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Why unemployment in India In this type of unemployment a person is out of job of his own desire doesn't work on the

prevalent or prescribed wages. Either he wants higher wages or doesn't want to work at all. It is in fact social problem leading to social disorganization. Social problems and forces such as a revolution, a social upheaval, a class struggle, a financial or economic crisis a war between nations, mental illness, political corruption mounting unemployment and crime etc. threaten the smooth working of society. Social values are often regarded as the sustaining forces of society. They contribute to the strength and stability of social order. But due to rapid social change new values come up and some of the old values decline. At the same time, people are not is a position to reject the old completely and accept the new altogether. Here, conflict between the old and the new is the inevitable result which leads to the social disorganization in imposed situation. In economic terminology this situation is voluntary unemployment. The problem of unemployment has becoming a colossal. Various problems have caused this problem. There are individual factors like age, vocational unfitness and physical disabilities which restrict the people. External factors include technological and economic factors. There is enormous increase in the population. Every year India adds to her population afresh. More than this every year about 5 million people become eligible for securing jobs. Business field is subject to ups and downs of trade cycle and globalization. Economic depression or sick industries are often close down compelling their employees to become unemployed. Technological advancement contributes to economic development .But unplanned and uncontrolled growth of technology is causing havoc on job opportunities. The computerization and automation has led to technological unemployment. Strikes and lockouts have become inseparable aspect of the industrial world today. Due to these industries often face economic loses and production comes down. Since workers do not get any salary or wages during the strike period they suffer from economic hardships. They become permanently or temporarily unemployed. Today young people are not ready to take jobs which are considered to be socially degrading or lowly. Our educational system has its own irreparable defects and its contribution to the unemployment is an open truth. Our education does not prepare the minds of young generation to become self-employed on the contrary it makes them dependent on government vacancies which are hard to come. Our State right from the beginning of Five year plans has introduced several employment generating schemes and programmers over the years but in the absence of proper implementation and monitoring have failed to achieve the required targets. Recently UPA Government has come up with Rural Employment Guarantee program which aims to provide minimum days of employment to people living in the villages. This is a laudable programmed if implemented sincerely because it will provide employment to people during natural calamities like drought, floods etc. The remedial measures for reducing unemployment may lay greater emphasis on creation of opportunities for self -employment, augmentation of productivity and income levels of the working poor, shift in emphasis from creation of relief type of employment to the building up of durable productive assets in the rural areas and instead of attempting to revert somewhat to protectionist policies the pace of privatization may be accelerated.

Unemployment India as a nation is faced with massive problem of unemployment. Unemployment can be defined as a state of wordlessness for a man fit and willing to work. It is a condition of involuntary and not voluntary idleness. Some features of unemployment have been identified as follows: 1. The incidence of unemployment is much higher in urban areas than in rural areas. 2. Unemployment rates for women are higher than those for men. 3. The incidence of unemployment among the educated is much higher than the overall unemployment. 4. There is greater unemployment in agricultural sector than in industrial and other major sectors.

Cause of unemployment:Population increase low qualification political environment national policies lack of creative minds replacement of workers by technologies economic depression lack of opportunities In the set up of a modern market economy, there are many factors, which contribute to unemployment. Causes of unemployment are varied and it may be due to the following factor In the set up of a modern market economy, there are many factors, which contribute to unemployment. Causes of unemployment are varied and it may be due to the following factors: Rapid changes in technology Recessions Inflation Disability Undulating business cycles Changes in tastes as well as alterations in the climatic conditions. This may in turn lead to decline in demand for certain services as well as products. Attitude towards employers Willingness to work Perception of employees Employee values

Discriminating factors in the place of work (may include discrimination on the basis of age, class, ethnicity, color and race). Ability to look for employment Back ground of unemployment;

