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Vol No. 48 No. 117 JAMMU, SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2012 16 Pages


REGD.NO.JK-71/12-14 RNI No. 28547/1992

` 2.50
Excelsior Correspondent

Gun has no relevance in present scenario

Omar for Indo-Pak, State-Centre talks to resolve Kashmir issue

Sanjeev Pargal
JAMMU, Apr 27: Chief Minister Omar Abdullah said today that his Government would continue to pursue with the Central Government the political resolution of Kashmir problem and hoped that India and Pakistan would engage themselves in talks continuously completed his four days tour of twin border districts of Rajouri and Poonch, the first after taking over as working president of National Conference on April 7. Omar told the people that the National Conference and the State Government were committed to find out a solution to Kashmir problem and have pinned high hopes on Indo-Pak dialogue espebetween troops of India and Pakistan hold on. The ceasefire, barring few exceptions of violations, was holding for last about 9 years after which a number of people living in the forward areas, who had earlier shifted to safer places, have since returned to their houses. Omar assured the people, who had come from forward villages

Land grabbing, corruption, nepotism need to be uprooted to restore people's faith

Excelsior Special Correspondent the result of the Police and security forces "unleashing terror" and JAMMU, Apr 27: There is "silencing the population" with the no denying the fact that Jammu barrel of their gun. The counter& Kashmir is an essentially argument is that with the guns and political problem. Sixty-five draconian laws you can bring years after the Partition of the someone under your boots but not British India, this Princely state make him smile and bring sheen is continuously suffering the on his face. Highest echelons of power in pain of the divide caused by the Two-Nation theory. More than New Delhi, including the most half of the population is under important Cabinet Committee on India's sovereignty but less than Security Affairs, has acknowlhalf of the land under this coun- edged more than once that govertry's control and administration. nance-related issues needed to be But education, knowledge, addressed and resolved. They have awareness and transparency--- suggested that corruption in public all enshrined in the democratic offices, nepotism and favouritism set up---have made it difficult in everything from recruitment of over the years for politicians and officials in government services to propagandists to pass sweeping issuance of licences and allotments of government contracts, judgments and attribute each preparation of below poverty line and every trouble to the state's ration cards and sanctioning of "political problem". IAY units and educational scholarWith due regards to the leaders ships, have grown more potential who play that Kashmir was neither threats to stability than political an economic problem nor a gover- unrest. Recent surveys, conducted nance issue, the state's---particu- by the country's academic and larly the Valley's---history is research institutes, have also estabreplete with the situations of con- lished that the loss of faith of the trast. Even in the recent times, key new generation in the Indian indiquestions have remained unan- viduals and institutions in Kashmir swered: Why did the Valley erupt and Jammu, was not without the with the anti-Indian sentiment in mundane reason. the summer of 2008 but the same Notwithstanding the statepopulation thronged the polling ments made on oath by public men booths en masse in the autumn of and public servants, hundreds of same turbulent year? Why a more thousands of Kanals of the State ferocious turbulence consumed land of various categories continover a hundred civilian protestors ues to be under the illegal occupaand arsonists in 2010 but the State tion of powerful individuals who broke all previous records of have succeeded in undermining tourist inflow in 2009 and 2011? Is the institutions in a brazen manner. this odd-and-even cycle a threat to Land grabbing, particularly in the peace in 2012? central districts of Jammu and Separatist, as well as pseudo- Samba in Jammu zone and the separatist, protagonists have been central districts of Srinagar and dismissing current situation of Budgam in Kashmir zone, is peace and normality as "silence of enjoying the dubious distinction of the graveyard". According to being the most profitable business them, the semblance of peace is of powerful people. They include public servants, particularly officers in Police and civil administration, besides businessmen, politicians, lawyers and journalists. Government's replies given to questions of legislators in each session of the state legislature are viewed as the most authentic confirmation to allegations of large scale land grabbing. The lands encroached upon and grabbed by powerful people include thousands of square miles of forest estates, nazool, kahcharai and khuds and banjars in 'gair mumkina' category of Revenue Department as well as the lands acquired by the Government departments out of propriety chunks. According to an official reply, Department of Evacuees Property has around 14.70 Lakh Kanals of custodian land in J&K. Out of this 1.72 lakh Kanals, according to Government's admission, is continuing under illegal occupation of land grabbers including Government agencies like security forces. Matters under consideration of different courts and RTI applications have exposed how attempts of politicians, holding high public offices, are continuing under the nose of the successive State Governments to grab vast chunks of the state lands. Sidhra, Sujwan, Sainik Colony, Bhathindi, besides a vast agriculture-horticulture belt from Roop Nagar to Akhnoor, are naked examples of land grabbing and encroachment in Jammu. Obviously out of ill-gotten money, many of the land grabbers, with brazen misuse of official position, have built luxury farmhouses. Some of them have set up high(Contd on page 4 Col 6)

