1.+UST+Application+Guide+for+International+Applicants Foreigners+and+Overseas+Residents,+2012+Fall+Admissions

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UST, The Leader of Creative Convergence

Admissions Guide
for International Applicants - 2012 Fall Semester -

UST - Home of creative convergence education capitalizing on the nation's R&D infrastructure
UST features its unique field-centric education system that effectively utilizes topnotch researchers as well as cutting-edge equipment and huge facilities in national research institutes funded by Korean government.

Education System of UST

National research institutes authorized the role of education

Association with 29 national research institutes

Cutting-edge research equipment and huge facilities

National research programs and projects

Outstanding researchers serving as professors

Agile and flexible curriculum on emerging convergence technologies

Proactive integration of rapid changes in science and technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants,

2012 Fall Semester

. Welcome from President . History of UST . Achievements Excellence of UST . Featured Curricula of UST . Admissions Guide

_ 06 _ 07 _ 07 _ 08 _ 10

. Foreigners . Overseas Residents

_ 17 _ 34

UST, The Leader of Creative Convergence

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

The Leader of Creative Convergence


. Welcome from President

UST offers an ecosystem for human resource development in science and technology
Today we are living in a time of unprecedented changes in knowledge system which is characterized by explosion of new knowledge and information with fast shortening life cycle. Under such dynamic knowledge system, one can develop creative breakthroughs only by transcending the boundaries of disciplines for interdisciplinary communication and convergence. UST was created to train and nurture global research scientists and engineers who can respond to the needs of the 21st century through interdisciplinary communications and convergence. UST was founded in 2003 jointly by 29 government-funded R&D institutes (GRIs) as an institution of advanced education in science and engineering directly linked to research and development activities. Despite the short history, the UST graduate program proved very effective as evidenced by the scientific quality of its graduates. UST students have published high quality scientific papers in various areas in world top journals, such as Nature, Science, and others. As such, UST promises to grow as a world class university specialized in on-site research education. Such an achievement has been made possible by the combination of the educational programs of UST and the excellent research scientists and engineers as well as the superb research facilities and systems of GRIs which constitute the faculty of UST. UST provides students with not only top-level research mentors but also excellent environments, in which students can engage in creative research and development. Based on the achievement, UST is now preparing for a take-off for another transition. We are working on a Mid-Long Term Development Plan toward the Year 2020, while at the same time, upgrading the academic programs, which will set a direction for the development of UST as a model institute for Academia-Research-Industry collaboration. UST will focus more on improving the quality of education and thus the quality of graduates as scientists and engineers. Our efforts are geared to creating an ecosystem that can attract top talents from around the world by continuously innovating curricula and upgrading research facilities and environments, while at the same time, expanding networks for research and education. We aim to equip young scientists and engineers with not only intelligence and creativity but also the spirit of risk-taking, on the basis of which they can generate new knowledge and values and meet the challenges facing the human society.

. Welcome from President

University of Science & Technology

UST provides opportunities to interact with top-level scientists and engineers with various backgrounds as well as to participate in in-depth research in diverse areas. UST is a home to professors and students who aspire to create a new future and will always be open to those who want to realize their scientific potential. Thank you. LEE, Un Woo Ph.D. President

Admissions Guide for Internationalfor Foreign Students,Semester Application Guide Applicants, 2012 Fall Fall 2011

The Leader of Creative Convergence

. History of UST
Dec. 18, 2002 Oct. 22, 2003 Mar. 03, 2004 Sep. 23, 2004 Feb. 17, 2006 Feb. 29, 2008 Dec. 03, 2010 Dec. 07, 2011 Feb. 17, 2012 Revision of the law for the establishment of UST (by National Assembly members) Approval of the establishment of the UST (by the Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development) The 1st entrance ceremony Revision of the relevant law The 1st commencement Jurisdiction transfer from the Ministry of Science and Technology to the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology Completion of the UST Headquarters The inauguration of the 3rd President, Un Woo Lee The 13th Commencement

. History of UST . History of UST / . Achievements Excellence of UST

University of Science & Technology

. Achievements Excellence of UST

UST students publish their papers as the first authors in Nature and Science.
Verifying new function of non-neural cell in brain published in Science, Sep.23,2010.
- Yun, (Neuroscience, KIST Campus), with other scholars, verified for the first time that gliocyte, a non-neural cell, secretes signal delivery substance in their paper.

Exploring generation of hydrogen and energy by microorganism in deep sea published in Nature, Sep.16,2010.
- Bae, (Marine Biotechnology, KORDI Campus), with other scholars, verified for the first time that organism can produce self energy along with hydrogen in their paper.

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

The Leader of Creative Convergence

UST Graduates' Research Achievements (2008~2012 Spring)

- 4.32 papers published with SCI level of journals per doctoral graduate - 1.39 case of patent applied and registered per doctoral graduate

12 research projects were selected as 100 Excellent National Research and Development Projects
- 12 research projects conducted by UST faculty members and students were selected as 100 Excellent National Research and Development Projects, 2010 by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Technology.

