation (1) is a second-order differential equation
conducting transmission line with dielectric mirrors. with two independent solutions: ekx and e–kx, where k is
The structure consists of a pair of dielectric mirrors taken to be the root of k 2 with a positive real part. In the
(dielectric, region 1) bridged by a central substrate positive x-direction of the dielectric (region 3), we use
(dielectric, region 2) between a pair of superconducting e–K3x, and in the negative x-direction we use eK3x, dis-
thin films. Thicknesses of the thin films is l, dielectric carding eK3x for positive x-direction, and e–K3x for nega-
mirrors are d1 and substrate is d2. The dielectrics in tive x-direction.
region 3 are considered to be very thick; therefore, the In the superconductors, the dielectric mirrors (dielec-
fields in these regions exponentially decay away from tric, region 1) and the substrate (dielectric, region 2),
the interfaces. both solutions are retained to satisfy the boundary con-
The procedure used to obtain a field solution is the ditions. In the normal or superconductors and in regions
same as in Reference [7]. Consider the propagation of an 1 and 2 of the dielectrics, we use both solutions to satis-
electromagnetic wave in the z-direction of the transmis- fy the boundary conditions.
sion line shown in Figure 1. The dielectric thicknesses We now have 12 arbitrary constants for the ampli-
(d1 and d2) and the penetration depth l of the high tem- tudes of the fields [one each in the dielectrics (region 3),
perature superconductors are very small compared to two each in the superconductors, the dielectric mirrors
the width of the line, which is very small compared to (dielectrics, region 1) and the substrate (dielectric,
the length of the line. The edge effects can be neglected, region 2)]. Twelve boundary conditions must be satis-
and there is no y-dependence of the fields and currents fied; namely, the continuity of the tangential fields in
(see Figure 1). Equation (1) at the six boundaries shown in Figure 1. If
For the superconductors in which the total current is we ignore any non-linearity in the system, the charac-
the sum of the supercurrent and the normal current, the teristics of the line are independent of the amplitude of
two-fluid model is used. Traditional skin effect is the wave, and 11 of the constants can be determined in
assumed for the normal current and London theory is terms of the 12th by using 11 of the 12 boundary condi-
assumed for the supercurrent. tions. The 12th boundary condition gives an equation
For a TM wave, we can write: for the propagation constant a, which must be satisfied
for a solution to exist.
Hy =
α µ oω
( )
α 2 − κ 2 Ex The condition is a transcendental equation for which
an exact solution cannot be readily obtained. As dis-
(1) cussed in (7), the approximations are K1d1<<1 and
ι dE x
Ez = − K2d2<<1. Physically, these approximations mean that
α dx higher order modes are ignored. With small d1 and d2,
d2 E x higher order modes will not be excited, therefore, the
− κ 2 Ex = 0
dx2 transcendental equation yields:

where, for the dielectrics,

ω 2 µ 0ε 0ε 1ε 2   l 
α2 = 2λ coth  + 2d1 + d2 
2d1ε 2 + d2ε 1 
 λ 
κ 2 ∆ K 2r = α 2 − ω 2ε r µ o
r = 1, 2, 3 If we assume either d1 or d2 to equal zero (i.e. by
removing the buffer layer), Equation (5) is exactly the
For the superconductors, same as that shown in Reference [8], and identical


When the transmission line studied in the
previous sections resonates as a half-wave-
length resonator, four kinds of Q-factors may be
obtained due to losses in conductors, dielectrics
1, 2 and radiation from the four open sides, as
shown in Figure 1. The total Q-factor of the res-
onator can be written in terms of Qc, Qd1, Qd2
and Qr as:

1 1 1 1 1
= + + +
Qo Qc Qd1 Qd2 Qr (8)

▲ Figure 2. Computed quality factors Qc versus thicknesses (d1 m) of

the dielectric mirrors for different dielectric constants erd1 = 2, 4, where Qo is the total Q-factor of the resonator
6, 8, 9 from upper to lower curves respectively. [the same as in Equation (7)]. Qc, Qd1, Qd2 [10]
can be written as:

results are also shown in Reference [7]. Also, note the ω (9)
Qc =
factor of two in Equation (5), which indicates that there 2α cυ g
are two dielectric mirrors and two normal or supercon-
ductor layers. Since we considered a symmetric case, i.e., ω
the same Cu or HTS thin films on each side of the sub- Qd1 = (10)
2α d1υ g
strate separated by the same dielectric mirrors, as
shown in Figure 1. The wave velocity relative to that in
a vacuum can be written as [see Equation (5)]: Qd2 = (11)
2α d2υ g

2d1ε 2 + d2ε 1 υ 22
Vr = (6) υg = (12)
  l  υp
ε 1ε 2 2λ coth  + 2d1 + d2 
  λ  1
[ ]2

υ 2 ∆ ℜ(ε 2 µ o ) (13)
According to Equation (6), the wave is dispersionless
even though there is a component of the electric field in
the direction of propagation, i.e., the group velocity and where vp is the phase velocity in the corresponding
phase velocity are equal and independent of frequency. material.
The dispersion relation of the wave is discussed in The radiation Q, Qr, has been discussed elsewhere
Reference [7]. The attenuation of the wave due to losses [11]. This article concentrates primarily on the conduc-
in each medium and the wave velocity have been tor’s losses, so we will consider an example in which
obtained by replacing e1, e2 and l into their complex superconductors are thin films of YBCO, dielectric 1 is
forms. MgO and dielectric 2 is sapphire. The parameters for
these materials are taken from Reference [7]. The value
Quality factor Q for the penetration depth used for the high quality thin
The loaded quality factor Ql of a transmission res- films of YBCO is 140 nm. The normal conductivity for
onator is evaluated from the measured resonant curve thin films is assumed to be 1.7 × 106 (ohms.m)–1. The
by dividing the resonant frequency, fo, by the 3-dB thickness of the thin films is assumed to be 700 nm
width, —f, of the resonant curve. The unloaded quality (approximately five penetration depths), and operating
factor Qo can be calculated from the insertion loss of the frequency and reduced temperatures are 10 GHz,
resonator at resonant frequency [9]: T/Tc=0.5 and 0.05, respectively, unless otherwise men-
Ql In Figure 2, the values of quality factor Qc are plotted
Qo = as a function of thickness (d1 m) with T/Tc = 0.5. The
1 − S12
(7) resonator is assumed to be sapphire, with erd2 = 10 and
Pt tand2 = 0. The dielectric mirrors are MgO with erd1 = 2,
here, S12 ∆
Pi 4, 6, 8 and 9 and tand1 = 0. The values of Qc are
increased as the thickness is increased as shown in


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attenuation coefficient, phase velocity, resonance fre-
quency and the Q values of the dominant modes have Author information
been developed and computed assuming losses in each Farhat Abbas received a Ph.D. from UMIST in the
medium in turn. The contribution to the Q value arising United Kingdom in 1993. Since then, he has worked for
from the normal or superconductors and the individual various organizations, including UMIST, NPL, Nokia
dielectric components was also described. Transmission and Lucent Technologies on system architecture (direct
and reflection response of the filter for mobile commu- and dual conversion of frequencies) and the integration
nications has been optimized by the Q enhancement due of RFICs and duplexers systems at the front end of the
to the internal reflection at the surfaces of the UMTS/GSM base stations. He may be reached by e-mail
dielectrics of the resonator. ■ at


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