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Joan Ballantyne
Publishing Inside Out
Michael Greer, Instructor
Department of Rhetoric and Writing University of Arkansas at Little Rock Spring 2010

If there's a book you really want to read but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it. ~Toni Morrison

Table of Contents

About This Portfolio . 4 Book Proposal .. 5 Development Design Document .. 9 Book Cover Design Concept .. 11 Marketing Plan 12 Reflections . 14

About This Portfolio

This portfolio showcases samples of the work I completed in the course, Publishing Inside Out. It highlights important documents in the book publication processa book proposal, a development and design plan, a book cover design concept, and a marketing plan. Putting the portfolio together afforded me time to review the coursework that helped me to produce the documents. I have included a brief description of the work I covered to prepare each one. The final piece in the portfolio is a reflective essay in which I assess my work and the effectiveness of the course for me.

The book proposal below features a users guide for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 that I am writing as my final project in graduate school. A book proposal is usually the first formal contact with a publisher and is designed not only to inform about the book but also to effectively sell the story of the book. The coursework that helped me prepare this document included studying slide and audio presentations about book acquisitions and writing book proposals; reading interviews with editors; researching related titles to assess the competition; and reviewing sample proposals. I prepared a draft for peer review; developed a revision plan based on feedback; and then wrote this final revised proposal.

Book Proposal
The publisher I intend to send my book proposal to is Wiley Publishing, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. They operate globally and are currently listed as one of Forbes Magazines Biggest Best Companies. The company publishes print and electronic products, specializing in scientific, technical, medical and scholarly journals, encyclopedias, books, and online products and services. Wiley Publishing boasts a team approach to publishing that allows editors to work closely with authors to discuss project ideas, assess the viability of proposals, and develop manuscripts.


The title of my book is Excel 2007 Simplified for You: Quick Help for the Novice User.


When I first encountered the Excel window, I wondered how I could ever prepare a proper- looking document with so many gridlines. It seemed more suited to bookkeeping and business. I couldnt find a manual that helped me understand Excels relevance to me and gave simple, basic instructions on how to use the program. However, once I took a class, it didnt take long for me to realize that Excel is a very useful tool for organizing information not only in business or professional activities but in everyday domestic life also. The book Im proposing would be a solution for those with the same or similar experiences. A conversational style, non-technical language, an easy-to-follow format, step-by-step instructions, and clearly labeled illustrations will make my book user-friendly and demonstrate how users can utilize the program to their benefit. The book will give novice users of the program a basic conceptual understanding to help them see the big picture of possibilities for applying Excel to daily tasks as well as give them the skills needed to complete tasks in Excel.

Short, relevant scenarios will show how the program can be used for everyday purposes, like creating customized forms for a checkbook, a grade sheet, a childs ball game scores, a grocery list, calculating commission, and much more. My book will show how using formulas can make work so much easier because, once they are in place, Excel will automatically calculate and recalculate as data is deleted or changed. At the end of each of the first two sections, users will work on a project to practice what they learn. By the end of the book, users will be able to use their creativity to put Excel to work for them a checkbook register that balances itself and returns a message like Great Month! or Bad Month! a grade sheet that calculates percentages and averages, assigns grades, and is color- coded to identify low grades; a record of scores from Little League games; a color-coded, weekly or monthly grocery list that keeps a running tab on total expenditure; and a form for calculating commission and sales tax are all possible with a basic understanding of Excel.

Target Audience

The book that I am proposing will be designed for people who are already familiar with a PC and the Windows operating system and its interface elements. Their knowledge in these areas will enhance their ability to understand and use Excel quickly.

Related Titles

Creating Spreadsheets and Charts in Microsoft Office Excel 2007 for Windows: Visual Quick Project Guide Maria Langer. 144pp. Peachpit Press. 2009. Langer has written many computer books. She explains the new 2007 Microsoft Excel interface to users and uses full-color illustrations and step-by-step instructions to show them how to create a workbook file to compare budgeted income and expenses for three months. The book concentrates on one project that could be completed in a matter of hours. Langer intends for users to gather ideas along the way about how they can use Excel in their activities. Although Langer and I share a similar idea, that of helping users understand how they can benefit from using Excel, her book concentrates on only one project to teach several tasks. My book will use different scenarios to give a more general idea as well as more opportunity for users to envision how they can benefit from using Excel. F1 Get the Most Out of Excel Joseph Rubin. 820pp. Limelight Media. 2004 Rubins book covers Microsoft Office Suite of programs. It is a tutorial and help tool that covers earlier versions of Excel and provides answers and solutions for questions and

problems users encounter. It is more of a reference for those who are familiar with the program. This book has 820 pages of help for experienced users of the program. Mine will have approximately 100 pages of simple, basic concepts and tasks for novice users. Excel 2007: The Missing Manual Matthew MacDonald. 864pp. Pogue Press. 2006 This book is a comprehensive guide thats easy-to-read and easy-to-follow. MacDonald covers the basics and the advanced. The book is suited for those with many and varied needs for the program. My book would give users a step-by-step journey through the basics needed to gain confidence and proficiency in using the program.