. Achievements Excellence of UST / . Featured Curricula of UST

University of Science & Technology

Comparison with other schools Name of Affiliation

No. of Project


Seoul National University





. Featured Curricula of UST

Scholarships and Benefits
- Tuition and fees of KRW 2,500,000 per semester are supported for all enrolled students. (KRW 10,000,000 for 4 semesters) - A monthly stipend of the following amount is given to all enrolled students: Minimum KRW 900,000 for students in the master's program (KRW 21,600,000 for 4 semesters) Minimum KRW 1,200,000 for students in the doctoral program (KRW 28,800,000 for 4 semesters) - A dormitory room is provided for each student (availability limited in some campuses) - Overseas research grant is given to the grant awardee by other reputable institutions such as National Research Foundation and Korean Student Aid Foundation (KOSAF).

Other Benefits for Outstanding Students

- Overseas training program UST supports students' overseas training, for the maximum period of 6 months, that is provided in the form of internship or co-work in universities or research institutes outside of Korea. The support includes living expenses, airfare, traveler's insurance. Maximum support for overseas training: Jung, a Doctoral student in 2008, were rewarded KRW 18,700,000. - Overseas exchange program Overseas academic exchange : UST supports students who present their papers in international conferences or seminars. Maximum support for participation in overseas academic conferences: Kim, a master's student, was rewarded KRW 4,900,000

Admissions Guide for Internationalfor Foreign Students,Semester Application Guide Applicants, 2012 Fall Fall 2011

The Leader of Creative Convergence

Overseas trends survey : UST assists students to visit and experience advanced education system in renowned overseas universities for the maximum period of 15 days. The support includes traveling expenses, airfare, registration fee for conference, travelers' insurance. Maximum support for overseas field survey: Shin, a Doctoral student, together with another student, was rewarded KRW 17,800,000. - UST Student Awards Outstanding research achievements for the Authors of Accepted Papers by Reputable Jorurnals Rewards : prize money, plaque of honor and certificate of honor. Outstanding research achievements(papers, patents, authorship and external activities, etc) Rewards : prize money, plaque of honor and certificate of honor.

. Featured Curricula of UST . History of UST

University of Science & Technology

Student Welfare
All students are provided with - students' general insurance covering medical expenses, etc. - regular health check-up. - both online and face-to-face counseling. - thesis examination fees: Minimum KRW 550,000 for master's students (for 3 committee members) Minimum KRW 1,350,000 for Doctoral student (for 5 committee members) - a free web mail account of 1GB, a free web disc of 2GB, a free text message of 100 SMS a month.

Advanced Education System

- New majors can be opened each semester: a timely and flexible response to rapid changes in the field of science and technology through the adjustment of majors. - Application fee and thesis examination fee are abolished to provide equal opportunity for more educational consumers. - Introducing instruction real-name system: Instructors' name and affiliation will be provided on transcripts to encourage their recognition of teaching responsibility. - Advisor selection system: At the time of application, students can select their advisor to get the most effective advice from an expert in the field.

Agreement for Academic Exchange with Prestigious Universities in Korea

- UST runs cross registration system with Kangwon National University Graduate School, Konkuk University Graduate School, Korea University Graduate School, Korea University Green School, Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Sogang University Graduate School, Ajou University Graduate School, Yonsei University Graduate School, Changwon National University Graduate School, Chungnam National University Graduate School, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology(KAIST), Hanyang University Graduate School, Seoul National University of Science and Technology Graduate School and Korea Aerospace University Graduate School.

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

The Leader of Creative Convergence

. Admissions Guide
- Common Qualification :
Refer to the page 15 for details of Submission of a Certificated of English Proficiency Score

1. Master's Program, Integrative Program

- Those who have a bachelor's degree or are expected to obtain one by August, 2012. - Those who are recognized as having qualifications equivalent to a bachelor's degree or approved by the law.


. Admissions Guide
University of Science & Technology

What is an integrative program?

- An integrative program is defined as a graduate program where students can obtain doctoral degree without submitting master's thesis and their applying for doctoral program. - Those who are admitted through this program should pass qualification examinations of a doctoral program. - Only master's degree is conferred on those who have passed the qualification examination of a doctoral program and have met the requirement of the master's degree, if they quit during the program.

2. Ph.D. Program
- Those who have a master's degree or are expected to get one by August, 2012. - Those who are recognized as having qualifications equivalent to a master's degree or approved by the law.

Foreign applicants must satisfy all of the following requirements:

- Must not have held a Korean Citizenship, and whose parents are not citizens of Korea. - Excluded are those with dual nationality or without nationality.

Overseas residents applicants must satisfy the following requirement:

- Children of overseas Koreans who have completed at least sixteen years of education in foreign countries.

