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Old Testament Genesis 3:20 And that man named his wife Eve, for she was the

e mother of all those living. 4:15 The Lord said:If someonw will kill Cain, may he be revenged seven times. And the Lord decided a sign for Cain, that anyone will find him will not kill him. 6:1-4 When people started to multiply on the face of the Earth and had daughters, the sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful; and from all took as wives those they had chosen. And the Lord said:My spirit will not remain forever in man, for it is only flesh; however, his days will be 120 years. The Giants were on Earth in those days, and even after the sons of God entered to the daughters of men and they beard them children: these were the heroes that existed in ancient times, people with fame. 9:3-5 Everything that moves and has life may serve you as food; all these I give to you, like the green plants. Only meat with its life, meaning its blood, do not eat. For I will ask back the blood of your lives; I will ask it back from every animal; and I will ask back the mans life from the mans hand, from eachs hand, from its brother. 11 The whole Earth had a single tongue and same words. Starting towards sunrise, they encountered a field in the country of Sinear, and they settled there. And they said to one another:Lets make bricks and burn them in the fire. The bricks were used as stones, and tar as mortar. And they said: Lets build a castle and a tower whose tip would touch the sky and make ourselves a name, so we will not be scattered across the entire earth. And the Lord came down to see the castle and the tower the sons of men were building. And the Lord said: Theyre a single people and they all have the same tongue, and look what they started doing; now nothing would stop them from achieving everything they set their minds to. Let US go down and scramble their tongues, so they would not understand one each others saying. And the Lord scattered them on the face of the whole earth so they stopped building their castle. Thats why the castle was named Babel, for it was there where the Lord scrambled the tongue of the entire earth, and scattered them all across the earth. (Avraam negotiating Sodom and Gomora being burned) 18: 28 Perhaps from fifty righteous people five will be missing; for five, will you destroy the entire city? And the Lord said: I will not destroy it, if I will find there 45 righteous people. 18:30-32 Avraam said: Do not be angered, Lord, if I will continue speaking. Perhaps there will be there only 30 righteous people. And the Lord said:I will not destroy it, if I will find in it thirty. And he said:I dared talk to the Lord. Perhaps there will be only twenty righteous people. And the Lord said: I will not destroy it, for those twenty. And he said: Do not be angered, Lord, if I will talk only this time more. Perhaps there will be only ten righteous people. And the Lord said: I will not destroy it, for those ten. 21:1-2 The Lord visited Sara, as the Lord said, and fulfilled what he promised. Sara became pregnant a gave Avraam a son in its old age, at the decided time which the Lord had spoken about. 20-22 (Avraam knows how to make commitments with other people) 22 (the Lord asks Avraam to sacrifice his son on an altar as proof Avraam still fears God) 31: 44 Come, let us both make a commitment, and let it be testimony between me and you.

31: 48 Laban said : This small hill (heap) is today a testimony between me and you. Thats why they named it Galed. 31: 52 This hill be witness and this pole be witness that neither I will cross it towards you, neither you will cross it towards me, to make evil. Jacobs fight (Israel) 32: 24-32 Jacob remained alone. Than a MAN fought with him until morning. Seeing it cannot defeat him, THIS MAN hit him at the closing of his thigh, so Jacob twisted the ligament of his thigh, while fighting HIM. THAT MAN said: Let me leave, its almost daybreak. And he answered: I will not let YOU leave until you bless me. THAT MAN said:What is your name?, Jacob, he answered. And HE said; Your name will no longer be Jacob, it will be Israel (Winner over God), for you fought with God an dpeople and you won. Jacob asked HIM: Tell me, please, your name.. HE answered: Why do you ask my name for?And blessed him there. Jacob named that place Peniel (The face of God), for he said, I saw Gods face and lived. 32:31-32 The sun was raising over him when he would pass by Peniel. But Jacob would limp from his thigh. That is why, up to this day, the people of Israel do not eat that part of the muscle at the end of the thigh; for HE hit Jacob there in his thigh. 37:23-25 When Joseph reached his brothers, they undressed him of his (spotted) coat. They took him and threw him in the hole, which was empty with no water in it. They they sit to eat bread. Joseph explaining dreams to Pharaoh 41:32 - As for the dream repeating two times to Pharaoh, it means this thing is decided from God and God will rush to make it happen. [4:15 so Cain wasnt the only one in the land, if he was worried of others harming him? 21:1-2 the implication is that God had sex with Sara? Diet & longevity references timeline : 9:3-5 green no meat advice. 9:29 Noe lived 950 years; 11 Babel; longevity referenced 11:10-11 Sem living 600 years; 15- Abraham requests heirs from God, 15:9 God suggests five living things, Abraham kills three, deep sleep takes him at sunset. 17:17 Abraham wonders if he can still have children at 100. 18:7 Abram cooks cattle. 21:2,5 Abraham having 100 is called being old. ] Exodus 2:24-25 And God heard their moans and God remembered of his commitment with Abram, Isaac and Jacob. And God looked towards the sons of Israel and God took knowledge of them. 3:2-3 And the angel of God showed himself in a flame of fire which came out of the middle of a log. Moses looked, and behold the log was burning with fire, and would not consume itself. And Moses said: I will return to see what is this beautiful site and why isnt the log consuming. 6:18 Chelat lives for 135 years. 7:10-11 Moses and Aaron went to the Pharaoh and they did as God commanded. And Aaron threw his stag ahead of Pharaon and ahead of its servants; and his stag became a snake. But Pharaoh called the wise and the wizards, and the mages of Egypt and they did the same with their magic.

