Corporate Governance and The Financial Reporting

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: MM 103022 Subject: Issues in Financial Reporting Topic: Financial Reporting and Corporate Governance (A study of board of directors and audit committee role) Course Coordinator: Sir Amanullah

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE AND THE FINANCIAL REPORTING A study of board of directors and audit committee role

Introduction Corporate governance does not only govern the corporate within pre defined and over sighted rules and regulations but it also serves many different purposes for the controlled business of the corporate. Here the control means that every function of the business is carried out under controlled environment to avoid any illegal activity. This paper is about how the financial reporting can be affected by good and bad corporate governance practices. There are several areas in which good governance practices can save a business from any illegal activity and also can generate the financial reports of high quality. In other words, the quality of financial reports can be well maintained only if the good corporate governance practices are observed. The high quality financial reporting depends on: 1: board of directors 2: role of audit committee 3: the external auditor and his responsibility 4: the internal auditors and their responsibilities as well as role in the quality of the financial reporting. The major factors in ensuring the financial reports quality and truthfulness are the independent and responsible board and the independent, knowledgeable board. This paper will be limited to the evaluation of these two factors. The first section of this paper will deal with the literature review of the practices and the scholarly and practical work of financial and corporate governance experts. The second section will deal with the issues or the problems in with respect to the topic and the last section will deal with the social and Islamic aspects of the affects of the deception of the flawed financial reporting and how the good quality reports serve the society positively.


Levitt (1999) in his speech to directors said,The link between a companys directors and its financial reporting system has never been more crucial. Financial reports can be flawed and they can contain bogus or true data and information but the health of the financial reports and the accounting activities can be checked and controlled only if few fractions of the corporate governance system take the responsibility seriously. The responsibility of corporate governance is defined with respect to the financial reporting by Public Oversight board (POB 1993) as those oversight activities undertaken by the board of directors and audit committee to ensure the integrity of the financial reporting process. Hence, it is the responsibility of the board of directors to ensure the truth fullness of the financial reports. After the big financial frauds started to strike the market, the think tanks realized that they need to draw some rules and regulation and they have to make businesses follow those rules in order to avoid any more financial scams. The first major step in this regard was the Blue Ribbon commission of 1999 and after the Enron scam, the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of2002. These reports were about the audit committee and its enhanced responsibilities and functions. In a paper published in journal of accounting literature 2004, it was said that it is still not defined as what is the quality of financial reporting? Is it only dependent on the better corporate governance or it is more than that? This paper also presented the old literature on this issue which was only based on the issues of earning management, frauds and reporting methods. This leads us to the new level to define the quality of financial reporting with respect to the corporate governance responsibilities. Board of directors Board of directors is the only entity in the corporate which can decide if the reports can be of good health or not. But boards have to have certain characteristics to ensure the quality of the financial reports as its responsibility. In a paper of Arthur Levitt, chairman of security and exchange commission USA, he identified the types of directors that can be a potential hindrance to the truthfulness of financial reports. He identified that there are three types of directors in the corporate board. The type 1 directors are those who are called executive directors that are companys employees and are on board, the type 2 directors are the grey directors, who are not the employees of the company but yet, have close ties with the company. And the type 3 directors those are independent and are no way related to the company. His study revealed that there is a negative relation between the quality of financial reporting and the type 1 and type 2 directors in the board and their presence in the audit committee also negatively effects the reports health. In his paper, he emphasized on the need of the independent directors both on board and in the audit committee. In his paper, accounting quality, auditing and corporate governance, Eugene A. Imhoff said that boards were actually formed to oversee the management of the companies when people invested in the

