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# Control Model: Basic # Machine Model: GENERIC # PST File Name: MPBASIC.PST # Executable : MP.EXE 2.10 # --------------#| FEATURES: | # -----------------------------------------------------------------------# This post has extended work offsets and is a standard FANUC Post. # --------------#| REVISION LOG | # -----------------------------------------------------------------------# 12/03/98 msf 1. Updated spindle, cutter compensation and coolant to new form at. # 2. Updated drilling to take advantage of V7 inc. format. # # 03/30/93 msf 1. Tested with PSTTST.NCI # 2. Initial release # # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Format Statements - i=incr, n=nonmodal, l=leave ldg, t=leave trlg, d=delta # -------------------------------------------------------------------------fs 1 0.4 fs 2 1.4d fs 3 4 0 fs 4 2 0n fs 5 3.1 fs 6 5 0n fs 7 4 0 fs 8 1.4t # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Format Assignments # fmt X 1 x - x, y, z, i, j, k, xh, yh, zh, xr, yr, zr # are init. fs 1, with 'normal' prefix letter # -------------------------------------------------------------------------fmt B 1 a # Rotary axis - substituted for Y fmt B 2 baxis # B Axis Output fmt B 2 c # Tool Plane Output fmt M 3 cc # Cutter Comp. fmt 3 ccomp # Modal format for ccomp fmt C 4 coolant # Coolant Format fmt 6 day # Initialized Day fmt 4 dirchg # Initialize fmt Z 1 depth # Depth (canned cycles) fmt 6 drillcyc # Make string 'sgdrlcyc' non-modal fmt Q 1 dwell # Dwell fmt P 6 extofst # Extra Offset for G54 fmt T 6 first_tool # Format for 1st tool fmt F 5 fr # Feedrate fmt F 5 frplunge # Plunge rate (canned cycles) fmt 3 gcode # Format linear G-code selector for modality only fmt I 2 i # Arc centers, format with a delta for incremental fmt Z 1 initht # Initial height fmt J 2 j # Arc centers, format with a delta for incremental fmt K 2 k # Arc centers, format with a delta for incremental fmt 6 month # Initialized Month fmt N 6 n # Line number fmt N 6 nast # N represented as tool number fmt T 4 next_tool # Next tool call

fmt Q 1 peck1 # First peck increment fmt Q 1 peck2 # First peck increment fmt 5 plane # Modal plane code selector fmt O 6 progno # Program Number fmt R 1 refht # Reference height fmt S 3 ss # Spindle Speed fmt M 4 sscode # Spindle Speed Code (M59 - M77 from tbl 1) fmt M 4 ssrange # Spindle Speed Range (mi2 - M42 = hi, M43 = low) fmt T 4 t # Tool number fmt 8 tcr # Tool Radius fmt 8 tldia # Tool Diameter fmt L 1 tlgth # Tool length fmt H 4 tlngno # Tool length offset number fmt D 4 tloffno # Tool diameter offset number fmt 6 year1 # Initialized Year - 1900 fmt G 6 workofs # Make Work Coord. string 'sgwcs' non-modal # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Formulas - Use ':' instead of '=' to initialize variables # -------------------------------------------------------------------------arctype : 2 # Arc center 1=abs, 2=inc, 3=st-cen, 4=unsigned inc. do_full_arc : 0 #Allow full circle output? 0=no, 1=yes helix_arc : 0 #Support helix arc output, 0=no, 1=all planes, 2=XY plane on ly baxis = a # B Axis format bldnxtool : yes # Tool table on breakarcs : 0 #Break arcs, 0 = no, 1 = quadrants, 2 = 180deg. max a rcs drlgsel : -1 # Drill select initialize frrapid : 708 # Rapid feedrate? 300.0 frmax : 196 # Maximum feedrate? 300.0 g : -1 # G code initialize gcode : 0 initht : 999.999 i : 0 # Initialize I for pcir j : 0 # Initialize J for pcir k : 0 # Initialize K for pcir ldrcode : 65 # Leader character dec. equiv. nast = t # Line number = tool ncldr : 20 # No. of leader characters omitseq : yes # Omit sequence no.? plane : 0 # Initialize plane code to suppress first G17 rotaxtyp : 0 # Initialize axis rotation seqmax : 9999 # Max. sequence no. spaces : 1 # Spaces in .nc file spdir1 = spdir + 1 # format spdir to positive number sscode = frange(1,ss) # Spindle speed code ssmax : 4500 # Maximum spindle speed? 3000 ssrange = mi2 # Spindle range tooltable : yes # Build next tool table wcs = mi1 # Work coord. system whatno : yes # Ignore whatline branches to plin1 etc.? # V9 updates strtool_v7 : 2 #Use Version 7 toolname, 1= path components, 2=string get_1004 : 1 #Find gcode 1004 with getnextop? rpd_typ_v7 : 1 #Use Version 7 style contour flags? # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# USE CANNED CYCLES? # -------------------------------------------------------------------------usecandrill : yes

