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Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine Sumy State University



Sumy Sumy State University 2011 3

Test problems in physiology (State licensing examination KROK 1) for the second-year students in speciality 7.110101 Medicine / compilers: O.A. Obukhova, V.Yu. Garbuzova. Sumy: Sumy State University, 2011. 106 p.

Department of physiology and pathophysiology with a course of medical biology









AND SYS- 75 SYS- 83 93 98 101




INTRODUCTION The collection that we offer has been worked out for the students mastering base physiology, training for the test examination Krok 1. General medical training, and studying at higher medical educational establishments of III IV levels of accreditation, subordinate of Ministry of public health of Ukraine, and at the medical faculties of the universities of the system of Ministry of education and science, youth and sports of Ukraine. Each test has only one right or the best answer, which must be chosen from the list of suggested variants. In the end of the book there are keys of right answers to the test tasks. The control over the correctness of answers to the test tasks is a very important element of education, because it increases the motivation of students for study, makes it possible to understand what need additional attention, helps to find weak points in training. Individual work with the tests will help students to prepare for the licensed integrated examination Krok 1. Medicine. It must be borne in mind that the examination consists of 200 test questions.


1. A hypertensive glucose

solution was introduced to a patient. It will intensify water movement: A. From the cell to the intercellular liquid. B. From the intercellular liquid to the cell. C. From the intercellular liquid to the capillaries. D. There will no changes of water movement. E. From the capillaries to the intercellular liquid.
2. An isolated muscle of

A. B. C. D.

Tonic. Asynchronous. Single. Waved tetanus. E. Continuous (smooth) tetanus.

3. In

a frog is rhythmically irritated with electric impulses. Every next impulse is in period of relaxation from the previous contraction. What contraction of the muscle occurs?

course of an experiment a skeletal muscle is being stimulated by a series of electric impulses. What type of muscle contraction will arise, if every subsequent impulse comes in the period of relaxation of singe muscle contraction? A. Partial tetanus. B. Asynchronous tetanus. C. Muscle contracture. D. Holotetanus. E. A series of single contractions.
4. Ions cells have been

blocked excitative doesnt

in the cell. It change

significantly the quiet potential, but the cell has lost its capacity to the generation of AP (action potential). What canals have been blocked? A. Chlorine. B. Sodium. C. Sodium and potassium. D. Calcium. E. Potassium.
5. The action of electric

A. B. C. D. E.

electric status can occur? Local response. No change. Depolarization. Hyperpolarization. Action potential. permeability of the irritable cell membrane has been increased for potassium ions during an experiment. What changes of membrane electric status can occur? Hyperpolarization. Depolarization. No changes. Local response. Action potential.

7. The

A. B. C. D. E.

current on the excitable cell caused depolarization of its membrane. Movement of what ions through the membrane caused depolarization? Cl Ca 2+ Na + HCO 3 K+ irritable cell membrane for potassium ions has been increased experimentally. What changes of membrane

A. B. C. D. E.

6. The penetration of the

will the reduction of the muscles of the upper extremity be at an attempt to lift a load beyond ones strength? A. Isometric. B. Isotonic. C. Auxotonic. D. Phase. E. Single.

8. What

9. The irritation of what

force is it necessary to inflict on a nervous firbe to entail excitation in the phase of relative refractivity? A. Under-threshold. B. Above-threshold. C. Threshold. D. Under-threshold prolonged. E. Threshold prolonged.

excitement speed. What structures does it take place in first of all? A. Conduction tracts. B. Nervous-muscular synapses. C. Efferent nerves. D. Afferent nerves. E. Central synapses.

The toxin produced by Clostridium botulinum blocked the entrance of calcium ions into the nerve endings of the axons of motoneurons. Poisoning with it is dangerous to life by: A. Vomiting development. B. Cardiac arrest. C. Disorder of vascular tone. D. Respiratory standstill. E. Development of diarrhea. During the examination of a sportsman after an intensive physical activity the incoordination of movement was detected. At the same time the force of muscle contraction was the same. The reason for it can be the diminution of conduction of

Skeletal muscles are irritated with a series of electro pulses in an experiment. Every next impulse is in the period of the shortening of a single muscular contraction. What type of muscular contraction will arise? A. Smooth tetanus. B. Toothed tetanus. C. Asynchronous tetanus. D. A series of single contractions. E. Muscle contracture.


13. Complete demyelinisation of fibers of conductive ascending tracks of a patient is revealed. Formation of what sensation will worsen the least? A. Acoustic. B. Proprioceptive.

C. Aftervision. D. Tactile. E. Temperature. 14.

D. Activation

As a result of blockage of the ionic channels of the cell membrane its membrane resting potential diminished from -90 to -70 mV. What channels were blocked? A. Sodium. B. Potassium. C. Calcium. D. Magnesium. E. Chloric. During the research of an isolated excitable cell it was stated that the threshold of the stimulation force of the cell diminished substantially. What was the reason for it? A. Blockage of energy production in the cell. B. Inactivation of membrane sodium channels. C. Inactivation of membrane calcium channels.

membrane channels. E. Activation membrane channels.


of potassium of sodium


As a result of the action of electric current on an excitable cell there was the depolarization of its membrane. The movement of what ions through the cell membrane plays a basic part in the development of depolarization? A. K+ B. HCO3C. Ca2+ D. ClE. Na+ It is necessary to estimate the level of the excitability of tissue in an experiment. What parameter is it necessary to define for this purpose? A. Threshold of depolarization. B. Resting potential.


C. Duration

of action potential. D. Amplitude of action potential. E. Critical level of depolarization.


C. Potassium. D. Slow calcium. E. Sodium and calcium. 20.

It is necessary to estimate the level of the nerve excitability of a patient. What parameter is it necessary to define for this purpose? A. Resting potential. B. Threshold force of the irritant. C. Critical level of depolarization. D. Amplitude of action potential. E. Duration of action potential. As a result of activation the ionic channels of external membrane of an excitable cell its resting potential was considerably increased. What channels were activated? A. Fast calcium. B. Sodium.

The processes of energy production were completely blocked in an excitable cell. How will the membranous resting potential change as a result of it? A. Will increase insignificantly. B. Will diminish insignificantly. C. Will diminish substantially. D. Will disappear. E. Will increase substantially. A neuromuscular preparation of a frog was processed with poison. After that the capacity of the muscle for contraction in reply to direct stimulation was preserved, but the one in reply to nerve stimulation was lost. What does the poison block?



of energy production. B. Coupling of excitation and contraction in the muscle. C. Sodium channels. D. Potassium channels. E. Nervous-muscle synapse. 22. An isolated muscle of a frog is rhythmically irritated by electric impulses in an experiment. Every next impulse is in the period of relaxation of the previous contraction. What contraction will arise? A. Asynchronous. B. Single. C. Toothed tetanus. D. Smooth tetanus. E. Tonic.

A. Processes

C. Action potential. D. There will be


changes. E. Inhibitor postsynaptic potential.


The ionic channels of an excitable cell were block-ed, as a result of which its resting potential disappeared completely soon after. What cannels were blocked? A. Potassium and sodium. B. Sodium. C. Potassium. D. Chloric. E. Calcium. The ionic channels of an excitable cell were blocked. It did not change the level of the resting potential substantially, but the cell lost the capacity to the generation of action potential. What channels were blocked? A. Sodium. B. Potassium. C. Sodium and potassium.


A tissue is acted on by an electric impulse of cathode direction with the amplitude of 70% threshold. What will the changes of membrane potential be as a result of it? A. Partial depolarization. B. Hyperpolarization.

D. Chloric. E. Calcium. 26.

Decreased speed of the AP distribution.


It is necessary to get the increase of the membranous resting potential (hyperpolarization) in an experiment on an isolated excitable cell. What ionic channels will be activated for this purpose? A. Potassium and sodium. B. Sodium. C. Potassium. D. Calcium. E. Sodium and calcium.

In the experiment under the influence of chemical substances in the muscles the reaction of Ca2+pump is weakened. Which phenomena will be observed? A. Prolonged relaxation. B. Prolonged duration of the AP. C. Decreased AP. D. Activation of the sodium-potassium pump.
27. 13

During the heart transplantation the viability of myocardial cells is determined. The determination of which parameter of the myocardium is the most important? A. Heart temperature. B. Concentration of the oxygen in the heart vessels. C. Concentration of calcium-ions in myofibrils. D. Rest potential of cardiomyocytes. E. Concentration of Ca-ions in heart vessels.

During the registration of the action potential of cardiomyocytes, the duration of the plateau phase is prolonged. It is provided by: A. Activation of the fast calcium canals.

Activation of the sodium canals. C. Activation of the slow calcium canals. D. Inactivation of the potassium canals. E. Inactivation of the slow calcium canals.


Water follows the osmotic gradient to the area where is more: A. Aminoacids and proteins. B. Natrium, potassium, hydrogen, glucose. C. Active ions of hydrogen. D. Bilirubin. E. Urea.

During an experiment the myotatic reflex has been studied in frog. After extension in a skeletal muscle its reflectory contraction was absent. The reason for it might be a dysfunction on the following receptors: A. Articular. B. Muscle spindles. C. Golgi tendon organs. D. Tactile. E. Nociceptors.



A patient after hypertension stroke has no voluntary movements in his right arm and leg, muscle tone in these extremities is

A. B. C. D.

increased. What type of dysfunction of nervous system is it? Peripheral paralysis. Reflex paresis. Central paralysis. Central paresis.

E. Peripheral paresis.

During an experiment the dorsal roots of the spinal cord of an animal have been cut. What changes will be observed in the innervations zone? A. Loss motor functions. B. Increase in muscle tone. C. Loss of sensitivity and motor functions. D. Sensitivity loss. E. Decrease in muscle tone.

Motor zone brain cortex injury. E. Unilateral right-side spinal cord injury.

A patient after trauma has developed paralysis, algesthia impairment on the right; there are no paralyses on the left but temperature and pain sensitivity are also impaired. What is the cause of this? A. Brainstem injury. B. Midbrain injury. C. Cerebellum injury.
34. 15

When a patient with traumatic impairment of the brain was examined, it was discovered, that he had stopped to distinguish displacement of a object on a skin. What part of the brain was damaged? A. Posterior central gurus. B. Occipital zone of the cortex. C. Parietal zone of the cortex. D. Frontal central gurus. E. Frontal zone.
35. 36.

A patient becomes quickly tired during his work. In vertical position with closed eyes he is dizzying and loosing equilibrium. Skeletal muscle tone is reduced. Which of the below mentioned brain

structures is damaged? A. Hypothalamus. B. Precentral gyrus of cerebral hemispheres cortex. C. Thalamus. D. Cerebellum. E. Basal ganglia. Glutamate decarboxylation results in formation of inhibitory transmitter in CNS. Name it: i. Aspara gine. ii. Glutath ione. iii. Seroton in. iv. Histami ne. v. GABA.
37. 38.

trembling of arms. What part of brain was injured? A. The inter-brain. B. The spinal cord. C. The medulla oblongata. D. The mind-brain. E. The cerebellum. In the experiment the part of animals brain was destroyed. After this the animal rejected food and died after some time from exhaustion. Which part of brain was destroyed? A. Lateral hypothalamus. B. Ventromedial hypothalamus. C. Specific nucleus of hypothalamus. D. Reticular formation of the brain. E. Non-specific nucleus of hypothalamus.
39. 40.

A 50-year-old patient was injured on the occipital region of the head. The closed skulls trauma was diagnosed. She was taken to the hospital. The medical examination deregulation of walking and balance,

A 32-year-old patient consulted a doctor about the absence of lactation

after parturition. Such disorder might be explained by the deficit of the following hormone: A. Vasopressin. B. Thyrocalcitoni n. C. Glucagon. D. Somatotropin. E. Prolactin. Central receptors for glucose localize in A. Posterior hypothalamus. B. Pons. C. Cerebellum. D. Cerebral hemispheres. E. Anterior hypothalamus.
41. 42.

A. B. C. D. E.

Ovaria. Parathyroid glands. Adrenal glands. Thyroid. Pancreas. As a result of damage to certain structures of brainstem an animal lost orientation reflexes. What structures were damaged? A. Quadritubercul ar bodies. B. Red nuclei. C. Medial nuclei of reticular formation. D. Vestibular nuclei. E. Black substance.

A patient complaining of weight loss (10 kg during 2 months), palpitation and exophthalmoses came to the endocrinologist. For the hyper function of what endocrine gland (glands) are there complaints the most typical?

As a result of spinal-cord trauma a 33-year-old man has a disturbed pain and temperature sensitivity that is caused by damage of the following tract: A. Lateral spinocortical.


Anterior spinocere47.

bellar. Posterior spinocerebellar.

C. D.

Medial spinocortiA. Spinothalamic.


E. 45.

Careless student occasionally met his dean. The concentration of what hormone will most likely increase in the blood of the student? A. Somatotrop in. B. Thyrotropi n-releasing hormone. C. Cortisol. D. Corticotrop in. E. Adrenalin.

C. D. E.

Examination of a patient revealed hyperkalemia and hyponatremia. Low secretion of which hormone may cause such change? Vasopressin. Aldosterone. Parathormone. Cortisol. Natriuretic. Parents of a 10-year-old boy consulted a doctor about extension of hair-covering, growth of beard and moustache, low voice. Intensified secretion of which hormone must be assumed? Somatotropin. Testosterone. Oestrogen. Cortisol. Progesterone. There is only one hormone among the neurohormones which refers to the derivatives of amino acids according to


A. B. C. D. E.

Decreased concentration of the glucose leads to the increased secretion of: Adrenalin. Acetylcholine. Histamine. Serotonin. Dopamine.

A. B. C. D. E.


A. B. C. D. E.

classification. Point it out: Melatonin. Vasopressin. Oxytocin. Thyroliberin. Somatotropin

agent. What agent was introduced? A. Strychnine. B. Adrenaline. C. Acetylcholine. D. Serotonin E. Dopamine

When a patient with traumatic impairment of the brain was examined, it was discovered that he had stopped to distinguish displacement of an object on the skin. What part of the brain was damaged? A. Parietal zone of the cortex. B. Posterior central gurus. C. Occipital zone of the cortex. D. Frontal central gurus. E. Frontal zone.
50. 51.

A boy of 12years-old is 180 cm tall. The reason for it is the disorder of hormone secretion. What kind of hormone is it? A. Somatotropin. B. Thyroxin. C. Thyreotropin. D. Gonadotropin. E. Insulin. A hemorrhage into the brainstem of a patient of 70 is diagnosed. The examination found out the increased of the tone of flexor muscles and the decline of the tone of extensor muscles. The irritations of what structures of brain can explain the changes in the tone of muscles? A. Substantia nigra.


A frog reacts by generalized convulsions in reply to all irritations after the introduction of the solution of a chemical

B. Vestibular nuclei. C. Quadrigeminal plate. D. Red nuclei. E. Reticular formation.


B. C. D. E.

Gonadotropin. Corticotropin. Thyreotropin. Somatotropin.

A woman of 25-years-old felt nausea, vomiting, and the increase of sweat secretion while being on a merry-go-round. The activation of what receptors stimulated reflex development of these symptoms? A. Cortis organs. B. Proprioreceptors of skeletal muscles. C. Vestibular receptors of semicircular ducts. D. Visual. E. Otoconia vestibular. The height of a grown-up person is 120 cm. Proportions of the body-build and mental capacity are normal. There characteristics are result of a lack of some hormone secretion in childhood. What kind of hormone is it? A. Thyroxin.


It is ascertained in an experiment during excitation of the motoneurons of flexor muscles the motoneurons of extensor muscles are inhibited. What kind of inhibition underlies this phenomenon? A. Reciprocal. B. Inhibition after excitation. C. Pessimal. D. Feedback (Renshaw). E. Lateral. For better examination of the fundus of eye a doctor began to drip the solution of atropine on the conjunctiva of the patients eye. It resulted in pupil expansion. The blockade of what membranous cytoreceptors stipulated such effect?



A. B. C. D. E.

H2-receptors. N-holinoreceptors. -adrenoreceptors. -adrenoreceptors. M-holinoreceptors.

During the pathoanatomic research of the spinal cord of a 70-year-old man the destruction and diminishing of the quantity of anterior horns nuclei cells in cervical and thoracic spines were found. What functions were damaged during the mans life? A. Moving functions of the lower extremities. B. Moving functions of the upper extremities. C. Sensitiveness and moving functions of the upper extremities. D. Sensitiveness of the lower extremities. E. Sensitiveness of the upper extremities.
58. 59.

the internal ear is damaged. To what irritants will not the patient is able to react? A. Sound stimuli. B. Motion with angular acceleration. C. Skin irritants. D. Photos stimuli. E. Motion with linear acceleration.

A careless student met the dean by change. The concentration of what hormone will increase in the students blood first of all? A. Cortisol. B. Thyreoliberin. C. Corticotropin. D. Adrenaline. E. Somatotropin. The function of the thyroid gland of a child has been reduced since birth. What is the main consequence of this state? A. Giantism. B. Nanism. C. Cretinism. D. Hypopituitarism.


As a result of a trauma a mans otolithic apparatus of


E. Hyperpigmentation of

E. Over activity of the


sympathetic part of the nervous system.


The working capacity of a man reduced as a result of physical activity. The changes in what structures are the reason for the fatigue first of all? A. Muscles. B. Nerve centers. C. Afferent nerves. D. Efferent nerves. E. Nervous-muscle synapses. The consequence of what process is the persistent dilation of pupil under the conditions of intense illumination? A. Paralysis of cilia muscle. B. Normal state of regulatory mechanism. C. Over activity of the parasympathetic part of the nervous system. D. Paralysis of the muscle that expands the pupil.


Height of a grown-up person is 100 cm. Proportions of the body-build characteristics are the result of a lack of some hormone secretion in childhood. What kind of hormone is it? A. Thyreotropin. B. Gonadotropin. C. Corticotropin. D. Somatotropin. E. Prolactin. After a cranial trauma a patients respiration became infrequent and deep. What structure of cerebrum is damaged? A. Medulla oblongata. B. Hypothalamus. C. Metencephalon. D. Cortex of large hemisphere. E. Cerebellum. After introduction the of


66. 22

microelectrodes into the structures of diencephalon, the animals eyesight failed completely. What subcortex structure was possibly damaged? A. Suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus. B. Medial geniculate body. C. Associative nuclei of thalamus. D. Supraoptimal nuclei of hypothalamus. E. Lateral geniculate body.