Admissions Guide for Internationalfor Foreign Students,Semester Application Guide Applicants, 2012 Fall Fall 2011

The Leader of Creative Convergence


. Admissions Guide . History of UST

University of Science & Technology

Application Schedule
1 2

Announcement of Application Guide Online Application via airmail Submission of Required Documents via domestic mail in person

Date and Time

Apr. 24(Tue), 2012 May. 7(Mon) ~ May. 25(Fri) by 6 pm, 2012 May. 7(Mon) ~ May. 29(Tue), 2012 May. 7(Mon) ~ May. 25(Fri), 2012 *Application package should be postmarked by May. 25, 2012. May. 7(Mon) ~ May. 25(Fri), 2012 by 6 pm May. 30(Wed) ~ May. 31(Thu), 2012

UST website 'Notice Board' Online Application http://www.univapply.co.kr/

Student Affairs Team 217 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon University of Science & Technology

Confirming the Arrival of Required Documents Announcement of Successful Applicants after Documents Screening In Depth Interview in Each Field of Study Announcement of Final Successful Applicants Registration for Admission

UST website 'Notice Board'

Jun. 8(Fri), 2012 am 9

UST website ' Notice Board' Interview Place and Procedure are to be announced at UST website 'Notice Board' UST website 'Notice Board' UST website 'Notice Board'

6 7 8

Jun. 18(Mon) ~ Jun. 20(Wed), 2012 Jul. 13(Fri), 2012 am 9 Jul. 23(Mon) ~ Jul. 27(Fri), 2012

Detailed procedures may be subject to change and will be announced on the website. The date and time on the above schedule is base on the Korea local standard date and time.

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

The Leader of Creative Convergence

Application Period
1. Application period : May. 7(Mon) am 9 ~ May. 25(Fri), 2012 by 6 pm 2. Application procedure
Visit the UST website at http://www.ust.ac.kr to click the banner of Submission of Application (Linked to application page of univapply)

Choose UST at http://www.univapply.co.kr/


. Admissions Guide
University of Science & Technology

Sing up for membership and login

Once you are a member, then do not sign up for membership again.

- Make sure to upload color photo. Fill out application form. - Apply online by providing all required information - Your color photo should be taken of the date of application 3 months and show the upper half of the body.

Confirm the application form. Once application process is completed, no contents of application form can be changed or cancelled. Application process is completed.

After confirming the completion of the application process, print out all application documents and a test identification slip (print the cover of the envelope for mailing)

- Use a color printer to be sure to print the documents with a color photo properly. - Please bring a test identification slip with you on the date of your in-depth interview for which only the applicants who have passed documents screening are eligible.

All required documents indicated by this application guidelines should be submitted after completing the online application. - Failure to meet the deadline causes the termination of any further process.

- How to submit: put all required documents into one envelope, glue the printed cover of envelope for mailing, and mail it by registered or express mail or submit it in person. - For the list of documents to be submitted, the deadline of submission, and the address for submission, please refer to and 'Required documents' and 'How to submit'.

Submission of all required documents is completed.

Confirming the arrival of the submitted documents

- Confirm the arrival of the submitted documents on the UST website (Admission Notice Board) (individual notice will not be given) - Period of confirmation: May. 30(Wed) ~ May. 31(Thu), 2012

Admissions Guide for Internationalfor Foreign Students,Semester Application Guide Applicants, 2012 Fall Fall 2011

The Leader of Creative Convergence

Required Documents
1. Required documents
Types of Document No. of Copy Note
- Submit a print copy of the application form after online application. - With a photography taken within 3 months of the date of application (3 4 cm) - Download on the UST website. - Registration number of degree should be provided.(if available) - Submit a proof of enrollment if a diploma or a certificate of degree is not available. - Transcripts should show percentile score. - For transferred students, a copy of transcripts before and after the transfer should be submitted. - Download on the UST website. - A photocopy can also be accepted but it will be verified against the original copy when you pay tuition and fees - If applicable - Registration number of degree should be provided.(only for graduates) - Submit a certificate of enrollment if expected graduation certificates are not available for seniors. - Transcripts should show percentile score. - For transferred students, a copy of transcripts before and after the transfer should be submitted. - Only title and abstract should be submitted - Publication includes published papers, presented papers in academic conferences, and technical reports, and intellectual property (if available). - Applicants should submit a list of publications and a copy of each. Publications should provide information about author, summary, or abstract Technical reports should provide information about abstract and summary

Application Form

Letter of Recommendation


. Admissions Guide . History of UST

University of Science & Technology

An Original Copy of the Certificate of (expected) bachelor's degree

An Original Copy of Transcript of undergraduate Records Proposal for study A certified of English proficiency test score A copy of passport Copy of Certificate of Career or Certificate of Employment

1 1 1 1 1

An Original Copy of the Certificate of (expected) master's degree

An Original Copy of Transcript of master's program(only for applicants for doctoral program) A copy of the thesis (only for applicants for doctoral program)

Copy of publication (only for applicants for doctoral program)

Documents in yellow shades are common for all programs Applicants for the integrative program should submit the same documents as applicants for the master's program. All documents submitted should be written in English. In case in which a thesis or a technical report written in languages other than English, please submit only its abstract in English.