businesses and they wanted the boards to overlook the businesses for them. Also they ensured that the independence of the boards to be ensured. With the passage of time, the responsibilities of the boards increased and there were formed sub committees to ease the work for the corporate. The audit committee was once the need and now a requirement for the company to assist board. But the financial reports health is still the biggest concern because audit committee also needs to be independent in true sense to perform its function properly. Audit Committee, its role and purpose Audit committees were injected into the corporate by the regulatory authorities so that the financial reports can be made more independently. Vefas in 2001, conducted a study on the composition of audit committee revealed that those members of board who form a part of audit committee have less significant board tenure and they serve fewer other committee. They are not experienced enough to be made part of the most responsible committee of the corporate which is directly responsible to examine the process of generation of the financial reporting and are directly accountable to the board, the supreme entity in the board. Also these members are actually those grey directors who have equity share in the company The audit committees are not found to be doing what their mandated charters say; this raises the issue of transparency here (revealed in the study of the carcello in 2002). After the Sarbanes-Oxley act (2002), companies are now restricted to perform more ethically with respect to their businesses than they were doing before. Sarbanes-Oxley act was signed after the huge fraud of Enron that made the financial world think of controlling the greed otherwise world could die a financial death. Independence Independence of the audit committee is the most important area. With independence of the audit committees, the role of the management in the financial frauds can be restricted to the great extent. The studies on audit committees generated different results. The two most important results were that even if the audit committee is independent, it is only to review the accounting choices the management makes. The second result is that if the audit committee is independent but does not have any expert and knowledgeable person on board, there will be no effect on the truthfulness of the financial reports. Only if the members of the audit committee are knowledgeable, they can support the auditor if they find an issue in the report notified by the auditor. Klein, in 2002 observed that the size of the board is directly proportional to the independence of the audit committee also audit committees independence will also be dependent on the independent directors as members of the committee. She also showed that as a firm rises and gets more and more growth opportunities, the audit committees independence is affected. This is probably due to the firms desire to grow at all costs. All the studies on the audit committees performance suggest that the independence of audit committees is generally affected by the independence of board. This is so

because only a stronger board can back a stronger AC against the management in case of any fraudulent activity. If firms size is small, audit committee will be less independent or will be controlled entirely by the management. Those firms that were involved in any financial fraud were lacking both the independent and even the grey directors on their board. Thats why the role of management on the board as well as in committees is criticized in every committee and in every report. Knowledge and expertise The other important area in the analysis of the corporate governances role in determining the quality of the financial reporting is the knowledge and expertise of the members, on board as well as in the audit committees. Sarbanes-Oxley act (2002) has made it a requirement that all AC members should have adequate financial literacy and that at least one of the members of Ac must have the knowledge and expertise in finance. Here the important thing to be noted is that the members should be independent not even grey and have sense of responsibility. DeZoort, in his study found that the AC members were fully aware of their responsibilities when he compared their responses with the statements made in the mandate. He also found that the AC members were not given that independence that they needed and company actually disclosed for the public in its reports. Also, he found that the AC members themselves were aware of the need of the necessary knowledge they need in order to be in the AC. All the studies including DeZoorts study pointed on a very important aspect that those audit committee that have experienced and expert members were more likely to control the internal environment of the company as well as they have better understanding of the external auditors side and they can support auditors in such disputes instead of sticking to the management. Basely and salterio found in their study on corporate boards and committees that the ACs independence and honesty in work depends only on the boards that are chaired by the independent person and not the CEO since boards select AC members. But they failed to find any significant role of knowledge in the good quality of the financial reports. Their study was the first to identify that the role of the stock holders, those who own bulk of stocks, can also play a significant role in putting a check in process of report generation and they can be a good tool to maintain the good health of the financial reports. These studies did not find any accounting knowledges role in improving or challenging the management regarding the financial reports. The first study on how the financial expertise and financial literacy are different and their respective roles in the good quality of financial reporting was done by McDaniel et al. this comparative study showed that those who have knowledge of finance responded differently to those who were experts. The financial experts were concerned with the relevance and reliability of the reports to mark them as good or misleading, they were less concerned with the general public responses. But the financial literates were more concerned about the response from the general public and those items that were