A frog reacts by generalized convulsions to the least irritation after the introduction of strychnine. The blockage of what structure of the CNS is the reason for such reaction? A. Inhibitory synapses. B. Excitatory synapses. C. Renshaw cells. D. Adrenoreceptors. E. Cholinergic receptors. Tachycardia, increase of basal metabolism and body temperature, weight loss, increase of excitability of a patient are diagnosed. The reason for it is the increase of the hormone secretion of some gland. What gland is it? A. Neurohypophysis. B. Adrenal glands. C. Parathyroid glands. D. Gonads. E. Thyroid gland.


During an operation on cerebrum it was noted that the irritation of a certain area of the cortex of cerebrum caused tactile and temperature sensation of a patient. Which area of cerebral cortex was irritated? A. Cingulate gyrus. B. Precentral gyrus. C. Upper lateral gyrus. D. Postcentral gyrus. E. Parahippocampal gyrus.


Demineralizati on of bones (decreasing of calcium ions content) is often a problem of elderly people. The reason for this is the decreasing of some hormone. What hormone is it? A. Thyrocalcitonin. B. Thyroxin. C. Insulin. D. Aldosterone. E. Parathormone. A woman of 64 has disorders of fine movements of fingers, evident muscular rigidity, and tremor. A neurologist diagnosed Parkinsons disease. The defect of what structure of cerebrum resulted in this disease? A. Reticular formation. B. Thalamus. C. Red nuclei. D. Cerebellum. E. Substantia nigra. A woman of 25-year-old came to a doctor a month after childbirth with

complaint about the decrease of galactopoietics. What hormone deficit resulted in such state? A. Prolactin. B. Somatostatin. C. Corticotropin. D. Insulin. E. Glucagon.


Red nuclei of a mesencephalic animal were destroying in an experiment. Which reflexes disappear in this condition? A. Static postural vestibular. B. Static postural neck. C. Straightening and statokinetic. D. Myotatic tonic. E. Myotatic phasic. The height of a 10-year-old child is 178 cm, the weight is 64 kg. It is connected with function disorders of some gland. What gland is it? A. Gonads. B. Thyroid gland. C. Pituitary gland.



D. Adrenal glands. E. Parathyroid glands. 75.

A. Motor cortex on the

After a domestic trauma a patient of 18-year-old began to complain of permanent giddiness, nystagmus of eyes, scanning speech, uncertain gait. Dysfunction of what structures of cerebrum does it testify to? A. Vestibular nuclei. B. Motor cortex. C. Basal nuclei. D. Substantia nigra. E. Cerebellum. After a traffic accident a patient of 36-years-old got paralysis of muscles of extremities on the right, the loss of pain and temperature sensitivity on the left, partial reduction of tactile sensation on both sides. These changes are most characteristic of the defect of some part of brain. What part is it?

left. B. Right half of spinal cord. C. Left half of spinal cord. D. Anterior division of the anterolateral pathway of spinal cord. E. Dorsal columns of spinal cord.


Pushing a barbell a sportsman pulls the head back of the maximal increase of the tone of the upper extremities extensor muscles. Where are the local centers of the reflexes arising here situated? A. In the spinal cord. B. In the motor cortex. C. In basal nuclei. D. In red nuclei. E. In Deiters nuclei. An experiment is conducted on a spinal frog. The time of defense flexor reflex decreased from 10 sec. to 6 sec. after increasing the area of the skin surface, which


is acted on with acid solution. What mechanism underlies the diminishing of the time of defense flexor reflex? A. Irradiation of excitation on divergent nervous chains. B. Spatial summation of excitation. C. Temporal summation of excitation. D. Principle of dominant. E. Recirculation of excitation.


A man with one CNS part affected has asthenia, muscular dystonia, imbalance. What CNS part is affected? A. Red nuclei. B. Substantia nigra. C. Reticular formation. D. Cerebellum. E. Vestibular nuclei. A supertension of extensor muscles of extremities and back (decerebrate rigidity) is observed in an experiment on a cat. What level is the section done at? A. Spinal cord. B. Between spinal cord and medulla oblongata. C. Below vestibular nuclei. D. Above red nuclei. E. Below red nuclei. A 20-year-old child had cramps as a result of the decline of the concentration of calcium ions in blood plasma. It was caused by the decline of the


In an experiment on a cat one irritates a cerebrum motor structure; as a result there is an increase of the tone of extensor muscles on the side of stimulation. What structures of cerebrum are irritated? A. Nucleus reticularis medialis. B. Nucleus caudatus. C. Nucleus rubber. D. Nucleus vestibularis lateralis. E. Nucleus intermedius lateralis.


function of some organ of internal secretion. What organ is it? A. Thymus. B. Hypophysis. C. Adrenal cortex. D. Pineal body. E. Parathyroid glands.

D. Adrenal cortex. E. Gonads. 85.

The secretion of some hormone of hypophysis is inhibited after taking oral contraceptives containing sex hormones. What hormone secretion is inhibited? A. Somatotropin. B. Vasopressin. C. Thyreotropin. D. Gonadotropin. E. Oxytocin. A patient has an increased basal metabolism, high body temperature, tachycardia in the state of rest. What glands hyper functioning can be the reason for this state? A. Pancreas. B. Thyroid. C. Neurohypophysis.

A woman has a limited blood flow in kidneys, high arteriotony. What hormones hypersecretion was the reason for high arteriotony? A. Vasopressin. B. Adrenaline. C. Noradrenaline. D. Erythropoietin. E. Rennin. The section of a cats brain leads to the decerebrate rigidity the jump of tone of extensor muscles. What level of brain was the secretion made at? A. Between medulla oblongata and spinal cord. B. Between diencephalon and mesencephalon. C. Between mesencephalon and metencephalon. D. Between diencephalon and telencephalon. E. Between medulla oblongata and pons.




After a long training a sportsman got tired, working capacity decreased. In what link of the reflex arch did fatigue occur first of all? A. In an efferent. B. In an afferent. C. In receptors. D. In nerve centers. E. In muscles. child has signs of physical development delay and mental retardation (cretinism). With the deficit of what hormone is it connected? A. Thyroxin. B. Somatotropin. C. Calcitonin. D. Insulin. E. Testosterone. While examining a patient, attention was paid to cervical intumescences, exophthalmus, high body temperature, pulse 110 per minute.

The content of what hormone in blood is it necessary to examine? A. Insulin. B. Sex hormone. C. Catecholamines. D. Thyroxin. E. Cortisol.


During the last 6 month a woman has signs of masculinization: increased hair growth on the face, while line of stomach, legs. She complains of irregular menstrual cycle. The reason of such state can be the increased secretion of some hormone. What hormone is it? A. Mineralocorticoids. B. Estrogens. C. Somatotropin. D. Thyroxin. E. Androgens. An infant has got a laryngospasm. In anamnesis there is a susceptibility to cramps development. One must think about the dysfunction of



some endocrine glands. What are there? A. Parathyroid glands. B. Pancreas. C. Thymus. D. Thyroid gland. E. Adrenal glands.

E. Precentral gyrus of the

cortex of hemisphere.


An experimental animal has lost orientative reflexes as a result of destruction of certain brainstem structures. What structures had been destroyed? A. Medial nuclei of the reticular formation. B. Vestibular nuclei. C. Red nuclei. D. Black substance. E. Quadrigeminal plate. In vertical position a patient loses balance when closing eyes. What structures of brain are probably damaged? A. Basal ganglia. B. Cerebellum. C. Limbic system. D. Thalamus.

A patient was diagnosed with Parkinsons syndrome. It is connected with the disorder of some transmitter systems of cerebrum. What transmitter system is there? A. Histaminergic. B. Dopaminergic. C. Serotonergic. D. Cholinergic. E. Opioid. A person who was rolling on a merry-go-round got an increase of heart beats, perspiration, and nausea. Whit the irritation of what receptors is it connected first of all? A. Visual. B. Proprioreceptors. C. Tactile. D. Auditory. E. Vestibular. A patient has got a sharp lowering



96. 29

of calcium level in blood. It will cause the increasing secretion of some hormone. What hormone is this? A. Parathormone. B. Thyrocalcitonin. C. Aldosterone. D. Vasopressin. E. Somatotropin.

A. Muscular spindles. B. Tendon Golgis receptors. C. Articular. D. Tactile. E. Nociceptor.


A patient has got an in coordination of movements, disorder of their amplitude and orientation; movements are sweeping, disproportional; the gait of cock, tottering. What part of brain is damaged? A. Spinal cord. B. Medulla oblongata. C. Cerebellum. D. Hypothalamus. E. Thalamus. In response to a muscle strain its reflex contraction is observed. From the irritation of what receptors does this reflex reaction begin?

In response to a strong rapid reduction of a muscle its reflex weakening is observed. With the irritation of what receptors does this reflex reaction begin? A. Muscular spindles. B. Tendon Golgis receptors. C. Articular. D. Tactile. E. Nociceptor. The vestibular apparatus of a frog was ruined on the right side. What changes of muscle tone will it cause? A. Decreasing the tone of extensor on the right. B. Increasing the tone of extensors on the right. C. Decreasing the tone of flexors on the left. D. Decreasing the tone of flexors on the left.



E. Decreasing the tone of

extensors on the left


Red nuclei of an animal were ruined. Which of the following reflexes will it lose as a result of this? A. Myotatic. B. Vestibular static. C. Tonic cervical. D. Statokinetic. E. Tendon. A research was carried out on a decerebrated animal. What structures of the animal should be ruined for rigidity to disappear? A. Substantia nigra. B. Red nuclei. C. Vestibular lateral nuclei. D. Medial reticular nuclei. E. Lateral reticular nuclei. As a result of the destruction of certain brainstem structures an animal lost orientative reflex in response to strong phoric stimuli. What

structures were ruined? A. Substantia nigra. B. Posterior tubercles of quadrigeminal plate. C. Red nuclei. D. Vestibular nuclei. E. Anterior tubercles of quadrigeminal plate.


As a result of the destruction of certain brainstem structures an animal lost orientative reflex in response to strong sound stimuli. What structures were ruined? A. Red nuclei. B. Anterior tubercles of quadrigeminal plate. C. Posterior tubercles of quadrigeminal plate. D. Vestibular nuclei. E. Substantia nigra. As a result of the destruction of certain brainstem structures an animal lost orientative reflex. What structures were ruined? A. Medial nuclei of reticular formation.



B. Quadrigeminal plate. C. Red nuclei. D. Vestibular nuclei. E. Substantia nigra.


A patient gets tired quickly. While standing with closed eyes he is reeling, losing balance. Skeletal muscle tone is reduced. Which of the following structures of the persons brain is probably affected? A. Hypothalamus. B. Thalamus. C. Cerebellum. D. Precentral gyrus of cerebral hemisphere cortex. E. Basal ganglia. A patient has hypercalcemia. What hormone deficit can be the reason for it? A. Parathormone. B. Thyrocalcitonin. C. Aldosterone. D. Corticotropin. E. Corticoliberin. The height of a 10-year-ild child is 80 cm, he has right

proportions of body, normal mental development. What hormone deficit in the organism can cause such changes? A. Thyroxin. B. Somatostatin. C. Somatotropin. D. Triiodothyronine. E. Cortisol.


A 35-year-old man came to a dentist with complaints of reducing dental tissue density, heightened fragility of teeth at ingesting hard food. The lack of what mineral element most probably takes place in this case? A. Calcium. B. Potassium. C. Sodium. D. Magnesium. E. Iron. An animal has an increased tonus of extensor muscles. This the result of intensified information transmission to the motoneurons of the



spinal cord through the following descending pathways: A. Lateral corticospinal. B. Rubrospinal. C. Medial corticospinal. D. Vestibulospinal . E. Reticulospinal.

urin g the exam inati on of the mout h cavit y of a 59yearold patie nt it was nece ssary to exam ine the move

ment s of the lowe r jaw. What meth od is used in this case ? A. Myography. B. Electromyography. C. Masticaciography.
D. Electroodontodiagnostic s.

E. Gnathodynamometry.

A pati ent has defec ts in the act of chew ing as a resul t of the

affec tion by a path ologi cal proc ess Rens haw in the struc tures that form the affer ent guid e of the arch of the prop er refle x. What nerv e is affec ted? A. N. hypoglossum. B. N. vagus.

C. N. glossopharyngeus. D. N. trigeminus. E. N. glossopharyngeus and n. vagus.


A pati ent has defec ts in the act of swall owin g as a resul t of the affec tion by a path ologi cal proc ess in the struc tures that form the

affer ent guid e of the arch of the prop er refle x. What nerv e is affec ted? A. N. trigeminus and n.

B. N. vagus. C. N. hypoglossum. D. N. glossopharyngeus. E. N. trigeminus.


A patie nt has got the enlar geme nt of separ ate parts


of body (lowe r jaw, nose, ears, tongu e, feet, and hand s), body prop ortio ns prese rved. It can be conn ected with the incre ase of the secre tion of a certai n horm one. What horm

one is it? A. Cortisol. B. Somatostatin. C. Tetraiodothyronine. D. Triiodothyronine. E. Somatotropin. A fter the destr uctio n of CNS struct ures an anim al lost orien tative reflex . What struct ures were destr oyed ? A. Quadrigeminal plate. B. Red niclei. C. Lateral vestibular nuclei.
115. 36

D. Substantia nigra. E. Medial reticular nuclei.


A s a result of a trau ma a patie nt has got defec tive swall owin g. The affect ion of what of the follo wing CNS struct ures is the most prob able reaso n for this

disor der? A. Hypothalamus. B. Spinal cord at the level Th II-IV. 3.


C. Spinal cord at the level C V-VI. D. Mesencephalon. E. Medulla oblongata. BLOOD SYSTEM newb orn as a result of rhesu s inco mpati bility. What blood grou p is the child s fathe r likely to have ? I I

A wom an with III (B), Rh blood grou p born a child with II (A) blood grou p. The child is diagn osed with hemo lytic disea se of


I (A), Rh+

(0), Rh+



II (B), Rh+

(0), Rh

I (A), Rh A patie nt with liver disea se revea led the decre asing of proth romb in level in the blood . It can first of all, result in the impai rment of:

A. The second phase of the coagulator hemostasis. B. Anticoagulative properties of the blood. C. Vascular-thrombocytic hemostatic. D. Fibrinolysis. E. The first phase of the coagulatory hemostasis.

A patie nt with tissue trau ma was taken a blood samp le for the deter minat ion of blood clothi ng para meter s. Speci fy the right

A. Xa B. C. D. Xa E.

seque nce of extrin sic path way activ ation. III VIII: TF III VIIa Xa III IV Xa IV VIII: TF IV VIIa Xa

B lood samp ling for bulk analy sis is reco mme nded to be perfo rmed on an empt y stom ach

and in the morn ing. What chan ges in blood comp ositio n can occur if to perfo rm blood samp ling after food intak e? A. Reduced contents of erythrocytes. B. Increased contents of erythrocytes. C. Increased contents of leukocytes. D. Increased plasma proteins. E. Reduced contents of thrombocytes.

f stron

g oxidi zers get into the blood strea m, a meth emog lobin is forme d. It is comp ound, wher e iron (II) beco mes iron (III). What has to be done to save the patie nt? A. He has to be given pure oxygen.

B. He has to be calmed down and put to bed. C. Respiratory centers have to be stimulated. D. Interchangeabl e hemotransfusion has to be done. E. Patient has to be exposed to the fresh air.

ongterm starv ation cure of a patie nt result ed in dimin ished ratio of albu mines and globu lins in plas ma. What

of the follo wing will be result of this chan ge? A. Increase of ESR. B. Decrease of hematocrit. C. Increase of hematocrit. D. Hypercoagulation. E. Decrease of ESR.

O n blood grou ping on the syste m ABO, stand ard seru m of the I and II grou ps

cause d eryth rocyt es agglu tinati on of the exam ined blood and seru m grou p of the III didn t. What agglu tinog ens are in these eryth rocyt es? A. B. C. D. E. A. D and C. B. C. A and B.


O smoti c press ure of a man s blood plas ma is 350 mosm ol/L (stan dard press ure is 300 mosm ol/L). This will cause hyper secre tion of the follo wing horm one:

E. Aldosterone.

A. B. C. D.

Vasopressin. Adrenocorticotropin. Cortisol. Natriuretic.


I t was estab lishe d that agglu tinati on of the recipi ents blood eryth rocyt es had been cause d by the stand ard sera from the I and II grou ps. Seru m from the III

A. B. C. D. E.

grou p as well as antiRh seru m hadn t provo ked any agglu tinati on. Whic h blood grou p and rhesu s is allow ed to be transf used this recipi ent? A, (II) Rh-. 0, , (I) Rh+. AB (IV) Rh-. B (III) Rh-. AB (IV) Rh+.

T he conce ntrati on of albu mins in huma n blood samp le is lower than norm al. This leads to edem a of tissue s. What blood functi on is dama ged? A. Maintaining the body temperature. B. Maintaining the oncotic blood pressure.

C. Maintaining the blood

sedimentation system. D. Maintaining the pH level. E. All answers are correct.


he conce ntrati on of albu mins in huma n blood samp le is lower than norm al. This leads to edem a of tissue s. What functi on of the blood

suffer ed? A. Maintaining the oncotic blood pressure. B. Maintaining the Ph level. C. Maintaining the body temperature. D. Maintaining the blood sedimentation system. E. All answers are correct.

A wom an had an acute blood loss after a car accid ent. What is the main physi ologi cal mech anis m of stabil

izing the inter nal para meter s of the orga nism after a blood loss? A. Releasing blood from the blood depot. B. Activation of proper skeletal muscles. C. Inhibition of blood vessels volumereceptors. D. Increase of bone marrow activity. E. Increase of water reabsorption.

ls has a lower ed activi ty of antic oagul ant blood syste m. What facto r conce ntrati on can be lower ed?
A. B. C. D. E.