The book will have about 100 pages. Three instructional sections will provide simple illustrated demonstrations of how to perform basic tasks in Excel: Section 1 will introduce users to the program and show them how to set up a workbook by entering and arranging data in worksheets. Section 2 will show them how to use formulas to calculate and analyze numbers. Section 3 will demonstrate how to generate graphs from posted data. A summary project at the end of sections one and two will help users apply the understanding gained in each section and practice the functions learned. The following is a tentative table of contents for the book: Introduction Section 1: The Workbook Entering Data Using Auto Fill Wrapping Text Merging Cells and Centering Text Resizing Columns Inserting and Deleting Comments Making a Dropdown List Inserting Messages

Editing Data Inserting and Deleting Rows and Columns Cutting/Pasting Renaming, Inserting, and Deleting Worksheets Adding a Header and Footer Formatting Worksheets Printing Worksheets Summary Project: Creating a Grade Sheet (or Grade Sheet) Section 2: Formulas Adding Subtracting Multiplying Dividing Inserting Order of Operations Finding Percentages Using AutoSum Inserting Date and Time Using If Statements Using Conditional Formatting Summary Project Contd: Creating a Checkbook Register (or Grade Sheet) Section 3:Charts Creating a Pie Chart Applying a Chart Layout

Special Features
My book will contain full-color, labeled screen shots that illustrate the results users should get as they follow the instructions.

Author Bio

I am currently finishing a masters degree in professional and technical writing at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock (UALR), Arkansas. I was an issue editor of the 2008 Quills and Pixels, a publication of UALRs Writers Network. I currently produce three newsletters each semester for UALRs Academy for Teaching and Learning Excellence (ATLE), where I am a graduate assistant. My interest in Excel was sparked when I took a computer class that included mastering Excel and using it to create forms for personal use. Since then, I have continued to learn by experimentation with the program. I have also worked on a collaborative project in a graduate class writing documentation for some tasks in Excel.

I prepared this development design plan for a book proposal submitted by one of my peers on the topic of career counseling. I took on the role of editor as I envisioned what the book could become and developed a plan to get it there. In preparing to write this document I read and listened to slide and audio presentations on topics like development editing, developing the table of contents, and elements of book design and I examined sample tables of content.

Development and Design Document

Title: The Undergraduate Students Career Counseling Guide Length: 300 pages Trim size: 6 x7 in. 1. The story in a nutshell The Undergraduate Students Career Counseling Guide shows undergraduates what to focus on each year to obtain skills, knowledge, and practical experience in their chosen careers so that they are better prepared to market themselves by graduation. 2. The story in more detail The Undergraduate Students Career Counseling Guide is career counseling in 300 pages of print. It will focus on development in each of the four years of college. Entering freshmen are guided into making the right academic choices to gain knowledge, skills, experience, and setting up the right networks each year so that by graduation, their chances of successful employment are higher. The author addresses the needs of undecided majors and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of majoring in liberal arts and specialized areas. This book covers the ABCs of choosing a major, developing a degree pan, choosing relevant classes, getting experience, searching for jobs, and preparing for the interview in well-laid out steps for each year. Graduating seniors who have used the book will know how to market themselves on a resume and in a cover letter in the most favorable way. 3. General nature of the book and its intended market The Undergraduate Students Career Counseling Guide is a most useful resource for undergraduates who want to direct their course of study toward a career from the start.


The book addresses the needs of the recent high school graduate about to enter college undecided about a career and with no knowledge of a career path or of the skills to be developed by the end of college. Written in an interactive, personal style, the book answers may of the questions students need to have answered.

4. General look We want a professional look for this book. Illustrations that are trendy but make a salient point would be most helpful. A clean, uncluttered page would be attractive to busy students and make scanning easier. 5. Basic page grid A simple single column page design with clearly labeled headings and subheadings with enough white space in between would work well for his book. Chunking units of information together, bulleted and numbered lists, checklists, boxes, and similar design elements can be used to present information in a variety of ways. Text can be wrapped around images. 6. Color Palette Color would be a plus in this book. Contrasting colors of dark and light that are attractive and vivid yet not overwhelming would help to produce the professional look that we want look. 7. Fonts Two, and not more than three, sans serif fonts in varying font styles and sizes for headings and subheadings would work well for this book.


I designed this book cover for my classmates book on career counseling. The book promotes the importance of career counseling from the first year of college as a way for students to market themselves by graduation. The theme of this design is that career counseling provides an avenue that improves the students chances of finding a job upon graduation. Presentations on cover design, a case study showing the evolution of a cover design from concept to final product, and a slide presentation of 8 different cover designs helped me create this design.

Book Cover Design Concept

The Undergraduate Students Career Counseling Guide

Lauren White


This marketing plan was written for the same users guide for Microsoft Office Excel 2007 that I wrote the book proposal for. A market plan identifies the audience, tells the story of the book, and outlines a strategy for delivering the story to the audience. Before writing this document, I conducted market research through a survey, analyzed the responses to plan how to target the audience; viewed a presentation on how to develop an effective marketing plan; read a presentation from a guest speaker; and examined three sample marketing plans. After writing draft, I reviewed and offered constructive feedback on my peers marketing plans, then, revised my marketing plan based on their feedback.

