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JUSTICIABILITY-Art.3 (Marbury) AO: Non-hypothetical Standing o C: Injury/Cause/Redress (Lujan, EPA) o P: 3RD, GG (Akins), ZoI Relationships, Overbreadth-Chilling, Membership Ripe: %Harm, Hardship, Fitness Moot: Unless Future, Repetition, Voluntary Political (Baker) Text, Standard, Policy, Respect, Adherence, Embarrassment LEG.FED-ART.1 NP+ (McCulloch) Reasonable Means Legitimate Ends Implied Immunity: Supremacy, Preemption (Gibbons) COMMERCE (Lopez) Channels Instrumentalities, Person, Things (HoA) Substantial Effect: o Commercial $$ Aggregation-Cumulative(Wickard) o Non-Commercial Regulatory scheme(Raich) Nexus? Facts? Link? Non-criminal(Morrison) 10th Garcia: State-applied Commerce Zones = addressed to, affecting, impairing States Carrot Spending, Preemption Stick, Generally Applied Anti-Commandeering (Printz) 11th State Sovereign Immunity Routes: Enforcement, Conditional Spending waiver, 14.5 Abrogation, EP Young officers TAX: GW revenue-raising, not regulatory SPEND: GW w/unambiguous intent; national interest; no independent bar; non-coercive (Dole) DormantCC Facially-Discriminatory Neutral-but-Protectionist Pike-Balancing: o Legitimate interest; non-discriminatory purpose, incidental burden, B > Benefits? Market

Preemption: Express, Field, Conflict SOP-ART.2 Youngstown: 1+, 2, 3War: Declare Wages / Hamdi: Detained duration Encroachment Veto: Bicameralism + Presentment Appointment: Superior / Inferior Removal: Impede, Independence, Disturb SoP Privileges/Immunities: Qualified, liable outside-post SDP 14TH Economic RB Contract (Lochner) Presume constitutional (LeeOptical) Entrench BoR, restrict politics, discriminate discrete and insular (Carolene) Non-Economic History-Tradition RB Emerging-Values SS Abortion(Casey): Undue Burden o Partial Birth Sex(Lawrence): Privacy Death(Glucksberg): Right to refuse; not suicide EP

Color-Blind, Anti-Subordination/Caste DeJure (purpose in law, Washington=intent) DeFacto (impact in practice)

Suspect: History, access, visible + immutable, irrelevant SS Narrow+Compelling: Race, Ethnicity, Alienage IS Substantial+Important: Gender, Illegitimacy RB Reason+Legit: Age, Disability, Wealth, SexualO Benign-AA: General% (Bakke) Direct/Specific Educational (Grutter) All Fed/State/Local (Adarand) Individualized (Gratz) Fundamental Vote, Access NO Welfare, Education, Housing

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