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

The Leader of Creative Convergence

Additional documents for Overseas Residents

Types of Document
Original or Copy of Graduate Certificates for Elementary, Middle and High Schools Documents Certifying Completion of All School Years of Elementary, Middle and High Schools ; or Transcripts of all School Years An Original Copy of National Certificate An Original Copy of Immigration Record

No. of Copy


1 Only for overseas residents 1 1 1


. Admissions Guide
University of Science & Technology

An Original Copy of Resident Registration

- Guidelines - Applicants must upload a color photo in the online application (for use in the school register and student ID after admission), or attach a photo to the paper application. - Important announcements will be made via e-mail. Ensure that the e-mail address you have provided is correct and up-to-date. - Your academic transcript and certificate of graduation must have been issued within the past 3 months. - Graduates of foreign universities must supply certificates in English (notarized by the embassy), accompanied by an original copy. - Applicants who have submitted a certificate of expected graduation must submit the final certificate of graduation and academic transcript by Friday, August 31, 2012. The academic transcript must specify the date conferred or issue number. UST graduates are exempt from the submission of the above documents. - Supporting documents are required for experience listed in your application form.

2. Submission of documents after online application

(1) How to submit : After completing the online application at http://www.univapply.co.kr/, print out Application Form, Proposal for Study, and cover of envelope for mailing. Next, submit them along with the required documents labeled with cover of envelope for mailing by registered or express mail or submit in person to Student Affairs Team at UST. Never forget to submit all the required documents after online application. The process of admission will be terminated if you fail to do so. (2) Deadline of submission Late submission will not be considered. - Via air mail: May. 7(Mon) ~ May. 29(Tue), 2012 - Via domestic mail: May. 7(Mon) ~ May. 25(Fri), 2012 * Application package should be postmarked by May. 25, 2012. - In person: May. 7(Mon) ~ May. 25(Fri), 2012 by 6 pm For the information of public transportation to UST, please visit us at http://www.ust.ac.kr/html/university/intro/come.do

(3) Confirm the arrival of submitted documents: UST website (Notice Board)

Application Submission, Student Affairs Team, University of Science & Technology 217 Gajeong-ro (176 Gajeong-dong), Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea 305-350

Admissions Guide for Internationalfor Foreign Students,Semester Application Guide Applicants, 2012 Fall Fall 2011

The Leader of Creative Convergence

(4) Printing of a test identification slip

- You can print a test identification slip after completing online application at http://www.univapply.co.kr/ - Please make sure to bring your printed test identification slip with you on the day of in-depth interview.

Submission of a Certified of English Proficiency Test Score

1. Applicants should submit one of the certified of English proficiency test score equal to or higher than the minimum scores provided below:
- Minimum Scores
(unit : score)


. Admissions Guide . History of UST

University of Science & Technology

Classification iBT
Score obtained 79


550 730




Scores should be issued within 2 years of the date of application (since May. 25, 2010)

2. The following applicants do not have to submit a certified of English proficiency test score.
- Applicants who obtained a bachelor's or higher degree with more than 2 years of study in the English speaking countries, such as the U. S., the U. K., Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, and the Republic South Africa.

Procedures of Documents Screening and In-depth Interview

1. Documents screening
(1) Screening documents : applicants' competence will be evaluated based on the documents that applicants submit including transcripts of undergraduate and graduate program, and statement of purpose. (2) Screening English proficiency : Checking whether applicants' submitted certified English proficiency score is adequate for the program. (3) Announcement of the result of documents screening: Jun. 8(Fri), 2012, UST website 'Notice Board'

2. In-depth interview
(1) Evaluation by in-depth interview in each field of study: Overall screening will be conducted in terms of applicants' capability of completing degree program, enthusiasm for study and research, and capability and potential of and scietific experiments academic communcations. (2) Date: 1 day between Jun. 18(Mon) ~ Jun. 20(Wed), 2012 (3) Details on procedures, interview information, and its venue will be announced on the UST website 'Notice Board' (4) Applicants are required to bring his or her test identification slip and ID in interview.

Announcement of Successful Applicants

1. Date : Jul. 13(Fri) 9 am, 2012 2. Method : announced on the UST website 'Notice Board'

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

The Leader of Creative Convergence

1. Date : Jul. 23(Mon) ~ Jul. 27(Fri), 2012 2. Method : announced on the UST website 'Notice Board' or by individual notice 3. The registration fee : KRW 200,000 4. Note : Admission will be canceled for anyone who fails to register during the designated period.

1. University admission documents are processed by a collection agency. Personal information (name, resident registration number, telephone number, e-mail address, academic background, etc.) will only be used for the purpose of admission. However, information provided by successful candidates may be stored in the school register. Consent is required for the collection of personal information and the subsequent use of this information.
- Your personal information will be used to verify English test scores with testing authorities.


