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exp -1) generation of unit impulse and unit step signal and sequence %unit impulse generation and

sequence clc close all t=-1:0.01:1; x=(t==0); subplot(1,2,1) plot(t,x) xlabel('n'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('unit impluse signal'); subplot(1,2,2) stem(t,x,'fill') xlabel('n'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('unit impulse sequence');


% generation of unit step signal and sequence n=-1:0.03:1; y=(n>=0) figure; subplot(1,2,1) plot(n,y) grid title('unit step signal'); xlabel('time'); ylabel('amplitude'); subplot(1,2,2) stem(n,y); grid title('unit step sequence'); xlabel('time'); ylabel('amplitude');


exp -2) generation of square and sawtooth signal and sequence

% sawtooth wave generator and sequence fs=10000; t=0:1/fs:1.5; x=sawtooth(2*pi*50*t); subplot(1,2,1); plot(t,x); axis([0 0.2 -1 1]); xlabel('t'); ylabel('x(t)'); title('sawtooth signal'); N=2; fs=500; n=0:1/fs:2; x=sawtooth(2*pi*50*n); subplot(1,2,2); stem(n,x); axis([0 0.2 -1 1]); xlabel('n'); ylabel('x(n)'); title('sawtooth sequence');


%square wave generator and sequence fs=500; t=0:1/fs:1.5; x1=square(2*pi*50*t); subplot(1,2,1); plot(t,x1); axis([0 0.2 -1.2 1.2]) xlabel('time(sec)'); ylabel('amplitude'); subplot(1,2,2); stem(t,x1); axis([0 0.2 -1.2 1.2]) xlabel('time(sec)'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('square wave sequence')


exp -3) generation of ramp signal and sequence

%to generate ramp signal close all t=0:1:20; y=t; subplot(1,2,1) plot(t,y); xlabel('t'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('ramp signal') subplot(1,2,2) stem(t,y); xlabel('t'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('ramp sequence')


exp -4)generation of sinusoidal and sinc signal and sequence

%to generate a sinusoidal signal N=64; %define no. of samples n=0:N-1; %define vector n=0,1,2,3, .... 63 f=500; %define the frequency fs=8000; %define the sampling frequency x=sin(2*pi*(f/fs)*n); % generate x(t) plot(n,x); title('sinewave [f=1khz, fs=8khz]'); xlabel('sample number'); ylabel ('amplitude');


%to generate sinc function x=linspace(-5,5); y=sinc(x); subplot(1,2,1); plot(x,y) xlabel('time'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('sinc function'); subplot(1,2,2); stem(x,y); xlabel('time'); ylabel('amplitude'); title('sinc function');


exp -5) to perform addition and multiplication of unit step and sinusoidal signal and sequence

%program for addition and multiplication of unit step signal and sequence n1=1:1:9; s1=[1 2 3 4 5 6 2 3 1]; subplot(4,1,1) stem(n1,s1) xlabel('n1') title('input sequence') ylabel('amplitube') n2=-2:1:6; s2=[1 1 1 0 2 3 1 1 0 ]; subplot(4,1,2) stem(n2,s2) xlabel('n2') title('second sequence') ylabel('amplitube') xlabel('n2') s3=s1+s2; subplot(4,1,3); stem(n2,s3) title('summed sequence') ylabel('amplitube') xlabel('n2') s4=s1.*s2; subplot(4,1,4); stem(n2,s4)

title('multiplication') ylabel('amplitube') xlabel('n2')


%program for addition and multiplication of sinusoidal signal and sequence t=[0:0.01:1]; A=8; f1=2; s1=A*sin(2*pi*f1*t); f2=2; s2=A*sin(2*pi*f2*t); figure subplot(4,1,1) plot(t,s1) title('1 hz sine wave') ylabel('amplitude') %plot the 4 hz sine wave subplot(4,1,2) plot(t,s2) title('2 hz sine wave') ylabel('amplitude') %plot the summed sine wave subplot(4,1,3); plot(t,s1+s2) title('summed sine wave') ylabel('amplitude') xlabel('time(s)') xmult=s1.*s2; subplot(4,1,4) plot(xmult); title('multiplication');

ylabel('amplitude') xlabel('time(s)')


exp -6)To perform addition and multiplication of ramp signal and sequence

% To perform addition and multiplication of ramp signal and sequence t = -20:20; i=1; for k=-20:20 if k>0 ramp1(i) = k; else ramp1(i) = 0; end i = i+1; end subplot(2,2,1); stem(t,ramp1); xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Ramp signal 1'); grid on; t = -20:20; i=1; for k=-20:20 if k>0 ramp2(i) = k; else ramp2(i) = 0; end i = i+1; end subplot(2,2,2); stem(t,ramp2); xlabel('Time');

ylabel('Ramp signal 2'); grid on; x_addition=ramp1+ramp2; subplot(2,2,3); plot(t,x_addition); grid on; xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Added Signal'); x_multiplication=ramp1.*ramp2; subplot(2,2,4); plot(t,x_multiplication); grid on; xlabel('Time'); ylabel('Multiplied Signal');


exp -7) to perform amplitude scaling for signal and sequence

% ampllitude scalling t=[0:0.01:1]; a=8; f1=2; s1=A*sin(2*pi*f1*t); subplot(3,1,1) plot(s1); xlabel('t'); ylabel('ampltude'); title('input signal'); s2=2*s1; subplot(3,1,2) plot(s2); xlabel('t'); ylabel('ampltude'); title('amplified input signal'); s3=s1/2; subplot(3,1,3) plot(s3); xlabel('t'); ylabel('ampltude'); title('atteniated input signal');


exp-8) to generate complex valued signal and plot its magnitude, phase, real and imaginary part in four separate subplots