Book Marketing Plan

Book Title
Excel 2007 Simplified for You: Quick Help for the Novice User.

Intended Audience This book is intended for people who are already familiar with a PC and the interface elements of Windows operating system, but who are not acquainted with Microsoft Office Excel 2007 (Excel). Market Research My marketing survey was done among students and shows heavy computer use: 100% of the respondents are frequent computer users, 75 % consider themselves proficient in PC use, and 87.5 % use Excel. Computer magazines and Internet sites for computer user groups would be effective media for reaching this group. I think that there is also a large non-student market of those who use computers at the office and at home. Although I can reach such people through Internet advertising, print media like local newspapers, book reviews, and technical and other magazines provide excellent advertising avenues to reach them. One-sentence hook Using short and meaningful scenarios, Excel 2007 Simplified for You: Quick Help for the Novice User will help experienced computer users who are unfamiliar with Excel conceptualize how they can utilize the program in everyday life and master tasks needed to use the program.


Marketing story for the book

If you are already knowledgeable in computer use and are familiar with the Windows operating system and its interface elements, Excel 2007 Simplified for You: Quick Help for the Novice User is designed for

you. Non-technical language, an interactive style, a consistent format, precise and clear instructions, and full-color illustrations make this manual ideal for new users of Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Short, relevant scenarios in this three-section manual will show how you can use the program for everyday purposes, such as creating customized forms for a checkbook, a grade sheet, a childs ball game scores, a grocery list, calculating commission, and much more. The manual will show you how using formulas can make work so much easier because, once they are in place, Excel will automatically calculate and recalculate as data is deleted or changed. At the end of each of the first two sections, you will work on a project to practice what you learn. You will find that your familiarity with other programs and with Windows will quickly boost your ability to not only to understand the tasks covered in this guide, but also to perform more advanced operations on your own. With the basic knowledge and understanding gained from this manual, you will see possibilities for applying Excel to your daily tasks and will soon use your creativity to put Excel to work for you! Contact Channels Local bookstores Society for Technical Communication Facebook, MySpace, Twitter Microsoft Excel Users on LinkedIn

Media Venues Arkansas Democrat Gazette Arkansas Times Arkansas Business PC Magazine AARP Magazine


I registered for Publishing Inside Out from necessity to complete my course load with 3 hours because one of my classes had been canceled. I had never taken an online class before, and I was apprehensive as to what to expect. The technical nature of online communication seemed so distant and unreal for a class. But this class has greatly exceeded my expectations and has been beneficial in helping me to understand operations in both the publishing discourse and industry. Course content did not suffer nor did learning. Because publishing is the professors career field, he was able to make the course more meaningful and structured so that students get a realistic experience. I never imagined how much was involved in bringing a book to publication, nor did I know the extent to which writers are involved in the publication process and in marketing the book. I am now able to understand and appreciate the importance of each step in the publication process. Publishing a book or books is a high possibility for me, and this class provided me with the know-how to do so. I understand how to prepare a compelling proposal and other documents that will make a convincing case to the publishers. It is not often that you find a course that takes you through every step with practical experience. It gave me an insider view of the industry. Two great features of the course were the interviews and the audios. The interviews were very helpful because the speakers introduced us to the workplace gave firsthand insight into operations in the industry and described the paths that led them to their present positions. They were candid and spoke about the positive


as well as the negative side of the industry. They communicated their love for the work they do and the satisfaction they received from doing it. The audios added another aspect of reality. Handouts are helpful, but only say so much. Actually hearing the professors voice added life to this virtual classroom, and the screencasts were a huge improvement in that they provided a visual element that allowed you to follow illustrations instead of staring at a static screen. I enjoyed preparing all the assignments. They helped me to focus on purpose and audience and write more effectively. In order to break down information into small units I had to make the effort to understand what I was writing about. And the variety of assignments has helped me particularly with expressing the same information in different ways. I have included four samples of assignments written for this course. They represent some of the main documents required in the publication process. It took much thought, revision, and rewriting to prepare the description section for the book proposal. I had to encapsulate the major points in a few choice words that would impress the publisher that my topic is worthwhile. Preparing the development plan for a classmates work was even more difficult, because it meant understanding her proposal so well that I could see its potential and design a plan to improve it. I was satisfied with the work I did on that plan and on the book design concept. I think the open door concept for the book cover captures the essence of her book on career counseling from the first year of college. The marketing plan wasnt as difficult to write as the other documents because by then I had a good


idea of the book and its story. The market research section in this was the main problem. I realized too late that my survey questions didnt cover as wide a scope as I needed to identify marketing media for the book. I would have liked to know how many seek for help online and read technical magazines. Despite these setbacks, I am satisfied with my work, and I can use these documents as references. I think they tell a convincing story. So, in many ways, I have benefited from this class. Through reading handouts of presentations and interviews, listening to audios, writing and revising documents, and giving and receiving feedback, I am able to end the class, not with an abstract view of the industry, but with practical experience and knowledge of what happens in a publishing company. And, although Im not inclined to work in this field, I am so much more informed were I to ever publish a book.


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