. Admissions Guide
University of Science & Technology

2. Application will not be accepted if the application form contain false information or all required documents are not submitted. 3. Any submitted documents will not be corrected after the submission and none of them will be returned to applicants. 4. Applicants will be held responsible for any incorrect information, and may have their admission withdrawn. 5. Admission will be withdrawn for applicants who are unable to graduate as scheduled before the date of admission. 6. Admission status will not be open to the public. 7. Disqualified applicants may not be admitted additionally even in case where the number of successful applicants is less than the volume of recruitment.

- UST makes it a rule to study as a full-time student (from 9 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday).

For more information, please contact us at

Inquiry of Admission
Student Affairs Team at UST Ji Young, Na, 042-865-2331, admission@ust.ac.kr UST website(http://www.ust.ac.kr) Admission Q & A Board

Admissions Guide for International Applicants,

2012 Fall Semester

Advisor is subject to change later.


Program Offered for Admission

1. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute 2. Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute 3. Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute 4. Korea Institute of Construction Technology 5. Korea Institute of Energy Research 6. Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources 7. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology 8. Korea Institute of Materials Science 9. Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine 10. Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information 11. KoreaInstituteofToxicology 12. Korea Instutute of Machinery & Materials 13. Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute 14. Korea Polar Research Institute 15. Korea Railroad Research Institute 16. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology 17. Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology 18. Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science _ 18 _ 19 _ 20 _ 21 _ 22 _ 23 _ 24 _ 25 _ 25 _ 26 _ 27 _ 28 _ 28 _ 29 _ 29 _ 30 _ 31 _ 33

Overseas Residents
1. Korea Institute of Energy Research 2. Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information _ 34 _ 35

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

1. Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute


Broadband Network Technology

Broadband Network Technology includes various fields in advanced network technology such as, IPTV, IPv6, RFID/USN, Future Internet, Green IT, Next Generation Mobile Communication, Network Theory, Communication Protocol and Services, System Engineering, Communication Network Management, Fiber Communication, Broadcast Communication. Professor in Charge : Sungback, Hong, +82-42-860-5662, sbhong@etri.re.kr

Computer Software & Engineering

The major topics could be a research field of RFID/USN, Green Computing, Network Storage, System Middleware, Database, Warerable Computing, Intelligent Robot, Human Robot Interaction, Knowledge Reasoning, Telematics, LBS, Voice/Language Information Processing, Visual Recognition, Game Technology, Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics, Embedded S/W, Software Engineering, BT Convergence, Communication SOC Design, Post logistics, and so on. Professor in Charge : Pyeong Soo, Mah, +82-42-860-6559, pmah@etri.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Broadband Network Technology Computer Software & Engineering

Advisor (E-mail)
Do Young, Kim (dyk@etri.re.kr) Joo-Haeng, Lee (joohaeng@etri.re.kr)

User Interface of Smart-work Convergent HCI (robotics+AR+computer vision)


Ph.D. Integrative


University of Science & Technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

2. Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute


Advanced Nuclear System Engineering

Key topics include mechanical programming, its related techniques, safety evaluation of overall system, and nuclearheat water power programming and its related technique. Professor in Charge : Cheol Hwa, Song, +82-42-868-8876, chsong@kaeri.re.kr

Laser & Plasma Engineering

A department that acquires technology related to lasers and plasmas applied in various fields, such as general industry, the environment, and energy through high-power laser experiments and plasma application experiments. Professor in Charge : Ki Tae, Lee, +82-42-868-8955, klee@kaeri.re.kr

Radiation Biotechnology and Applied Radioiostope Science

A variety of application techniques will be covered in radioiostope by studying operation of body from radiation on a molecularcellentity level to pursue biological use and applicable skills in response to various effects and variation influencing organism. Professor in Charge : In Kyu, Kim, +82-42-868-8031, igkim@kaeri.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Major Advisor (E-mail)
Sang-Ki, Moon (skmoon@kaeri.re.kr) Advanced Nuclear System Engineering Young-Jong, Chung (chung@kaeri.re.kr) Ki Yong, Choi (kychoi@kaeri.re.kr) Laser & Plasma Engineering Radiation Biotechnology and Applied Radioiostope Science
University of Science & Technology

Safety of Advanced Light Water Reactor Design of Research Reactor Safety of Advanced Light Water Reactor High power THz FEL


Ph.D. Integrative

Seong Hee, Park (shpark@kaeri.re.kr) Sang Hyun, Park (parksh@kaeri.re.kr)

Isotope application research for life sciences


Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

3. Korea Electrotechnology Research Institute


Electrical Functionality Material Engineering

New types of materials will be applied to have diverse electrical/functionality materials and application techniques will be covered in electric/electronic devide and electric equipments. Professor in Charge : Dae Young, Jeong, +82-55-280-1500, dyjeong@keri.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Major Advisor (E-mail)
InSung, Kim (kimis@keri.re.kr) Electrical Functionality Material Engineering Chil-Hoon, Doh (chdoh@keri.re.kr) Dae Yeong, Jeong (dyjeong@keri.re.kr) power capacitor Lithium battery, Anode materials, thermal properties of battery, battery energy storage applied Anodization technology



