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ABAYLD SocialMediaPolicy The ABA Young Lawyers Division supports the existence of an ABA YLD presence on social networking

resources. This Policy is applicable to resources such as Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter and others. The following is the ABA YLD Policy for social networking groups set up in the name of the ABA YLD, its committeesand/oritssubcommitteesandotherentities.Thispolicyshallbeapplicabletoallpublicsocial mediaresourcesand/orsocialmediaresourcesthatmaypotentiallybeaccessedbyanyoneotherthanABA YLDentityleadershipandABAYLDstaff. 1. 2. All official ABA YLD social networking groups should be set up through Division staff; groups currentlyinexistenceshouldworkwithstafftoensurealignmentwiththispolicy. Allgrouppagesshallincludethefollowing: a. An alias administrator account created for each group, connected to staff and the member groupadministratoremailaddress; b. GrouppagesshouldcontaintheproperABAYLDlogo; c. ABAYLDentitiespagesshallbenamedinthisformat:TheABAYLD[entityname]; d. Grouppagesshallcontainauniform,approveddisclaimerforanyviewsexpressed. Rulesforsocialmediaresourcesincludethefollowing: a. GroupsshallbemoderatedbytheABAYLDTechnologyTeamtoensureappropriateusageof sites,toincludethemaintenanceofaprofessionaldemeanor. b. The group administrator shall monitor groups to ensure that there is no marketing or solicitingofnonABAand/orABAYLDgoodsorservices,legalorotherwise,andthatthereis no appearance of ABA and/or ABA YLD endorsement of nonABA and/or nonABA YLD products,policiesoropinions. c. ABAYLDentitiesshallincludeatleastonelinktotheABAYLDwebsiteand/ortheABAYLD entitieswebsite. d. Nonmembersmayfollow,orjoin,generalABAYLDsitesandfeeds. e. Content (such as articles) should not be posted on general ABA YLD pages. Instead links shouldbeincludedtothepageontheABAYLDswebsitewherethecontentresides,sothat content can be available either to the public or only ABA YLD members, according to the same rules assigned to that portion of the ABA YLDs website. Teasers or very brief summariesofthearticlescanbepostedwiththelinkswhereappropriate. f. ABAYLDentitiesshalllinktotheirsocialmediaontheirportionoftheABAYLDswebsite. g. Benchmarking, strategic performance and goals shall be monitored by the ABA YLD TechnologyTeaminaccordancewiththeABAYLDSocialMediaStrategy.TheSocialMedia Strategy shall be focused on evaluating the effectiveness of social media usage and should notbeconstruedasrulesforsocialmediause,incontrasttothisPolicy.



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