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MAY 2011
Merry Christmas!! Oops...I mean, Happy Spring! Though its the start of May, there is big, fat snowakes coming down as I write this giving me reason to wonder, if spring will ever come. Despite the not so obvious season change, life continues on and is as busy and full as ever! In January we found ourselves busy getting ready for Jen to return to work. We found ourselves a great secondhand car (a 2003 Chrysler Sebring) and after a bit of a lengthy search, a great dayhome for the girls. Just before Jen started work in February, we were able to have our rst kid-free getaway in the form of FEBCASTs Fresh Waters retreat in Canmore. It was just one day away, but it gave us proof that our girls could indeed survive without us :) We enjoyed the teaching about being sheep before shepherds as well as catching up with good friends and even taking in a nice hike. The day after we returned, Jen started in on 6 weeks of full-time work. Those weeks were a bit of a blur with Dave and Jen doing a lot of tag-team parenting as we tried to balance our busy work schedules. The girls adapted well to the change. Anaya loved dayhome and our provider, Dia, right from the start. Bethany took 3 or 4 days to adjust but, she too grew to love going to dayhome.


Just as those 6 weeks ended we received two blessings in the form of Daves parents who came to visit for a whole month!! Their well timed visit allowed us to get away, just the two of us, for almost a week to New York. We had an amazing time being able to enjoy one anothers company, to explore and experience the Big Apple and to be a part of a friends wedding. Some of our adventures included visiting Rockefellar Place, taking a ferry around the Statue of Liberty, seeing a Broadway show (Wicked), enjoying Central park with friends, walking through Times Square and visiting the 9/11 memorial site. One of the highlights was visiting Tim Kellers church, Redeemer Presbyterian. The service was simple and real, something so refreshing for both of us. Upon our return we learned that Dia could no longer care for the girls as we

now only needed part-time care. Once again, Daves parents came to the rescue by helping to care for the girls as Jen and Dave returned to work and we searched for a new dayhome. Amongst working, we managed to take Daves parents to Drumheller, the Calgary zoo and on a trip to Banff. We greatly enjoyed our time with them and miss them dearly! The girls have now started at their new dayhome with Farah and seem to be adjusting well. We are now looking towards the summer where we await visits from both Auntie Lora and Auntie Kylie, a family camping trip and of course, soccer camp at the church.

Love Dave, Jen + A&B


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