A patie nt who has thro mbos is of blood vesse


X-factor. Heparin. Fibrinogen. Prothrombin. Prothrombinase. Hem


ophilia is: A. Absence of blood clotting B. Acceleration of blood clotting C. Erythrocyte destruction

D. Deceleration of blood clotting E. Increase of bleeding time


A. Hypoxia. B. Change in

ne has a decre ased total eryth rocyt e numb er: 1.5*1 012 in 5 L. It is acco mpan ied with dyspn oea, loss of consc iousn ess, noise in the ears. Why?

transport function of blood. C. Decrease of hemoglobin quantity. D. Poor oxygen capacity of blood. E. All answers are correct.

f stron g oxidi zers get into the blood strea m, a meth emog lobin is forme d. It is a comp ound, wher e iron (II) beco mes

iron (III). What has to be done to save the patie nt?

A. Interchangeable

hemotransfusion has to be done. B. Patient has to be exposed to the fresh air. C. He has to be calmed down and put to bed. D. He has to be given pure oxygen. E. Respiratory centers have to be stimulated.

A fter a long perio d of takin g antibi otics a patie nt got aller


gy skin redne ss, vasod ilatat ion and incre ased inflo w of blood . What leuco cytes take part in aller gy reacti ons?
A. B. C. D. E.

Lymphocytes. Basophils. Eosinophils. Monocytes. Neutrophils.


P atient s smea r show

s that the numb er of youn g neutr ophil s is 20%, quant ity of segm entnucle ated neutr ophil s is 50%. How this leuco cyte form ula chan ge is calle d? A. Leukemoid reaction. B. Agranulocytosis. C. Regenerative shift. D. Degenerative shift. E. Leukemic dip.


A patie nt with blood loss was admit ted to a reani matio n depar tment . In order to restor e the VCB he needs the plasm asubsti tuting soluti on. Whic h soluti on has to

be used?
A. B. C. D. E.

0,9% NaCl. 0,65% NaCl. 5,0% glucose. 40% glucose. 1,2% KCl.

A wom an, 29 years old, pregn ant 11-23 week s, pregn ancy is norm al. Moth er is Rh+, fetus is Rh-. How norm al pregn ancy can

be expla ined? A. Fetus is not able to produce antibodies. B. Low concentration of anti-rhesus agglutinins will not cause erythrocytes sticking together. C. The placental barrier is not permeable for fetal erythrocytes. D. The placental barrier is not permeable for mothers erythrocytes. E. The placental barrier is not permeable for antirhesus agglutinins.

P eople who live in highl ands have got the incre ased conte nt of eryth rocyt

es. It can be cause d by the incre ase of the prod uctio n of certai n matte r by kidne ys. What matte r is it? A. Rennin. B. Erythropoietin. C. Urokinase. D. Prostagalndins. E. Vitamin D3.

D uring the exam inatio n in the state


of rest a healt hy perso n has the numb er of eryth rocyt es 5.65 x 1012/ L. The reaso n for this can be the fact that the exam ined perso n is: A. A miner. B. An inhabitant of highlands. C. A student. D. An expectant mother.

E. A responsible ministry worker.


A man suffer ing from a kidne ys disea se has anem ia. The most prob able reaso n for anem ia can be a disor der in the secre tion of a certai n matte r.


What matte r is it? A R A A E


ntidiuretic hormone.


ldosterone. D. trial natriuretic factor.


rythropoietin. A s a result of poiso ning with carbo n mono xide a perso n has got a head ache, short breat h, vertig

o. The decli ne of the conte nt of what comp ound in blood result ed in this? A. Oxyhemoglobin. B. Carboxyhemoglobin. C. Carbhemoglobin. D. Methemoglobin. E. Deoxyhemoglobin.

wher e the flue was block ed untim ely? A. Deoxyhemoglobin. B. Carbhemoglobin. C. Carboxyhemoglobin. D. Methemoglobin. E. Oxyhemoglobin.

hat comp ound of hemo globi n will have the inhab itants of the house ,

n expec tant moth er had her blood type defin ed. The reacti on of agglu tinati on of eryth rocyt es took

place with stand ard seru ms of blood grou ps 0 (I), B (III), and did not appe ar with the seru m of blood grou p A (II). What grou p does the blood belon g to?
A. B (III). B. A (II). C. 0 (I). 53

D. AB0 (IV).

E. Defining is impossible.

I t was found that the com mon time of blood coag ulatio n of a 40yearold man with the weig h of 80 kg was 2 minut es durin g the stress . The modif ied index

of the time of blood coag ulatio n is the result of a certai n horm one influe nce on blood coag ulatio n. What horm one is it? A. Aldosterone. B. Cortisol. C. Catecholamines. D. Somatotropin. E. Vasopressin.

I n an exper iment in

two week s after the narro wing of the kidne y arteri a of a rabbi t the incre ase of eryth rocyt es numb er and hemo globi n is found in its blood as a result of the stimu lation of eryth ropoi

esis by eryth ropoi etins. What incre ases the form ation of eryth ropoi etins ? A. Hypercapnia. B. Hypoxemia. C. Hyperosmia. D. Hyposmia. E. Hypovolemia.

W hen defini ng a blood type accor ding to the AB0 syste m the agglu tinati

on of eryth rocyt es of the explo red blood was stimu lated by stand ard seru ms of the I and II blood grou ps and wasn t stimu lated by the stand ard seru m of the III blood

A. and B. B. . C. D. E. and C.

grou p. What agglu tinog ens are in these eryth rocyt es? A A B. C. D
146. A. B. C. D. E.

victi ms blood type is B (III)R h-. What must be the blood type of a dono r? AB (IV) Rh-. 0 (I) Rh-. A (II) Rh+. B (III) Rh+. B (III) Rh-.

D uring a surge ry there was a neces sity of massi ve blood transf usion . A

D uring a labor atory blood analy sis of a 33yearold patie nt the reacti

on of agglu tinati on of eryth rocyt es is detec ted with stand ard seru m of the I and the II blood grou ps. The reacti ons of agglu tinati ons did not take place with the seru m of the

A. B. C. D. E.

III blood grou p and with antir hesus seru m. What type of blood can be transf used if it is neces sary to take into consi derat ion the CDE syste m? B (III) Rh-. 0 (I) Rh+. A (II) Rh+. AB (IV) Rh+. AB (IV) Rh-.


I n 3 years after the surge ry of stom ach remo val a 45yearold man has the numb er of eryth rocyt es in blood 2.0 . 1012/ L, Hb 85 g/L, color index 1.27. The violat ion of the

absor ption of what vitam in cause d the chan ges of eryth ropoi esis? A. C. B. B12. C. A. D. P. E. B6.

A fter apply ing a tourn iquet an exam ined perso n has punct uated hemo rrhag es of the


B. C. .

forea rm. The dysfu nctio n of what blood corpu scles is it conn ected with? Basophils. Erythrocytes. Thrombocytes Neutrophils. Macrophages.


hen defini ng a blood type accor ding to AB0 syste m with the help

of stand ard seru m such result s was got: agglu tinati on took place with the seru ms of the I and II blood grou ps and did not take place with the seru m of the III blood

grou p. What is the grou p of the exam ined blood ? A. B. C. D. AB (IV). A (II). B (III). 0 (I). E. It is impossible to define.

hen defini ng a blood type accor ding to AB0 syste m with the help of stand ard

A. B. C. D.

seru ms such result s were got: agglu tinati on took place with the seru ms of the I, II, and III blood grou ps. What is the grou p of the exam ined blood ? AB (IV). A (II). B (III). 0 (I).

It impossible to define.
E. 152.



C. D. E.

A wom ens blood test show ed the incre ase of SRE. What is the reaso n for it? Physical activity. Pregnancy. Loss of blood. Stress. Food intake.

he result of a blood test show ed an insig nifica nt



incre ase of the numb er of leuko cytes (leuk ocyto sis) witho ut any chan ge of other index es. What actio ns of a patie nt can be the reaso n for leuko cytosi s? That he slept

badly. B. Did not have breakfast.

C. D. E. of water.

Had breakfast. Smoked. Drank 200 ml



B. C.
D. E.

n emer gency docto r state d the signs of poiso ning by carbo n mono xide. What comp ound beca me the reaso n for it? Carboxyhemoglobin. Carbhemoglobin. Methemoglobin. Deoxyhemoglobin. Oxyhemoglobin.

A. B. C. D. E.

D uring the last mont h of pregn ancy the conte nt of fibrin ogen in blood plas ma was twice as much as the norm. What value s of SRE are expec ted? 3 12 mm/h. 0 5 mm/h. 10 15 mm/h. 5 10 mm/h. 40 50 mm/h.


A s a result of a long stay in the moun tains at 3,000 m abov e the sea level a perso n had an incre ase of the oxyge n capa city of blood . The incre ased form ation of

what subst ances in the orga nism is the direct reaso n for it?
A. Leukopoietins. B. Erythropoietins.

C. Carbhemoglobin. D. Catecholamines. E. 2,3diphosphoglycerate.


A s a result of physi cal activi ty a perso ns speed of blood coag ulatio n incre ased.




The incre ased conce ntrati on of what horm one in blood is the reaso n for this phen omen on? Somatotropin. Thyroxin. Adrenaline. Cortisol. Plasmins.

A s a result of a chron ic disea se of the liver the prote


in synth esis functi on of the perso n is subst antial ly defec tive. It will result in the decre ase of some para meter of home ostasi s. What para meter is it? A. Density of blood. B. Osmotic pressure. C. pH. D. Oncotic pressure of the blood plasma. E. Hematocrit index.


A patie nt has got sharp decre ase of the conte nt of albu mins in blood plas ma and oncot ic press ure. What phen omen on will be the result of these chan ges? Decrease of
159. 65



of of of

diuresis. Increase blood volume. D. Edemas. E. Increase blood density.

C. 160.

A child has helmi nths. What chan ges in the perip heral blood will be obser ved?

A. Monocytosis. B. Leukocytosis. C. Neutrophilia. D. Basophilia. E. Eosinophilia.



fter apply ing a tourn iquet

A. .

an exam ined perso n has got punct uated hemo rrhag es. The dysfu nctio n of what blood cells is it conn ected with? Thrombocytes Eosinophils. Monocytes. Lymphocytes. Neutrophils.

D. E.

A s a result of physi cal activi


ty the oxyge n capa city of blood of a perso n incre ased from 180 to 200 ml. what index s incre ase durin g the physi cal activi ty is the princ ipal reaso n for this phen

omen on? A. Hemoglobin content in the unit of blood volume. B. Diffusion capacity of lungs. C. Oxygen content in alveoli. D. Affinity of hemoglobin with oxygen. E. Minute respiratory volume.

T rying to lose weig ht a wom an limite d the amou nt of prod ucts in her dieta ry intak e. Three mont hs

later she had edem ata, diere sis incre ased. The defici t of what comp onent s in food is the reaso n for it?


substances. B. Fats. C. Carbohydrates . D. Vitamins. E. Proteins.


A fter runni ng, possi ble chan

ges in a com mon blood analy sis could be found ? A. Anemia. B. Leukopenia. C. Leukocytosis. D. Increase of SRE. E. Increase of the Color Index.

A fter a longterm starv ation a patie nt got edem ata of tissue s. What is the reaso n for this

phen omen on? A. Reduction of the oncotic pressure of blood plasma. B. Increase of the osmotic pressure of blood plasma. C. Reduction of the osmotic pressure of blood plasma. D. Reduction of hydrostatic blood pressure. E. Increase of oncotic blood pressure. 166. A t a clinic a 49yearold man is being obser ved. He is suffer ing from the subst antial incre ase of

the time of blood coag ulatio n, gastr oente ric bleed ing, and subcu taneo us hemo rrhag es. Such sympt oms can be expla ined by the lack of a certai n vitam in. What vitam

in is it? A. E. B. B1. C. PP. D. H. E. K.


A 40yearold man with a remo ved kidne y has got sympt oms of anem ia. What is the reaso n for such sympt oms?

A. Lack of iron. B. Intensive destruction of erythrocytes.

C. Decline of synthesis of erythropoietins. D. Lack of vitamin B12. E. Lack of folic acid. A hype rtensi ve soluti on of gluco se was intra veno usly infus ed to a patie nt. How will it enha nce the water motio n? A. The changes of water motion will not be present. B. From intercellular liquid to capillaries.
168. 70

From intercellular liquid to cell. D. From capillaries to intercellular liquid. E. From cells to intercellular liquid.
C. 169.

A 25yearold wom an, pregn ant for the third time, got into a clinic with a threa t of misca rriag e. What comb inatio n of her Rh-

facto r and the fetus Rhfacto r may be the reaso n for it? A. Rh- of the mother and Rh+ of the fetus. B. Rh- of the mother and Rh- of the fetus. C. Rh+ of the mother and Rh- of the fetus. D. Rh+ of the mother and Rh+ of the fetus. E. Defining is impossible.

hen defini ng a blood type accor ding to the AB0 syste m the agglu

tinati on of eryth rocyt es of the exam ined blood was cause d by stand ard seru ms of the I and II blood grou ps and wasn t cause d by the seru m of the III blood grou p. What

blood type is it? 0 (I). A (II). AB0 (IV). B (III). It is impossible to define.
A. B. C. D. E. 171.

A. .

cells obser ved? Thrombocytes

A patie nt with chron ic glom erulo nephr itis has disor ders in the incret ory functi on of the kidne ys. The defici t of what blood

Leukocytes. C. Erythrocytes. D. Leukocytes and thrombocytes. E. Erythrocytes and leukocytes.


A wom an with the blood type AB (IV) Rh-, who has a 3yearold child with the blood type AB (IV) Rh+, was

taken to a hospi tal with posttr auma tic bleed ing. It is neces sary to transf use blood . Whic h of the follo wing blood types is it possi ble to transf use?
A. B. C. D. E.


AB (IV) Rh-. 0(I) Rh-. A (II) Rh+. A (II) Rh-. AB (IV) Rh+.

D uring a long stay in the moun tains, climb ers have an increa se of the numb er of erythr ocyte s (eryth rocyt osis). The influe nce of what biolo gicall y active subst ance cause d

these chang es?

A. B.

C. . D.

Cortisol. Rennin. Erythropoietin Adrenaline. Testosterone.


abor atory blood analy sis of a 44yearold patie nt show ed that the conte nt of prote ins in blood plas ma is

40 g/l. How does it influe nce the trans capill ary excha nge of water ? A. The exchange does not change. B. Filtration and reabsorption are increased. C. Filtration and reabsorption are decreasing. D. Filtration is decreasing, reabsorption is increasing. E. Filtration is increasing, reabsorption is decreasing.




A 2yearold child conv ulsio n as a result of lower ed conce ntrati on of calci um ions in blood plas ma. Funct ion of what struct ure is decre ased?


A. B. C. D. E.

Pineal gland. Thymus. Hypophysis. Adrenal cortex. Parathyroid glands.


CG study show ed that the Twave s were positi ve in the stand ard extre mity leads, their ampli tude and durat ion was norm al. The right concl usion woul d be that the

A. B. C. D. E.

follo wing proce ss runs norm ally in the heart ventri cles: . Excitement. Contraction. Relaxation. Depolarization. Repolarization.

A n isolat ed cell of huma n heart auto matic ally gener ates excit ation impul ses with


frequ ency 60 times per minut e. What heart struct ure was this cell obtai ned from ? Atrio His Ventr Sinoa Atriu

ventricular node. B. bundle. C. icle.


trial node. E. m.

fter the trau ma, the patie

nts right n. vagus was dama ged. Whic h violat ion of the cardi ac activi ty is possi ble in this case?
A. Violation of

conductivity in the right auricle. B. Violation of the automatism of a atrioventricular node. C. Block of a conductivity in the atrioventricular node. D. Arrhythmia. E. Violation of the automatism of a KissFleck node.

A 6377

yearold man with colla pse sympt oms was deliv ered to the emer gency hospi tal. A docto r chose nora drena line in order to preve nt hypot ensio n. What is the actio n mech anis

m of this medi catio n? A. Activation of serotonin receptors. B. Activation of -adrenore-ceptors. C. Block of Mcholinorecep-tors. D. Activation of 1-adreno-receptors. E. Activation of dopamine re-captors.

A 49yearold wom an consu lted a docto r about heigh tened fatigu e and dyspn ea durin g physi

cal activi ty. ECG: heart rate is 50 per min, PQ is exten ded, QRS is unch ange d, and Pwave quant ity excee ds quant ity of QRS comp lexes. What type of arrhy thmia does the


B. C. D. E.

patie nt have ? Atrioventricular block. Sinoatrial block. Sinus bradycardia. Ciliary arrhythmia. Extrasystole.

What extra systol es are these ? A.


Sinus. Atrioventricula Ventricular. Atrial.


A patie nt has extra systol e. ECG show s no P wave, QRS comp lex is defor med; there is a full comp ensat ory pause .

r. C. D. E.

A perip heral segm ent of vagus nerve on a dogs neck was being stimu lated in cours e of an exper iment . The follo

wing chan ges of cardi ac activi ty could be mean while obser ved:
A. Enhancement of

atrioventricular conduction. B. Increased excitability of myocardium. C. Heart rate and heart force amplification. D. Heart rate fall. E. Heart hurry. 183. A pers on has stead y HP not excee ding 40 bpm. What is the

pace make r of the heart rhyth m in this perso n? A. Branches of His bundle. B. Sinoatrial Node. C. Atrioventricula r node. D. Purkinje fibers. E. His bundle.

D uring ultras ound exam inatio n of the heart the docto r obser ved the leave

s of the mitra l valve. What happ ens to them durin g the systol e? A. They turn inside the cavity of the ventricle. B. They clasp with the walls of the atrium. C. They clasp with the walls of the vessels. D. They turn inside the cavity of the atrium. E. They close up covering the lumen of the orifice.

ce of Pwave in all the leads. What part of the cond uctin g syste m is block ed? Common branch of the bundle of His. B. Sinuatrial node. C. Branches if the bundle of His. D. Atrioventricula r node. E. Purkinjes fibres.
A. 186.

E lectro cardi ogra m of a 45yearold man show ed absen


E xami natio n of a man estab lishe d that

cardi ac outpu t equal ed 3500 ml, systol ic outpu t 50 ml. what is the man s heart rate per minut e? A. B. C. D. E. 80 50 90 70 60
187. A.

omyo cyte revea led that it didn t gener ate excit ation impul ses auto matic ally. This cardi omyo cyte was obtai ned from: Atrioventricula Purkinjes His bundle. Ventricles. Sinoatrial

r node.