Kabra, Runiyal get addl charge

JAMMU, Apr 27: Government today gave additional charge of the posts falling vacant on April 30, 2012 to two IAS officers. According to the GAD order, Shaleen Kabra, Commissioner Secretary, Agriculture Production Department will hold the additional charge of the post of Administrative Secretary, Cooperative Department with effect from April 30, 2012 till further orders. Similarly, Bashir Ahmed Runiyal, Commissioner Secretary, Revenue Department will hold the additional charge of the post of Financial Commissioner Revenue till further orders. Mohd Akbar Ganai, ADDC Budgam will hold the additional charge of the post of Deputy Commissioner, Budgam with effect from April 30, 2012 till further orders.

Panel for PPP projects in H&ME

Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Apr 27: Government today accorded sanction to the constitution of a Committee for Public Private Partnership (PPP) Projects of Health and Medical Education Department. According to an order issued by the General Administration Department, Administrative Secretary Finance is the Chairman of the Committee while as Administrative Secretaries of Planning and Development Department, Health and Medical Education Department and Department of Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs are its (Contd on page 4 Col 6)

20 yrs RI to narco smuggler

Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Apr 27: Principal Sessions Judge Jammu, Jang Bhadur Singh Jamwal today awarded 20 years rigorous imprisonment and fine of Rs 1 lakh each to two narcotics smugglers, who were held with more than 27 kilograms of opium besides a revolver and 50 rounds of ammunition. According to the police case, on the intervening night of January 30-31, 1998 Army authorities on receipt of information regarding the likelihood of smuggling of contraband in the area of Chenab river laid ambush on the Iceland (GR 538613) and apprehended two persons, who later on disclosed their names as Bharat Singh, son of Chajju Singh of Akhnoor and Ashok Kumar, son of Bodh Raj of Gangyal. From their possession, more than 27 kilograms of opium, one (Contd on page 4 Col 1)

Chief Minister Omar Abdullah addressing party workers at Mandi in Poonch on Friday. after Home Secretary level dialogue and likely visit of Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh to Pakistan on the invitation of President Asif Ali Zardari. ``Political solution to Kashmir problem was and will always remain a priority for the National Conference. We are committed to find a solution to Kashmir problem. However, at the same time, we dont want development of the State to suffer at any cost. We want the State to march towards peace and prosperity, Omar said while addressing a series of party workers meetings at Mandi, Chandak and Surankote in Poonch district. With todays series of public and workers meetings and launching and inauguration of several projects, the Chief Minister has cially the proposed meeting between Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh and his Pakistan counterpart Yousuf Raza Gilani whenever the former undertakes a visit to the neighbouring country on the invitation of Pakistan President Asif Ali Zardari. ``We want India and Pakistan to carry forward the process of dialogue, which ultimately would lead to a solution to problem of Jammu and Kashmir, the Chief Minister said referring to Home Secretary level talks between India and Pakistan in May and likely talks between top leadership of the two countries. The people of border district of Poonch wanted the Chief Minister to ensure that ceasefire on the Line of Control (LoC) on the LoC, that the ceasefire would be maintained and they can live peacefully on the borders. People of some villages demanded that they should be allowed to return to their houses across the fencing so that they could get back their land and cultivate it. Hailing the Chief Minister for visiting far off areas of Poonch, the people hoped that peace would be maintained on the forward areas. Asserting that the Government strongly favoured talks between India and Pakistan, Omar said the talks would help remove the fear of gun. ``Once the basic issue of Kashmir was addressed, the shadow of gun will be removed once and for all, he said, adding the (Contd on page 4 Col 1)

One attached, 12 X-Ens, 20 AEEs shifted

Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Apr 27: The Government today issued orders of transfers and postings of twelve in charge Executive Engineers and twenty (20) Assistant Executive Engineers in the R&B department while I/C Executive Engineer R&B Udhampur has been with the Administrative department. In charge Executive Engineer S K Sethi has been recalled from REW and posted in ERA, Bashir Ahmed Ahangar I/C Xen JKPCC has been posted in Mughal Road Project, Virender Kumar, I/C Executive Engineer has been recalled from Relief Organization and posted in Tourism department, Dalip Bajaj, awaiting orders of posting has been placed in the Relief Organisation vice Virender Kumar while, Niaz (Contd on page 4 Col 3)