usecanpeck : yes usecanchip : yes usecantap : yes usecanbore1 : yes usecanbore2 : yes usecanmisc1 : no usecanmisc2 : no # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# DEBUG - Switches for debugging purposes # -------------------------------------------------------------------------bug1 : 2 # 0=No display, 1=Generic list box, 2=Editor bug2 : 40 # Add postline label to each line at column 'bug2' bug3 : 50 # Add whatline to each line? yes/no bug4 : 0 # Add -.nci line no. to each line? yes/no # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Strings - String labels must start with 's' - they are not pre-assigned # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Linear and circular G codes sg00 sg01 sg02 sg03 sgcode G0 G1 G2 G3 # # # # # Linear movement at rapid feedrate G code Linear movement at feedrate G code Circular interpolation CW G code Circular interpolation CCW G code Target string for linear/circular motion G code

fstrsel sg00 gcode sgcode # Select motion G code string # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Spindle codes sm04 M4 # Spindle reverse - no coolant "M04" sm05 M5 # Spindle off - no coolant "M05" sm03 M3 # Spindle forward - no coolant "M03" spindle # Target Spindle-on M-string # coolant - 0 = off, 1 = on fstrsel sm04 spdir1 spindle # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Coolant M code selection sm09 M9 #Coolant Off sm08 M8 #Coolant Flood sm08_1 M8 #Coolant Mist sm08_2 M8 #Coolant Tool scoolant #Target for string fstrsel sm09 coolant scoolant # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Plane codes sg17 sg19 sg18 sgplane G17 G19 G18 # # # # XY plane code XZ plane code YZ plane code Workplane G code

fstrsel sg17 plane sgplane # Select work plane G code # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Cutter compensation G code selection scc0 G40 #Cancel cutter compensation scc1 G41 #Cutter compensation left scc2 G42 #Cutter compensation right sccomp #Target for string fstrsel scc0 cc_pos sccomp

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Drill cycle G codes # Canned drill cycle G-strings sg81 G81 # drill - no dwell sg82 G82 # drill - with dwell sg83 G83 # peck drill - no dwell sg83d G83 # peck drill - with dwell sg73 G73 # chip break - no dwell sg73d G73 # chip break - with dwell sg84 G84 # tap sg84d G84 # tap # must be here for selector to work sg85 G85 # bore #1 - no dwell sg89 G89 # bore #1 - with dwell sg86 G86 # bore #2 - no dwell sg86d G86 # bore #2 - with dwell sgm1 GGG # misc #1 - no dwell sgm1d GGG # misc #1 - with dwell sgm2 GGG # misc #2 - no dwell sgm2d GGG # misc #2 - with dwell sgdrill # Target drill cycle G code drlgsel = drillcyc*2 + fsg2(dwell) # 16 possible combinations: # drillcyc = 0..7 # dwell = 0 or non-zero (2 states) fstrsel sg81 drlgsel sgdrill # Drill cycle G string select # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# User-defined Postline labels starting with 'p' # End a line with ',' to continue on the next line # -------------------------------------------------------------------------pwcs # Work Offsets if workofs < 10, workofs = workofs + 54 if workofs = 10, workofs = 10 *workofs pxyz # Plane Change Force X, Y, Z if plane = 0, *x, *y if plane = 1, *y, *z if plane = 2, *x, *z # Plane Change Force I, J, K if plane = 0, *i, *j if plane = 1, *j, *k if plane = 2, *i, *k # Tool length compensation "G43", *zr, *tlngno, scoolant # Don't output neg. feedrate if fr > 0, fr


ptllncomp pfr

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Postline - Names are pre-assigned except for partial lines which are # called from pre-assigned lines (Ex. pt) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------pheader # File header "%" if progno = 0, progno = 1000 progno, "(", progname, ")" spaces = 0