E xami natio n of an isolat ed cardi


fibers. C. D. E. node.

O n exam

inatio n of the perso n it was revea led that minut e volu me of heart is 3500 mL, systol ic volu me is 50 mL. What is the frequ ency of cardi ac contr actio n? A. 60 bpm. B. 70 bpm. C. 50 bpm.

D. 90 bpm. E. 80 bpm. 189. P erson has stabl e HR, not more than 40 bpm. What is the pace make r of the heart rhyth m in this perso n? His bundle. Purkinje Atrioventricula



r node. Branches of His bundle. E. Sinoatrial node.



S hortterm physi cal activi ty result ed in reflex ampli ficati on of heart rate and raise of syste mic arteri al press ure. What recep tors activ ation was the main cause of press or

reflex realiz ation ?

A. Vascular volume

receptors. B. Vascular baroreceptors. C. Hypothalamus thermoreceptors. D. Vascular chemoreceptors. E. Proprioreceptors of active muscles.

T he electr ocard iogra ms analy sis demo nstrat ed that the durat ion of man s heart cycle is 1 sec.

What is the heart rate per minut e? A. B. C. D. E. 50 100 60 70 80

192. A. Simultaneous

mps. What does atrio ventri cular delay suppl y? contraction of both ventricles. B. Sufficient force of ventricles contraction. C. Sufficient force of atria contraction. D. Sequence of atria and ventricles contraction. E. Simultaneous contraction of both atria.

T he speed of excite ment cond uctio n throu gh the atrio ventri cular node in a healt hy adult is 0,020,05

he heart rate and the syste mic arteri al blood press ure of a man

have incre ased due to volun tary respi rator y delay for 40 sec. Reali zatio n of what regul ation mech anis m cause d these chan ges? A. Unconditioned sympathetic reflexes. B. Conditioned sympathetic reflexes. C. D. Conditioned parasympathetic reflexes.

Unconditioned parasympathetic reflexes.

E. 194.

D uring an exper iment vagus branc hes that inner vate heart are being stimu lated. This has stopp ed cond uctio n of excite ment from the atria to the ventri cles. The reaso

n for it is electr o physi cal chan ges in the follo wing struct ures: A. Atria. B. Atrioventricular node. C. Ventricles. D. Sinoatrial node. E. His bundle.

I n a patie nt with trans plant ed heart strok e volu me, heart rate and minut

A. B. C. D. E.

e volu me incre ased on physi cal exert. What is the first mech anis m to provi de this reacti on? Extracardiac. Hypothalamus. Cortex. Intracardiac. Basal ganglia.

E lectro cardi ogra m of a 45yearold man show

ed absen ce of Pwave in all the leads. The block of what part of the cond uctin g syste m can it be an evide nce of? A. Atrioventricular node. B. Sinuatrial node. C. Common branch of the bundle of His. D. Branches of the bundle of His. E. Purkinjes fibres.


veloc ity of impul se cond uctio n along the atrio ventri cular node is decre ased. This will cause Decrease in

heart rate. Increase in Pwave amplitude. C. Segment ST widening. D. Interval PQ prolongation. E. QRS complex widening.
B. 198.

I n a patie nt the

ulse press ure is 50 mm

Hg, and systol ic press ure is 120 mm Hg. What is the diast olic press ure?
A. B. C. D. E.

ance is 20 mm Hg/m in/L. What is the total blood flow?

A. B. C. D. E.

1 L/min. 2 L/min. 5 L/min. 10 L/'min. L/min.


70 mm Hg. 50 mm Hg. 60 mm Hg. 90 mm Hg. 170 mm Hg.


ean arteri al blood press ure is 100 mm Hg, and total perip heral resist

uncti oning of certai n struct ures of an isolat ed heart is stopp ed as the result of their cooli

ng. What struct ure was coole d down if the heart stops and then starts beati ng at two time s lower heat rate?
A. Sinuatrial node. B. Atrioventricular node. C. Common branch of the

the amou nt of blood that flows along the blood vesse ls is 5 l/per minut e. What amou nt of blood flows along pulm onary blood vesse ls?
A. 3,75L B. 5 L C. 2,5 L D. 2 L E. 1,5 L 202.

bundle of His. D. Branches of the bundle of His. E. Purkinjes fibres.


n 30yearold lady

I a

O n an isolat ed heart


of rabbi t calci um chan nels of cardi ac cells were block ed. How will it influe nce heart work ? A. Heart stops in systole. B. Heart rate increases. C. Heart rate decreases. D. Heart stops in diastole. E. Heart rate and stroke volume decrease.

thyro id gland electr ocard iogra m show ed tachy cardi a. Analy ses of what segm ents of ECG prove tachy cardi a.
A. B. C. D. E.

P-Q segment. P-Q interval. P-T interval. R-R interval. QRS complex.

I n a patie nt with hyper functi on of


S troke volu me is 70 ml, and

heart rate is 80 bpm. What is the cardi ac outpu t? A. 5600 ml/min B. 1000 ml/min C. 5000 ml/min D. 5600 ml E. 6400 ml

C apilla ry hydro static press ure is 35 mm Hg, capill ary colloi dal osmo tic press ure is 28 mm

Hg, and inters titial fluid colloi dal osmo tic press ure is 3 mm Hg. The net filtrat ion or absor ption press ure is: A. 4 mm Hg (absorption). B. 4 mm Hg (filtration). C. 10 mm Hg (absorption) D. 10 mm Hg (filtration). E. 7 mm Hg (filtration)

n indivi dual' s blood

press ure is meas ured as 120/9 0 mm Hg. What is the mean arteri al press ure? A. 30 mm Hg B. 90 mm Hg C. 120 mm Hg D. 100 mmHg E. 210 mm Hg

I n a health y adult the probe of heart caviti es and big vessel s is


perfor med. Wher e to is the probe insert ed if the press ure chang ed from 0 to 120 mm Hg durin g the heart cycle ?
A. B. C. D. E.

Aorta. Right ventricle. Left ventricle. Pulmonary artery. Atrium.


A ll heart valve s are close d in

the phase of heart cycle : A. Isometric contraction. B. Asynchronic contraction. C. Fast ejection. D. Slow ejection. E. Active filling.

B. Conductivity. C. Electromechanical

interface. D. Automatism. E. Mastering the rhythm.


T he patie nt takes drugs that block Ca2+chan nels. Whic h proce sses in the myoc ardiu m do they act on?

A. Excitation.

T he calci um canal s of cardi omyo cytes have been block ed on an isolat ed heart of a rabbi t. What chan ges in a heart activi ty happ en as a

result ? A. Decreased heart beat rate. B. Decreased force of the contraction. C. Decreased rate and force of heart beat. D. Heart stops in systole. E. Heart stops in diastole.

D uring the emoti onal excit ation, the heart beat rate of a 30yearold perso n reach es 112 beats per minut e. Whic

h part of a heart cond uctiv e syste m provi des these chan ges?
A. B. C. D. E.

Purkinjes fibres. Kiss-Fleck node. Hiss bundle. Atrio-ventricular node. Hiss bundle branches. 212. T he heart beat rate of an adult male after the disea se is 40 beats per minut e.

Whic h part of a heart cond uctiv e syste m provi des such rate? A. Atrio-ventricular node. B. Kiss-Fleck node. C. Hiss bundle. D. Purkinje fibers. E. Bahaman bundle.

A fter the trau ma, the patie nts right n. vagus was dama ged. Whic h

violat ion of a cardi ac activi ty is possi ble in this case? A. Violation of the automatism of a KissFleck node. B. Violation of the automatism of a atrioventricular node. C. Violation of conductivity in the right auricle. D. Block of a conductivity in the atrioventricular node. E. Arrhythmia.

D uring the diast ole the blood flow in ventri cle

somet imes cause s:

A. The first tone. B. The second tone. C. The sound of blood

B. In the 5th intercostal

ejection. D. Noise made by the heart emission. E. The third tone.


space 1-1.5 cm to the right of medio-clavicular line. C. In the 2nd intercostal space on the left edge of the sternum. D. In the 2nd intercostal space on the right edge of the sternum E. In the 5th intercostal space on the level of anterior axillaries line

urati on of the 1st heart tone: A. 7-8 sec B. 8-9 sec C. 9-10sec D. 10-11 sec E. 11-12 seconds 216. W here is the mitra l valve heard ? A. At the basis of xiphoid process.

N orma l durat ion of a QRS comp lex:

A. 0.08-0.1 B. 0.02-0.05 C. 0.06-0.09 sec D. 0.04-0.12 E. There is no answer.


true D ue to the arrhy thmo genic

influe nce of the stress reacti on on the heart the norm al seque nce of the wave s on ECG was violat ed. Mark the corre ct seque nce of wave s on ECG: A. PQRST B. QPRST C. RSTPQ D. TSRPQ E. QPSTR


he heart make s singl e contr actio ns due to: A. The prolonged phase of absolute refractory. B. The contractive phase of relative refractory. C. Exaltation phase. D. The contractive phase of absolute refractory. E. All answers are true.

A stude nt, 18years -old. Duri ng physi cal activi ty redist ributi

on of blood flow in orga nism is reogr aphic ally regist ered. In the vesse ls of what orga n did the blood flow incre ase most of all? A. Liver. B. Sceletal muscles. C. Cerebrum. D. Kidneys. E. Digestive tract.


ECG it is neces sary to defin e the pace make r of the heart. On the basis of the meas uring of what index is it possi ble to do? D A D D D

uration of waves.

mplitude of waves.

irection of waves.

uration of R-R interval.


hen analy sis an


uration of QRS complex.


A s a result of arbitr ary breat hholdi ng durin g 40 s. the frequ ency of heart beats and syste m arteri otony incre ased. The realiz ation of what mech anis ms of regul ation cause

d the chan ges of index es? A. Reflexes. B. Unconditional parasympathetic reflexes. C. Conditional sympathetic reflexes. D. Conditional parasympathetic reflexes. E. Unconditional sympathetic reflexes.

I n the cours e of an exper iment on anim als it was state d that arteri otony depe nds on the size of

vascu lar resist ance. In what vesse ls is it the great est? A. Aorta. B. Arteries. C. Arterioles. D. Veins. E. Capillaries.

A. B.



A 40 y. o. man the rise of arteri otony was diagn osed after emoti onal excite ment. What is the

possi ble reaso n for this effect ? Hyperpolarization of cardiomyocytes. Dilatation of arterioles. Decrease of frequency of heart beats. Increase of tone of sympathetic part of the nervous system. Increase of tone of parasympathetic part of the nervous system.

I n an exper iment durin g the study of the proce sses of the excit ation of cardi omyo cytes

it was deter mine d that in the phase of rapid depol arizat ion sodiu m ions can move additi onall y. What chan nels can they additi onall y move throu gh? A. B. C. D. E. Calcium. Potassium. Choric. Magnesium. Lithium.
102 A. Sympathetic

D uring physi cal activi ty the minut e volu me of blood of a man with a trans plant ed heart incre ased. What mech anis m of regul ation provi des these chan ges? conditional

B. Sympathetic unconditional


C. Parasympathetic

unconditional reflexes. D. Catecholamines. E. Parasympathetic conditional reflexes.


A nalys is the ECG it was state d that in the II stand ard lead from the extre mitie s the T wave s are positi ve, their ampli tude and durat ion are norm

al. What proce ss takes place in the ventri cles of the heart norm ally?
A. Excitation.

B. C. D. E.

Depolarization. Repolarization. Contraction. Relaxation.


W orkin g up atypi cal cardi omyo cytes with the biolo gicall y activ e subst ance

the incre ase of their mem brane poten tial is regist ered due to the incre ased perm eabili ty of potas sium ions. What subst ance influe nced the cardi omyo cytes ? A. Thyroxin. B. Adrenaline. C. Noradrenaline. D. Acetylcholine. E. Atrial natridiuretic factor.


A wom an of 30 y. o. her minut e volu me of blood passe d throu gh her lungs vesse ls in 1 minut e?

A. B. C. D. E.

1.5 L. 3.75 L. 2.5 L. 2 L. 5 L.


I n a mont h after a surgi cal

narro wing of the kidne y arteri a of a rabbi t the subst antial incre ase of syste m arteri otony is regist ered. A certai n subst ance influe nced the chan ge of the press ure of the anim al.

What sort of subst ance is it? A. B. C. D. Angiotensin II. Vasopressin. Adrenaline. Noradrenaline. E. Serotonin.

mme diatel y after the transi tion from horiz ontal positi on to vertic al one the frequ ency of heart beats of a man

A. Conditional

incre ased by 15 per minut e. What mech anis ms of regul ation mainl y prede termi ne this chan ge? sympathetic

reflexes. B. Unconditional sympathetic reflexes. C. Conditional and unconditional sympathetic reflexes. D. Catecholamines. E. Sympathetic reflexes and catecholamines.

A fter long physi cal


activi ty the volu me of circul atory blood of a man with body weig ht of 0 kg decre ased. Hem atocr it value was 50%, gener al blood prote in 80 g/L. the result of what proce ss are such

index es of blood ? A. Loss of water with sweat. B. Increase of quantity of erythrocytes. C. Increase of proteins content in blood plasma. D. Increase of oncotic pressure of blood plasma. E. Increase of diuresis.

C alciu m canal s of cardi omyo cytes were partl y block ed on the isolat ed heart of a rabbi t. What chan ges in

cardi ac activi ty will take place as a result of it? A. Decrease of the frequency of contractions. B. Decrease of the frequency and force of contraction. C. Decrease of the force of contractions. D. Cardiac arrest in diastole. E. Cardiac arrest in systole.

P hysic al activi ty of a healt hy man cause d mode rate of diast olic press

A. Enhancement work. B. Decline of the tone of vessels in muscle. C. Decrease of the elasticity of vessels. D. Decrease of the volume of circulatory blood. E. Increase of the resistance of vessels.

ure. What is the reaso n for such phen omen on? of heart

heart are close d. What phase does it corre spon d to? A. Isometric contraction. B. Asynchronous contraction. C. Protodiastolic period. D. Rapid filling. E. Slow filling.

I n an exper iment on an anim al a cardi ac cycle is exam ined. All valve s of


A patie nt has got a dimin ishin g speed contr actio n of exper iment on an atrio ventri cular node.

The incre ase of the durat ion of a certai n index will be regist ered on the ECG. What index is it?
A. R R interval. B. Wave P. C. P Q interval. D. QRS complex. E. ST segment. 237.

T he cathe teriza tion of the cham bers and large


vesse ls of a healt hy grow n-up is made . Wher e is the probe , if durin g a cardi ac cycle the chan ges of press ure are regist ered from 0 to 120 mm? A. In the pulmonary artery. B. In the right ventricle. C. In the aorta. D. In the left ventricle.

E. In the auricle. I n an exper iment on a dog a perip heral part of the vagus nerve on the neck is irrita ted. What chan ges of cardi ac activi ty take place ? A. Increase of excitability of myocardium. B. Increase of the force of contraction. C. Increase of atrioventricular conduction.
238. 110

D. Increase of the frequency

and force of contractions. E. Decrease of the frequency of contraction.


I n an exper iment an isolat ed heart of a dog was perfu sed with the soluti on overc once ntrati on of calci um chlor ide. What chan ged in the work of the

heart took place ? A. Decrease of the frequency of contractions. B. Decrease of the force of contractions. C. Increase of the frequency of contractions. D. Increase of the frequency and force of contractions. E. Decrease of the frequency and force of contractions.

T he ECG a patie nt show ed the incre ase of the durat ion of T wave. The incre asing of this

A. Depolarization

index was cause d by the dimin ishin g speed of certai n proce sses in ventri cles. What proce sses are there ? and

B. C. D. E.

repolarization. Repolarization. Depolarization. Contraction. Relaxation.


hat chan ge in the isolat

ed heart of a frog can be expec ted after intro ducin g surpl us amou nt of calci um chlor ide into perfu sion soluti on? A. Decrease of the force of contractions. B. Increase of the frequency and force of contractions. C. Increase of the frequency of contractions. D. Increase of the force of contractions. E. Cardiac arrest in diastole.


T he ECG of a patie nt show ed the incre ase of the durat ion of the Q T interv al. The incre asing of this index was cause d by the dimin ishin g speed of certai n proce


sses in the ventri cles. What proce sses are there ? A. Depolarization. B. Depolarization repolarization. C. Repolarization. D. Contraction. E. Relaxation.


B efore a comp etitio n a sport sman has got the incre ase of arteri otony and frequ ency of

A. Cortex


D. E.

of hemispheres. Medulla oblongata. Mesencephalon. Diencephalon. Hypothalamus.

heart beats. By the influe nce of what parts of the CNS is it possi ble to expla in these hemis phere s. large


hat comp ensat ory mech anis ms arise

A. Decline


when a healt hy perso n passe s from a lying positi on to a stand ing positi on? diastolic

arteriotony. B. Decrease of the frequency of heartbeats. C. Increase of the frequency of heartbeats. D. Decrease of the tone of vessels. E. Decrease of common peripheral resistance.

T he speed of the cond uctio n of


excite ment throu gh the atrio ventri cular node of a healt hy grow n-up is 0.02 0.05 m/sec . What proce ss does the atrio ventri cular delay provi de? A. Sufficient force of auricle contraction. B. Simultaneity of the contraction of both auricles.

C. Simultaneity

of the contraction of both ventricles. D. Sequence of the contraction of auricles and ventricles. E. Sufficient force of the contraction of ventricles.

E. Increase



volume. T he frequ ency of heart beats of a man is const antly at the level of 40 per min. What struct ure is the cond uctor of the rhyth m? A. Hisbundle. B. Sinoatrial node. C. Atrioventricular node. D. Crura of His bundle. E. Purkinje's fibres.

W hat effect will the electr ostim ulatio n of baror ecept ors of carot id sinus lead to in an exper iment on a dog?

A. Expansion of vessels.

B. Vasoconstriction. C. Increase of the frequency of heartbeats. D. Increase of the minute volume of blood.


A refle

E. In

x cardi ac arres t happ ened durin g a surgi cal opera tion on the orga ns of abdo minal cavit y. Wher e is the cente r of this reflex locat ed?
A. In the diencephalon.

