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Placement Question 1

1) What could be a possible arrangement of 10 points in space so that five lines could be drawn with a condition that every line has four points on it.


This is a question which you would had come across in several puzzle books and previous questions. Answer is a "star". You could try drawing a star and count the number of intersections which should be 10.

Placement Question 2
2) Ram has 30 Rupees with him. He has two Rupee notes. One of the rupee notes is not a 20 Rupee note. Then find out the notes he has with him ?

Answer: These kinds of questions are the simplest of the simpler ones. But one could tend to miss out due to nervousness.Here is the answer : One of the rupee notes is not a 20 Rupee note. So the other one can be a 20 Rupee :). And the first one should be a 10 Rupee note.

Placement Question 3
3) In a dark room with no equipments other than a clock, you are given a pendulum. How can you measure your height now ?

Answer: This is a bit difficult one. Time period of pendulum is given by 2 X 3.14 X (sqrt(height of rope/gravity)). Now, gravity = g = 9.18. Using stop clock you can find the Time Period of pendulum.(average time for one oscillation). Using the formula for time period you can measure the height of the rope. Then using the rope you can measure your own height.

1) An elephant fell into a well of depth 20mts. Everyday it climbs 4 mts but at the end falls by 2 mts. Find the number of days it would take for the elephant to get out of the well ?


Since it climbs 4 mts and falls by 2 mts everyday, effectively it climbs 2 mts everyday. In 8 days it climbs 16mts. Then on 9th day it climbs by 4 mts and can get out without having to fall back. Hence it takes 9 days for the elephant to be safe.

Placement Question 2 :

2) Ramu was driving to a city full of mathematicians. There was a distance board reading the number of Kms he has to travel further. It stated that the distance when divided by 2,3,4,5 and 6 leaves a remainder 1. But when divided by 11 it leaves a remainder 0. Help Ramu in knowing the exact distance.


LCM of 2,3,4,5 and 6 is 60. LCM and its multiples are perfectly divisible by all the numbers 2,3,4,5 and 6. i.e, Then 60,120,180... 61,121,181.... would are leave a perfectly remainder 1 divisible when divided by by any of 2,3,4,5 the numbers and 2,3,4,5 or 6. 6.

Among these 121 is perfectly divisible by 11. Hence Ramu has to travel 121 Kms to reach the city of mathematicians.

Placement Question 3 :
3) Brothers Ramu ,Raju and Rahul are given ropes of equal lengths. They are given a chance by their ailing father that they can own the land that they manage to fence around in father's common land. Ramu fences in the shape of a triangle, Raju fences in the shape of a circle and Rahul fences in a star shaped manner. At the end, who will manage to acquire most land ?? Solution: Raju would be the clear winner. This is because for a given perimeter, circle takes the maximum area.

Placement Question 1 :
Hard work --------- with smart preparation can help a long way in passing your exams.

a) Coupled b) Attached c) Adjoined with d) None




Explanation & Inference: Coupled is the work that fits well the given blank. Though "attached" and "adjoined with" look almost similar, you could easily make out that "Coupled" is the correct answer by reading the sentence filled with each of the options.

Placement Question 2 :
The anti riot force was asked not to resort to lathi charge but to -------- restraint till a final command. a) Exercise b) Commit c) Undertake d) None




Explanation & Inference: This question is a much simpler one when compared to the first question. Other than the word "Exercise" all the other words can potentially alter the meaning of the sentence.

Placement Question 3 :
-------a) Answer Explanation of parents Agreement is a most b) : & important factor when c) b) deciding partner in Indian d) weddings. None Consent Interference:



Consent is the correct answer. "Consent" gives the apt meaning for the sentence. "Agreement" is a formal term while "Selection" should not have followed by "of" (instead "by" should had come).

Placement Question : 4
Ramu a) Answer: Skilled is b) Bright a) a c) -----Clever d) singer. None Skilled.

Explanation & Interference: Bright and Clever do not fit well for the context of the sentence.

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