nonrecurring in nature. Hence, the knowledge is different from the expertise and both can participate in improving the quality of the accounting reports. The effectiveness of the committees role is dependent on the chair of the committee. Kalbers and foharty studied the roles of the audit committee as defined by various commissions and regulatory authorities. Their study revealed that the effectiveness of the committee is only possible if there is a strong organizational charter, institutional support i.e. the management and auditors support, and the diligence. They also showed through their work that only knowledge can only be used for the financial reporting oversight function, which cannot be proved useful for the other defined functions, 1) oversight of external auditors; and 2) financial reporting. Gendron and Bedard in (2004) revealed that the audit committees meetings cannot show their effectiveness but they are merely the social construction-ism to satisfy the general public and the respective authorities. Therefore it is needed to look at the ACs activities rather than simply recording them. The only historical work done to determine if audit committees really have any power or not was by Kalbers and Forgarty in 1993. They determined that the power of AC is difficult to measure the power of AC and that the effectiveness of AC is due to their power. This power is the timely and true information to be extracted from the management. The historical work done on board of directors and audit committees has shown that only if they are independent and only if they have the knowledge and expertise to handle their duties sincerely, they can really bring the change. The above the limits use of earning managements and frauds that history has witnessed were not only due to the greed of the management but also due to the negligence of the corporate governance bodies because they were either not expert or they were not independent. All historical work is based on the BLUE RIBBON COMMISSION, 1999 and SARBANSE-OXLEY ACT OF 2002, because these reports changed the corporate governance practices to great extent. Blue Ribbon Commission, 1999 This report especially made it a necessary requirement for the corporate to have only independent directors in the audit committee. This report also gave recommendations on the free and fair work of audit committee and also mentioned the duties of audit committee in the good quality of financial reporting. Sarbanes-Oxley act, 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley act was signed after the big bang of Enron. This act was passed to protect investors by improving accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures. This act specified new duties for board and its sub committees (especially the audit committee). It was made mandatory for corporate to have an auditors report in the financial report to make the investors assure (to some extent) that they will not be cheated. It has also mandated that three directors in the audit committee must be independent and all members must have financial knowledge with at least one director to be expert in financial matters.

Part 2: ISSUES
With respect to the corporate governance role in generating high quality reports, there are many issues from the performance of the board of directors to the shareholders active role in compelling the company to act faithfully. There are two main bodies involved on the top level of the corporate governance. 1: board of directors 2: audit committee Issues related to board A strong board can make a strong audit committee and with a strong audit committee, directors can stop or at least the limit the managements activities to expropriate others rights by presenting the false figures and facts on their reports. The first issue involved in the good corporate governance practices is to give the free hand to the board of directors. Since, board represents all the shareholders, so board is responsible for every activity of the management to ensure that no one gets hurt due to the illegal practices of management. This needs an experienced and independent board. But unfortunately, the independence of the board is put on check by the executive directors (those who work for the company and are also board members). These executive directors mostly vote out those matters that can prove to be beneficial for the shareholders but that limit the managements chances to get the extra benefits. The executive directors and the grey directors limit the boards ability to approve a trustworthy financial report that depicts the real situation of the financial reality of the company. Most often, we see the big corporate with country wide or worldwide business have impressive boards with experts and men of knowledge of their fields that too are independent. These boards are called trophy boards. These trophy boards attract more and more investors but do not do much in ensuring the good health of financial reporting. Satyam computers limited (now known as Mahindra satyam computers limited) was a company with a trophy board with all the big names of society from retired judge to the regional manager of World Bank. But this company ended up with the biggest financial scandal in India. And the day, the financial scandal of this company (once considered to be a company with best corporate governance practices) was opened by the CEO of this company (who was the main culprit) the first body to look stunned was none other than the trophy board of directors. Hence, another issue arises that no matter how much knowledgeable or independent board is, if it is neglecting its responsibilities to look at the financial activities of the company, it is overlooking all its responsibilities. Similarly, we have the example of Enron, where the directors themselves were involved