B. In the spinal cord. C. In the mesencephalon. D. In the medulla oblongata.


the cortex of large hemispheres. 249. D uring the resea rch of the isolat ed cardi omyo cyte it was deter mine d that it doesn t gener ate the impul ses of excit ation auto matic ally. What struct ure is the cardi omyo

cyte got from ? A. From the atrioventricular node. B. From the sinoatrial node. C. From the ventricles. D. From the His bundle. E. From the Purkinjes fibres.

m to ventri cles is destr oyed ?

A. Crura of His bundle.

I n an exper iment on a mam mal by the destr uctio n of a certai n heart struct ure the cond uctio n of exper iment from atriu

B. Sinoatrial node. C. His bundle. D. Atrioventricular node. E. Purkinjes fibres.


W hile exam ining a perso n it was deter mine d that his minut e volu me of blood is 3500 ml, systol ic volu

me 50 ml. What frequ ency of heart beats does this man have ? A. B. C. D. E. 90 per min. 60 per min. 50 per min. 80 per min. 70 per min.

cycle of a perso n is 1 sec. What frequ ency of heart beats per minut e does the perso n have ? A. B. C. D. E. 60. 50. 70. 80. 100.

W hen analy zing an ECG it is deter mine d that the durat ion of the cardi ac

I t is neces sary to exam ine the elasti city

of a perso ns large arteri al vesse ls. Whic h of the instru ment al meth ods of resea rch is it better to use for this purp ose?
A. Electrocardiography.

B. Sphygmography. C. Phonocardiography. D. Phlebography. E. Vectorcardiography.


A. phygmography.

to exam ine the state of the perso ns heart valve s. Whic h of the instru ment al meth ods of resea rch is it better to use for this purp ose? S E P

I t is neces sary

lectrocardiography. C. honocardiography.




robing of vessels. T A. .

he proce sses of the repol arizat ion in the myoc ardiu m of the ventri cles of an exam ined patie nt are defec tive. The violat ion of ampli tude, confi gurat ion, and

durat ion of what wave will it leads to? S Q R T P


. C. . D. . E. .

I n the cours e of an exper iment on a rabbi t a band aging of the kidne y arter y was done.

As a result of it the level of arteri otony incre ased consi derab ly. The incre ase of the secre tion of what subst ance cause d it? A. Atrial natriuretic factor. B. Adrenaline. C. Vasopressin. D. Noradrenaline. E. Rennin.

I n an exper iment the


linea r speed of blood move ment is meas ured. It is the least in a capill ary. What is the reaso n for this phen omen on? A. Small diameter of the capillary. B. Small length of the capillary. C. The biggest total area of transversal section of capillaries. D. Small hydrostatical pressure in capillaries. E. Superfine wall of capillary.

W hat chan ges of the functi on of the isolat ed heart will take place after the incre ase of the conce ntrati on of calci um chlor ide in the perfu sion soluti on? A. Decrease of the frequency of contractions. B. Decrease of the force of contractions.
258. 122

C. Increase

of frequency and force contractions. D. Cardiac arrest diastole. E. Decrease of frequency and force contractions.

the of in the of

A stude nt got tachy cardi a befor e an exam inatio n. What chan ges in the ECG will testif y its prese nce? A. Lengthening of QRS complex. B. Lengthening of R R interval. C. Shortening of R R interval.

Lengthening of P Q interval. E. Lengthening of QT segment.

D. 260.

the surpl us of liquid get? A. Into arterial vessels. B. Into venous vessels. C. Into interpleural space. D. Into abdominal cavity. E. Into lymphatic vessels.

D uring the resea rch it was deter mine d that norm ally the liquid outlet in inters titium excee ds its rever se inflo w throu gh a capill ary wall. Wher e does

A fter sever al hours sittin g in the force positi on in a bus a passe nger notic ed an edem a of his feet and ankle s.

What is the reaso n for such edem a? A. Venous congestion. B. Dilatation of arterioles. C. Increased permeability of capillaries. D. Decline of proteins level in plasma. E. High level of histamine.

he durat ion of the P Q interv al excee ds the norm again st the back grou nd of the norm al durat

ion of the P wave. The reaso n for it is the lower ing of the speed of excite ment cond uctio n in a certai n struct ure. What struct ure is it? A. Atrioventricular node. B. Sinoatrial node. C. His bundle. D. Cruca of His bundle. E. Purkinjes fibres.

A patie nt has

A. Pressure change. B. Systolic pressure will increase mainly. C. Diastolic pressure will increase mainly.

got an incre asing tone of arteri oles again st the back grou nd of norm al index es of heart work. How will it influe nce the value of arteri otony ? will not

D. Diastolic pressure will

diminish mainly. E. Systolic pressure will diminish mainly. A s a result of bleed ing the volu me of circul atory blood of a patie nt is reduc ed. How will it influe nce the value of arteri otony ? A. Diastolic pressure will decrease only. B. Systolic pressure will decrease only.


C. Systolic and diastolic

pressure will decrease. D. Systolic pressure will decrease at increasing of diastolic. E. Diastolic pressure will decrease at increasing of systolic.

intra veno usly? A. Glucose. B. Calcium chloride. C. Sodium chloride. D. Sodium hydrocarbonate. E. Potassium chloride.

I n an exper iment on a dog it was neces sary to reduc e the excit abilit y of myoc ardiu m. What soluti on is it advis able to intro duce

A sport sman has the incre ase of arteri otony and frequ ency of heart beats befor e a comp etitio n. By the influe nce of what parts of the

A. Cortex of hemispheres. B. Diencephalon. C. Medulla oblongata. D. Mesencephalon. E. Hypothalamus.

CNS is it possi ble to expla in these chan ges? large


I n an exper iment on a dog a perip heral part of the vagus nerve on the neck is irrita ted. What chan

ges of cardi ac activi ty are obser ved here? A. Increase of the force of contractions. B. Increase of the frequency and force of contractions. C. Increase of the excitability of myocardium. D. Increase of the conduction of excitation on myocardium. E. Decrease of the frequency of contractions.

T he chan ge of body positi on from horiz ontal to vertic al cause

d the decre ase of veno us retur n of blood to the heart, and as a result there is a decre ase of the strok e volu me of blood and syste m arteri otony . Signa ls from what recep tors, first

A. Baroreceptors

of all, start comp ensat ory mech anis ms of the rene wal of hemo dyna mics? of

pulmonary artery. B. Chemoreceptors of sinocarotid zone. C. Mechanoreceptors of right atrium. D. Baroreceptors of the arch of aorta and carotid sinuses. E. Volume receptors of the vena cava inferior.

D uring physi cal activi ty the activi ty of symp

atheti c part of the nervo us syste m incre ases, whic h result s in the incre ase of minut e blood volu me and narro wing of resist ant vesse ls, but the vesse ls of worki ng muscl

es dilate sharp ly. What is the reaso n for their dilata tion? A. Strengthening of the impulsation from baroreceptors of the arch of aorta. B. Decrease of the sensitiveness of adrenoreceptors. C. Strengthening of the impulsation from arterial chemoreceptors. D. Strengthening of the impulsation from proprioreceptors of muscles. E. Accumulation of the products of metabolism.

T he volu me blood volu me in a

patien t with transp lanted heart has increa sed as a result of physi cal activi ty. What regul ative mech anism is respo nsible for these chang es?
A. Parasympathetic


conditioned reflexes. B. Sympathetic conditioned reflexes. C. Catecholamines. D. Sympathetic unconditioned reflexes. E. Parasympathetic unconditioned reflexes.

n respo nse to a chang e in body positi on from horiz ontal to vertic al blood circul ation syste m devel ops reflec tory press or reacti on. Whic h of the follo wing is its

comp ulsor y comp onent ? A. Weakening of the pumping ability of heart.

B. Increase in the heart

rate. C. Decrease in the circulating blood volume. D. Systemic constriction of the venous vessels. E. Systemic dilatation of the arterial resistive.



A patie

nt with

bronc hial asth ma is admi nister ed inhal ation of 0,5% isadri ne soluti on. Bron chosp asm was relea sed, but the patie nt bega n comp lainin g of pain in the heart regio n and palpit

ation. It is conn ected with the stimu lation of:

A. M-cholinergic

receptors. B. Acetylcholine synthesis. C. 1- adrenoreceptors. D. 1- adrenoreceptors. E. 2- adrenoreceptors.


A patie nt has a trans verse disru ption of spina l cord belo w the IV thora cic segm ent. What

chan ges of respi ratio n will it cause ? A. Respiration will stop. B. Respiration will become more frequent. C. Respiration will stay unchanged. D. Respiration will become less frequent. E. Respiration will become deeper.

A patie nt with the sympt oms of acute alcoh olic poiso ning was brou ght to the hospi

tal. What carbo hydra tes meta bolis m chan ges are typic al for this condi tion? A. The anaerobic glucose metabolism predominates in muscles. B. The gluconeogenesis is increased in liver. C. The breakage of glycogen is increased in liver. D. The gluconeogenesis velocity in liver is decreased. E. The anaerobic breakage of glucose is increased in muscles.

A youn g man

incre ased his energ y input s from 500 to 2000 kJ per hour. What from the sugge sted can cause it? A. Rising of external temperature. B. Food taken. C. Change of sleeping for waking. D. Mental activity. E. Physical activity.

up the ballo on as much as possi ble for a one exhal ation. What is air volu me will you use? A. Vital volume of the lungs B. Functional residual volume C. Back up volume of the inspiration D. Total volume of the lungs E. Inspiration volume

hild asked you to puff


I nhabi tants of territ ories

with cold clima te have high conte nt of an adapt ive therm oregu lator y horm one. What horm one is mean t?
A. Glucagon.

ured in a perso n. In what phase does a perso n hold his breat h if the press ure is 25 cm H2O?


expiration. Quiet inspiration. C. D. Forced expiration. E. Forced inspiration.

B. 279.

B. C. D. E.

Somatotropin. Thyroxin. Insulin. Cortisol.


I ntrap leura l press ure is being meas


hich mech anis m of therm

oregu lation prote cts overh eatin g of the orga nism in saun a:
A. B. C. D. E.

Heat radiation. Heat transformation. Convection. Evaporation. Vasodilatation.


A patie nt has a tidal volu me of 500 ml, a breat hing rate of 16 breat hs / mm, a

dead space volu me of 150 ml, and a FRC (funct ional resid ual capa city) of 3 liters. Minu te ventil ation for this patie nt woul d be:
A. 2.4 L/min

B. 2.9 L/min C. 4.8 L/min D. 5.6 L/mm E. 8 L/min


A patie nt has

an alveo lar ventil ation of 5 L/min , a frequ ency of 10 breat hs per min, and a tidal volu me of 700 ml. What is the patie nt's dead space ventil ation ? A. 2.0 L/min B. 0.7 L/min C. 1.0 L/min D. 4.3 L/min E.

I n an anim al medu lla oblon gata is destr oyed. How will the respi ratio n chan ge? A. Respiration grows deeper and less frequent. B. Respiration becomes superficial. C. Respiration stops. D. Respiration becomes more frequent. E. Respiration grows deeper and more frequent.
282. 283.

A train ed athlet e has a force

d vital capa city of 5.0 liters, a functi onal resid ual volu me of 2.4 liters, and a resid ual volu me of 1.2 liters. What is the perso n's total lung capa city? A. 8 liters B. 7.4 liters C. 5.0 liters D. 6.2 liters E. 9.6 liters


A pers on expir es into a spiro meter for 10 minut es. Her expir ed volu me was 54 liters, her respi ratio n rate was 12 breat hs / min, and her alveo lar ventil ation was

4.2 L/min durin g the 10minut e perio d. What is this perso n's tidal volu me? A. 300 ml B. 1.2 liters C. 420ml D. 450 ml E. L ungs disch arge: enumerated

E. Products of incomplete

oxygenation of the fat (at the diabetes). T he respi rator y syste m comp ensat es the meta bolic acido sis by: A. Decreasing the frequency of breathing and excretion CO2. B. Decreasing the frequency of breathing and delay excretion CO2. C. Increasing the frequency of breathing and excretion CO2. D. Increasing the frequency of breathing and delay excretion CO2. E. All is wrong. 287. T he regul ation

A. All

substances. B. Water. C. Volatile aromatic compounds that contains in nutritious and medical substances. D. Carbonic acid.


of the water balan ce in orga nism is a functi on of:

A. B. C. D. E.

Thalamus. Hypothalamus. Cerebellum. Medulla oblongata. Limbic system.


T he patie nt with the sympt oms of acute alcoh olic poiso ning was brou ght in clinic . Whic h

chan ges of carbo hydra tes meta bolis m are typic al for this condi tion? A. The speed of gluconeogenesis in liver is decreased. B. The gluconeogenesis is increased in liver. C. The breakage of glycogen is increased in liver. D. The anaerobic glucose metabolism predominates in muscles. E. The anaerobic breakage of glucose is increased in muscles.

T he utiliz ation of gluco se by cells

is prom oted by
A. B. C. D. E.

Insulin. Glucagon. Adrenalin. Thyroxin. Somatotropin.


air will pass throu gh his alveo li in 1 minut e? A. 9000 ml. B. 7500 ml. C. 1500 ml. D. 6000 ml. E. 7400 ml.

n exam ined perso ns tidal volu me make s 500 ml, respi rator y rate 15 per 1 min, volu me of dead space 100 ml. How much

E nergy waste r of a youn g man incre ased from 500 to 2000 kilojo ules in 1 hour. Whic h of the

follo wing belo w can be the reaso n for it? A. Physical activity. B. Increase of external temperature. C. Mental work. D. Food intake. E. Transition from sleep to wakeful state.

D uring physi cal activi ty a youn g man s oxyge n consu mptio n and carbo n dioxi de

elimi natio n per minut e make 1000 ml. What subst ances are oxidi zed in the cells of his orga nism ? A. Carbohydrates. B. Proteins. C. Fats. D. Carbohydrates and fats. E. Carbohydrates and proteins.

I n a press ure cham ber the press ure was

reduc ed to 400 mm Hg. How will the breat hing of a perso n chan ge in this press ure cham ber? A. Respiration depth will decrease and respiration frequency will increase. B. Respiration depth and frequency will decrease. C. Respiration depth and frequency will increase. D. Respiration depth will increase, and respiration frequency will decrease. E. Will remain without changes.

reduc tion of the activi ty of lungs surfa ctant of a patie nt is deter mine d. What will the result of it be? A. Increase of the ventilation of lungs. B. Decrease of the resistance of respiratory tract. C. Decrease of the work of respiratory muscles. D. Inclination of the alveoli to falling. E. Hyperoxemia.

T he sharp

T he air temp eratu

re is 38C, relati ve humi dity of the air 80%, wind speed 0m per sec. Due to what mech anis m will there be heat emiss ion under these condi tion? A. Convection. B. Radiation. C. Evaporation of sweat. D. Heat conduction. E. Radiation convection.


T idal volu me is 450 ml and breat hing frequ ency is 20 per min. What will alveo lar ventil ation per minut e be?

A. 5000 ml. B. 3000 ml. C. 4000 ml. D. 6000 ml. E. 8000 ml.

T he curve of the disso ciatio n of

oxyhe mogl obin is shifte d to the right. What chan ges in a perso ns orga nism can be the reaso n for it? A. Increase of the concentration of 2,3phosphoglycerate in erythrocytes. B. Hyperthermia. C. Alkalosis. D. Hypocapnia. E. Hypoxemia.

trau ma a patie nts breat hing beco me infre quent and deep. What struct ure of cereb rum is dama ged? A. Medulla oblongata. B. Hypothalamus. C. Metencephalon. D. Cortex of large hemispheres. E. Cerebellum.

A fter a crani ocere bral


here is an incre ased conte nt of carbo n

dioxi de in an apart ment. How will the breat hing of a perso n enteri ng the apart ment chan ge? A. Depth and frequency will increase. B. Depth will decrease. C. Depth will increase. D. Frequency will decrease. E. Frequency will increase.

cloth es is stand ing in a room wher e air temp eratu re is 14C. Wind ows and doors are close d. In what way does the man give the bigge st quant ity of heat? A. By convection. B. By heat conduction. C. By heat radiation. D. By evaporation. E. By perspiration.

A man dress ed in light



B y the meth od of indir ect calor imetr y it was deter mine d that the basic excha nge of an exam ined perso n is 40 % lower than it shoul d be. The violat ion of the activi ty of what

endo crine gland is the reaso n for such state ? A. Pancreas. B. Thymus. C. Thyroid. D. Epiphysis. E. Adrenal gland.

A patie nt has a spas m of smoo th muscl e of the bronc hi. The use of the activ ators of what recep

tors will be physi ologi cally grou nded for the remo val of the spas m? A. N-Cholinoreceptors. B. -Adrenoreceptors. C. - and -adrenoreceptors. D. -Adrenoreceptors. E. M-Cholinoreceptors.

A. Will

superficial frequent. B. Will become superficial and more seldom. C. Will become deep and more frequent. D. Will stop. E. Will become deep and more seldom.

ent. How will the breat hing chara cter chan ge? become and more

A patie nt has got a trau ma of the spina l cord abov e the 5th neck segm

D uring an exper iment on an anim al its spina l cord was cut abov e the

5th neck segm ent. How will the breat hing chara cter chan ge? A. Will stop. B. Will become superficial and more seldom. C. Will become deep and frequent. D. Will become superficial and frequent. E. Will become deep and more seldom.

a perso n is in the condi tions of 80% air humi dity and the temp eratu re of the envir onme nt is 35C ? A. Sweat secretion. B. Radiation. C. Heat conduction. D. Convection. E. Conduction.

W hat mech anis m of heat emiss ion is the most effect ive if

W hen analy sis a patie nts spiro gram

A. Expiratory

the decre ase of the frequ ency and depth of breat hing is deter mine d. The decre ase of what index will it cause ? reserve

volume. B. Vital capacity of the lungs. C. Inspiratory reserve volume. D. Minute volume of respiration. E. Residual volume.

I n the pre150

start condi tion it is neces sary for a runne r to incre ase the conte nt of oxyge n in his muscl e. In what way can the runne r do it? A. To breathe with low frequency. B. To breathe in the mode of hypoventilation. C. To take a rapid inspiration and slow expiration. D. To breathe superficially.

