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LaMaya Coleman Publishing Inside Out Michael Greer, Instructor Department of Rhetoric and Writing University of Arkansas at Little Rock Spring 2011

Everyday is a fashion show and the world is your runway.

Table of Contents
About This Portfolio4 Book Proposal.5 Cover Design Concept9 Development Design Document10 Marketing Plan12 Reflections14

About This Portfolio

This portfolio showcases samples of work I have produced in the course, Publishing Inside Out. The important documents highlighted in this portfolio includes: a book proposal, a development and design plan, a marketing plan and book cover design. With preparing this portfolio, it has given me time to review the coursework and what I like best about the work, what Ive learned in the process of composing and revising the projects involved, and what I think I need to work on and improve. The final document in the portfolio is the reflections essay in which I include a self-assessment of the work I have completed throughout the course and the effectiveness of the course for me.

Project 5: Book Proposal

Target Publisher
The initial publisher that I have chosen for my book is Fairchild books. Fairchild Books has been the leading publisher of educational books concerning fashion and textiles Fairchild Books publishes books with all aspects of the fashion industry and design world. There works takes several variety of forms ranging from traditional books and textbooks to CD-ROMs and cuttingedge multi-media products. There topics includes costume history, aesthetic aspects of dress, color, color theory, retailing, and visual merchandising.

Proposed Title
Inside the Fashion World

Book Description
This book will give fashion tips, secrets and current and historical information from a good perspective of a fashion lover, fashion stylists, celebrities, and fashion models. The purpose of this book will give insight of how fashion is inspiring to me and also to others. What makes a particular designers clothes popular? Why should I have a pair of distressed denim? Why is fashion repeating itself? These will be some of the questions asked in this book along with different opinions from myself, fashion stylists, fashion instructors, celebrities and fashion models. At the end of this book, readers should be able to understand the change of fashion over time and why stylists, celebrities and models have a very fun career and what disadvantages comes along with this career as well. This book will be very informational but also creatively decorated with several fashion pictures.

Target Audience
My book will be of great interest to those who have an extreme interest in fashion and want to pursue fashion as a career. My intended target audience for Fashion beyond Measurement is students that are fashion majors or even people that enjoy shopping in Forever 21 and other popular retail stores will find this book helpful to them.

Brief Outline
Chapter 1The fashion stylist Chapter 1 will describe what exactly a fashion stylist does in the fashion industry and why. What are the different arenas in which fashion stylists use their talents? How to become a fashion stylist? music videos advertisements TV shows/movies. Listings of colleges for fashion stylist major What factor a stylist has to consider when putting together an outfit? What is the difference between fashion stylist and a fashion designer? How can I tell the difference? Work abilities Chapter 2The fashion model Chapter 2 will discuss popular fashion models of the past and present time. What makes a fashion model significant in the fashion industry? How to become a fashion model? Types of models Listings of colleges for modeling How are they perceived? Misconceptions Chapter 3 Celebrity Style Chapter 3 will explain the popular styles of certain celebrities such as Beyonce, Kaye West, Rihanna, etc. Chapter 4 The Fashion of Popular Retail Stores Chapter 4 will discuss some of the worlds most favorite retail stores to shop in such as Abercrombie, American Eagle, Body Shop, Forever 21, Wet Seal, Charlotte Rouse, Charming Charlies, etc. Which celebrities shop where and why? What makes these retail stores popular? Chapter 5The Dos and Donts Chapter 4 will discuss the dos and dont when putting together an outfit. There is given advice on what looks better and what do not work making a certain look less appealing.

Survey of Related Titles

The vast majority of fashion books currently on the market focus on past and present celebrity and regular ordinary fashion styles of all times. Questions such as: what to wear during the day and night or what styles look best on a person, who is this person and what makes them honorable in the fashion business? will be answered.
Title: That Extra Half an Inch: Hair, Heels and Everything in Between Author: Victoria Beckham Publisher: Copyright: Pages: It Books 2007 384

Spice girl and born and raised United Kingdom resident, Victoria Beckham shares her own fashion, beauty and style tips in this fashion-filled book. With sharing these tips in this book she hopes to help others find there own style. Beckham discussed topics such as learning how to dress for special occasions to how to feel confident whenever you are away from home. Victoria tells all her personal style secrets for women suggesting that any woman can look their best.
Title: Author: Publisher: Copyright: Pages: Stylist: The Interpreters of Fashion Sarah Mower Rizzoli 2007 240

This book recognizes our stylists, their talent and works. As the most influential people of the fashion industry, stylists are highly discussed in this book with each page featured of sixteen of todays top stylists. This book is beautifully filled of photography of Cecil Beaton, Richard Avedon, Steven Meisel, and Annie Leibovits etc, and their work and contributions of each stylist. The author, Sarah Mowers interviews popular stylists.