7:20-22 Moses and Aaron did as God commanded. He lifted his stag and hit the waters of the river, in front of the eyes of Pharaoh and his servants; and all the waters of the river turned to blood. The fish in the river disappeared, the river smelled badly, so the Egyptians could not drink the rivers water and there was blood in the entire Egypt. But the mages of Egypt sis the same with their magic. Pharaohs heart became of stone and he didnt listen to them, as God mentioned. 12:5-7 Let it be a male lamb, spotless, one year old; you may take from sheep or goats. Keep it until day 14 of this month; and the entire gathering of Israel to stab it in the evening. They should take from his blood and ointment both pillars of the door and the upper wood of the houses where they will eat it. 12:11 When you will eat it, you should have your waist wrapped, shoes in your feet and stag in your hand; eat it with haste, for its the Easter (passing) of the Lord. (the night when the first-born of Egypt are killed) 12:42 this night must be celebrated for the Lord, for it is then when he took them out of Egypt; this night must be celebrated for the lord by all sons of Israel and their generations. 13:13-16 You should ransom with a lamb every first born of your mule; if you shall not ransom it, break its neck. You shall also ransom every first-male born among your sons. And when your son will ask you one day: What is the meaning of this thing?, answer them By his mighty hand, the Lord took us out of Egypt, out of slavery, and because Pharaoh would stubborn and not let us leave, the Lord killed all the first born of men and cattle. This is why I bring ransom to the Lord for any first male born. Let it be like a sign on your hand and like a sign of remembering on your forehead between the eyes; for the Lord took us out of Egypt with a mighty hand. 14:20-22 This cloud on one side was dark, and on the other would light the night. And the two camps did not approach each other the whole night. And Moses extended his arm towards the sea. And the Lord made the sea in motion all night with a strong wind from east; he dried the sea and the waters parted. And the sons of Israel passed through the middle of the sea like walking on land and the waters would be like a wall to their right and left. 19:9 And the Lord said to Moses:Here, I will come to you in a thick cloud, for the people to hear when Ill talk to you and always trust you. 19:17-19 Moses took its people out of camp to greet God and they sat at the bottom of the mountain. The whole Sinai mountain was smoking, for God was coming down in fire on it. This smoke would rise like the smoke of an oven and the whole mountain would shake. The horn would sound more strongly. Moses was talking and God was answering in loud voice. 21: 5-6 If the servant would say clear: I love my master, my wife and my children and I dont want to be free, than his master would bring him before God, near a door or a pillar and his master shall pierce his ear with a spike; and his servant shall remain in service for the rest of his life. 22:18 Do not let the witch live. 22: 19 Anyone sleeping with an animal will be undoubtedly punished with death. 24: 9 -11 Moses climbed together with Aaron, Nadab and Abihu and with seventy Israel elderly. They saw the Lord of Israel; under his feet there was a work of see through sapphire, just like the sky. He did not extend his hand against the chosen sons of Israel. They saw God, and ate and drank.