E. To breathe in the mode of hyperventilation.


A fter inhal ation of dust a man had a coug h. By the excit ation of what recep tors is it cause d?

often has a coug h. Irrita tion of what recep tors starts this reflex . A. Chemoreceptors of carotid sinuses. B. Central chemoreceptors. C. Chemoreceptors of the arch of aorta. D. Irritant. E. Mechanoreceptors of lungs.

A. Irritant. B. Juxtacapillar. C. Chemoreceptors of lungs. D. Thermoreceptors of lungs. E. Pain.


W hile smoki ng a man


C oolin g of the huma n body in water is much faster

than in the air. What way of heat emiss ion in water is much more effect ive? A. Sweat evaporation. C. Heat radiation. D. Convection. E. Heat conduction. 311. A man who went out warm a warm apart ment into cold air often
B. 152

had a coug h. The irrita tion of what recep tors starte d the coug hing reflex ? A. Mechanoreceptors of lung. B. Central chemoreceptors. C. Chemoreceptors of the arch of aorta. D. Chemoreceptors of carotid sinuses. E. Irritant.

A fter hyper ventil ation a sport sman has a short

A. pH.

stop of breat hing. What chan ges in blood are the reaso ns for it? Decrease of

Decrease of the tension of CO2. C. Increase of the tension of CO2. D. Decrease of the tension of O2. E. Increase of the tension of CO2 and O2.

A ir temp eratu re in prod uctio n premi ses is 36C; relati


ve air humi dity is 80%. In what way does a huma n orga nism give its warm under such condi tions ? A. By evaporation of sweat. B. By heat conduction. C. By radiation. D. By convection. E. By conduction.

A s a result of physi cal activi ty a

perso n has got hyper ventil ation. Whic h of the follo wing index es of his breat hing are consi derab ly highe r than in the state of rest? A. Tidal volume. B. Vital capacity of lungs. C. Inspiratory reserve volume. D. Expiratory reserve volume. E. Total lung capacity.


A s a result of some patho logic al proce ss a perso n has got an incre ased thick ness of alveo larca pillar mem brane . The decre ase of what index es will be the direct result of it?


A. Oxygen capacity of blood. B. Diffusive capacity of lungs. C. Minute respiratory volume. D. Alveolar ventilation of lungs per minute. E. Expiratory reserve volume.

A pers on lost consc iousn ess in a car salon , wher e he had been waiti ng for a frien d with a turne d on engin

e for a long time. What comp ound of hemo globi n was found in his blood ? A. Methemoglobin. B. Deoxyhemoglobin. C. Carbhemoglobin. D. Carboxyhemoglobin. E. Oxyhemoglobin.

aroti d bodie s of an anim al were ablat ed on both sides. The influe

nce of whic h of the follo wing facto rs will not cause hyper ventil ation ? A. Increase of the temperature of the main body. B. Physical activity. C. Hypercapnia. D. Acidosis. E. Hypoxemia.

D uring the regist ratio n of the electr ic activi ty of neuro


ns it was deter mine d that they beco me excite d befor e inspir ation and its begin ning. Wher e are there neuro ns situat ed? A. In medulla oblongata. B. In diencephalon. C. In mesencephalon. D. In the spinal cord. E. In cerebral cortex.

A man with the attac

k of bronc hosp asm needs to have the influe nce of the vagus nerve on the smoo th muscl es of the bronc hi decre ased. What mem bran ous cytor ecept ors is it advis able to

block this? A. N-Cholinoreceptors. B. M-Cholinoreceptors. C. - and -adrenoreceptors. D. -Adrenoreceptors. E. -Adrenoreceptors.


A. Increase


T here are many peopl e in a cram ped enclo sed space . What chan ges in the air will cause hyper ventil ation of the peopl e? water

vapour content.

B. Decrease

of oxygen content. C. Increase of carbon dioxide content. D. Rise of temperature. E. Temperature reduction.

D uring an exam inatio n it is neces sary to deter mine what part of the alveo lar air is rene wed at every perso ns breat h. Whic h of the

A. of lungs.

follo wing index es must be calcu lated for this purp ose? Vital capacity

Minute respiratory volume. C. Alveolar ventilation per minute. D. Coefficient of pulmonary ventilation. E. Functional residual capacity.

A pers on made a quiet expir ation. What is the air volu me

conta ined in his lungs calle d? A. Vital capacity of lungs. B. Residual volume. C. Expiratory reserve volume. D. Tidal volume. E. Functional residual capacity.

C. Inspiratory capacity. D. Functional residual capacity. E. Tidal volume.


A pers on took a maxi mum deep breat h. What is the air volu me conta ined in his lungs calle d?

A. Functional

A pers on made a maxi mum deep expir ation. What is the air volu meco ntain ed in his lungs calle d? residual

capacity. B. Residual volume. C. Inspiratory capacity. D. Expiratory reserve volume. E. Alveolar volume.

A. Total lung capacity. B. Vital capacity of lungs.



type of hemo globi n provi des great er oxyge n capa city of fetus s blood than that of moth ers? A. Hb F. B. Hb A. C. Hb H. D. Hb S. E. Hb P.

I n the state of rest a perso n has consi


derab ly incre ased work in inspir ation muscl es. Whic h of the follo wing can be the reaso n for it? A. Infrequent respiration. B. Hypopnea. C. Constriction of respiratory tracts. D. Negative intrapleural pressure. E. Decrease of minute respiratory volume.

I ntrap leura l press ure of

a perso n is taken . In what phase did the perso n hold breat he if the value of press ure is 7.5 cm of water ? A. Quiet inspiration. B. Quiet expiration. C. Forced inspiration. D. Forced expiration. E. Pauses between inspiration and expiration. 328. I ntrap leura l press ure of

a perso n is taken . In what phase did the perso n hold breat h if the value of press ure is 25 cm of water ? A. Quiet inspiration. B. Quiet expiration. C. Forced inspiration. D. Forced expiration. E. Pauses between inspiration and expiration.

I ntrap leura l press ure of

a perso n is taken . In what phase did the perso n hold breat he if the value of press ure is 3 cm of water ? A. Quiet expiration. B. Forced expiration. C. Forced inspiration. D. Quiet inspiration. E. Pauses between inspiration and expiration.

s alveo li of a healt hy perso n is taken . In what phase of breat hing is the press ure 0 mm Hg? A. Quiet expiration. B. Quiet inspiration. C. Pauses between inspiration and expiration. D. Forced inspiration. E. Forced expiration.

he press ure in the lung


D uring a patie nts exam inatio n the incre ase of

basic excha nge by 50% was deter mine d. The incre asing secre tion of what horm one cause d this chan ge? A. Prolactin. B. Insulin. C. Parathohormone. D. Somatotropin. E. Thyroxin.

T he trans actio n of the brain stem


betwe en pons and medu lla oblon gata cause d the lengt henin g of inspir ation phase . It cause d the violat ion of conn ectio n betwe en medu lla oblon gata and a certai n struct ure of cereb

rum. What struct ure is it? A. Cerebellum. B. Reticular formation. C. Pneumotaxic center. D. Cortex of large hemisphere. E. Red nuclei.

B. Growth of organism. C. Reduction of protein content in food. D. Considerable physical activity. E. Emotional tension.

A teen ager of 14 has got positi ve nitro gen balan ce. Whic h of the follo wing can be the reaso n for it?

n what state is a perso n if the index of his energ y waste d is lower than the value of basal meta bolis m? A. Calmness. B. Rest. C. Easy work. D. Nervous tension. E. Sleep.

A. Starvation.


O ne meas ure a perso ns energ y waste s on an empt y stom ach, in the lying positi on, in the condi tions of physi cal and psych ic rest, comf ort temp eratu re. At what time

will the energ y waste s be the least ? A. 5 6 p.m. B. 7 8 a.m. C. 10 12 a.m. D. 2 4 p.m. E. 3 4 a.m.

O ne meas ure a perso ns energ y waste s on an empt y stom ach, in the lying positi on, in the condi

tions of physi cal and psych ic rest, confo rm temp eratu re. At what time will the energ y waste s be the great est? A. 3 4 a.m. B. 7 8 a.m. C. 10 12 a.m. D. 5 6 p.m. E. 2 4 p.m

M easur ing the energ y


waste d of a huma n orga nism by the meth od of indir ect calor imetr y it was deter mine d that the oxyge n consu mptio n per minut e is 1000 ml and carbo n dioxi de elimi natio

n per minut e is 800 ml. what respi rator y coeffi cient does the exam ined perso n have ? A. 1.0. B. 1.25. C. 0.9. D. 0.84. E. 0.8

nism it was deter mine d that the respi rator y coeffi cient is 1.0. What subst ances are mainl y oxidi zed in the perso ns cells? A. Carbohydrates. B. Proteins. C. Fats. D. Protein and carbohydrates. E. Carbohydrates and fats.

M easur ing the energ y waste d of a huma n orga


M easur ing the energ

y waste d of a huma n orga nism it was deter mine d that the respi rator y coeffi cient is 0.7. What subst ances are mainl y oxidi zed in the perso ns cells? A. Carbohydrates. B. Proteins. C. Fats. D. Protein and carbohydrates. E. Carbohydrates and fats.


he inhab itants of territ ories with cold clima te have an incre ased conte nt of a horm one in blood , whic h has an adapt ive therm oregu lator y mean ing. What

horm one is it? A. Thyroxin. B. Insulin. C. Glucagon. D. Somatotropin. E. Cortisol.


I n a labor atory exper iment rats were adapt ed to living in the condi tions of cold at a temp eratu re of 5C. The incre asing secre tion of

what horm one cause d the devel opme nt of this adapt ation ? A. Thyroxin. B. Glucagon. C. Somatotropin. D. Testosterone. E. Adrenaline.

P eople adapt ed to the actio n of high exter nal temp eratu re do not lose with sweat a

large quant ity of sodiu m chlor ide with hydro sis. The actio n of what horm one on sweat gland s cause s such effect ? A. Atrial natriuretic factor. B. Vasopressin. C. Cortisol. D. Thyroxin. E. Aldosterone.

heat emiss ion of an undre ssed man at a room temp eratu re are resea rched . In what way is the maxi mum quant ity of heat emitt ed under such condi tions ? A. Convection. B. Heat conduction. C. Heat radiation. D. Evaporation. E. Conduction.

T he proce sses of


ung ventil ation in a perso n is increa sed as a result of physi cal activi ty. Whic h of the follo wing indice s of the exter nal respir ation is much highe r than in a state

of rest? A. Respiratory volume. B. Expiratory reserve volume. C. Inspiratory reserve volume. D. Total lung capacity. E. Vital capacity of lung.

A man went out from an apart ment with air condi tionin g into the street wher e the air temp eratu re was 40C, air humi dity

was 60 %. In what way will the heat be emitt ed from the orga nism in the street ? A. By the evaporation of sweat. B. By convection. C. By radiation. D. By conduction. E.

D uring the therm ometr y it was deter mine d that the


temp eratu re of the open parts of skin is by 1 1.5C lower than the temp eratu re of the parts cover ed with cloth es of natur al fabri cs. In what way do cloth es reduc e heat

emiss ion? A. By radiation. B. By convection. C. By conduction. D. By the evaporation. E.



I n cold weat her with wind peopl e freez e quick er than witho ut any wind incre ase heat emiss ion?

A. By evaporation. B. By radiation. C. By heat conduction. D. By convection. E. By conduction.


D uring the exper iment ation of a 35yearold woman there was the incre ase of the index es of basic excha nge. The surpl us of whic h of the follo wing horm ones prob ably

cause d this state ? A. Triiodothyronine. B. Somatotropin. C. Insulin. D. Cortisol. E. Glucagon.


he work ers of hot work shops of metal lurgi cal enter prise s lose a lot of water with sweat . What drink is it neces sary to

take for optim um comp ensat ion for this state ? A. Water with some salt added. B. Soda water. C. Milk. D. Natural juices. E. Kvass.

B y the meth od of indir ect calor imetr y the decre ase of index es of basal meta bolis m of a 30-

yearold man by 30% was deter mine d. The decre ase conce ntrati on of what horm ones in blood plas ma can be the reaso n for it?
A. Triiodoteranine,


tetraiodothyronine. B. Thyrocalcitonin, parathormone. C. Glucocorticoids. D. Catecholamine. E. Somatoliberin, somatostatin.


agus nerve s of an exper iment al anim al have been cut on the both sides. What respi rator y chan ges will result from this? A. There will be no respiratory changes. B. Respiration will become deep and frequent. C. Respiration will become deep and infrequent.

D. Respiration

become shallow frequent. E. Respiration become shallow infrequent.

will and will and

A patie nt has a trans versa l lacer ation in the spina l cord. What respi rator y chan 6. DIGESTIVE SYSTEM
352. 353.

ges will result from this? A. Respiration will became less frequent. B. Respiration will present no significant changes. C. Respiration will stop. D. Respiration will become more frequent. E. Respiration will become deeper.

A n exper iment al

dog by mean s of stoma

ch tube was given 150 ml of meat broth. The conce ntrati on of which of the below menti oned subst ances will be increa sed in anima ls blood ? A. Gastrin. B. Insulin. C. Vasoactive intestinal polypeptide. D. Neurotensin. E. Somatostatin.
A. B. 177

A 60yearold patie nt prese nts with weak ened perist altic activi ty of the bowe ls. Whic h of the follo wing foods tuffs woul d stimu late perist alsis most of all? Brown bread. Tea.

C. D. E.

Meat. Lard. White bread.


W hen the pH level of the stom ach lume n decre ases to less than 3, the atriu m of the stom ach relea ses pepti de that acts in parac rine fashi on to

inhibi t gastri n relea se. This pepti de is:

A. Acetylcholine. B. Vasoactive intestinal

peptide (VIP). C. Somatostatin. D. GIF. E. Gastrin-releasing peptide (GRP).


D uring sharp exper iment an anim als chord a tymp ani was electr ically irrita ted. How does

it influe nce the secre tion of the parot id saliv ary gland ? A. Saliva is not secreted. B. Little liquid saliva secreted. C. Much liquid saliva secreted. D. Little sicvid saliva secreted. E. Much sicvid saliva secreted.

is it neces sary for him to limit in his food ratio n? A. Fruit. B. Boiled vegetables. C. Dairy produce. D. Vegetable rich in proteins (beans, soy). E. Fat meat, beef tea.

A part of a patie nts pancr eas was ablat ed. What prod ucts

1 50 ml of meat broth was intro duce d throu gh a probe into the gastri c cavit y of

an exper iment al anim al. The conte nt of what matte r will incre ase in its blood quick ly? A. Insulin. B. Somatostatin. C. Gastrin. D. Glucagon. E. Neurotensin.

incre ased realiz ation of what reflex es is the mech anis m causi ng the devel opme nt of this state ?
A. Unconditional

D uring an exam inatio n a stude nts mout h is dry. The


sympathetic. B. Unconditional parasympathetic. C. Conditional parasympathetic. D. Conditional sympathetic. E. Conditional metasympathetic.


E nergy waste s of a

40yearold miner are more than 5000 kcal per day. What comp onent in his food ratio n is it neces sary to incre ase for the rene wal of such energ y waste s? A. Vitamin. B. Liquid. C. Proteins.

D. Carbohydrates. E. Fats.

n Ancie nt India a perso n suspe cted of com mittin g a crime was offere d to swall ow a handf ul of dry rice. Crimi nals could not swall ow the rice beca

use of decre ased saliv ation. What proce ss is the reaso n for such state ? A. Inhibition of the sympathoadrenal system. B. Activation of the parasympathetic nucleus of the facial nerve. C. Decrease of blood circulation salivary glands. D. Activation of the parasympathetic nucleus of the gloss pharyngeal nerve. E. Activation of the sympathoadrenal system.

A. Much


ani of an exper iment al anim al is irrita ted. How does it influe nce the sectio n of parot id saliv ary gland s? saliva

A perip heral part of hord a tymp


secreted. B. Little liquid saliva secreted. C. Saliva is not secreted. D. Little viscid saliva secreted. E. Much viscid saliva secreted.

A perip heral

part of symp atheti c fibers whic h inner vate the subli ngual saliv ary gland of an exper iment al anim al is irrita ted. How does it influe nce the secre tion of the subli ngual saliv

A. Much

ary gland ? viscid saliva

secreted. B. Little liquid saliva secreted. C. Saliva is not secreted. D. Much liquid saliva secreted. E. Little viscid saliva secreted.

T he conte nt of what prod ucts is it advis able to incre ase in the food ratio n of a perso n with reduc ed secre

tary functi onal of the stom ach? A. Sweet. B. Broth. C. Salt. D. Milk. E. Lard.

what horm one will be incre ased as a result of it? A. Gastrin. B.Cholecystokinin pancreozymin. C. Secretin. D. Glucagon. E. Neurotensin.

ean soluti on of hydro chlor ic acid was intro duce d into the duod enum of an anim al throu gh a probe . The conte nt of

A patie nt has got a chron ic neuri tis of the trige minu s. Whic h of the diges tive proce

sses is consi derab ly broke n? A. Mastication. B. Salivation. C. Formation of taste feeling. D. Swallowing. E. Formation of saliva.

T he 150 g of meat broth was intro duce d into the gastri c cavit y of an exper iment al dog throu gh a probe

. The conte nt of whic h of the follo wing subst ances will be quick ly incre ased in the dogs blood ? A. Vasointerstinal polypeptide. B. Somatostatin. C. Insulin. D. Neurotensin. E. Gastrin.

fter taken 100 ml of 25% conce ntrat ed

soluti on of magn esium sulfat e there will be a lot of fluid exper iment s. Why? A. Because the work of the bowels is inhibited. B. Because the secretion of gastric juices is stimulated. C. Because osmolality is increased in the bowels. D. Because the secretion of hormones of the duodenum is stimulated. E. Because osmolality decreased.

often the reaso n for inco mplet e diges tion of fats in the diges tive tract and the incre ase of the neutr al fat quant ity in exper iment s? A. B. C. D. E. Hepatic lipase. Gastric lipase. Pancreatic lipase. Intestinal lipase. Enterokinase.

D eficit of what enzy me is the most


D uring the

carpo logic al resea rch it is deter mine d that exper iment s are disco lored, neutr al fat drops are found in them. The violat ion of what proce ss is the most prob able reaso n for such result s?

A. Processes

of an intestine. B. Acidity of gastric juice. C. Secretion of pancreatic juice. D. Secretion of intestinal juice. E. Permeation of bile into the bowels.

