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Scanner: GuRu Covers: 3 Pages: 164 (Includes 1 Blank Page to maintain numbering sequence) TITLE: Comics and Sequential

Art Authors/Creators: Will Eisner I began scanning this book the morning following Will Eisner's death (Will Eisner passed on during the evening of Jan 3/2005). He was one of, if not *THE* most influential artist(s) in the medium of comics. Will Eisner formulated most of the rules for time sequencing, story pacing, cinematographic angling, border enhancement, page layout and much more. It was Will Eisner who coined the phrase "graphic Novel", and gave readers their first example of one. Will Eisner's newspaper feature "The Spirit" legitimized comics as a valid medium for creative expression to millions of adult readers who previously believed comics were just for "kids". Will Eisner's work continues to inspire not only creators in the comic industry, but also people involved in movie and television production as well. The Eisner Award is the highest honour a comic creator can achieve. He was undoubtably a grand master of the communicative art form, and will be missed in the years to come.

COMICS and SEQUENTIAL ART is perhaps one of the best books availble exampling the principles that Will Eisner pioneered. This book was scanned in a hurry. Since it was B&W on heavy bond paper, I didn't see a need to do the usual tweaking and reflection prevention tricks one normally undertakes when scanning a comic book. The book was scanned at 150DPI with no post processing. If you would like to release an improved scan in the future, *feel free* to do so. I won't be offended. ;)

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