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Skull foramina: Supra-orbital foramen; Infra-orbital foramen; Mental foramen 2. What nerve can be easily damaged when surgically approaching a Submandibular gland? (marginal mandibular of VII facial) 3. What nerve can be easily damaged whilst operating on a gland deep a Parotid gland? (VII facial) 4. What two muscles attach to Mastoid process? (SCM and posterior belly of digastric) 5. What vein runs between the angle of jaw and the mid-clavicle? (External jugular vein) 6. What vein runs between the angle of jaw and the sternoclavicular joint? (Internal jugular vein) 7. What nerve runs through the posterior triangle of neck? (Spinal root of accessory nerve) 8. What does it supply? (Sternomastoid and trapezius) THORAX 9. Is the Sternoclavicular joint typical or atypical? What is the difference? (Atypical. Has fibrocartilage on surface instead of hyaline) 10. What is the vertebral level of the Suprasternal notch? (T2/3 disc) 11. What is the vertebral level of the Angle of Louis? (T4/5 disc) 12. Which costal cartilage gives a small notch on the costal margin? (9th ) 13. Which is the last rib to attach to the sternum? (7th) 14. What is the surface marking of the top left hand border of heart? (2nd left costal cartilage) 15. What is the surface marking of the top right hand border of heart? (3rd right costal cartilage) 16. What is the surface marking of the bottom right hand border of heart? (6th costal cartilage parasternally) 17. What is the surface marking of the bottom left hand border of heart? (5th interspace in mid-clavicular line) ABDOMEN 18. What is the anatomical name for the midline? (Linea alba) 19. What is the anatomical name for the lateral edge of the rectus sheath? (Linea semilunaris) 20. What does the arcuate line indicate? (No posterior rectus sheath below this point) 21. What makes the six-pack appearance? (3 tendinous intersections) 22. Define McBurneys point as the incision for appendix. (2/3 along line from umbilicus to ASIS) 23. Define the transpyloric plane. (Half way between the suprasternal notch and the pubis) 24. At what vertebral level does the aorta bifurcate? (L4) 25. What fold of peritoneum holds the ligamentum teres? What was the ligamentum teres in the fetus? (Falciform ligament; obliterated left umbilical vein) 26. To what epigastric dermatomes does the greater splanchnic nerve refer pain? (T5-9) 27. To what peri-umbilical dermatomes does the lesser splanchnic nerve refer pain? (T10,11) 28. To what suprapubic dermatomes does the least splanchnic nerve refer pain? (T12) 29. For what is the mid-inguinal point a landmark? (Femoral artery) 30. For what is the midpoint of inguinal ligament a landmark? (Deep inguinal ring) 31. What two muscles contribute to the anterior wall of the inguinal canal? (External oblique all the way and internal oblique laterally only) 32. Name two nerves IN the spermatic cord. (Sympathetics and genital branch of the genitofemoral) 33. Name the two bony points to which the inguinal ligament attaches. (Pubic tubercle and anterior superior iliac spine) 34. What normally passes through the femoral canal? (lymphatics)

ESSENTIAL SURFACE ANATOMY FOR MRCS LEG 35. How is the saphenofemoral junction located? (4cm inferior and lateral to pubic tubercle) 36. Name the root value of the dermatome on the lateral thigh, the nerve that supplies it and the condition that is caused by irritation of this nerve. (L2,3; Lateral cutaneous nerve of thigh; meralgia paraesthetica) 37. What muscle attaches to the adductor tubercle? (adductor magnus) 38. What vein passes a hands-breath medial to the patella? (Great saphenous) 39. Why should the patella have a tendency to slip laterally? What 3 factors help to prevent it? (Q angle; fibres of medial vastus, thicker medial retinacular fibres, more prominent lateral condyle) 40. What is the main purpose of the Iliotibial tract? (Locking of knee) 41. What is the medial border of the femoral triangle precisely? (MEDIAL border of adductor longus) 42. What is the root value of the small nerve that lies with the great saphenous vein on the anterior aspect of the medial malleolus? (Saphenous nerve L4) 43. Would you find the short saphenous vein anterior or posterior to the lateral malleolus? (posterior) 44. Does the dorsalis pedis pulse lie between tibialis anterior and extensor hallucis longus or between the extensor hallucis longus and extensor digitorum? (The latter) 45. Name two nerves that enter the subsartorial canal. (Nerve to vastus medialis and saphenous nerve) ARM 46. What is the autonomous area for the radial nerve? (Over first dorsal interosseous) 47. What is the autonomous area for the ulnar nerve? (Pulp of little finger) 48. What is the autonomous area for the median nerve? (pulp of index finger) 49. What is the autonomous area for the axillary nerve? (Regimental patch) 50. What bone do you feel with Henrys method? (Head of radius) 51. The coracoid process is palpable. What 3 muscles are attached to it? (Pectoralis minor, coracobrachialis, short head of biceps brachii) 52. The acromion is palpable. Is deltoid attached to it? (yes) 53. What nerves run over the clavicle and are relevant in gall bladder disease? (Supraclavicular; C4) 54. Which is the most dorsal snuff box tendon? (Extensor pollicis longus) 55. Which dermatome is the lateral aspect of the forearm and which nerve supplies it? (C6; Cutaneous branch of musculocutaneous nerve) 56. Which vein lies in the deltopectoral groove (Cephalic between deltoid and pectoralis major) 57. What defines the upper border of the cubital fossa (A line between the two epicondyles)

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