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a Human Rights Peoples Board of Education

Legislative Proposal Spring 2012

Overall Vision a new system of public education that consists of a transparent and democratic
bottom-up governance structure that includes a policy frame based on human rights.

Local Chapter of the Federation of United Parents (FUP)

Every school shall have a chapter of the Federation of United Parents (individual parents as well as Parent Associations who will work together to manage the schools and the parent academy) with local access to training in leadership and educational policies and practices conducted by a citywide parent academy. Training within this academy will enable the parents to learn accredited skills so as to effectively participate with the schools teachers and administrators as informed and knowledgeable partners in all decision making processes. A schools FUP chapter will Accept all of the schools parents as members of the FUP (note- teachers in that school who have children in the same school are eligible as parents in that school), create its own bylaws, elect by a democratic process its own officers from the schools body of parents, actively reach out and respond to all parental concerns, be the advocate for the schools parents; and, Bylaws should include training and certification that participants are knowledgeable about Human Rights Principles, School Policies and NYS Educational Policies and Education Standards. Run and designed by parents for parents with trainers reflecting the diversity of the community. At least 1% of the citywide educational budget goes directly to the Federation of United Parents from the State Department of Education. Organization must be audited by the City and State Comptroller. elect from the FUB membership parents who have been accredited by the parent academy to serve on the School Decision Making Body (SDMB); and, Appoint a qualified parent member to serve on the Neighborhood Education Council (NEC). Alumni parents can participate up to three years after their children graduate from the school. Alumni parents cannot be officers.

School Decision Making Body (SDMB) that:

- Shall create its own bylaws and shall be composed of the Principal, Staff members, a member 1

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from the community and elected parent members of the school FUB chapter. The membership of the SDMB shall have between 8-16 members, of which the FUB members will form the majority group. The parent members of the SDMB shall be reimbursed monetarily for any expense incurred while serving on the SDMB; and, shall be responsible for developing a Comprehensive Education Plan (CPE) that fulfills the educational and human rights goals, annual space assessment, Principal and Assistant Principal selection and annual Principal and Assistant Principal evaluation, Student representatives are grade appropriate, Decisions are made by consensus.

Recruitment and Vetting Committee of the Peoples Board

- - - - Vet candidates for administration (includes principals and superintendents). The committee includes members of the Federation of United Parents. The final selection and firing of the assistant principals and principals would be determined by the school. The Community Education Council will make the final selection and firing of the superintendent.

The Federation of United Students

- - - - - - Mandate that every school must develop a Student Government Association with High School Juniors, seniors and adult students being eligible for Citywide Office. Student Governments would create bylaws with the assistance of an executive director. Training and Certification for Citywide Office provided. Will be audited by the City/State Comptroller. At least 1% of the citywide educational budget must be allocated to the Federation of United Students from the State Department of Education (Since the focus is from K-16, or kindergarten through college, adult students could be added to the Student Advocacy Body. Legislative committee would discuss and decide on, at a future date.

Neighborhood Council
- - - - Each school would elect a parent, teacher and a high school student The Council will meet quarterly Primarily for the articulation of the curriculum and the social emotional health of public school students and their families within the neighborhood Every neighborhood will have a K-16 school program based on Human Rights principles within the neighborhood school council that would articulate a rigorous, coherent and cohesive curriculum.

Community Education Councils

- There should be 59 Community Education Councils that is co-terminus with the Community Planning board so that schools can communicate with the community services councils to 2

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provide integrated services including wellness, nutrition, recreation, transportation and housing support so that the child would come to school ready to learn. Elected in each school by NYC resident parents/guardians of students in the public school system; elect 8 parents per Community Education Council (at least one parent is ELL and one parent a special needs parent) and students (1 male and 1 female). Three community representatives are elected during the regular elections. Candidates must not have any relations/conflict of interest with the DOE/BOE or the UFT. The parents and the community representative will select 3 experts based on need to be of assistance to the council, but the experts will be non-voting members of the council. Parent and community candidates will be required to obtain 100 signatures from the community to be placed on the ballot (note: validating entity to be determined). The Community Education Councils will select the Citywide Board of Education