in remunerating themselves huge sum of money, for probably, overlooking their responsibilities to act as representatives of the general public. So even a board can be greedy if it is not composed of honest, truthful and God fearing people. Issues related to audit committee A strong and independent board can elect good, independent and knowledgeable AC members. Sarbanes-Oxley act (2002) has made it mandatory to have three independent directors with all of the members of the committee to have essential financial knowledge and at least one director to have expertise in financial reporting or accounting processes. Audit committees performance is directly associated with the board. If board is headed by CEO, then audit committee is also chaired by one of the powerful figure of management. This will automatically kill the purpose of fulfilling the requirements of respective authorities because there is no need obey the law but not with the spirit. Hence, the issue is that the audit committee to act responsibly depends totally on the strong and independent board. If the audit committee is comprised of the executive or grey directors, then there is no need to make such committee because it will already kill the purpose of creating such committees and the quality of financial reports will remain a question mark. If the audit committee is chaired by CFO or any other management office, there will be no chance to catch the culprit also in case external auditor raises any objection related to any accounting data or any other report making process, he will not have that support from the audit committee that otherwise he can get IF the audit committee is not under control of the management. Therefore, to head the audit committee there should be some independent director not even a grey director. Audit committees mostly lack the expert members they are often made with those member who are either not very experienced or who do not have any significant experience of work even with the board. The issue with this kind of audit committee is that this committee will never have that power or effectiveness which otherwise it can have if it has expert and knowledgeable members. But then, there is another issue with the committee which is independent and is not controlled by any management fraction, even then it cannot perform well because if the audit committee, the most important body after the board of directors, does not have that necessary knowledge and expertise to handle and communicate with the finance department of the company, they cannot present the board a truthful financial report. But to some extent, it can give at least some threat to the management if they try to do any fraud that gets visible to the committee. An audit committee with all the knowledge and expertise is the best according to the corporate governance practices. Because it can prove to be a potential threat to the corporate management and they cannot try to expropriate other shareholders rights by giving themselves illegal and unjustified reasons. A question arises here that if an ideal audit committee can be a good committee or can it perform its tasks well? This question arises the issue that if an ideal AC given enough space to perform

their tasks well? Since it is basically the management which can hide certain information from even the audit committee, the internal auditor can twist the accounting records and can even construct some information. In this way the truthfulness and quality of the financial reporting can be questioned. Knowledge and expertise Knowledge and expertise, as described earlier, is a good tool for an independent and free audit committee. Such a committee can interrupt the report making process by checking the monthly or quarterly financial data so that they can prepare themselves as well as can report the board if they find any deceptive construction done by the financial experts of the management. An ideal AC can strengthen the hands of internal auditor which often is under pressure of management and is appointed to find those ways with which the management can get the escape from bitter questions of auditor. Only if the internal auditor is honest with his job, he can assure, to some extent, the good quality of financial reports. If not openly, he can help the audit committee secretly, and this will not be against his job because his job is to do the job honestly. An independent and ideal AC can check the audit committees meeting records (called minutes) and can see if the minutes actually show the activities of the committee or there is included any deceptive or misleading disclosure. In this way, audit committee can save its image of being less effective and powerless. If only audit committee exerts pressure on the management through board of directors, a lot of things can become straight within the business. With professional know how and expertise, audit committee can review the reports before presenting them to the board, thoroughly and can figure out any deception in those reports if they have the previous record with them. In this way a fraud can be caught at the very beginning of its creation. Only if the audit committee realizes its power and effective control over the financial reporting process, the financial process oversight and the audit function oversight, it can be a good tool to keep the management into the limits ad world can be saved from any financial frauds big or small. But it is also a sad aspect of the corporate that no matter how strong the board or its sub committees may be, the management does not let it work independently. It more than often buys the independence completely or partially. The grey directors who are presented as independent directors often turn the tables by voting in favor of management due to several reasons. Therefore, to have good corporate practices and to be powerful, the board and committee need to be honest and of upright character, at least they should not have greedy personality aspects.

These issues, mentioned above can be solved only with the honest adherence to the corporate governance rules and regulations. Currently, the regulatory authorities have revised their rules and now present very strict corporate ordinance which can bring real change into the society. The only problem is that these rules are obeyed

in letter and not in spirit. To obey laws in real means to be ethical and ethics means that the conscience is not dead. Therefore only proposal that has ever been given on obeying the rule actually was the ethics. Corporate ethics became another dimension of business and now, every regulatory authority has issued the paper of corporate or business ethics. Again, ethics cannot be enforced like law they cannot be followed honestly because there is no scale to measure the honesty of a person or a group of people working in money.


