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How Honey Bees Do Their Job (Bees Make Honey) untuk memenuhi tugas kelompok pada mata kuliah

Bahasa Inggris

Disusun oleh: Rizal Mahfuddin Yuantika Pamilasari Nurwinda Levitasari Moh. Faizul Muttaqin Muhammad Isyroqi Piesco Candra Fitratama 115100300111001 115100300111003 115100300111011 115100300111015 115100300111009 115100300111049


Abstract Bees have three kinds, they are queen bee, worker bee, and drown bee. They are have specification job themselves. Making honey is the main job of worker honey. Nectar is the important composition of honey. Nectar have got from flower. To change the nectar become the honey, there are many process which do with bees. Honey have more benefit for human healthy. Keyword : bees, nectar, and honey

1. Description Bees are flying insects and close species with wasps and ants. They are found on every continent on earth. Bees always live together , an average of about 60-70 thousand in one hive . Although the population is full , honeybees can do their job well. Because they always plan their jobs. A colony bees consist generally of worker bees , the drone , and queen . Worker bees do all jobs in hive such as making the hive , cleaning the hive , protecting the hive , feeding the larvae of bees and queen. The main job is collecting honey bee and pollen as their feedstock sources . The bees are social insects which rich benefit , all produced by bees known efficacious to health . The food source of honey bees is nectar , that cannot be found in winter . Because bees mix nectar that they earn in the summer with special fluid created by their bodies . This mixture produces nutritious substance. This substance is called honey. Honey is a sweet, thick sugary solution made by bees. The composition of honey consists of fructose, glucose, water, oil and special enzymes produced by bees.

2. Type of Honeybees There are about 20,000 different species of bees in the world. Honeybees live in colonies .There are three types of bees in each colony. There is the queen bee, the worker bee and the drone. Queen bee Its size is longer than the bee colonies, ranging from 22 mm. She had a larger stomatch size. Queen bees live right in the middle of the hive, which there are larvae placed. During its growth, the Queen Bee is supplied by food worker honey, in form of royal jelly known also as milk. This is the exclusive food of Queen belongs. Every day the queen bees can produce 500 to 2 thousand eggs. The age of Queen bees can reach 5 to 6 years. It is estimated that the queen bee long-lived because of consuming royal jelly.

The worker bee The second is the bee worker, The status is owned by the female bees . Come from a fertilized egg. worker bees were many 2000 until 6000 bees. A long life is very different from the Queen Bee, which ranged from 6 to 9 weeks. The worker bee is in charge of making a beehive. How to make a hive using mammary secretions results issued from in her stomach like wax. Besides on duty collect nectar and cleaning cells of empty, the flowers , and water for food queen and larvae of bees. In search of the flower blossoms, bees can fly up to road workers meters per day. Move by having the pila such as a dance or known with a term bee dance or waggle dance. Drone bee Drone is the egg which not fertilized by queen bees. In one colony there was only 500 drone bees. duty to fertilize an egg the queen bees from the colony of another. after fertilize ,drone bees will die .

3. How Honey Bees do their jobs to make honey? A bees visits about 50 until 100 flowers for one flight to collect honey. As many 2 million flowers must be came by them so they can produce 60 until 100 pound honey. Bees collect nectar then they use unique processing to get honey. When a bee has found flower sources, she come back to her hive. She suggest their friend about location of flower sources. First she give a little nectar which will taste with his friend to know about quality. After that she guide his friend to the flower resources. In one hive there are 20.000 until 60.000 bees. Every hive consist of one queen bee which has job to lay eggs,some drone and many female bees. Both of them are worker bees. The young worker honey have jobs such as cleaning the hive and giving feed to the honey bees which hatch. The worker bees which have ten days old bring food that collected by older bees. The older bees called field bees. Some field bees do special jobs, it is guiding. The guide bees fly to look for food (nectar). When they find the good flowers, they fly back to the hive. In there they do hard dance which tell the field bees about distance the flowers. Honey is produced by sweet liquid in flower which called nectar. Nectar contain 80% complex sugar. Honey bees use their long tongue to suck the nectar. Bees have usual gastric and honey gastric. Honey gastric is used as duffle bag to bring nectar from flower to hive. A bee must visits between 100 until 500 flower for full bees gastric. Honey gastric only can safe around 70

mg nectar. When they fly back to their hive, their gastricy is full with nectar. When they arrive in their hive, bees give the nectar to other bees. They use their mouth to transfer the nectar. To make honey, bees have many process. First, worker bees chew the nectar which they get from other bees for 1 hour. The enzim disentangle nectar become simple sugar. After that bees spread nectar in entire hive. The water evaporate slowly so that the sweet liquid become a honey. Last the honey can be saved and eaten.

4. Benefit of Honey 1. Strengthen the weak of a fetus in the womb. 2. Help keep stamina and pregnant mothers because it gives nutritional intake high for fetal growth healthy during in the womb. 3. Inflammatory activity anti. 4. Increase of appetite childs. Accelerate the growth of physical child grow healthy, So that the child grows lively and exuberant and hold a disease. 5. The best food for old man,because honey is a source of energy and nutrients can be absorbed directly by the body. 6. As the composition of food. 7. Increase the immune system because the honey contains antibacterial effect internal and external. So the honey can be body shield and (stop or healing) disease.

5. Conclusion Bees visit some flower to get nectar and save it in gastric. Making honey is worker beess jobs. Bees collect nectar then they use unique processing to get honey. First they find the good quality flower, they ask other bees which from the hive to get the nectar. After that they save nectar in their gastrict and give it to other bees in the hive. They chew the nectar for 1 hour then they spread it in their hive. When all of water evaporate, this liquid will coagulate and change become honey.

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