8 Title: Author: Publisher: Copyright: Pages: Lauren Conrad Style Lauren Conrad HarperCollins 2010 240

MTV hit series The Hills, It girl, Lauren Conrad offers tips in this first-ever style guide book. Lauren offers certain tips such as how to create your own unique look. She explains the definite must-haves for any fashion fans wardrobe. While offering tips, Lauren also examines her style from MTV series Laguna Beach to MTV The Hills series. Her list of advice goes on in this book from beauty to hair secrets.

Special Features
I will include important history facts as well as fun facts about fashion. There will be several colorful and vivid pictures from celebrities to collections of fashionable clothes. I will provide quotes from certain professionals of the fashion industry and celebrities that are now in to wearing the best fashion. This book will be very informational but also creatively decorated with several colorful and inspiring pictures from fashion stylists to their own amazing designed works.

Author Bio
LaMaya Coleman is an undergraduate student in the Department of Mass Communications majoring in journalism (broadcasting) with a minor in Rhetoric and Writing at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. Currently, she works as a head cashier in the popular retail fashion store, Forever 21, assisting in visual merchandising and customer service. She currently resides in Little Rock, AR along with family and friends.

Project 8: Cover Design Concept

The cover I chose was cover design # 1 for Brookes book. I choose this cover design because puts a face on the issue of bipolar disorder. This cover design is simply a grey, black, and white picture of a young woman with her head down and eye closed to create some kind of emotion to the target readers/audience of this book. This image of the lady covers almost the entire book cover except where title and author is displayed. There are no bright colors to this image which I preferred better because I feel it works best with the title of the book. The image brings out the emphasis put on the subject of this book. I feel this cover is more extreme in connection with the title and is appealing. The title is not all in capitalized letter to create a different appearance if someone of bipolar was to read this book. The changes I made includes: adding a 3D effect to the title of the book and author in order to create a better appearance of the title since the image covers the whole book. I also gave the box with the other half of the title in it a background color.

Living with bipolar disorder


Project 9: Development and Design Document

Title: After the Diagnosis: Living with Bipolar Disorder Length: 150 pages Trim size: 5 x 8 inches

1. The story in a nutshell

After the Diagnosis: Living with Bipolar Disorder aims to fill in the gaps concerning bipolar disorder, specifically beyond and after the diagnosis while also offering answers to the many questions a person with bipolar disorder might have along the way through drawn personal experience, topics from online forums, and the latest research from neuropsychiatrists.

2. The story in more detail

After the Diagnosis: Living with Bipolar Disorder will draw readers in with answers to questions such as: What does it mean that there is a genetic predisposition? Will I pass it on to my kids? Do I have to stop taking my meds if I want to get pregnant? Brooke Ownbey, a living example of a person struggling with bipolar disorder will draw the spotlight on those who are also living with the diagnosis of this disease with questions that also ponders on her mind. With also having continuous questions of her own concerning this disorder, Ownbey will highlights the major details of prescriptions, its side effects and dealing with the troubles of racing thoughts, hallucinations, delusions, and suicide ideations. This book is not only just a helpful guide for just the patient but also families and friends of the patient diagnosed with bipolar disorder. This book is not only just a helpful guide but also a meaningful mini-dictionary explaining the word usage of the diagnosis of bipolar disorder or other words that are not clearly understood to others. Ownbey will cover topics that most people would want to know about bipolar disorder. The reader will not just be better informed about bipolar disorder but also other information that is being discussed from online forums and other research. Some of the special features of the book will include a dictionary along with graphs and key points located at the end of the book. There will only be certain kinds of pictures that include the visual representations associated with bipolar disorder such as the medications that should be taken.

3. Describe the general nature of your book and its intended market
A detailed informational guide concerning on bipolar disorder. A self-help guide focusing on healing, experience and adaption.