Ex-IGP Crime, DySP, doc among several to be questioned

Reshuffle in civil administration

Bedi Commission disallows examination, cross-examination of CM, Nasir, Rana

Mohinder Verma
JAMMU, Apr 27: In the much publicized death of National Conference worker Syed Mohammad Yusuf Shah alias Haji Yousaf, Justice H S Bedi Commission today disallowed the examination and cross-examination of Chief Minister, Omar Abdullah, Minister of State for Home, Nasir Aslam Wani, Political Advisor to Chief Minister, Devender Singh Rana and Private Secretary to Chief Minister, Asgar Hussain Khan. Official sources told EXCELSIOR that Justice Bedi heard the arguments on the application of Mushtaq Ahmad Dar seeking cross-examination of all the witnesses in the case including the Chief Minister, Minister of State for Home and Political Advisor to the Chief Minister and the affidavit of the Government resisting the same. After hearing in detail Advocate Mushtaq Ahmad Dar for deceaseds family, Advocate Gourav Pachnanda appearing for the Chief Minister, Minister of State for Home, Political Advisor and Private Secretary to the Chief Minister and Advocate S A Kathwari appearing for the Police, Justice Bedi found no ground to examine or cross-examine some of the witnesses mentioned in the list submitted by the counsel for the deceaseds family. Accordingly, Justice Bedi disallowed examination as well as cross-examination of Omar Abdullah, Nasir Aslam Wani, Devender Singh Rana and Asgar Hussain Khan. With this decision of the Bedi Commission, they will not be summoned at any point of time, sources said. They informed that Commission also disallowed for the time being the examination or cross-examination of correspondents of some news-papers or electronic channels, who interviewed Abdul Salam Reshi, with the observation, any decision on this is based on the examination of Reshi. It is pertinent to mention here that Abdul Salam Reshi and Mohammad Yousaf Bhat were present at the Chief Ministers residence when Haji Yousaf was summoned there by Omar Abdullah to ascertain whether he was taking money from the people on the pretext of getting them Ministerial berths. However, Justice Bedi granted permission for examination as well as cross-examination of the then Inspector General of Police (IGP) Crime, Raja Aijaz Ali, DySP Bashir Ahmed Ganai, Dr Farida Noor, who conducted post-mortem of Haji Yousaf, SHO Crime Branch Police Station and Investigating Officer, sources informed. The Commission granted time till May 19 to counsel of the deceaseds family to submit list of more witnesses which he wanted to examine in the case. These witnesses may include PSO of deceased and some Medical Assistants of the hospital where (Contd on page 4 Col 6)

IAS officer among 29 shifted

Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Apr 27: After major reshuffle in the Police Administration, State Government today ordered transfers, postings and adjustment of one IAS and 28 KAS officers with immediate effect. According to the orders issued by the General Administration Department, Shahid Iqbal, SubDivisional Magistrate, Nowshera has been transferred and posted as Deputy Secretary to Government, Planning and Development Department. Qadri Hafiz-Ullah, Special Secretary, Home Department, who was under orders of posting as Joint Financial Commissioner, Agrarian Reforms in the office of Financial Commissioner, Revenue, will continue as Special Secretary to Government, Home Department. Muzaffar Ahmad Peer, Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Bandipore has been transferred and posted as Deputy Secretary to Government, Agriculture Production Department. Aijaz Abdullah Saraf, Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Kupwara has been transferred and posted as Deputy Secretary, Public Services Management Cell, General Administration Department. Urgain Landup, Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Kargil has been transferred and posted as Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Zanskar against an available vacancy. He will hold the additional charge of the post of Chief Executive Officer, Tourism Development Authority, Zanskar till further orders. Mohammad Ahsan Mir, SubDivisional Magistrate, Sopore has been transferred and posted as Deputy Director, District Employment and Counselling Centre, Pulwama against an available vacancy. Naseer Ahmed Wani, Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Khansahib has been transferred and posted as Administrative Officer in the office of Financial Commissioner, Revenue against an available vacancy. The Government also ordered adjustment of 10 KAS officers, who were awaiting orders of adjustment following their appointment to the Time Scale of KAS. Syed Hanief Balkhi has been posted as Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Sopore vice Mohammad Ahsan Mir, Inam UlHaq Sadiqui has been posted as Assistant Commissioner Revenue Srinagar against an available vacancy, Sajid Yehaya Naqash posted as Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Kupwara vice Aijaz Abdullah Saraf, Rajinder Kumar Khajuria posted as Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Nowshera vice Shahid Iqbal, Tahir Firdous Dutta has been posted as Assistant Commissioner Revenue, Kargil vice Urgain Landup, Ravi Kumar Bharti posted as Sub-Divisional Magistrate Bhaderwah against an available vacancy, Mushtaq Ahmed Rather posted as SubDivisional Magistrate, Khansahib vice Naseer Ahmed Wani, Showkat Mehmood posted as Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Khaltsi against an available vacancy, Des Raj Bhagat posted as SubDivisional Magistrate Nobra and (Contd on page 4 Col 1)

