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Mail On Demand Website: ***Testimonies / Information on Leukemia *** These are actual unsolicited testimonials in our files.

They are not to be considered as a claim of medical efficacy and should be considered as anecdotal in nature. You should always consult your physician before beginning any treatment program. *** =================================================== I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia in December 1992. I had just gotten a divorce (2 weeks prior), sold our home, changed jobs, and suffered through the deaths of 2 friends and 2 pets. I went through intense chemotherapy and radiation for 6 weeks, was released from the hospital to outpatient care. 3 Weeks later I was in ICU w/2 collapsed lungs. My family was asked to decide on life support. Fortunately, I came to the next day. After 6 more months of chemo/radiation I relapsed. The only available solution was a bone marrow transplant. I was given a 20% chance of survival, I was only the 17th person to be treated with this new protocol; of the others, the first 10 died within 1 week, 4 died posttransplant and 2 were still struggling. I was blessed, 5 months later I went home but not without a price, my skin, eyes, muscle, bone, teeth, gums and stomach were all suffering from graft vs. host disease (the body's rejection of the transplanted bone marrow). I was on Prednisone and Cyclosporine for one and a half years. I was alive but I was struggling. In March of 1996 I relapsed. I went through another round of massive chemo & received another mini-transplant "called a buffer coat." I made a miraculous recovery but the sideeffects were worse than the cure. I suffered from: 1) bone pain due to loss of bone mass which was due to the Prednisone. 2) loss of muscle mass which produced extreme pain throughout my body. 3) I had patches of discoloration over most of my body- blue, black, green and brown splotches. 4) due to the massive amounts of chemo the tear ducts in my eyes were destroyed and my vision was quickly deteriorating and I couldn't read. 5) I was unable to eat properly due to poor digestion (because of Prednisone & graft vs. host disease). 6) I had trouble doing any kind of housework or even light shopping because of the decreased lung capacity caused by the pneumonia and lung collapse in Feb. 1994. 7) My teeth and gums were a mess, my dentist said I was lucky I hadn't lost all my teeth. In November of 1996 I renewed an old friendship with Paul and Teresa Carney who enlightened me about OPC3. I began taking 1 capful a day. Within 6 weeks my blood count went up one whole point to 10. I started taking 2 capfuls & my count went up to 11 within two weeks. My doctor told me I didn't have to come in as often & that whatever I was doing I shouldn't stop (He knew I was taking OPC-3 from the beginning & was in favor of it.) Now 6 months later, my spots are fading fast. Nothing my MDs gave me did anything. I can eat just about anything, only the really hot food still troubles me; I can clean my house, do laundry, play golf & fix dinner & I'm still going! My eyes have become less irritable & I can read now! Last week my red blood cell count was 14!! PS I am taking 3 doses of OPC-3, 1 dose each of Calcium, B-12, and IsoChrome, Next

week I will begin taking Aloe and Mineral Blast. Paula J. Sanderson Portland, Oregon =================================================== As you know, we don't have any products that are considered to be anticancer agents. Usually people who have leukemia have very low energy levels---it's like having a bad case of mononucleosis. If chemotherapy is to begin soon, then it might be better to wait until the rounds of drug therapy are completed. If dietary supplements are given before drug treatment, the leukemic cells may be boosted in viability as much as the normal cells. Also, there is some debate as to whether nutritional supplementation should be done during drug treatment. The reason for this is that a few anticancer agents are still used that generate oxygen radicals as a means to kill tumor cells, and antioxidants could reduce the effectiveness of these agents if taken during therapy. Other oncologists view oxygen radical toxicity as an unwanted byproduct of some drugs such as adriamycin and think that scavenging these radicals might actually be a good thing. In the case of adriamycin, the heart muscles can be damaged by oxygen radicals, and products containing vitamins C and E as well as co-enzyme Q10 have been found to be beneficial in protecting the heart. Since many anticancer drugs damage the intestinal epithelium (a highly proliferative tissue) and reduce the absorption of nutrients, it makes sense that nutritional supplementation with most any of the micronutrients in Isotonix products could be beneficial. The oncologist or the hospital nutritionist should be able to offer sound advice in regard to nutritional issues before, during, and after therapy. Sincerely, James L. Wilmer, Ph. D. Scientific Affairs/Quality Control Market America, Inc. 7605 Business Park Drive, Greensboro, NC 27409 =================================================== He might consider Isochrome for the potential increase in energy. Actually, I've heard leukemia likened to mononucleosis in terms of the low energy levels present. OPC-3 may be worthwhile trying; OPC-3 flavonoids may potentiate the activity of vitamins C and E in the Antioxidant Formula. He will have to stop taking antioxidants if he goes through a cycle of anticancer treatments. Once the therapy is over, he can then take nutritional supplements to support his recovery. As I understand it, the Fred Hutchison Cancer Research Center in Seattle, WA uses OPC-3 and

other forms of nutritional therapy during the recovery phase. I hope this brief discussion helps. Sincerely, James L. Wilmer, Ph. D. Scientific Affairs/Quality Control Market America, Inc. 7605 Business Park Drive, Greensboro, NC 27409 ===================================================

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