Ph.D. Integrative


University of Science & Technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

4. Korea Institute of Construction Technology


Construction Environment Engineering

This field focuses on the technology development to preserve and restore hydro-ecological system such as follows: a high powered water treatment including water supply and drainage, wastes recycling for energy source, reuse of treated water and development of alternative water resource. This is a convergence research with civil engineering, environment engineering, chemical engineering, high molecular, biology, and etc. Professor in Charge : Seog Ku, Kim, +82-31-910-0300, sgkim@kict.re.kr

Geotechnical & Geo-Space Engineering

Geo-Space Engineering provides the academic curriculum for real-scale fundamental studies and geotechnical applications to characterize mechanical behaviour of ground. In this basis, in order to optimize the nation's land use, technologies with related to the new ground space such as tunnel and underground space, artificial island and offshore underground, and reclaimed land are main focuses of academic program. Extreme engineering technologies applicable to deep seabed, arctic and anti-artic region, jungle area, outer space are also current research concerns. Professor in Charge : Ju Hyong, Kim, +82-31-910-0236, haitink@kict.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Construction Environment Engineering Geotechnical & GeoSpace Engineering

Advisor (E-mail)
Il Ho, Kim (ihkim@kict.re.kr) Jin Chul, Joo (jcjoo@kict.re.kr) Changho, Choi (chchoi@kict.re.kr)

Risk Assessment and Management Development of ZnO/Laponite complexes to treat chlorinated organic compounds Offshore Wind Turbine and Cold Region Engineering


Ph.D. Integrative


University of Science & Technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

5. Korea Institute of Energy Research


Advanced Energy Technology

Topics in this field include core technologies such as processing clean energy, fuel cell research, and bioenergy, technologies of high functional recycling, and technologies of future-oriented high functional new materials. Professor in Charge : Jae Ho, Kim, +82-42-860-3351, jaeho@kier.re.kr

Energy System Engineering

Practical techniques of programming to utilizing clean future energy in reality will be covered to learn various skills related with key technologies in improving function of energy materials and new materials. Professor in Charge : Byeong Shik, Park, +82-42-860-3323, bspark@kier.re.kr

Renewable Energy Engineering

The types and characteristics of green renewable energy sources (solar energy, sun rays, natural lighting, geothermal heat, wind energy, bioenergy, and waste heat) are studied, skills that can be applied to actual sites are cultivated, and advanced renewable energy professional technical experts that are able to design hardware and software for the production of thermal and electrical energy using renewable energy sources are trained. Professor in Charge : Euy Joon, Lee, +82-42-860-3514, ejlee@kier.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Major Advisor (E-mail)
Minjin, Kim (minjin@kier.re.kr) Advanced Energy Technology Gu-Gon, Park (gugon@kier.re.kr) Rak-Hyun, Song (rhsong@kier.re.kr) Hyouck Ju, Kim (hjkim@kier.re.kr) Energy System Engineering Byung Sik, Park (bspark@kier.re.kr) Dae Hun, Chung (cdh@kier.re.kr) Minsung, Kim (minsungk@kier.re.kr) Renewable Energy Engineering Byungchan, Bae (bcbae@kier.re.kr) Sung-Dae, Yim (jimmyim@kier.re.kr) Young-Woo, Choi (cozmoz67@kier.re.kr) Fuel Cells Fuel Cells Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Energy Network CHP, ORC, DHC Energy Network Renewable Energy Network Fuel Cells Fuel Cells Fuel Cells



Ph.D. Integrative


University of Science & Technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

6. Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources


Geoinformatic Engineering
A department that cultivates advanced GIS practices and remote sensing experts through lectures, seminars, and exercises regarding the theory behind Geographic Information Systems, creating thematic levels, constructing DBs, developing image processing and remote sensing technology, and establishing expert system. Professor in Charge : Sa Ro, Lee, +82-42-868-3057, leesaro@kigam.re.kr

Resources Recycling
The contents of this course consist of two major parts: (1) introduction of basic resources recycling technology, including chemistry of environmental resources, environmental thermodynamics and analytical chemistry of resources (2) in-depth study on metals recovery, making raw materials from inorganic and organic wastes, recycling process technology, and treatment of military hazardous wastes. Also, in order to foster an ability in practical access to the subject matter, an on-site research lab course will be offered for the purpose of participating in an on-going project and receiving knowledge on various recycling technologies. Professor in Charge : Hyung Kyu, Park, +82-42-868-3610, parkhk@kigam.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Geoinformatic Engineering Resources Recycling

Advisor (E-mail)
Saro, Lee (leesaro@kigam.re.kr) Jae Chun, Lee (jclee@kigam.re.kr)