SC sets up panel on SIM cards

NEW DELHI, Apr 27: The Supreme Court today set up an expert panel to recommend within three months the procedure for telecom firms for properly identifying customers before issuing SIM cards to them so that they are not misused by anti-social elements. In view of divergent views of the Government and telecom regulator TRAI on many issues including on maintaining database of the subscribers, a bench headed by Chief Justice S H Kapadia set up their joint committee headed by Telecom Secretary to resolve the issue so that the DoT can issue the instructions within 15 weeks. (Contd on page 4 Col 3)

Employees to get DA in cash

Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Apr 27: After a long time, the Government has decided to pay in cash the arrears on account of 7 per cent DA installment to its employees An order No. 148/F of 2012 issued today by the Finance Department said the arrears on account of the enhancement of 7 per cent DA to Government employees would be paid in cash in the month of May. The arrears would be given from the month of January when the DA had become due. (Contd on page 4 Col 6)

Encroachment on 41 kanals land

Revenue Deptt issues eviction notice to MP's son

Excelsior Correspondent JAMMU, Apr 27: In a major decision, the Revenue Department has issued an eviction notice to Satish Sharma son of Madan Lal Sharma, Member Parliament from JammuPoonch Lok Sabha seat asking him to vacate 41 kanals of land, which was under his illegal possession at village Lalyal along side Tawi river in Marh area. Confirming the eviction notice handed over to Satish Sharma by a Screening Committee of the Revenue Department, official sources said the notice was issued after Sharmas plea to regularize land under Roshni Act was dismissed. After verifications, investigations of revenue record and listening to concerned Revenue Department officers, the authorities had reached a conclusion that 41 kanals of land under possession of Satish Sharma was baramad rakwa, which fell in the category

Internet Edition: E-Paper:

* Revitalizing State police * Cabinet clears backlog ...Page 8 Suitable provisions to be kept for SCs in housing colonies ...Page 3 Gupta assumes charge as Div Com Jammu ...Page 3 Jora lays foundation stone of new TRC complex at Katra ...Page 5 DC visits Yatri Niwas, directs for early renovation ...Page 5 Star-studded Jammu Riders claim first ever T20 Tawi Cup title ...Page 14

JAMMU Light rain/thunder showers at few places. TEMPERATURE Max: 33.0 Degree C Min: 18.0 Degree C RELATIVE HUMIDITY Highest: 66.0 per cent Lowest: 36.0 per cent Sunset on Saturday: 07.11 p.m. Sunrise on Sunday: 05.47 a.m. KASHMIR Light rain/thunder showers at few places. TEMPERATURE Max: 20.7 Degree C Min: 10.2 Degree C RELATIVE HUMIDITY Highest: 66.0 per cent Lowest: 47.0 per cent

of State land but outside the purview of Roshni Act, sources said. They added that plea of Satish Sharma for regularization of encroached land under Roshni Act has been dismissed by a Screening Committee set up for the purpose of regularization of land under the Act. The 41 kanals land encroached by the son of Congress MP from Jammu-Poonch Lok Sabha seat fell at Khasra No. 424 Min at village Lalyal along Tawi river in Marh area. Sources said the Congress MPs businessman son had applied for regularization of 41 kanals of land under Roshni Act at Lalyal. The case was scrutinized by a Screening Committee, which had been set up by the Revenue Department for Roshni case. The Committee detected that the land was baramad rakwa, a term used in Revenue Department for the State land,

which cant be regularized under the Roshni Act. Sources said the members of the Screening Committee, all of whom were Revenue Department officers visited the spot twice and met concerned Naib Tehsildar, Girdawar and Patwari and elicited their opinion. It was established beyond any doubts that the land was baramad rakwa and there was no scope for its regularization in favour of the MPs son under the Roshni Act, sources said, adding that since Satish Sharma didnt vacate the land on his own, the Screening Committee has issued him eviction notice to get the land vacated. They asserted that further legal process on the land would be taken only after the scheduled time frame fixed for eviction notice was completed. The notice was served three to four days back, they said. Under the procedure, if Satish Sharma didnt vacate the land after the eviction notice, the Revenue (Contd on page 4 Col 5)

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