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I. CHILDREN 1.1. Topic 1: Boarding school or day school?

- Fact: Many parents expect their children to live at home until college. - Supporting idea 1 (SI1): early separation from parents fosters selfreliance and independence more self-disciplined. - SI2: ensure educational continuity (stability) when geographic relocation. - Drawbacks: have to obey rules + limited contact with family + loss of freedom. - Word list: + boarding school supply education instruction + lodging + to exercise a variety of skills + extracurriculum programmes are stringent & redundant 1.2. Topic 2: Competitive or cooperative education? - Fact: There has been a lot of debate among educators about whether students should work together or individually. - SI1: collaboration enable students to exercise communication skill and face-to-face interaction. - SI2: take advantage of individual strengths and combined efforts enhance efficiency and productivity. - SI3: Concession talented students become disenchanted + Rebuttal: encourage intergroup competition. - Conclusion: in cooprative learning personal success springs from group success, while in competitive learning one leaner succeeds at the cost of other leaners. - Word list: + collaboration = teamwork + a feeling of connection with other members = the sense of teamwork 1.3. Topic 3: Computers negative or positive impact on children? - Fact: People are very often confronted with the argument concerning the impact of widespread computer use on young people. - SI1: excessive computer use places children at risk in terms of physical, social and psychological development + isolate them from interaction with others, sports,etc. - SI2: increases exposure to violent and sexual contents beyond their years subsequent aggressive behaviour. - Positive side: develop childrens intellectual-being + release stress - Conclusion: ongoing instructions + limited computer time + class types of content. 1.4 Topic 4: Children grow up in poor families are more likely to deal with difficulties in adult life than those from wealthy families? A or D?

- Fact: Family background is considered to be the most influential factor on childrens personal development. - SI1: less opportunities to maximise education + have to work from an early age not have specialised knowledge + disadvantaged in problemsolving. - SI2: limited access to financial support and expert guidance + limited relationship and social functions. - Word list: + to be at advantage/ disadvantage in problem-solving + to be inept (unskilled) and less knowledgeable 1.5. Topic 5: Educating children altogether or separately? (special courses for gifted children). DBV? - Fact: With the aim to produce elite students, schools endeavour to gather children of special talents and offer them special courses. - Ads: + Ad1: encourage gifted childrens personal development do not need to force a prodigy to follow an ordinary curriculum. + Ad2: Studying with high achievers makes slow students feel frustrated and discriminated. + Ad3: advance partnership among students with the same background knowledge they are more likely to share and exchange knowledge and experience make quicker progress towards their academic success. - Disads: + Twist/Distort students perception of their abilities. + Create the sense of exclusion for disadvantaged students provide them extra support rather than treat them as losers. - Word list: + gifted = privileged = elite = honoured + prodigy = genius + to drive students toward low performance + ability grouping = offer gifted children special courses + find their pals of the same gift 1.6. Topic 6: Children must obey parents & teachers rules or not? DBV + GYO? - Fact: Adults intervention plays a pivotal role in a childs development. - View 1: Obey rules + protect children from dangers and guide them to act reasonably because children are adventuresome and full of curiosity, they attempt various activities with deliberation or not. + forbid foul language lead children to develop proper manner - View 2: Phase out rules

+ rules should be lifted gradually as children grow older because rules restrain childrens mental development. + they are not allow to pose Qs or challenge teachers answers. + reduce their passon and creativity for learning, they are trained as mechanical learners. - Word list: + traditional teaching styles and methods contribute greatly to the shaping of childrens behaviour. + be lifted = be phased out = be removed + restrain = control 1.7. Topic 7: Is corporal punishment an acceptable way to regulate childrens behaviour? (No) - Intro: Physical punishment cause short and longterm effect on a childs personality, identity and behaviour. - SI1: There is no ensurance that parents can control their discipline properly physical injury inevitable result, esp when children recommit the offence. - SI2: Emotional harms depression, unhappiness, hopelessness, lack of confident and courage to venture, no desire for being creative - SI3: behavioural problems increase children tendency to attack siblings, peers and even parents they choose corporal punishment as the most effective way when they become parents vicious circle. Conclusion: affect children forever parents should control the extent to which they physically punish children to avoid negative impact. 1.8. Topic 8: Are school unnecessary with the widespread Internet? A or D?(Yes) - Intro: people are now comtemplating the possibitlity of the Internet taking the place of a traditional school thanks to advanced technology, Internet-based learning can serve as an alternative to traditional classbased learning. - Ads of Online education + allow students to set their own study time, offer greater flexibility in line with their needs and characteristics. + a great option for disabled students. + an alternative for those who live far away schools campus. - Some minor drawbacks: + lack of human contact with ongoing daily instructions from teachers Rebuttal: keep communication via email (pose comments, chat rooms or video conference) + lack of hand-on practice Rebuttal: introduce multimedia as a teaching aid by using video or audio ensure students acquisition.

