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Here I was again. I stared out into the mass of people on the dance floor, hoping to see her.

I could feel the bass pumping through my body as my eyes searched for her from across the room. The smoke hung heavily in the room, blurring my vision slightly. I spotted her dancing alone. Her back to me hips rolling with the beat, long brown hair cascading down her back, arms above her head. She looked amazing. My eyes followed her curves and I imagined them writhing beneath me, being pleasured in numerous ways. I could feel myself getting excited just by watching her. I wanted her. So much. She began moving her glorious hips in a figure eight, swaying down low and bringing herself up again. Her fingers moved through her hair, holding it up to relieve her neck from the heat. She began to move her stomach, gently rolling in and out in time with the beat. Did she know I was here? The music pulsed through the air, bass thumping. I couldnt hear; all I could do was stare. I licked my lips and began to make my way through the throngs of people. My eyes were locked on her; everything else blurred before my eyes. It was magnetic, I was drawn to her. I slowly walked up behind her placing my hands on her hips. She didnt turn to face me but acted as if I wasnt even there. She was completely immersed in the music oblivious to anything else. I danced behind her, following her swaying from left to right. I let my hands roam over her, feeling her soft skin against my fingers. I closed my eyes as she lowered her back against me then slowing slithering up along my chest. God, she was killing me. I ground my hips along with her, breathing in her scent; sandalwood and patchouli. Jesus, she felt so good against me. I tightened my grip on her hips and tried to spin her around to face me, only to have her stand her ground and sway her hips with more force and shaking her head along with the music. I returned the favor by pulling her into me tighter and grinding into her harder, the slow movements mulling my thoughts. I could feel the heat coming off her body which only made her smell more intoxicating. She backed herself into me slightly, only making me more aroused. I moved the hair off to one side and grazed my lips along her neck. Tilting her head back, she reached behind mine and grabbed my hair. God she felt so good. I was lost, blinded by lust. I felt my hands travel farther down her body, lightly gripping her thighs and moving up again, bringing the hem of her tank top up and my hand resting under it on her waist. My lips pressed to her neck once again, this time I bit down, leaving a love bite I knew would be seen in the morning. I wanted her to remember me, remember this. As the song faded out, she slowly turned and for the first time Im lost in a sea of chocolate brown eyes, full of lust and adventure. I closed my eyes and lowered my head, my lips ready to be on hers. I wanted, needed, to feel her lips against mine. Just as we connected, I felt a jolt of electricity between us and I jumped back. And then I woke up, gasping for air.

It was always the same ending. I see her eyes for a mere second and when I try to kiss her I wake up, never fully being satisfied. Im left with only a piece of the puzzle, leaving much to my imagination. Im covered in sweat and confused by what I just dreamt. If I could only stretch the dream farther so I could see her face. All I could see every time I closed my eyes were hers. Her amazingly brown eyes. Dark with lust and leaving me wanting more. Always wanting more and more, never getting enough. Was this normal? Dreaming about a woman Ive never met? It felt so real. For weeks I had been plagued by the same dream being in a club, mystified by a woman and never getting any more than a dance. I ran my hand through my hair as I threw the covers off my body, too hot for the down feather comforter. I could feel my heart beating through my chest, still able to smell sandalwood and patchouli in the air. It wasnt real though, why can I smell her? I thought to myself. The room was stagnant; I felt like I couldnt breathe. I got up to open the window across the room, and stopped when I saw the full moon in the sky along with the endless stars scattered across the night sky. Could she be looking up at the same sight? Was she a real person, or just a figment of my imagination? A way for me to cope with the loneliness Id succumbed to? My eyes glanced to my bedside table and noted the time. 3:45 am. Had I been dreaming of her the whole time Id been asleep? Was she having the same dream, being woken up and left with the sensation of unfulfilled excitement and lust? Was she real is what I asked myself. You couldnt dream about someone youve never met, could you? A beautiful stranger standing out in a mass of people. The still point of the turning world. I shook my head and opened the window, letting the cool London air filling the room. I stared out onto the London skyline. I needed a vacation. I needed to go home.

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