Geological Application of GIS Hydrometallurgy


Ph.D. Integrative


University of Science & Technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

7. Korea Institute of Industrial Technology


Intelligent Robot Engineering

Intelligent Robot engineering course in UST cultivates high-quality human resources with practical capability through all sorts of experiments, practical training and field research using various robot platforms and new equipments. Students in the course learn high technologies of intelligent robot engineering through an apprentice system which they take participate in rolling projects, and master world wide recent research trends and the development direction of intelligent robot technology through a series of intensified seminars. Intelligent robot engineering course consists of three parts - 'Mobility & Mechanism,' 'Intelligent & Control,' and 'Sensor & Cognition'. Each part establishes appropriate roll model and offers intensified learning as students interests. Mobility & Mechanism part cultivates the ability to develop the object-oriented design and model-based control algorithm for intelligent robots. Intelligent & Control part consists of software-related course works such as vision, work strategy, intelligence organization, and control for the application of intelligent robots, and contains artificial intelligent and machine learning. Sensor & Cognition part teaches various sensor application, senor fusion, and signal processing for the approvement sensing and cognition capability of intelligent robots. Professor in Charge : Sang Deok, Park, +82-31-8040-6341, sdpark@kitech.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Major Advisor (E-mail)
Sang Deok, Park (sdpark@kitech.re.kr) Moon Hong, Baek (mhbaeg@kitech.re.kr) Robotics Computer Engineering



Ph.D. Integrative

Intelligent Robot Engineering


University of Science & Technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

8. Korea Institute of Materials Science


Advanced Materials Engineering

Advanced materials engineering improves and assigns new function to new materials to renovate and develop existing materials. Among new materials are metals, ceramics, and compound materials to establish infrastructure of new ground dynamic industry such as high density machinery, electrical electronics, and aerospace engineering. Its aim is to design and process of materials and evaluate their features. Professor in Charge : Dong-soo, Park, +82-55-280-3345, pds1590@kims.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Major Advisor (E-mail)
In-Hyuck, Song (sih1654@kims.re.kr) Youngsoo, Yoo (yys@kims.re.kr) Porous ceramic High Temperature Materials



Ph.D. Integrative

Advanced Materials Engineering

9. Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine


Korea Traditional medicine and Biotechnology

It is designed for high-achieving individuals with continuing in his career in TKM, as well as for those who have the ambition master life science and technology with TKM. The course covers from the principal required subjects to the latest advances in biological and medical science. Once thesis director is identified, a student can develop his research topic with elective courses and experimental procedures. Students can learn latest advances in TKM and contemporary medicine, and the research methodologies associated with globalization and modernization of TKM for the global welfare.
University of Science & Technology

Professor in Charge : Jin Sook, Kim +82-42-868-9465, jskim@kiom.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Korea Traditional medicine and Biotechnology

Advisor (E-mail)
Si Woo, Lee (bfree@kiom.re.kr)

Constitutional Diagnosis


Ph.D. Integrative


Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

10. Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information


Grid and Supercomputing

The curriculum includes introduction to supercomputing, high-performance networking, and scientific visualization. Parallel distributed processing, grid computing, supercomputing, and the latest techniques will be covered in the course. Also included are techniques and applications from computational science and engineering research. Professor in Charge : Jysoo, Lee, +82-42-869-0591, jysoo@kisti.re.kr

Information Science & Technology

A department that builds expert knowledge in both the computer system and information content fields to research technology related to electronic communication and advanced knowledge information. Professor in Charge : Young Ho, Moon, +82-2-3299-6090, yhmoon@kisti.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Grid and Supercomputing Information Science & Technology

Advisor (E-mail)
Soon-Wook, Hwang (hwang@kisti.re.kr) Han Min, Jung (jhm@kisti.re.kr)

Grid and Supercomputing


Ph.D. Integrative

semantic Web, Analytics, NLP


University of Science & Technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

11. Korea Institute of Toxicology


Pharmacology and Toxicology

The major objectives will include training in the following subject areas, at minimum: 1. Fundamentals of toxicology, environmental toxicology, toxicologic pathology, safety pharmacology, laboratory animal science and related disciplines contributing to assessment of efficacy and safety. 2. Basic skills and knowledge necessary to evaluate the physiologic and pharmacologic activities of new pharmaceutical candidates, allowing the students to understand clearly the modes of their actions on each organ or tissue. 3. Recent technologies and trends in the development of new pharmaceuticals, and how to evaluate efficacy of new pharmaceutical candidates. 4. Review of recently developed Living Modified Organism (LMO) products, the technologies required and used to evaluate their efficacy and their risk to humans and the environment. 5. Knowledge and skill necessary to evaluate and analyze the occupational health and safety of workers in the industry. 6. Administration and management of bioassays for safety and efficacy of new products, to include Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) required to register new products. Careful analysis of the test outcomes and incorporation of the test results in a detailed report are also included. Professor in Charge : Seok Joo, Yoon, +82-42-860-7476, sjyoon@kitox.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Pharmacology and Toxicology