1.9. Topic 9: Should parents be punished if their five-year-old child commit a crime? For what age should chilren be responsible for their own behaviours?(Yes) - SI1: Childrens acts are accidental and intuitive, parents act as gatekeepers to prevent them from watching inadequate contents on TV or violent movies restrict the influence of media. - SI2: Parents fail to set a positive role model their children imitate. If fine upbringing, polite manner and proper etiquettes. If poor bringing, vice versa. - At the age of 18 because they have sufficient experience and knowledge for decision making. - Word list: + to be liable for = to be responsible for + delinquent = offender = law-breaker 1.10.Topic 10: Should children do household tasks?(Yes) - SI1: every child should have his or her own responsibilities favourable for their private lives in the future - SI2: help children to learn the value of the job of people who did it respect (e.g: collect toys after playing) - SI3: teach them about time management + give parents more spare time for their own need and children. 1.11. Topic 11: Is it better for children to grow up in a big city or in the countryside? - Countryside: healthy environment (fresh air) + minimise computer use + more time on playing and exercising + parents have more time for children because of no traffic jams. - Big city: more leisure acitvities + useful social functions (sport club, musical class,etc.) + more chance to find goo jobs + high standard of living and health care services. 1.12. Topic 12: Parents and other adult relatives should make important decisions for teenagers. (Yes) - SI1: Teenagers do not have clear understanding about the rules of real life because they are basically inexperienced and they aspire for independence Need for parents intervention. - SI2: Parents have the right to interfere in their childrens lives oriented instruction of proper manner. - SI3: All parents wish their children only the best, they will help them to make the right choice and avoid many mistakes. 1.13. Topic 13: Is watching TV bad for children? (No) - TV satisfies childrens wide range of interests, help them discover new things + improve their vocabulary, memory + broaden their minds.

- Help them learn more about wild life the importance of preserving forest and wild animals. - Bring the feeling of reality that other different resources cannot do. Limit the time in front of TV screen should be imposed to protect children form harmful impact on physical deveplopment. 1.14. Topic 14: What events make a person an adult, not still a child? - Graduation from college - Getting a job - Marriage: independent life from parents with a new person. 1.15. Topic 15: Classmates are more important influence than parents on a childs success at school. (Yes) - Children spend much time at school - Classmates have many things in common such as age, interests they discuss, solve problems together or even spend after-shool time together, share exciting moments and dreams make them closer + copy each others habits and manners. - Parents also have a great influence on childrens studying success. - Parents should not be worried about bad influence from classmates if the relationship is close and wholehearted. 1.16. Topic 16: Can a gift contribute to a childs development. What gift would you give? (a computer) - Play games improve childrens ability to think logically and react quickly. - Learn more about the world via the Internet - Improve their communication skills - Convenient for children to do homework and other kinds of exercise by typing and printing (computer technology) 1.17. Topic 17: Discuss the impacts of an urban environment and those of rural environment on a childs character development. - Rural: + Poverty: limited disposable income inadequate child care and comfortable housing poor living standards. + Violence is normal and consequences of violence are ignored more likely to use violence (rudeness) + Low standards of education: children have to work from an early age and limited access to higher educational levels narrow-minded + impolite. - Urban: + More vulnerable to bad habits and social evils, illegal subtances + Lack of relaxed atmosphere: garden + The feeling of pressure and isolation BUT more access to outdoor activities.

Environment has a direct impact on a childs character development. 1.18. Topic 18: Do uniforms cause damage to childrens individuality? (No) - SI1: eleminate economic inequalities + reduce the situation of showing off stylish clothes protect poor students from being isolated and inferior Reduce bullying - SI2: help shools administrators to maintain discipline as well as protect students from disturbance of strange people. - SI3: Concession restrict students various personalities +Rebuttal uniforms can vary according to the season, environment and occasion. After school, students can wear whatever street clothes they want. 1.19. Topic 19: Children should learn a foreign language as soon as they start school. (Yes) - Fact: Language is best means of communication. In the modern globalization era, it is not enough to be able to speak one language to communicate with outside world. - Children faster become familiar with strange language - If one wants to see outcome soon, one must start sooner - Adults are always afraid of mistakes when speaking a new language big barrier for a person in his efforts to speak freely. Children are not so because they just repeat words and sentences in the way they hear them right pronounciation and better feel the melody of a language. II. EDUCATION

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