28: 36-38 Make a plate of pure gold and engrave on it, like on a seal:Holyness to the Lord. Tie it with a blue string to your head wrap, in its front side. May it be in the front of Aaron; and Aaron would carry the wrongness of holy things which the sons of Israel will make holy; it will continuously be on his forehead, in front of the Lord, so they be pleasing before Him. 30:11-14 And the Lord talked to Moses, saying: When you will cont the sons of Israel, each of them is to give to the Lord a ransom for its soul, so they would not be hit by any punishment by this count. Here is what all the people counted will give: half a (measure), this is the gift lifted to the Lord. Any man within the count, age 20 and up will pay the gift for the Lord. (Sabbath) 31:14 Keep the Sabbath, for it will be holy for you. Who will degrade it will be punished with death; who will work in that day will perish among its people. 31:17 This is between me and the sons of Israel a sign forever; for in six days the Lord created the skies and the earth, and in the seventh day he rested. 32: 25-29 Moses saw the people were without control, for Aaron made them be without control. And Moses sat at the door of the camp and said: Who is for the Lord to come to me! and all the sons of Levi gathered to him. He said: this is how the Lord of Israel talks; each of you to take its sword; go through the camp from one gate to another, and each to kill its brother, each its friend and its family. And the sons of Levi did as Moses commanded; and almost 3000 people died in that day from its people. Moses said: surrender today to serve the Lord, each against your son and brother, so as the Lords blessing to come onto you. 32:32 (Moses, talking to God) Forgive now, if you want their sin! If not, please erase me from your book which you wrote! 39: 14 There were fourteen stones, named after the sons of Israel; they were engraved as seals, each with the name of one of the twelve tribes. 40:34-38 Then the cloud covered the tent of the meeting and the glory of the Lord filled the tent. Moses could not go into the tent of the gathering, for the cloud would stay above it and the glory of the Lord would fill it. For as long as their journeys lasted, the sons of Israel would only start when the cloud would lift above the tent. And if the tent would not lift, they would not part until the day would lift. The cloud of the Lord was above the tent during the day; and at night a fire was before the eyes of the entire house of Israel, during all their travels. Leviticus 1:13 May they wash the remains of animals and feets; and the priest to bring them all and burn on the altar; is a fire burning, with a smell pleasant to the Lord. 2:11 None of the food gifts you will bring to the Lord may not be made of dough; for you must not burn anything with dough or honey, as a fire burning for the Lord. 2:13 Condiment with salt all your food gifts; never allow salt to miss from your food gifts to the Lord. 10:8-11 And the Lord spoke to Aaron, saying: you and your sons are not to drink wine, nor strong drinks, when you will enter into the tent of gathering, so you may not die; this will forever be for your generations so you can tell that which is holy from that which is

unholy, that which is clean from which is unclean, and so you can teach the sons of Israel all the rules the Lord bestowed through Moses. 11 God enumerated the animals theyre allowed to eat. (personal cleansing) 15: 2 Talk to the sons of Israel and tell them: any man who has a leaking from his body, by this very fact is unclean. 15:8 If he spits on a clean man, this is to wash its clothes, bathe in water and will be unclean until evening. 15: 11 Who will be touched by a man with leaking and will not wash his hands with water, may he wash his clothes, bathe in water and will be unclean until evening. 15: 16 The man who will have a leak of his semen in his sleep, they should bathe their whole body in water and will be unclean until evening. 15:19 The woman who will have a leak, be it a hemorrhagic from he body, will stay seven days in her uncleanness. Anyone touching her will be unclean until evening. 17:11 For the life of the body is in blood. 21:17-23 The Lord talked to Moses, saying: talk to Aaron and tell him:no man from your semen and from your generations who will have a body defect may not approach to bring bread to his Lord. No man with a defect may approach: not a blind man, or limping, with crooked nose or a member longer than the other; no man with fractured leg or arm. No man with a hunchback or too small, with whitening in its eyes, who has its testicles smashed. No man from the descendants of Aaron the priest with a body defect may approach to bring God their offerings. He may eat from the bread of his Lord, but he may not approach the inside curtain and may not approach the altar, for it has a body defect; he may not profanate my holy places, for I am the Lord who makes holy. Numeri 5:19-24 The priest can make the woman swear and say: if no man slept with me and if, being under the authority of your husband, you did not go on wrong unclean ways, by being with another instead of your husband, may you be free from this bitter water which brings curse. But if, being under the authority of your husband you took wrong unclean ways, and if another man than your husband slept with you (the priest to make the woman swear with cursing swearing, and the priest to tell the woman) the Lord may make you cursed and ashamed among your people, and may your belly swollen and your thigh dry, and this cursing water enter your loins. And the woman to say ;so be it The priest is to write these curses in a book, and erase them with the bitter water. And give the woman to drink bitter cursing water; and this water will enter into her and bring her sorrow. 21:4-9 They left from Hor mountain on the road leading to the Red Sea, to go around the country of Edom. The people lost their patience and spoke to Moses against God: why did you took us out of Egypt, to die in the desert? For there is no water, no bread and our soul is disgusted of this bad food. Than the Lord sent against its people fiery snakes, who bit the people, so many of Israel died. The people came to Moses and said: we sinned, for we talked against God and against you. Pray to God to take away from us these snakes. Moses prayed for the people. And God told Moses: make a fiery snake and carry it on a stick; whomever is bitten and will look at the fiery snake, will live. Moses made a bronze snake and placed it on a stick; and whomever was bitten by a snake and watched towards the bronze snake, lived.

