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SAMPLE LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING RE [FLEXPLACE/TELECOMMUTING/WORKING OFF SITE/TELECOMMUTING ] (date) (name) (street address) (city, state and zip) Dear______________:

This letter summarizes the understanding we have reached regarding the terms and conditions of your employment with [department] beginning [month, day, year]. To be certain this letter accurately reflects our understanding, please review the items below and indicate your understanding and agreement by signing on the signature line below. A. This agreement will commence on [month, day, year] and will terminate on [month, day, year] unless extended or replaced by written mutual agreement. This agreement contemplates that you will perform your work duties, in part, at a location other than your Stanford workplace and/or by telecommuting. During the term of this agreement you will work at [%] effort. Your salary will [continue to] be $$$$.00 per month, paid at the same times per month that you are currently paid. This salary will be effective [month, day, year]. Your benefits will be as applicable under University policy. You agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of employment currently applicable to a University employee. During the term of this agreement you will perform the duties set forth below in paragraph D. We anticipate that you will be working approximately [number] hour[s] per week at your Stanford workplace. The remainder of your time you will work off site and/or telecommute. At all times you will be available to vary your work location to attend scheduled work meetings at Stanford as requested. As [job title], you will be responsible to: [fully describe work to be performed]. During the term of this agreement, [department] will supply you with [describe supplies, e.g., a desktop computer, printer, software, DSL line, Internet, FAX service, etc.] for your use in performing your duties. All equipment supplied by [department] is owned by Stanford University and is to be returned to Stanford by you in proper working order at the end of this agreement. The [department] will reimburse you for the following necessary work-related expenses that you actually incur, [such as] [including] [SPECIFY REIMBURSEABLE EXPENSES, e.g., local Internet access (e.g. DSL, ISDN,



D. E.


dialup), telephone charges, etc.]. You will keep accurate records of such charges and submit them to [name] on a monthly basis. H. I. You will be available during regular business hours for telephone calls from the department and will respond to voice mail and email promptly. You acknowledge that if the [department] in its sole discretion deems that the arrangement set forth in this letter is not working as hoped, for example if the program needs are not being met or if expenses are higher than expected, Stanford may at its sole discretion end the arrangement sooner than [month, day, year], in which event you will receive two-weeks notice of the end of the arrangement.

Sincerely, [supervisor's name] [supervisor's title]

I acknowledge and agree to the terms and conditions set forth above.

___________________________________ _____________________________ [employee's name]

[date filled in by employee]

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