4. Describe the general look that you want:

After the Diagnosis: Living with Bipolar Disorder will be designed in a very readable and simple way. The pictures should not be too overwhelming for the readers considering their condition. There will be 10 chapters and in each chapter there will be quotes from others who have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Though, most of the quotes will come from the author herself based off her experience with bipolar disorder. These quotes will be italicized and placed at the beginning of every chapter for encouragement to the reader. Pictures will be provided at the end and sometimes at the beginning of each chapter to provide a good visual for readers. Also toward the end of the book and throughout, there will be a dictionary for each chapter in order for readers to know the clear meaning of certain words. This will be helpful for both target audiences: those who have been diagnosed will bipolar disorder or anyone interested in learning more about bipolar disorder, most likely people who know someone who is bipolar. I need this book to be simple but very functional which can allow the readers to better understand bipolar disorder. I wasnt the book to almost look like a magazine but not completely trendy therefore, it can be simple enough and not to extreme to grab readers attention. There will also be helpful tips at the beginning and throughout certain chapters for the ones who are close to someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder.

5. Basic page grid

The design of the book will be simple but on some pages within the book there will be more complex layout design with boxes and sidebars. There will definitely be pull quotes within the chapters.

6. Color Palette (if applicable)

Were looking for a contemporary palette including the colors such as tan, light yellow, green, and muted grey. These colors cannot be very bright. I want them to be almost pastel colors so it is not too extreme considering the state of mind my reader may be in at the time. These colors will give the book a sub tile feel to add to the calming and helping sensation involved within this book. Avoid real bright colors or gender-neutral colors such as a bright orange, purple, blue, and pink unless some are darkened a bit to not be as bright. For the display boxed we want dark rust or neutral colors such as grey, white, black.

7. Fonts
There will strictly be only to three different fonts in order to distinguish a quote from the rest of the book and the dictionary. Maybe even just use two font families such as Arial or Arial Narrow in order to keep things on a neutral and simple basis. Though, the overall goal is to keep the font usage simple as possible but not just one font so that it can be appealing to the eye.


Project 13: Book Marketing Plan

Book Title:
Inside the Fashion World

Intended Audience(s):
People with extreme interest in fashion Fashion majors Inspiring fashion stylists/designers

One Sentence Hook:

Inside the Fashion World takes readers beyond the well-known glitz and glam fashion world and into a behind the scenes look of what really goes on in the fashion industry, including how people within and outside that world have a continuous addiction and inspiration for it.

Market Research:
Research indicates that people are interested in buying a book concerning the latest fashion of today such as some of the content included Inside the Fashion World book to spark the light on a more 2011 stand-point of the latest fashion of the future and not the past history of fashion. People suggested that including pictures of fashion designers, stylists and models along with their popular works, statistics of fashion history to present fashion, and a section for facial beauty would add more creativity to a detailed fashion book. Surveyors prefer to read less about fashion history as oppose to the popularity of the latest fashions of today and retail stores such as Forever 21, Aeropostale, Abercrombie, Charlotte Ruse, Wet Seal, Kohls etc.

Marketing Story for the Book:

The purpose of this book will give insight on why fashion is addictive and inspiring. Have you ever wondered what things would be like if you lived in the world of everythingfashion? Do you know someone with a passion for fashion that every time you see them they have on something new? Have you wondered how the fashion industry is able to demand a following for its fashion art? In A Fashion World, you get the skinny on being obsessed with fashion. You get a bit of history about fashion and its evolution over time. What about advantages and disadvantages associated with the fashion industry? Inside the Fashion World lays it out for you. There is so much to picture in fashion, so Inside the Fashion World includes photographs of fashion models, the latest styles and repeat-styles, stylists, designers. And before they are


forgotten, Inside the Fashion World highlights some of the places to get the fashion art: Forever 21, Wet Seal, Charlotte Rouse, for example. If it is all about fashion for you, In a Fashion World, is your book. It is the ultimate book on fashion that helps readers to: Acknowledge the latest fashion Recognizing who does what in fashion Become familiar with the popular works of stylists and designers Realizing what to wear, with what and why? Become familiar with the history of fashions change and evolution over time Identifying with other peoples passion for fashion

Contact Channels:
Some places where the author might have the best chance to connect with potential audience are through: Speaking events Radio promotions Internet ads (on blogs, retail websites, etc) Book signing events