%even and odd parts close all; clear all; t=0:.005:4*pi; x=sin(t)+cos(t) % x(t)=sint(t)+cos(t) subplot(2,2,1) plot(t,x) xlabel('t'); ylabel('amplitude') title('input signal') y=sin(-t)+cos(-t) % y=x(-t) subplot(2,2,2) plot(t,y) xlabel('t'); ylabel('ampitude') title('input signal with t=-t') z=x+y subplot(2,2,3) plot(t,z/2) xlabel('t'); ylabel('amplitude') title('even part of the signal') p=x-y subplot(2,2,4) plot(t,p/2)

xlabel('t'); ylabel('amplitude') title('odd part of the signal')


exp-9) to perform linear convolution between signals and sequences

%linear convolution clc; close all; clear all; x=input('enter input sequence'); h=input('enter impulse response'); y=conv(x,h); subplot(3,1,1); stem(x); xlabel('n'); ylabel('h(n)'); title('input signal'); subplot(3,1,2); stem(h); xlabel('n'); ylabel('y(n)'); title('impulse response'); subplot(3,1,3); stem(y); xlabel('n'); ylabel('y(n)'); title('linear convolution'); disp('The resultant sighnal is'); disp(y)

enter input sequence1432 enter impulse response1021 The resultant sighnal is 1462072

exp-10) to find the Fourier transform of a given signal and plotting its magnitude and phase spectrum

% fast Fourier transform (magnitude and phase plot) clc; close all; X=[1,1,1,1,zeros(1,4)]; N=8; X=fft(X,N); magX=abs(X),phase=angle(X)*180/pi; subplot(2,2,1); plot(magX); grid xlabel('k') ylabel('X(k)') subplot(2,1,2) plot(phase); grid xlabel('k') ylabel('degrees')


exp -11)to find auto correlation and cross correlation between signals and sequence
%cross correlation close all; clear all; x=input('enter input sequence'); h=input('enter impulse sequence'); subplot(3,1,1); stem(x); xlabel('n');ylabel('x(n)'); title('input signal'); subplot(3,1,2); stem(h); xlabel('n'); ylabel('h(n)'); title('impulse signal'); y=xcorr(x,h); subplot(3,1,3); stem(y); xlabel('n'); ylabel('y(n)'); disp('the resultant sigal is'); disp(y); title('correlation signal');

enter input sequence12 enter impulse sequence3 the resultant sigal is 0 0 0 144 0 0 0

%autocorrelation clc; close all; clear all; x=[1,2,3,4,5]; y=[4,1,5,2,6]; subplot(3,1,1); stem(x); xlabel('n'); ylabel('x(n)'); title('input signal'); subplot(3,1,2); stem(y); xlabel('n'); ylabel('y(n)'); title('input signal'); z=xcorr(x,x); subplot(3,1,3); stem(z); xlabel('n'); ylabel('z(n)'); title('resultant signal signal');


exp -12) verification of linearity and time invariance properties of a given continuous/discrete system

%LINEARITY PROPERTY clc; clear all; close all; n=0:40; a=2; b=1; x1=cos(2*pi*0.1*n); x2=cos(2*pi*0.4*n); x=a*x1+b*x2; y=n.*x; y1=n.*x1; y2=n.*x2; yt=a*y1+b*y2; d=y-yt; d=round(d); if d==0 disp('given system satisfies linearity properity'); else disp('given system doesnt satisfy linearity property'); end subplot(3,1,1); stem(n,y); grid; subplot(3,1,2); stem(n,yt); grid; subplot(3,1,3); stem(n,d); grid;


Given system satisfies linearity property

%FOR NON LINEAR SYSTEM clc; clear all; close all; n=0:40; a=2; b=-3; x1=cos(2*pi*0.1*n); x2=cos(2*pi*0.4*n); x=a*x1+b*x2; y=x.^2; y1=x1.^2; y2=x2.^2; yt=a*y1+b*y2; d=y-yt; d=round(d); if d==0 disp('given system satisfies linearity properity'); else disp('given system doesnt satisfy linearity property'); end subplot(3,1,1); stem(n,y); grid; subplot(3,1,2); stem(n,yt); grid; subplot(3,1,3); stem(n,d); grid;

given system satisfies doesnt linearity property

exp -13) to perform waveform synthesis using Laplace transform

% laplace transform programs clc; close all; clear all; syms t w s; f1=sin(w*t); f2=sin(w*(t-1)); v1=laplace(f1); v2=laplace(f2); disp('v1=') pretty(v1); disp('v2=') pretty(v2);


% INVERSE laplace transform programs close all; clear all; syms F s; F=24/(s*(s+8)); iLaplace(F)


exp -14) to perform image operations ;- read, resize, rotate, and rgb to grayscale.

basicimageprocessing % reading image... A=imread('tanmay.jpg'); figure(1):imshow(A); % resizing image.... B=imresize(A,[60,60]); figure(2):imshow(B); % color conversion..from rgb to grayscale image... C=rgb2gray(A); figure(3):imshow(C); % rotating image.... D=imrotate(A,45); figure(4):imshow(D);


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