The acuteness of the long drawn-out world economic crisis of capitalism shook the very foundations of the system, carrying in its wake trade shrinkage and the closing down of factories, and growing ruin in agriculture. The inability of capitalism to run its own affairs without such upheavals is quite obvious, but what is more obvious is the unprecedented increase in the poverty and misery of the masses of toilers particularly in a country like India. One of the first results of this state of affairs is the large increase in the already huge army of unemployed; the number of textile workers alone at present unemployed in the city of Bombay is round about 80,000. There is not even the question of the Means Test for these unemployed workers, they just face blank starvation. Besides at the same time the capitalists are transferring the burden of this crisis on to the shoulders of the working masses through direct wage-cuts and methods of speeding-up. Bombay City during 1933 practically every mill worker had to face a reduction in his wages. The managers and agents of the mills began their attack in January, 1933, and mills were taken separately and the workers conditions attacked. This continued throughout the whole of last year. The workers of individual mills put up a brief but determined resistance against these attacks, but in each case they were forced back to work on reduced wages. The textile workers are not alone; the conditions of all workers in India, as bad as they are, are being still further worsened. Railway workers are being retrenched everywhere as a means for introducing wage-cuts. Retrenchment of municipal workers in Calcutta under a Nationalist Corporation recently led to a strike. The dockworkers in Bombay are also facing attacks upon their conditions. Abstract;

Increase in the share of youth population due to demographic dividend or the youth bulge seems to be one of the sources of future economic growth in India. Although with increase in school and college enrolment rates, the proportion of youth in the labor force has been declining; their high proportions in the labor force indicate that the problem of youth unemployment and underemployment would remain a serious policy issue for many more years to come in India. In this context, this paper examines the employment and unemployment situation of the youth in India during the last two-and-half decades viz., 1983 to 2007-08. It analyses the trends in labor force and workforce participation rates, unemployment, joblessness, working poor, growth and employment elasticitys etc. The paper also offers policy recommendations for increasing productive employment and reduction in unemployment for the youth. The poor employability of the workforce would hamper the advantages due to demographic dividend if measures are not taken to improve the educational attainment and skill development of the youth.

INTRODUCTION It needs not be defined afresh here the term unemployment. It is such an embarrassing state of a person which baffles him on all economic, social, mental, emotional and cultural fronts. In the presently prevailing period unemployment has become a challenge to Indian economy. All strategies and plans formulated to encounter the unemployment problem are not providing satisfactory outcomes whereby the desired level of unemployment mitigation is leading towards becoming a myth in India. The Indian economy, instead of succeeding to get the overall unemployment problem solved, appears rather to be swinging & dwindling between the rural and the urban unemployment. The well chosen, dexterously formulated and adroitly executed plans are not responding up to the mark and the state of affairs is becoming more depressive and distressing. It gives an impression that there is some mistake in formulating, choosing or executing the plans and strategies pertaining to economic development. bibliography

Money Mischief: Episodes in Monetary History (1994) ISBN 0-15-162042-3, 28 6pp.

George Stigler: A Personal Reminiscence, Journal of Political Economy Vol. 101, No. 5 (Oct., 1993), pp. 768773 JSTOR Economic Freedom, Human Freedom, Political Freedom ISBN 1-883969-00-X (1992), short pamphlet

The Essence of Friedman, essays edited by Kurt R. Leube, (1987) (ISBN 0-8179-8662-6) "The Case for Overhauling the Federal Reserve," (1985), Challenge magazine article The Tyranny of the Status Quo (1984) ISBN 0151923795, 192pp

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noun The state of being unemployed, especially involuntarily. The percentage or number of people who are involuntarily unemployed: Unemployment has been shrinking throughout the recovery.... What is the definition of expanded unemployment? expanded unemployment: expanded=grown, larger, greater amount of, more unemployment=the percentage of people without a steady income, or do not have a paying job, someone who is not employed, a person... Can you file for unemployment if you owe unemployment? Yes, but your disbursement may be reduced or shortened to make up the balance. Is definition definition true? Yes. What is the definition of a definition poem? A definition poem defines a concept or emotion through the use of different senses (sight, sound, feel).

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