"( PROGRAM DATE - ", mon, "," ,day, "," ,year, " )" spaces = 1 psof0 # Start of file for tool zero n, "G90 G80 G40", *sgplane, "G00" n, pwcs, *xr, *yr, *ss, spindle n, ptllncomp # Start of file for non-zero tool number n, "M06", t n, "G90 G80 G40", *sgplane, "G00" n, pwcs, *xr, *yr, *ss, spindle n, ptllncomp # Null tool change if workofs <> prv_workofs, n, pwcs, *x, *y # Tool change n, scoolant n, "G91 G28 Z0" n, "G90", t, "M06" n, sgplane, pwcs, *xr, *yr, *ss, spindle n, ptllncomp # End of file for tool zero n, scoolant peof # End of file for non-zero tool n, scoolant n, "G91 G28 Y0 Z0" if first_tool <> t, n, first_tool, "M6" n, "G90" n, "M30" "%" # Linear line movement - at rapid feedrate n, sgplane, sgcode, x, y, z, !fr # Linear movement in Z axis only - at rapid feedrate n, sgplane, sccomp, sgcode, z, !fr # Linear line movement - at feedrate n, sccomp, sgcode, x, y, z, pfr # Linear movement in Z axis only - at feedrate n, ptllncomp, sgcode, z, pfr # Circular interpolation n, sgplane, *sgcode, pxyz, pijk, pfr # Canned Drill Cycle if initht <> prv_z, n, initht n, *sgdrill, *x, *y, *depth, *refht, dwell, *frplunge # Canned Peck Drill Cycle if initht <> prv_z, n, initht n, *sgdrill, *x, *y, *depth, *refht, dwell, *peck1, *frplunge






prapid pzrapid plin pz pcir pdrill



# Canned Chip Break Cycle if initht <> prv_z, n, initht n, *sgdrill, *x, *y, *depth, *refht, dwell, *peck1, *frplunge # Canned Tap Cycle if initht <> prv_z, n, initht n, *sgdrill, *x, *y, *depth, *refht, dwell, *frplunge # Canned Bore #1 Cycle pdrill # Canned Bore #2 Cycle pdrill # Canned Misc #1 Cycle # Canned Misc #2 Cycle # Canned Drill Cycle if initht > refht, n, "G80 G0", *initht if initht > refht, n, *sgdrill, *x, *y, *depth, *refht, dwell, *fr if initht <= refht, n, sgdrill, x, y, depth, refht, dwell, frplung


pbore1 pbore2 pmisc1 pmisc2 pdrill_2 plunge e ppeck_2

# Canned Peck Drill Cycle if initht > refht, n, "G80 G0" *initht if initht > refht, n, *sgdrill, *x, *y, *depth, *refht, dwell, *pe ck2, *frplunge if initht <= refht, n, sgdrill, x, y, depth, refht, dwell, peck2, frplunge pchpbrk_2 ptap_2 pbore1_2 pbore2_2 pmisc1_2 pmisc2_2 pcanceldc # Canned Chip Break Cycle ppeck_2 # Canned Tap Cycle pdrill_2 # Canned Bore #1 Cycle ppeck_2 # Canned Bore #2 Cycle ppeck_2 # Canned Misc #1 Cycle ppeck_2 # Canned Misc #2 Cycle ppeck_2 # Cancel canned drill cycle if initht = 999.999, initht = refht n, "G80", *initht # Tool table line format # Axis Rotation Format n, "Z10.", scoolant, e n, c, "( TABLE ROTATION )", e

ptooltbl prot1

n, sgplane, pwcs, *xr, *yr, *ss, spindle, e n, ptllncomp, scoolant, e prot0 prot pcomment # Single-axis rotation prot # Single-axis rotation if c <> prv_c, prot1 # Manual Entry scomm

