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Infrared Thermography

Dont let HEAT Burn Down your MONEY!!!

A picture is worth a thousand words, they say. Infrared thermography is the only diagnostic tool that lets you instantly see and verify thermal performance. Nearly everything gets hot before it fails. Thermography is the process of creating thermal images of objects taken with a specially designed infrared camera. These images, called thermograms, are a measure of the object's surface temperature variations which are interpreted by a qualified thermographer. On scanning an object, thermal anomalies (such as a poor electrical connection, a damaged bearing, a faulty steam trap, etc.) can be detected and recorded. A thermography survey can thus detect a problem before it manifests itself into a costly failure, thereby saving hundreds of thousands of rupees. A considerable advantage of thermography inspection is that the equipment doesn't need to be shutdown. In fact, it is preferable for the equipment to operate near full-load capacity, so as to measure the severity of the fault with greater accuracy. When used correctly, thermography is an excellent predictive maintenance tool that improves both efficiency and reliability of the plant systems. Finding and fixing an anomaly before a component fails can save you the much greater costs associated with manufacturing downtime, production losses, power outages, fires and catastrophic failures. Thus, through Infrared Thermography, one can quantify the anomalies with precise non-contact temperature measurement, and document them within a report, making it easier for you to monitor thermal efficiency of critical process systems that rely on heat transfer or retention, electrical equipment and other parameters. The derived benefits are directly proportional to how it is used. Thus, instead of limiting it to annual or quarterly inspections, employ it more often to derive Maximum Benefits!

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