A pers on has got little viscid saliv a, its enzy me activi ty is reduc ed, and conte nt of mucu s is incre ased. The functi on

violat ion of what gland s is the most possi ble reaso n for this state ? A. Parotid. B. Own glands of tunica mucosa of oral cavity. C. Sublingual. D. Submandibular. E. Own lingual glands.

D uring an exam inatio n of a 45yearold perso n who had been keepi


ng to a veget able diet for a long time negat ive nitro gen balan ce was deter mine d. What pecul iarity of the ratio n beco mes the reaso n for such state ? A. Excessive peculiarity of carbohydrates. B. Excessive peculiarity of water.

C. Insufficient peculiarity

of proteins. D. Insufficient peculiarity of fats. E. Insufficient peculiarity of fats and proteins.


D uring a patie nts exam inatio n the decre ase of the moto r and evacu ator functi ons of the stom ach was deter mine d. The defici t of whic h of

the follo wing subst ances can it be conn ected with? A. Secretin. B. Gastrin. C. Adenosine. D. Somatostatin. E. Gastric-inhibiting peptide.

I n the proce ss of aging of a huma n being there is a decre ase of the synth esis and secre tion of the

pancr eatic juice, a decre ase of trypsi n conte nt in it. To the violat ion of the splitti ng of what subst ances does it lead first of all? A. Polysaccharides. B. Phospholipids. C. Proteins. D. Nucleic acid. E. Lipids.

enum is ablat ed. The decre ase of the secre tion of what horm one will it cause ? A. Gastrin. B. Cholecystokinin and secretin. C. Histamine. D. Gastrin and histamine. E. Neurotensin.

A patie nts duod


A lean soluti on of hydro chlor ic acid was intro duce d into

an exper iment al dogs duod enum throu gh a probe . The secre tion incre ase of what horm one will it cause ? A. Gastrin. B. Secretin. C. Histamine. D. Cholecystokinin. E. Neurotensin.

with a local anest hetic. To the absen ce of perce ption of what taste sensa tion will it lead? A. Sour. B. Salt. C. Sweet. D. Bitter. E. Sour and salt.

A patie nts tip of the tongu e was anoin ted


W hich of the follo wing proce sses of a hung ry man who

A. Secretion of juice. B. Secretion of intestinal juice. C. Colonies motority. D. Contraction of Oddis sphincter. E. Small intestine motor activity.

sees tasty food will be activ ated first of all? gastric

sensa tion will disap pear? A. Sour and salt. B. Sour. C. Sweet. D. Salt. E. Bitter.

T here is no cond uctivi ty in the gloss phary ngeal nerve of a patie nt. What taste

A patie nts tip of the tongu e was anoin ted with Novo caine . What taste sensa tions will disap pear?

A. Salt. B. Sweet. C. Sour. D. Bitter. E. Sour and salt.


A patie nt has norm ally color ed excre ments , whic h conta in a lot of free fatty acids. Viola tion of what proce ss is the reaso n for this phen omen on?

D. Bile production. E. Secretions of lipase.


A. Hydrolysis of fats. B. Absorption of fats. C. Bellary excretion.


he 150 g meat broth was intro duce d into the gastri c cavit y of an exper iment al dog throu gh a probe . Whic h of the follo wing subst ances will be quick

ly incre ased in the dogs blood ? A. Insulin. B. Gastrin. C. Vasointerstinal polypeptide. D. Neurotensin. E. Somatostatin. A stone in the com mon bile comi ng into the bowe ls. Viola tion of what proce ss obser ved here? A. Absorption of proteins.
383. 194

B. Digestion

of carbohydrates. C. Absorption of carbohydrates. D. Digestion of fats. E. Digestion of proteins.


ith the violat ion of cereb ral circul ation a patie nt has got a broke n act of swall owin g. What part of the brain has suffer ed? A. Prosencephalon.

B. Cervical part of the spinal cord. C. D.


Brainstem. Diencephalon. Mesen385.

cephalon. I n an exper iment cereb ral struct ures are electr o stimu lated. As a result of it polyp hagia (exce ssive yearn ing for food) appe ared.

What depar tment s of cereb rum are electr odes put in? A. Adenohypophysis. B. Ventromedial nuclei of hypothalamus. C. Supraoptical nuclei of hypothalamus. D. Lateral nuclei of hypothalamus. E. Red nucleus.

I n an exper iment cereb ral neuro ns of an anim al are electr ostim ulate d. As a

result of it hypo phagi a (exce ssive yearn ing for food) appe ared. What depar tment s of cereb rum are electr odes put in? A. Ventromedial nuclei of hypothalamus. B. Lateral nuclei of hypothalamus. C. Neurohypophysis. D. Adenohypophysis. E. Red nucleus.

A ccord ing to the


result of the analy sis of a patie nts saliv a it is deter mine d that the pH is 8.0. What chan ges in the mout h cavit y will this state of saliv a result in? A. Development of hyperplasia of tooth tissue. B. Development of caries. C. Development of fluorosis.

D. Formation

of dental calculus. E. Development of the hypoplasia of tooth tissue.


A pers on has got consi derab le violat ion in direct ion of prote ins, fats and

carbo hydra tes. Redu ced secre tion of what diges tive juice is the result of it? A. Saliva. B. Pancreatic. C. Gastric. D. Bile. E. Intestinal.


A man after 1,5 liter blood loss has sudde nly reduc

ed diere sis. The incre ased secre tion of what horm

one cause d such diere sis alter ation ? A. B. C. D. Natriuretic. Vasopressin. Cortisol. Corticotropin. E. Parathormone.

A 35yearold patie nt who often consu mes alcoh ol was treate d with diure tics. There appe ared

serio us muscl e and heart weak ness, vomit ing, diarr hea, AP 100/6 0 mm Hg, depre ssion. This condi tion is cause d by inten sified excre tion with urine of: A. B. C. D. E. Sodium. Potassium. Chlorine. Phosphates. Calcium.

T he pecul iarity of renal circul ation of the blood is: A. The afferent arterioles diameter is larger then diameter of efferent arteriole. B. Near 90% of the circulating blood passes through kidneys. C. The low circulation rate. D. There is one capillary system. E. Kidneys absorb little oxygen and are not sensitive to its lack.
391. 392.

urine and the blood ? A. Absence of blood cells and large-molecular proteins. B. Presence of exchange products. C. Absence of aminoacids. D. Absence of glucose. E. Absence of vitamins. T he qualit ative conte nt of the creati ne in urine is: 1.2 mmole/L. 0.15 mmole/L. 0.25 mmole/L. 0.05 mmole/L. 0.3 mmole/L.
393. 394.

W hat is the differ ence betwe en the initia l


A. B. C.


he level of

natri ums seru m of 73 years old patie nt is 170 mmol e/L. What is the most prob ably reaso n of hyper natre mia?
A. Dehydration. B. High use of salt with

the food. C. Uraemia. D. Unproportional secretion of vasopressin. E. Overdose of diuretics.


A. At

he low specif ic weig


the glomerulus. B. At proximal tubuli of nephron.

ht if the secon dary urine (1002 ) was found out at the sick perso n. At what part of nephr on the subst ance of the secon dary urine conce ntrat e to the outm ost? nephrons

C. At

the ductus papillares. D. At ascending part of Henley's loop. E. At distalis tubuli of nephron. I ndica te the subst ances that creat e osmo tic conce ntrati on gradi ent of kidne ys: A. Natrium and urea. B. Natrium and creatinine. C. Natrium and phosphates. D. Natrium and calcium. E. Natrium and uric acid.
396. 397.

ion kidne ys acido sis is taken out: A. More ions of sodium. B. Less ions of hydrogen. C. More bicarbonate. D. Less phosphate. E. More ions of hydrogen.

F or the comp ensat


hich point is not corre ct about regul ation acidbase balan ce? A. Ammoniagenesis it is a formation H2CO3 in kidneys. B. Kidneys take out nonvolatile acid from organism. C. Respiratory compensation of

metabolic acidosis includes tachypnea. D. Respiratory acidosis is a consequence of violation external breathing. E. Kidneys realize regeneration of bicarbonate buffer. I ndica te the chan ges of home ostati c para meter s whic h incre ase the rate of glou mero us filtrat ion: A. Hyperproteinemia. B. Hypoglycemia. C. Hypoproteinemia
399. 202

D. Hyperosmia E. Hypervolemia


receptors of hypothalamus.

A s a result of a long stay in heat a perso n gets thirst y. Signa ling from what recep tors cause d its devel opme nt? Gluco the

ms reseptors hypothalamus. C. Osmo receptors of the liver.

Sodiu of the

Osmo receptors of the hypothalamus. E. Baror eceptors of the arch of aorta.

D. 401.

he loss of 0.5 L of blood by a dog was comp ensat ed by an intra veno us inject ion of a balan ced salin e soluti on with gluco se. It is

acco mpan ied by the incre ase of glom erula r filtrat ion rate. What is the credi ble reaso n for the incre ase of this index of the dog? A. I ncrease of kidneys filter permeability. B. I ncrease of system arteriotony. C. D ecrease of the hydrostatic pressure.

D. D ecrease of the oncotic pressure of blood plasma. E. I ncrease of effective renal blood flow.

n incre ase of arteri otony , espec ially diast olic, of a perso n suffer ing from a kidne y disea se was diagn osed. The conce ntrati on of

what biolo gicall y activ e subst ance was incre ased in the patie nts blood . A. Noradrenaline. B. Adrenaline. C. Rennin. D. Vasopressin. E. Catecholamines.

A perso n was inject ed intrav enous ly 0.5L of isoton ic soluti on of

a phar mace utical subst ance. Whic h of the follo wing recept ors will react to the chang es of the water -salt balan ce of the organ ism first of all? A. Osmoreceptors of the liver. B. Osmoreceptors of the hypothalamus. C. Volume receptors of venous cavas and atrium.

D. Sodium receptors of

the hypothalamus. E. Baroreceptors of the arch of aorta.


A s a result of a trau ma a perso n lost 500 ml blood whic h result ed in the decre ase of diere sis. The influe nce on the kidne ys of what horm one

cause d this A. Cortisol. B. Atrial natriuretic factor. C. Aldosterone. D. Vasopressin. E. Rennin.


A t dinne r a perso n ate salt herri ng and potat o with a pickl ed cucu mber. Some time later he felt thirst y. Excit ation of

what recep tors cause d this feelin g? A. Baroreceptors of the arch of aorta. B. Volume receptors of venous cavas and atriums. C. Baroreceptors of carotid sinuses. D. Volumoreceptors of the hypothalamus. E. Osmoreceptors of the hypothalamus. 406. A fter givin g blood as a dono r, a stude nt felt thirst y. The incre ased secre tion of what

biolo gicall y activ e subst ance stimu lated it? A. Angiotensin II. B. Aldosterone. C. Erythropoietin. D. Adrenaline. E. Noradrenaline.

D uring an exper iment a dog under anest hetic was inject ed with vasop ressi n. As a result of that

the quant ity of urine decre ased. What influe nce of vasop ressi n cause d it? A. Decrease of the reabsorption of water. B. Increase of the reabsorption of sodium. C. Increase of the reabsorption of water. D. Decrease of the reabsorption of calcium. E. Increase of the reabsorption of calcium.

A trans plant ed kidne y react s to pain stimu

lation s by the stop of urina ry excre tion. What is the reaso n for this reacti on? A. Increase of the secretion of antidiuretic hormone. B. Decrease of the secretion of antidiuretic hormone. C. Influence of the parasympathetic part of the nervous system. D. Influence of the sympathetic part of the nervous system. E. Decrease of the secretion of corticotrophin.

A s a result of long

A. Increase


starv ation glom erula r filtrat ion rate of a perso n incre ased by 20 %. What is the credi ble reaso n for the chan ge of filtrat ion in the menti oned condi tions ? renal system

plasma current. B. Increase of arteriotony.

C. Increase

of the permeability of the renal filter. D. Increase of glomerular capillary filtration coefficient. E. Decrease of the oncotic pressure of blood plasma.

can be the reaso n for such chan ges? A. Aldosterone. B. Vasopressin. C. Atrial diuretic factor. D. Adrenaline. E. Parathormone.

A pers on has a decre ased diere sis, hyper natre mia, and hypo kalae mia in blood plas ma. Hype rsecr etion of what horm one

D uring the labor atory resea rch the prese nce of gluco se was detec ted in the urine of an 18yearold

patie nt, while its conce ntrati on in blood plas ma was norm al. Viola tion of what proce ss is the most possi ble reaso n for this state ? A. Secretion of insulin. B. Glomerular filtration. C. Tubular secretion. D. Tubular reabsorption. E. Secretion glucocorticoids.


A pers on has a decre ased diere sis as a result of incre ased secre tion of vasop ressi n. The incre ase of what index stimu lates the secre tion of vasop ressi n? A. Osmotic pressure of plasma.


B. Concentration

of sodium. C. Volume of circulatory blood. D. Oncotic pressure of plasma. E. Concentration of potassium.


D uring an exper iment the proce sses of energ y form ation in the epith elium of renal tubul es were block ed. As a result of it diure

sis incre ased by a facto r of four. The decre ase of what index is the most possi ble reaso n for polyu ria? A. Glomerular filtration rate. B. Reabsorption of sodium ions. C. Secretion of potassium ions. D. Renal blood flow. E. Secretion of urea.

A s a result of long

starva tion glom erular filtrat ion rate of a perso n increa sed by 20%. What is the credi ble reaso n for the chang e of filtrat ion in the menti oned condi tions? A. Increase of the permeability of renal filter. B. Increase of system arteriotony.

C. Decrease of the oncotic pressure of blood plasma. D. Increase of glomerular capillary filtration coefficient. E. Increase of renal plasma current.

A long abuse of potas sium prepa ratio ns by a perso n result ed in the incre ased of potas sium conte nt in blood plas ma. The chan


ge of secre tion of what horm one will it cause ? A. Increase of aldosterone secretion. B. Decrease of aldosterone secretion. C. Increase of vasopressin secretion. D. Decrease of vasopressin secretion. E. Decrease of rennin secretion.

D uring an exper iment a rabbi t was intra veno usly inject ed 300 ml of

isoto nic of sodiu m chlor ide, whic h result ed in the consi derab le incre ase of circul arity blood volu me. Conc entra tion of what subst ance will be incre ased in the rabbi ts blood

these condi tions provi ded? A. Atria natriuretic factor. B. Rennin. C. Aldosterone. D. Angiotensin II. E. Adrenaline.

D uring a labor atory exam inatio n of a 54yearold man it was deter mine d that inulin clear ance is 120 ml per minut e.

What index of this man meets the norm ? A. Glomerular filtration rate. B. Tubular reabsorption. C. Tubular secretion. D. Renal blood flow. E. Renal plasma current.

A man of 35 had had the flu comp licate d by the affect ion of the CNS. His days amou nt of urine consi

derab ly incre ased after the disea se. Whic h of the cereb ral depar tment was the most prob ably affect ed? A. Spinal cord. B. Mesencephalon. C. Prosencephalon. D. Metencephalon. E. Diencephalon.

I n an exper iment on an anim al by overs


tretch ing of atriu ms by blood the decre ase of the reabs orpti on of sodiu m ions and water in renal tubul es was cause d. The influe nce on kidne y of what horm ones can it is expla

ined by? A. Rennin. B. Aldosterone. C. Atrial natriuretic factor. D. Angiotensin. E. Vasopressin.


expla ined by? A. Somatostatin. B. Adrenaline. C. Corticotropin. D. Oxytocin. E. Antidiuretic.


A pers on has got a consi derab le reduc tion of urine quant ity after salt food intak e. The influe nce of what horm one can it is

L onglastin g vomit ing of a 32yearold patie nt result ed in fluid loss. The incre ased secre tion of what horm one prom otes water

prese rvati on in the orga nism ? A. Thyroxin. B. Calcitonin. C. Vasopressin. D. Somatostatin. E. Aldosterone.

can cause such chan ges? A. Cortisol. B. Vasopressin. C. Aldosterone. D. Parathormone. E. Atrial natriuretic factor.

H ypon atrae mia and hyper kalae mia of a patie nt were diagn osed. The reduc ed secre tion of what horm one

D uring the resea rch of a new lowmole cular prepa ratio n X it was deter mine d that its clear ance was highe r than the clear

ance of inulin . What is the mech anis m of the excre tion of the prepa ratio n by kidne ys? A. Secretion. B. Filtration. C. Filtration and secretion. D. Filtration and reabsorption. E. Secretion and reabsorption.

ted in urine. The incre ase of what index can be the reaso n for it? A. Permeability of renal filter. B. Net filtration pressure. C. Hydrostatic blood pressure in glomerular capillaries. D. Hydrostatic pressure of primary urine in the capsule. E. Oncotic pressure of blood plasma.

A great numb er of prote in and eryth rocyt es were detec


A man s glom erula r filtrat ion rate is 80 ml

A. Renal flow. B. Net filtration pressure. C. Hydrostatic blood pressure in glomerular capillaries. D. Oncotic pressure of blood plasma. E. Permeability of renal filter.

per min (nor m 125 25 ml per min). The incre ase of what index can be the reaso n for it? blood

A man s glom erula


r filtrat ion rate is 180 ml per min (nor m 125 25 ml per min). The reduc tion of what index can be the reaso n for it? A. Oncotic pressure of blood plasma. B. Net filtration pressure. C. Hydrostatic blood pressure in glomerular capillaries. D. Renal blood flow. E. Permeability of renal filter.


A pers on has hypo natra emia and hyper kalae mia. The incre ased secre tion of what horm one will it cause ?

ure of blood plas ma is 350 mosm ol/L (nor m 300 mosm ol/L). The incre ased secre tion of what horm one will it cause ? A. Vasopressin. B. Aldosterone. C. Cortisol. D. Corticotropin. E. Atrial natriuretic factor.

A. Vasopressin. B. Cortisol. C. Aldosterone. D. Atrial natriuretic factor. E. Parathormone.


A pers ons osmo tic press


A s a result of the loss of 1.5

l of blood a perso n has got sharp decre ase of diere sis. The incre ased secre tion of what horm one cause d the chan ge in diere sis? A. Cortisol. B. Corticotropin. C. Atrial natriuretic factor. D. Vasopressin. E. Parathormone.