Last part of this paper deals with the impact of these practices on society at large and what Islam says about such practices. Being Muslims and living is a Muslim majority society (though not completely Islamic in many aspects) we are more responsible than others when it comes to honesty and justice and truthfulness. Since the western system has failed to maintain the truthfulness and quality of business where, society can benefit, now they realize that there needs to be business ethics and corporate social responsibility if they want their business to grow. The business solely depends on the society, if people will not take any interest into a business, it will collapse, and therefore the first thing to run a business successfully is to run it truthfully. ALLAH (swt) says in Holy Quran: 23: 7 But those whose desires exceed those limits are transgressors Therefore, to exceed the limits and to ask for more than what is the right share means nothing but to invite anger of ALLAH. History has seen that no matter how successfully the buggers planned but in the end, they ended up with nothing but humiliation. The case of ENRON is the biggest example. But those, who observe their limits, and do not ask for more than their due share, for them ALLAH says: Holy Quran: 23: 8-11 Those who faithfully observe their Trusts and their covenants; And who (strictly) guard their prayers. Those will be the heirs. Who will inherit Paradise: they will dwell therein (forever). The above verses indicate that those who do their jobs with truthfulness and those who do not break trusts, they will be the dwellers of paradise. This means that ALLAH swt likes such people. In another place, ALLAH swt says Holy Quran: 33:72 Truly, We did offer AlAmnah (the trust or moral responsibility or honesty and all the duties which Allh has ordained) to the heavens and the earth, and the mountains, but they declined to bear it and were afraid of it (i.e. afraid of Allh's Torment). But man bore it. Verily, he was unjust (to himself) and ignorant (of its results).

The verse quoted above indicates that among those duties which ALLAH swt has assigned to man, were first offered to the heavens and earth but they refused to take them because these duties need strong personality and moral uprightness and firm believe in ALLAH swt to bear such great responsibilities. Truthfulness, honesty and moral responsibilities are among those duties assigned by ALLAH. ALLAH swt has told us to do business but keeping ourselves in the prescribed limits of ALLAH and HIS Messenger s.a.w.w. In surah al-baqarah verse number 282, ALLAH swt told us clearly that whenever undergoing and business or debt deal, we must sign contract and make everything transparent. Similarly, in sahih bukhair chapter 35 Messenger of ALLAH s.a.w.w has told us how to do business and trade. Muhammad s.a.w.w. said: if he does not strive diligently to promote their welfare, he will not enter Paradise with them. (Bukhari) ALLAH swt says in Holy Quran: 8: 27 O you who believe! Betray not Allh and His Messenger, nor betray knowingly your Amnt (things entrusted to you, and all the duties which Allh has ordained for you). To sum up the paper below is given a self explanatory saying of MUAHMMAD s.a.w.w on HIS last sermon. (Reference: See Al-Bukhari, Hadith 1623, 1626, 6361) Sahih of Imam Muslim also refers to this sermon in Hadith number 98.
Imam al-Tirmidhi has mentioned this sermon in Hadith nos. 1628, 2046, 2085. Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal has given us the longest and perhaps the most complete version of this sermon in his Masnud, Hadith no. 19774.)

O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no

one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your LORD, and that HE
will indeed reckon your deeds. ALLAH has forbidden you to take usury (interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be waived. Your capital, however, is yours to keep. You will neither inflict nor suffer any inequity. Allah has Judged that there shall be no interest and that all the interest due to Abbas ibn Abdal Muttalib (Prophets uncle) shall henceforth be waived Beware of Satan, for the safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things. Islam teaches us to be just, dutiful, truthful and honest. How ALLAHs Messenger s.a.w.w has spent His life is a best example for us. All we need to do is to be good Muslims and we will never need any CSR or business ethics as a part of our code because they are already part of our FAITH and a true Muslims faith is in his conscience and in his soul.

(May ALLAH guide us to the right path with the sense of differentiating between right and wrong, amin.)

References: 1: Evidence on the relationship between corporate governance characteristics and the quality of financial reporting by Athur Levitt, chairman, securities and exchange commission, USA 2: Accounting quality, auditing and corporate governance, Eugene A. Imhoff, Jr, Ernst and young professor of accouting, university of Michigan business school 3: Audit committee characteristics and the perceived quality of financial reporting: an empirical analysis by Andrew J. Felo 4: The corporate governance mosaic and financial reporting quality published in journal of accouting literature. 5: Blue ribbon commission 6: Sarbanes-Oxley act

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