Media Venues:
Prospective Websites:

Prospective Magazines: Prospective Blogs such as:

Complex Elle Elle Girl InStyle Jane Vogue Teen Vogue



Publishing Inside Out Spring 2011

I enrolled into Publishing Inside Out with the idea of just writing stories with likes of having it published. I had no idea I would be coming up with ideas for a book of my own interest with likes of having it published. This course was very interesting and a challenge for me in so many positive ways. I have learned a lot about the publishing industry itself throughout this course along with helpful tips and advice from Professor Greer and other people working in the publishing field. I would like to thank you, Professor Greer for such a great semester! From writing to revising, I greatly enjoyed my online experience in Publishing Inside Out. I know that without taking this course I would not be able to gain the knowledge I want concerning the publishing world to help me in my future writing career.
I have included reflections on the 4 main projects I created this semester in my portfolio: Project 5: Revised Book Proposal Project 8: Cover Design Concept Project 9: Development and Design Document Project 13: Revised Marketing Plan

Project 5: Book Proposal

What I like best about my work Overall, I like my description of the book because it is my first thoughts of my own book entering this course. I felt the white space made the document easy to read and the font size and color was simple. It was a good starting point for me. What I learned from composing and revising I learned how to write a book proposal that is suitable for the book of my interest that I would like to publish. I also learned how to use other classmate suggestion or comment in order to revise and edit my book proposal. It was a very good learning process for me.

15 What I think I need to work on and improve I feel I need to improve on my researching skill in finding a good target publisher that will work well with my book. There were so many different publishers to pick from that I really got overwhelmed with searching the internet for one that was suitable for my book. Also, I would add more solid details or ideas to my chapters.

Project 8: Cover Design Concept

What I like best about my work In Project 8, I really enjoyed the layout I choose to use for the cover design. I like how I was given the opportunity to add my own creativity to someone else book idea. I got to really work with art graphics and text art to create the cover design. Overall, I really liked the image I choose for the cover design because I felt it was very suitable for the topic Bipolar disorder.

What I learned from composing and revising I learned what cover designs was appealing to the eye for readers and what wasnt so appealing. Based on other classmate suggestion, Ive learned how to pick between different cover designs to narrow it down to one that would be most effective for the target audience for my book. What I think I need to work on and improve Overall, I am very pleased and satisfied with how this project turned out. I feel this cover design was one of my best works throughout the course.

Project 9: Development and Design Document

What I like best about my work I like that I was able to work with Brookes book proposal about Bipolar disorder even though this topic was a touchy one. I was able to help Brooke make her project better while also learning other advice concerning the project at hand. I was able to think clearly on how I would


want my own development and design document to be except I was helping Brooke with hers. Therefore, I like the content that I created in response to Brookes proposal. What I learned from composing and revising I learned how give good responses to Brookes book proposal, while also giving other her suggestions to help her improve her project based off my observations. What I think I need to work on and improve Im very pleased with how this project turned out. I though in the aspect of if I was doing the project for myself I would want it to be well put together so I included good information for Brooke on how I think the book should be designed.

Project 13: Marketing Plan What I like best about my work I enjoyed coming up with my sentence hook and how it works as an attention getter for the reader. I think I also did well on the marketing story for the book because I felt I gave good description without giving too many details of the book away. Also, I enjoyed the survey process and coming up with questions to help me with my book. What I learned from composing and revising I learned what questions to ask in order for myself as the writer to know exactly what readers are looking for in a book. I learned the true options of my audience through the summarizing and collected results of my survey results. I learned what contact channels and media venues are and what does it do. What I think I need to work on and improve


I felt I could do a lot better with this project with conveying my own thoughts of how I want my book to be. My one sentence hook was longer than it should be. I had to shorten it. I did not have a lot of results from my actual survey to convey enough of what most my readers were looking for in my book. I felt I could have asked better intriguing and variety of questions. I would spend time figuring what to actually include in my one sentence hook that would not give away to much detail for my readers. Also, I would research more websites, magazines and blogs that I can vision my book being advertised on.

Professor Greer I would like to thank you for such a wonderful online experience in Publishing Inside Out and the opportunity to learn about the publishing world and what it has to offer me as a student in pursuing writing. Thank you so much! Sincerely, LaMaya Coleman

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