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Numbered questions for Mastercam # -------------------------------------------------------------------------80. Communcations port number for receive and transmit (1 or 2) ? 1 81. Baud rate (110, 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600)? 9600 82. Parity (E/O/N)? E 83. Data bits (7 or 8)? 7 84. Stop bits (1 or 2)? 2 85. Strip line feeds? N 86. Delay after end of line (seconds)? 0.0 87. Ascii, Eia, or Binary (A/E/B)? A 88. Echo keyboard to screen in terminal emulation? N 89. Strip carriage returns? N 90. Drive and subdirectory for Material file? # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Switches to Enable OR Disable toolpath parameter screen buttons # -------------------------------------------------------------------------161. Enable Home Position button? y 162. Enable Reference Point button? y 163. Enable Misc. Values button? y 164. Enable Rotary Axis button? y 165. Enable Tool Plane button? y 166. Enable Construction Plane button? y 167. Enable Tool Display button? y 168. Check tplane during automatic work origin creation? y 201. Miscellaneous real variable 1 (mr1)? 0.0 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Default Miscellaneous Real Values (METRIC) # -------------------------------------------------------------------------1601. Default miscellaneous real variable 1 (mr1) (metric)? 0.0 1602. Default miscellaneous real variable 2 (mr2) (metric)? 0.0 1603. Default miscellaneous real variable 3 (mr3) (metric)? 0.0 1604. Default miscellaneous real variable 4 (mr4) (metric)? 0.0 1605. Default miscellaneous real variable 5 (mr5) (metric)? 0.0 1606. Default miscellaneous real variable 6 (mr6) (metric)? 0.0 1607. Default miscellaneous real variable 7 (mr7) (metric)? 0.0 1608. Default miscellaneous real variable 8 (mr8) (metric)? 0.0 1609. Default miscellaneous real variable 9 (mr9) (metric)? 0.0 1610. Default miscellaneous real variable 10 (mr10) (metric)? 0.0 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Enable/Disable Miscellaneous Real Variable switches # -------------------------------------------------------------------------1611. Enable miscellaneous real variable 1? y 1612. Enable miscellaneous real variable 2? y

1613. 1614. 1615. 1616. 1617. 1618. 1619. 1620.

Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable Enable

miscellaneous miscellaneous miscellaneous miscellaneous miscellaneous miscellaneous miscellaneous miscellaneous

real real real real real real real real

variable variable variable variable variable variable variable variable

3? y 4? y 5? y 6? y 7? y 8? y 9? y 10? y

301. Default Work Coordinate System (0=G54, 1=G55 to 5=G59)? 0 # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Enable/Disable Miscellaneous Integer Variable switches # -------------------------------------------------------------------------1621. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 1? y 1622. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 2? y 1623. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 3? y 1624. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 4? y 1625. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 5? y 1626. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 6? y 1627. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 7? y 1628. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 8? y 1629. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 9? y 1630. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 10? y # -------------------------------------------------------------------------# Configuration File association parameters (default is 'y') # -------------------------------------------------------------------------1630. Enable miscellaneous integer variable 10? y 401. Read SYSTEM COLORS section? y 402. Read ALLOCATIONS section? y 403. Read TOLERANCES section? y 404. Read DATA PATHS section? y 405. Read COMMUNICATIONS section? y 406. Read DRAFT SETTINGS section? y 407. Read MISCELLANEOUS section? y 408. Read NC SETTINGS section? y 409. Read DIALOG SCRIPTS section? y 410. Read DESIGN SETTINGS section? y 411. Read PLOTTER SETTINGS section? y 412. Read ALT-KEY ASSIGNMENTS section? y 413. Read CAD section? y 414. Read START/EXIT section? y 415. Read SCREEN section? y 416. Read FILE NAMES section? y 1500. Chook to execute from 'Misc. values' button? 1501. Insert parameter information in the ascii NCI? n 1502. Write operation information to binary file (.ops)? n 1520. Display a warning when cutter compensation in control simulation finds an error? n # Do NOT manually change the answer for Q.1999 ! 1999. Product major version number that post supports? 9 3001. Machine acceleration? 2 3002. timing size? .1

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