30:1-2: And Moses spoke with the chieftains of the sons of Israel, saying: Here is what the Lord commanded: If a man shall make a commitment or a swearing to God to tie his soul by an obligation, he may not break his word, for he is to do as he spoken. Deuteron 2:10-11 (Beforehand here used to live the Emmims: a big people, large in number and high in their stature, like the anachims. They would pass as refraims, as the anachims; but the Moabites used to call them Emmims.) 11:16-17 See that your heart is not deceived and your way not twisted, so as to serve other gods and bow before them. For then the Lord would become angry against you; he would close the skies and there would be no rain; the earth would not bear fruit and you would soon perish from the good country the Lord has given. 13:1-5 if among you a foreseer or a dream dreamer shall rise who will tell of a sign or a miracle and that sign or miracle shall become true, saying: lets follow and serve other gods which you do not know, do not listen to the words of that foreseer or dream dreamer, for the Lord is testing to know if you love your God with all your heart and all your soul. You shall follow your God and fear him; keep his commands; listen to his voice; and serve and join him. That foreseer or dream dreamer shall be given to death, for the talked against your Lord, who took you out of Egypt and ransomed you from the house of slavery, and he wanted to take you out of the path your Lord commanded you to walk on. Throw that evil out from among you. 18:9-14 After you shall enter the country God is giving you, do not learn to do after the ugliness of other kins. May none of you pass their son or daughter through fire, none to use foreseeing or spells, or star reading, none to ask those who call the spirits, none to ask the dead. For whomever does these things is ugly in the face of God, and because of this ugliness, the Lord shall banish them from you. You will be absolute before your God, for these kins that will be banished listen to star readers and foreseers; and this is a thing forbidden to you by God. 28: 49 -50 God will bring from far away, from the edges of the earth a nation who will fall onto you with an eagle flight, whose tongue you will not understand, a nation with a wild appearance who will not shy of the elders, nor have pity on children. 34:5-6 And Moses, the servant of God, died there in the country of Moab, as the Lord said. And the Lord buried him in the valley, in the country of Moab, facing Bet-Peor. No one knows his tomb even today. Joshua 10:12-14 Then Joshua spoke to the Lord, in the day the Lord gave the amorist in the hands of the sons of Israel and said in front of Israel: Stop, sun, above Gabaon, and you, moon, above the valley of Aialon!. And the sun stopped and the moon remained where it was, until the people took revenge on its enemies. Was not this thing written in the Book of Right?(Iashar). And the sun stopped in the middle of the sky and did not rush to set, for almost a day. There wasnt any day like that one, before, nor after it, when the Lord listened to the voice of a man, for the Lord fought for Israel. Book of Samuel 14: 24-32 That day was tiring for the men of Israel. Saul had made the people swear, saying: Damned be the one who will eat bread until evening, until I will take revenge on

my enemies!. And no one ate. All the people reached a forest where there was honey on the ground. When they entered the forest, they saw the honey flowing; but none took it to its mouth, for they were afraid of damnation. Jonathan didnt know of the curse his father set on people; he reached with the tip of his stag into a honey comb and took it to its mouth; and his eyes lightened. Then someone from the people answered and said to him: Your father made the people swear, saying: Damned be the man who will eat today! And the people were weakened. Jonathan said: My father troubled the people; see how my eyes lightened, because I tasted a little of this honey! Without a doubt, if the people would have eaten today from the pray encountered on its enemies, would not have made the defeat of Philistines greater? That day they had beaten the Philistines from Micmas to Aialon. The people was very tired and threw upon the pray, took sheep and cattle, stabbed them to the ground; and the people ate with blood.

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