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The sequence is : 1. (a) On the queue manager machine, open a Windows command prompt and enter strmqikm. This starts the IBM Key Management (iKeyman) GUI. 2. (a) Create a key repository for the queue manager : Select Key Database File -> New. Select "Key database type" := "CMS" ; "File Name" := "key.kdb" ; "Location" := "<MQdir>\Qmgrs\SSLQM\ssl" ; Select a password for this key repository. The password is encrypted and saved into file key.sth. 3. (b) click "New Self-Signed Certificate" (bottom-right corner) 4. (b) fill in the certificate attributes (Key Label must be ibmwebspheremq followed by the queue manager name in lowercase) Now the queue manager has a certificate. The queue manager presents this certificate to the WebSphere MQ client when the client connects. To validate the queue manager's certificate, the client needs the certification authority (CA) certificate. 5. (c) to extract the CA certificate, click Extract Certificate (bottom-right corner), and enter filename (sslqm.arm) and directory. This creates a file called sslqm.arm in C:\<MQDir>\Qmgrs\SSLQM\ssl\. You now must transfer the CA Certificate file to the client's key repository. 6. (c) Create c:\MQCLIENT\ if it does not exist, and copy (or FTP ASCII) the CA certificate file (sslqm.arm). 7. (c) on the client machine, run strmqikm


(c) create a key repository for the client : select Key Database File -> New Select "Key database type" := "CMS" ; "File Name" := "key.kdb" ; "Location" := "C:\MQCLIENT" ; Select a password for this key repository. Click Add (top-right corner) Select "Certificate file name" := "sslqm.arm" ; "Location" := "C:\MQCLIENT\" ; We created a certificate store for the MQ client in C:\MQCLIENT, but we have not told the client where to find it. To do this, set the MQSSLKEYR environment variable set mqsslkeyr=C:\MQCLIENT\key 9. SSL : (d) Change the client connection and server connection channel definitions for

echo al te r chl (SSL.CL IENTS) chl type(svrconn) sslc iph( t r i p l e _des_sha_us) ss lcauth(opt iona l ) runmqsc SSLQM

The change to the client connection channel updates the channel table (file AMQCLCHL.TAB) in your queue manager's @ipcc directory. Copy the channel table (or FTP binary) to the client directory (C:\MQCLIENT) in the client machine. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. (d) Verify connection works : set mq mqchl l i b=C: \MQCLIENT mqchltab=AMQCLCHL.TAB mqsslkeyr=C:\MQCLIENT\key amqsputc Q1 SSLQM amqsgetc Q1 SSLQM

If the programs run successfully, it means that the client channel works with SSL. 2. Convert the SSL connection to two-way

SSL client authentication means that the client has a certificate assigned, which it presents to the server when the channel starts. To set up client authentication, we need to perform the following steps: o o o o a. Create a self-signed certificate for the client. b. Add the certification authority certificate to the queue manager. c. Change the server connection channel to request client authentication. d. Re-test.

The sequence is :


(a) to create a self-signed certificate for the client, on the client machine, run strmqikm This is the same as creating a self-signed certificate for the queue manager. The only difference is that we run it from the client machine. 2. (a) click the Open icon (or select Key Database File -> Open). 3. (a) provide the following values : "Key database type" := "CMS" ; "File Name" := "key.kdb" ; "Location" := "C:\MQCLIENT" ; enter the password. 4. (a) viewing Personal Certificates, click New Self-Signed Certificate (bottom-right corner). 5. (a) fill in the certificate attributes, as "Key Label" := "ibmwebspheremq" followed by the lowercase user ID. In our case: ibmwebspheremqemir Now the MQ client has a certificate, which it presents to the queue manager when the client connects. To validate the client's certificate, the queue manager needs the certification authority (CA) certificate.


(b) click Provide "File Name" "C:\MQCLIENT\" ;


Extract Certificate (bottom-right corner). <user ID>.arm, in our case: emir.arm; "Location" :=

Now, you must transfer the CA Certificate file to the queue manager's key repository. 7. (b) copy (or FTP ASCII) the CA certificate file (.arm) from the client's C:\MQCLIENT directory to the queue manager's ssl directory. This is <MQdir>\Qmgrs\SSLQM\ssl. 8. (b) on the queue manager machine, run strmqikm 9. (b) click the Open icon (or select Key Database File -> Open). Open the key.kdb file in <MQdir>\Qmgrs\SSLQM\ssl. Switch to viewing Signer Certificates. Click Add (top-right corner). Select "Certificate file name" := <user ID>.arm; "Location" := <MQdir>\Qmgrs\SSLQM\ssl\ ; Enter a label for the certificate, as the client's user ID ("emir"). 10. (c) to enable client authentication, the server connection channel must specify SSLCAUTH(REQUIRED). echo al te r chl (SSL.CL IENTS) chl type(svrconn) sslcauth( requi red) | runmqsc SSLQM 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. (d) run set mq mqchl l i b=C: \MQCLIENT mqchltab=AMQCLCHL.TAB mqsslkeyr=C:\MQCLIENT\key

16. 17.

amqsputc Q1 SSLQM amqsgetc Q1 SSLQM

If amqsputc fails with MQCONN ended with reason code 2393 or MQCONN ended with reason code 2059, stop and start the queue manager

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