Central Board of Education

- Bronx with 12 districts will elect during the school board election 4 individuals to represent the Bronx, Brooklyn with 18 districts will elect 6 individuals, Queens with 14 districts will elect 5 individuals, Manhattan with 12 districts will elect 4 individuals and Staten Island with 3 districts will elect 1 individual to the board resulting in 20 parent board members and 1 special needs parent and 1 ELL parent and 1 adult education member. In addition there will be 5 students on the board, one from each borough. The 28 board members will select 5 experts, based on the boards needs. These experts will be non-voting members of the board. Board members can be elected to two, two year terms. Candidates must be vetted by the election committee. Candidates will be required to obtain 150 signatures from the committee to be placed on the ballot Make sure all the districts are in compliance with Human Rights Principles. Must hold hearings in the selection process of the commission; and provide the public with all candidates qualifications for the commission position (note: roles and responsibilities of PBE to be determined). Will intervene if the schools are not making adequate progress Human Rights Standards. Will instruct the superintendent to develop a corrective action plan grounded in Human Rights Principles and State Education Standards. Board should monitor schools to ensure that the Human Rights Standards are met.

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- - Critical friend and advisor to the decision making body of the school Work with the SLT and neighborhood council to bring resources from BOCES and other sources to assist with staff development and other needs

- Must be an educator. No waiver must be granted 3

- The central board will be responsible for the hiring and firing of the Commissioner - Function is to monitor schools to ensure they move toward Human Rights Goals and State Educational Standards. Hire the Fiscal Commissioner and Curriculum & Pedagogy Commissioner

Fiscal Commissioner
- NOTE Function will be developed by the CPE Legislative Committee at a future meeting

Curriculum & Pedagogy Commissioner

- - - - Must have an extensive education background. Function will be further developed by the CPE Legislative Committee. Must be inclusive and meet the needs of all students

Responsibility includes ensuring that City Agencies support neighborhood schools.

- There will be community based suppliers provide goods and services to the schools. (To be developed further)

Transitions Commission - - - -
Charged to develop practical ways for a new system to put in place Human Rights based system of public education. Given 18 months to develop the system. Should have a budget Selection criteria of the Commission

The commission will be selected by Educational Leaders and will be comprised of parents, students, teachers, school administrators and community leaders who reflect the racial, economic and linguistic demographics of New York City and its representatives communities who will be assisted by qualified independent researchers

- To be determined

Inspector General
- To be determined

Quality Control
- There are checks and balances to ensure good government including: a) an independent research organization to study and evaluate the movement towards the Human Rights goals of education; b) independent financial audits to provide user-friendly, transparent information and to promote accountability for the use of public funds; An independent education ombudsperson to resolve conflicts not handled at lower levels, to monitor the whole system and to provide timely remedies when rights are violated. Full deliberative democracy is an essential part of the education system

Election Committee - One person from each community district. - Committee must meet in a public place with public invited to observe. Other Human Rights Principles
Individual Rights: Every individual child must have equal access to a quality education adapted to meet his or her particular needs. Aims of Education: The aims of education must be directed toward the full development of each childs personality and potential, preparing all children to participate in society and to do work that is rewarding and adequately remunerative, and to continue learning throughout life. Dignity: Schools must respect the inherent human dignity of every child creating an environment of mutual respect and tolerance in the classroom, preventing practices and disciplinary policies that cause harm or humiliation to children, and promoting self-confidence and self-expression. Equity: There must be equitable distribution of resources in education across communities according to need, so communities with the highest need receive the greatest resources. Non-Discrimination: The government must ensure that the human right to education will be exercised without discrimination of any kind as to race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. This obligation includes respectful treatment and accommodation of the cultural heritages of school children and their families. Participation: Students, parents and communities have the right to participate meaningfully in decisions that affect their

schools and the right to education. The Right to Development: Human beings are the central subject of development: economic and social systems should be in service of the right of individuals and communities to develop themselves by means of education, work, and other vehicles for advancement. The lack of development on the part of individuals and communities does not justify abridgement of their rights. The Right to Decent Work: Teachers and others employed by the school system have the right to see their labor rights respected by public school systems and charter school operators, including the rights to free association and collective bargaining, fair and adequate remuneration, dignity, adequate rest and recreation, and favorable working conditions.

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