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The tale of one who survived the last years of President Snows tyranny:

The Journal of Haymitch Abernathy


By: Tommy George Period 6 English

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It seemed that this year, just like all years of the Hunger Games, would be nothing but more death and sorrow for District Twelve. However, I was at least a bit surprised when the girl tributes sister, Katniss, volunteered to take her place. I suppose I should be touched that, for the first time in years, Twelve had a volunteer, but such emotions have been thoroughly erased from my system after long years of mentoring tributes and excessive drinking. They were just two more children to be readied for slaughter in the Capitol. Or so Id thought. As we traveled to that infernal city by train, something peculiar occurred at breakfast. I said something a bit insensitive (cant remember what; I was drunk) and the pair instantly lashed out at me. When the girl nearly stabbed me in the hand, I could tell I had a pair of fighters. I dared not hope to be able to send one of them home at this point, though. When wed arrived, it was time for the opening ceremony. This, like all things in the Capitol, was outrageously garish. Oftentimes, the tributes from twelve were paraded about practically naked, at times only covered in a layer of coal dust (District 12 mined coal). Fortunately, the stylist for us this year had a bit more class. In fact, the tributes for Twelve were by far the most memorable. Cinna, the stylist, actually managed to set their outfits on fire and without burning them! All cameras were trained on the pair. And, in just the slightest act of defiance, the two held hands. I couldnt have been more pleased. I became determined to create a strategy that might just give us a chance.

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The 74th Games were fast approaching, and I had little time to prepare the two for the fight to come. At training, the two traveled together, each excelling in different areas. Katniss was skilled with a bow, and Peeta, the boy, took up camouflage with ease. Soon it came time for their next trial. Here they demonstrated to the Gamemakers their skills. The score was out of 12, but nobody had ever earned a 12 yet. Being from District 12, the two were scored last, which was a disadvantage, as the judges were bored by that point. The issues compounded when, at dinner, the girl said that she had actually SHOT at one of the judges! Since the judges were the creators of the arena, I knew that they would do everything possible to prevent Katniss from winning. I was even more surprised when the girl got an 11. An 11! Evidently, the Gamemakers liked her temper. She certainly is the girl on fire. What I would give to have seen the look on the judges faces Now, only one challenge remained before the death battle the interview. I had several hours to prepare them beforehand, and I would need them if they one was to win which I very much intend.

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The interview went well for the both of them. Im just thankful that Katniss survived the ordeal, as she was hopeless in the preparation portion. Peeta was marvelous, though! He and the interviewer jested at one another like old friends. Most interesting was when he revealed that he was in love with Katniss. My plan is complete the star crossed lovers of District 12! The people always enjoy a good love story! For the last time, I saw the two of them in person. One of them, at least, would not return. This time, I had got myself into the trap of caring for them, so I had to fulfill my job as mentor better than ever before. While they fought for their lives in the arena, I had to convince sponsors to fund my gifts to help them in the arena. I had to choose wisely, as money was not inexhaustible. Peeta allied himself with a group of others, so I focused my attention on Katniss. When she was on the brink of dehydration, I nearly gave in to her pleas for water, but there was a stream nearby. Fortunately, I waited, as she got badly burned later on in a Gammemaker induced fire. I managed to convince the sponsors to pay for some ointment. Later on, in a desperate scheme, she got stung by venomous wasps, and I barely had enough to pay for a cure. The girl on fire was still worth a bit of money, but I realized that the people wanted to see the star-crossed lovers together. Their story was the one that Panem wanted to see, and if they didnt start working together soon, I be helpless and without sponsors!

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It was then that the true cruelty of the Games reared its ugly head for Katniss. She found her ally, Rue, a young girl from District 11, dead at a rendezvous point they had set. I think back to my own Hunger Games, when my ally, Maysilee Donner, had died shortly after we ended our alliance. I can still hear her scream, and think that I could have saved her, had I been with her still. Hope, too, I found in Rues death, when the District 11 mentor came to me with some bread specific to their agricultural district. I was to send it to Katniss, as thanks from District 11 for being such a good ally. It was the first time a mentor requested a gift for someone elses tribute. Rebellion in Panem began to stir. The next in a long line of astonishing events was when it was announced that two tributes could win, as long as they were from the same district. Did I dare to believe this? Could two of my trainees survive? Katniss made a hasty search for Peeta, trying to form an

alliance. The audience would love this, and I could find more sponsors! What they didnt know, however, was Peetas injury. He could die before the end of the Games.

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The two were at last reunited, and Katniss began to take care of Peeta. She provided for him and tended to him, but it was not enough. In order to save them, I needed more funding. Gifts grew in price as the Games went on longer, and I would need a romance to pay for them. To get my point across, I rewarded any romantic move Katniss made with food. The two of us began to reach an understanding: I wanted her to act like she loved Peeta, so she played her part. It became apparent that Peeta had blood poisoning. There was no way Katniss could cure him without proper medicine. I wanted desperately to send it, but the price was impossible. Our only hope was in a feast that was announced to have the one item that each of the remaining tributes needed. Peeta wouldnt let Katniss go, though. I needed to devise something that would keep him quiet while she left, or she wouldnt, and hope would be lost. Sleep serum was the answer, and it was something I could afford! Again, the girl on fire stunned me when she managed to recover the medicine, and save Peeta. Yet again, the friendship of District 11 saved her life, when the other tribute from there spared her life. Then, the other tributes began to die off, until only three remained: mine and one little savage named Cato. When only the two remained, they stood on a field of victory after a great battle with mutants. My task as mentor was done, and BOTH of my tributes had survived! It was more than even in my wildest, drunken fantasies, I dreamed of. I waited for the voice of the announcer to say that the Games were over. But when that voice came, hope had died. The deal of before had been rescinded. Only one could live, and the Gammemakers, with their evil, twisted minds, had planned the greatest showdown possible. I had given up when the two agreed to commit simultaneous suicide rather than kill each other. No victor? The Games wouldnt allow that. The dual victory was announced at last, and I could finally relax. But relax I did not. Peeta and Katniss plan was a direct affront to what the Games stood for, and the government would not stand for it. There would be consequences, but the seeds of rebellion had been sown. Again, I would have to protect my tributes, and now the stake were far greater than ever.

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