I n exper iment on a

rabbi t the narro wing of kidne y arteri a result ed in the incre ase of syste m arteri otony . The incre ase of conce ntrati on of what biolo gicall y activ e subst ance in blood plas ma

cause d hyper tensi on? A. Medullinum. B. Erythropoietin. C. Prostaglandins. D. Vasopressin. E. Rennin.


A patie nt who lost about 500 ml blood was deliv ered to a hospi tal. Duri ng an exam inatio n it was deter mine d that consi

derab le decre ase of the volu me of circul atory blood was absen t. The incre ased secre tion of whic h of the follo wing horm ones is the reaso n for it? A. Thyroxin. B. Adrenaline. C. Noradrenaline. D. Aldosterone. E. Cortisol.


T he subst ance, whic h was intro duce d to a dog durin g an exper iment , result ed in the dama ge of the renal filter. Whic h of the follo wing subst ances can be detec ted in the anim

als urine as a result of it? A. Ions of sodium. B. Glucose. C. Amino acids. D. Proteins. E. Ions of calcium.

A boy of the 10 years old drank 1.5 L of water at once. The chan ge in secre tion of whic h of the follo wing horm ones

will result in the incre ase of the volu me of circul atory blood ? A. Aldosterone. B. Atrial natriuretic factor. C. Vasopressin. D. Corticotropin. E. Rennin.

he decli ne of synth esis of vasop ressi n of a patie nt was deter mine d, that cause

d polyu ria, the result if whic h was evide nt fluid loss. What is the mech anis m of polyu ria devel opme nt? A. Increase of glomerular filtration. B. Reduction of tubular reabsorption of sodium ions. C. Reduction of the tubular reabsorption of proteins. D. Reduction of the reabsorption of glucose. E. Reduction of tubular reabsorption of water.


I n the kidne ys of a patie nt the reabs orpti on of calci um ions is incre ased, and that of phos phate ions is reduc ed. The influe nce of what horm one was the reaso n for

A. B. n.

such chan ges? Parathormone. Thyrocalcitoni

Hormonal form of vitamin D3. D. Aldosterone. E. Vasopressin.


T he level of gluco se in a perso ns blood is 15 milli moles /L (thres hold of reabs orpti on is 10 mmol /L). What proce

ss incre will ase? beco A. Decrease of me vasopressin secretion. the B. Decrease of diuresis. result C. Decrease of glucose of the reabsorption. gluco D. Glucosuria. se E. Decrease of level aldosterone secretion. 8. ANALYZERS

A 25yearold patie nt comp laine d of visio n reduc tion. Acco mmo datio n disor der, dilate d pupil, not

reacti ng on the light was revea led on exam inatio n. Funct ion of what muscl es is distur bed?
A. Pupil narrowing

muscle, ciliary. B. Pupil narrowing and dilating muscle.

C. Inferior oblique

muscle, ciliary. D. Pupil dilating muscle,ciliary. E. Lateral rectus muscle, pupil narrowing.

Skin and proprioreceptive. B. Auditory. C. Visual. D. Olfactory. E. Auditory and visual.

A. 439.

A patie nt has a hemo rrhag e into the poste rior centr al gyrus . What type of sensit ivity on the oppo site side will be distur bed?

A man who went for a ride on a roun dabo ut had ampli ficati on of heart rate, sweat ing and nause a. What recep tors stimu lation is it prim

arily conn ected with? A. B. C. D. E. Vestibular. Visual. Tactile. Proprioreceptors. Auditory.



D. E.

Parietal. Frontal. Temporal.



fter brain injur y a patie nt has lost his visio n. What zone of the brain corte x is dama ged in this case? Temporal and Occipital.

A ccord ing to audio metry data a patie nt has a distur bed perce ption of medi umfrequ ency soun ds. It might have been cause d by a dama ge of:

A. Quadritubercular

parietal. B.

structure. B. Spinal ganglion.

C. Cochlear nuclei. D. Lateral geniculate bodies. E. Middle part of helix.


A 60yearold patie nt has a reduc ed perce ption of highfrequ ency soun ds. What struct ures disor der of audit ory analy zer cause d these chan ges?

A. Muscles of middle ear. B. Eustachian tube. C. Main membrane of cochlea near the oval window. D. Main membrane of cochlea near helicotrema. E. Tympanic membrane.

A fter looki ng thoro ugh the wind ow for a while , a perso n bega n to read a book. Due the chan ge of

the state of a certai n eye struct ure the refra ctive powe r of optic al medi ums incre ases. What eye struct ure is it? A. Lens. B. Cornea. C. Vitreous body. D. Pupil. E. Liquid of chamber of the eye.

A. Contraction ciliary muscle. B. Relaxation of the ciliary muscles. C. Relaxation of suspensor ligaments. D. Increase of lens curvature. E. Increase of refractive power of the eye.

durin g shifti ng ones look from near to remot e thing s? of the

hat proce ss takes place


D uring physi cal activi ty the perso n is less sensit ive to pain.

Activ ation of what index is the reaso n for this phen omen on? A. Sympathoadrenal system. B. Nociceptive system. C. Function of the thyroid gland. D. Antinociceptive system. E. Function of adrenal glands.

B. Color vision. C. Binocular vision. D. Central vision. E. Peripheral vision.


W hich of the visua l functi ons is violat ed most of all when rods are dama ged?

A. Light adaptation.

I n an exper iment on an anim al electr ic activi ty of spina l gangl ion neuro n is regist ered. In allow s analy zing affere nt impul satio n from certai

n recep tors. What recep tors are there ? A. Maculae. B. Cortis organ. C. Semicircular canals. D. Vestibular. E. Vestibular and Cortis organ.

The violat ion of perce ption of what soun ds will it result s in? A. High-frequency. B. Low-frequency. C. Medium-frequency. D. High- and low-frequency. E. Violations will not be present.

I n an exper iment on an anim al the middl e part of the inter nal ear helix on the right is ruine d.

W ith the help of a tunin g fork the perce ption of soun ds of a patie nt was

exam ined. When the tunin g fork was place d near the exter nal ear the patie nt didn t hear soun ds of the tunin g folk by his right ear. When the legs of the turni ng folk were place

d on a mast oid bone the patie nt heard a soun d. With the affect ion of what part of the audit ory senso ry syste m is it conn ected ? A. Cochlear nerve. B. Inferior colliculus testi. C. Internal ear. D. Middle ear. E. Medial geniculation body.


A s a result of a spina l trau ma a man of 33 got violat ion of pain and temp eratu re sensit ivity. Dam age of what path way does it cause ?


A fter a crani ocere bral trau ma a patie nt does not recog nize objec ts at touch ing them. What depar tment of cereb rum has been dama ged?

A. Spinothalamic. B. Medial spinocortical. C. Posterior spinocerebellar. D. Lateral spinocortical. E. Anterior spinocerebellar.


A. Cerebellum. B. Occipital lobulus. C. Temporal particle. D. Precentral gyrus. E. Postcentral gyrus.



the actio n of an irrita nt an anim als neuro ns activi ty of the spiral gangl ion incre ased. What irrita nt was it? A. Light. B. Sound. C. Rotation. D. Touch to the skin. E. Muscle strain.

D uring an exam inatio n a stude


nts absol ute thres hold of pain sensit ivity is bigge r than in the state of calm. Activ ating of what syste m of orga nism is the reaso n for this state ? A. Antinociceptive. B. Sympathoadrenal. C. Sympathetic part of the nervous system.

D. Parasympathetic part of the nervous system. E. Hypophysial-adrenal system.


A. Highmedium-frequency.

I n an exper iment on an anim al the middl e part of inter nal ear helix was dama ged. Viola tion of the perce ption of what soun ds will it result it? and

B. Medium- and low-frequency. C. Lowfrequency. D. Mediumfrequency. E. High- and lowfrequency.


A ccord ing to the data of audio metry a patien t has got the imper ceptio ns of the sound s of medi um frequ ency. The dama ge of what

organ can be the reaso n for it? A. Cochlear nuclei. B. Middle part of helix. C. Spiral ganglion. D. Quadrigeminal plate. E. Lateral geniculate bodies.

T o get the impri nts of dentit ions for the follo wing prost hetics the soluti on of gypsu m was brou ght into the mout

h cavit y of a wom an of 65. What recep tors of the muco us tunic of the mout h cavit y beco me excite d first of all? A. Chemoreceptors. B. Thermal cold. C. Thermal hemal. D. Tactile. E. Taste.

xami natio n of an 18-

yearold patie nt show ed that he didn t feel the temp eratu re irrita tions in the centr al part of the back surfa ce of the tongu e. What is the reaso n for this state ? A. Edema of the mucous tunic of the tongue.

B. Affection of the gloss pharyngeal nerve. C. Affection of the tongue nerve. D. Absence of cold and thermal receptors in this area. E. Affection of somatosensory cortex.

ustat ory sensi bility of a perso n is prese rved, but gener al sensit ivene ss of the mout h cavit y struct ures is lost. The

dama ge of what orga n does it testif y about ? A. N. vagus. B. N. trigemius. C. N. glossopharyngeus. D. N. hypoglossus. E. N. glossopharyngeus and n. vagus.

x can cause such a state ? A. Front. B. Temporal. C. Occipital. D. Parietal. E. Temporal and parietal.

A fter a brain injur y a perso n lost his sight. Dam age of what areas of cereb ral corte

A man who is ridin g the carou sel prese nts with incre ased heart rate, sweat ing, nause a. This condi tion is cause

d prim arily by the stimu lation of the follo wing recep tors: A. Auditory B. Vestibular otolithic C. Visual D. Proprioceptors E. Vestibular ampullar

sensit ivity on the oppo site side will it cause ? A. Auditory and visual. B. Visual. C. Auditory. D. Smell and taste. E. Skin and proprioceptive.

A pers on has got a hemo rrhag e into the back centr al gyrus . Viola tion of what

A s a result of the affect ion by a patho logic al proce ss of cond uctio n tracts of the spina l cord the

pain ways sensit were ivity dama of ged? skin A. Lateral spinocortical. and B. Spinothalamic. muscl C. Medial spinocortical. es D. Anterior spinocerebellar. was E. Posterior spinocerebellar. dama ged. What path 9. BEHAVIOR

A 60yarold man after cereb ral hemo rrhag e felt aslee p for a long time. Dam age of what

struct ure cause d this state ? A. Cortex of the large hemisphereslack substance. B. Nuclear s of the cerebral nerves. C. Black substances. D. Reticular formation. E. Hippocampus.

D uring the merr y-go-

roun d ridin g a 25yearold wom an bega n havin g nause a, vomit ing and inten sive sweat . Activ ation of whic h recep tors cause d the reflex devel opme nt of these

sympt oms? A. Vestibular receptors of semicircular duct. B. Proprioreceptor s of skeletal muscles. C. Receptors of Cortis organ. D. Optic receptors. E. Otolith vestibular receptors.

he insult in the site of hypot hala mic later al nucle i locali zatio n is diagn osed in 60yearold patie

A. B. C. D. E.

nt. Whic h chan ges in patie nts beha vior may be expec ted? Aggressive behaviour. Depression. The rejection of food. Thirst. Unsatisfied hunger.






On the body In the liver.



T he cold recep tors predo minat e on the heat recep tors: A. In the preoptical region of hypothalamus. B. In the posterior hypothalamus.

H eat recep tors predo minat e on the cold recep tors: A. In the pre-optical region of the hypothalamus. B. On the body surface. C. In the posterior hypothalamus. D. In the inner organs. E. In the liver.

I t is neces sary for a resea rcher to devel op a

condi tione d reflex of a dog as soon as possi ble. On the basis of what unco nditio ned reflex is it possi ble to devel op a condi tione d one? A. Orientative. B. Food. C. Sexual. D. Defense. E. Myotatic.


A loud soun d durin g a condi tione d reflex activi ty cause d its inhibi tion. What kind of inhibi tion is it?

A. Beyond maximum. B. External. C. Extinctional. D. Differentional. E. Being late.


D uring a long drou ght a river dried


up. For some time anim als conti nued to come to the place of water ing, but then stopp ed comi ng. What kind of inhibi tion of condi tione d reflex es cause d the chan ge in

anim als beha vior? A. Beyond maximum. B. External. C. Extinctional. D. Differentional. E. Being late.

A man of 60 slept after brain hemo rrhag e for a long time. The dama ge of what struct ures cause d such state ?

A. Substantia nigra. B. Hippocampus. C. Nuclei of cranial nerves.

D. Cortex of hemispheres. E. Reticular formation.



D uring an exam inatio n it was deter mine d that a patie nt had a stron g balan ced inert type of highe r nervo us activi ty accor ding to Pavlo v.

What temp eram ent accor ding to Hipp ocrat e does this type corre spon d to? A. Melancholic. B. Sanguine. C. Choleric. D. Phlegmatic. E. Hysterical.

D uring an exam inatio n of a sick old man a moto r apha sia

was detec ted. Wher e is the area of cereb ral affect ion? A. In the precentral gyrus. B. In the Herschel's gyrus. C. In the angular gyrus. D. In the postcentral gyrus. E. In the Brocas center. 474. D uring an exam inatio n of a sick old man a senso ry apha sia was detec ted. What area

of cereb ral corte x is dama ged? A. Wernickes center. B. Postcentral gyrus. C. Angular gyrus. D. Brocas center. E. Precentral gyrus.


P sycho logic al resea rch deter mine d: a perso n has a good abilit y to adapt quick ly to a new situat ion,

good mem ory, emoti onal stabil ity, high capa city for work. What type of

temp eram ent do these signs belon g to? A. Sanguine. B. Choleric. C. Melancholic. D. Phlegmatic. E. Phlegmatic with elements of melancholic.



KEYS OF RIGHT ANSWERS 1A 2E 3A 4B 5C 6D 7A 8A 9B 10 D 11 E 12 A 13 E 14 B 15 E 16 E 17 A 102 C 103 E 104 C 18 B 19 C 20 D 21 E 22 C 23 A 24 C 25 A 26 C 27 A 28 D 29 C 29 C 30 B 31 B 32 C 33 D 120 C 121 D 122 A 34 E 35 A 36 D 37 E 38 E 39 A 40 E 41 E 42 D 43 A 44 E 45 E 46 A 47 B 48 B 49 A 50 B 138 B 139 E 140 A 51 A 52 A 53 D 54 C 55 E 56 A 57 E 58 B 59 E 60 D 61 C 62 B 63 E 64 D 65 C 66 E 67 D 156 B 157 C 158 D

68 A 69 E 70 A 71 E 72 A 73 C 74 C 75 E 76 B 77 E 78 B 79 D 80 D 81 E 82 E 83 D 84 B 174 E 175 E 176 E

85 E 86 C 87 D 88 A 89 D 90 E 91 A 92 E 93 B 94 B 95 E 96 A 97 C 98 A 99 B 100 A 101 D 192 D 193 A 194 B

105 B 106 C 107 A 108 C 109 A 110 D 111 C 112 D 113 D 114 E 115 A 116 E 117 A 118 A 119 C 210 C 211 B 212 A 213 A 214 E

123 C 124 A 125 D 126 B 127 A 128 A 129 B 130 A 131 E 132 A 133 B 134 C 135 A 136 A 137 B 228 D 229 E 230 A 231 B 232 A

141 C 142 B 143 C 144 B 145 C 146 D 147 A 148 B 149 - C 150 C 151 A 152 B 153 C 154 A 155 E 246 A 247 C 248 D 249 C 250 D

159 D 160 E 161 A 162 A 163 E 164 C 165 A 166 E 167 C 168 E 169 A 170 D 171 C 172 A 173 C 264 C 265 E 266 A 267 E 268 D

177 D 178 E 179 D 180 A 181 D 182 D 183 C 184 A 185 D 186 D 187 D 188 B 189 C 190 E 191 C 282 A 283 B 284 D 285 A 286 C

195 D 196 B 197 D 198 A 199 C 200 A 201 B 202 A 203 D 204 A 205 B 206 D 207 A 208 A 209 C 300 C 301 C 302 D 303 D 304 A

215 E 216 B 217 C 218 A 219 A 220 B 221 D 222 E 223 C 224 D 225 A 226 D 227 C 318 A 319 B 320 C 321 D 322 E 323 A

233 B 234 B 235 A 236 C 237 D 238 E 239 D 240 B 241 B 242 B 243 A 244 C 245 D 336 D 337 E 338 A 339 C 340 A 341 A

251 E 252 A 253 B 254 C 255 D 256 E 257 C 258 C 259 C 260 E 261 D 262 A 263 C 354 A 355 D 356 C 357 E 358 C 359 D

269 E 270 C 271 D 272 D 273 C 274 D 275 E 276 A 277 C 278 E 279 D 280 E 281 A 372 C 373 B 374 C 375 B 376 B 377 C

287 B 288 A 289 A 290 D 291 A 292 A 293 E 294 D 295 C 296 D 297 B 298 C 299 A 390 B 391 A 392 A 393 D 394 A 395 C

305 A 306 D 307 E 308 A 309 D 310 E 311 E 312 B 313 A 314 A 315 B 316 D 317 E 408 A 409 E 410 A 411 D 412 A 413 B

324 B 325 A 326 C 327 A 328 C 329 B 330 C 331 E 332 C 333 B 334 E 335 E 426 A 427 C 428 A 429 D 430 E 431 B 432 D 433 C

342 E 343 C 344 A 345 A 346 B 347 D 348 A 349 A 350 A 351 C 352 B 353 A 435 A 436 D 437 A 438 A 439 A 440 B 441 E 442 C

360 E 361 E 362 A 363 E 364 B 365 C 366 A 367 E 368 C 369 C 370 E 371 A 444 B 445 D 446 E 447 B 448 C 449 D 450 A 451 E

378 A 379 E 380 B 381 B 382 B 383 D 384 C 385 D 386 A 387 D 388 B 389 B 453 A 454 D 455 B 456 D 457 D 458 B 459 - C 460 E

396 A 397 E 398 A 399 C 400 D 401 D 402 C 403 C 404 D 405 E 406 A 407 C 462 B 463 D 464 A 465 C 466 D 467 A 468 D 469 B

414 C 415 A 416 A 417 A 418 E 419 C 420 E 421 C 422 C 423 C 424 A 425 D 471 E 472 D 473 E 474 A 475 - A

434 E

443 A

452 B

461 E

470 D


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