Advisor (E-mail)
Kyuhong, Lee (khlee@kitox.re.kr) Inhalation Toxicology



Ph.D. Integrative


University of Science & Technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

12. Korea Institute Machinery & Material


A department that acquires technology that allows the design and manufacture of a nano-system that is able to manufacture and measure micro-parts so as to understand the new phenomena occurring at the nanoscale for the advancement and study of the micro/nano convergence technology to produce new knowledge regarding the mechanical processes related to the manufacture of nano-structures. Professor in Charge : Jae Jong, Lee, +82-42-868-7145, jjlee@kimm.re.kr

Program Offered for admission


Advisor (E-mail)
Seung-Woo, Han (swhan@kimm.re.kr) Material Science



Ph.D. Integrative

13. Korea Ocean Research & Development Institute


Marine Biotechnology
The program includes a wide range of marine organisms with special properties, such as deep-sea microbes, seaweeds and marine animals. Among the bioresources collected from various extreme environments, a limited number of microorganisms with ecological and biotechnological criteria have been selected for the genomic study. We expect that the genome project would provide the valuable information to understand the genetic foundations of organisms adapted to life in the sea. Also, knowledge of the metabolites found in marine organisms contributes tremendously to progress in many exciting fields including biotechnology and marine bio-industry. The present study involved the systematic collection of marine organisms from various environments and attempted to isolate and structurally characterize novel substances from selected marine organisms. This research successfully demonstrated the possibilities of marine biotechnology. Professor in Charge : Jung-Hyun, Lee, +82-31-400-6243, jlee@kordi.re.kr


University of Science & Technology

Program Offered for admission

Marine Biotechnology

Advisor (E-mail)
Hee Jae, Shin (shinhj@kordi.re.kr)

Natural Products Chemistry


Ph.D. Integrative

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

14. Korea Polar Research Institute


Polar Science
Polar sciences pursue to monitor and understand the natural phenomena and study on resources and engineering application in polar regions surrounding the Arctic and Antarctic. Various courses are offered in the field of earth science including geology, oceanography and meteorology as well as introductory polar environments and in-depth courses of lectures and experiments are to be taken after thesis supervisors are assigned. Polar sciences majors require pioneering and voluntary mind to challenge the harsh polar environment during their field experiment in the Arctic and Antarctic. Professor in Charge : Hyun, Park, +82-32-260-6151, hpark@kopri.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Polar Science

Advisor (E-mail)
Tae Siek, Rhee (rhee@kopri.re.kr)

Polar atmospheric chemistry


Ph.D. Integrative

15. Korea Railroad Research Institute


Railway System Engineering

Our education covers the areas of the principle knowledge on transportation policy and the core parts of the railway transportation technology; track infrastructure, electric power supply, signals and communications, rolling stock and operation while performing research on current issues of each field. Professor in Charge : Sung Il, Seo, +82-31-460-5623, siseo@krri.re.kr


University of Science & Technology

Program Offered for admission

Railway System Engineering

Advisor (E-mail)
Sung Il, Seo (siseo@krri.re.kr) Electric power



Ph.D. Integrative

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

16. Korea Research Institute of Bioscience & Biotechnology


A department that studies a variety of fields such as nano-bio-analysis, nano-bio sensors/chips, nanobiomaterials, biosystem-on-a-chip designs, and BioMEMS. Professor in Charge : Bong Hyun, Chung, +82-42-860-4442, chungbh@kribb.re.kr

Biomolecular Science
The goal of bio molecular science is to raise chemists who understand biology and biologist who understand chemistry, allowing collaborations between the two fields. In turn, provide specialist in the field of drug development (Chemical or biological drugs). For a researcher to attain such a goal, theoretical and experimental expertise in both chemistry and biology is crucial. More importantly, an open mind is needed to understand the differences among each field. For example, chemistry and biology each have a unique way of approaching problems. The discovery of a new drug is the main objective for life science and is achieved through the cooperation between the experts of the two fields. Therefore, the effort to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each field is needed. The bio molecular science profession requires biology majors to do field research in chemistry and vice versa during the academic years in order to fulfill such goals. Professor in Charge : Byoung Mog, Kwon, +82-42-860-4557, kwonbm@kribb.re.kr

Biosystems & Bioengineering

In this field the academic curriculum for the next-generation biotechnology based on systems biology and synthetic biology will be provided. That is, curriculum for in-depth understanding of genetic, biochemical and structural characteristics and functions of the components of biosystems(microorganism, plant and animal), and for analyzing the interaction/regulation mechanisms among the components at a system level will be provided. Omics technologies and bioinformatics will be emphasized. Synthetic biology which pursuing the creation of new materials based on the rational combination of standardized biological parts will also be an important part of this field. Biosystems & Bioengineering is an emerging and promising field to meet national and global agenda for securing human health, food, renewable biomaterials and sustainable environment, and also will play an important role in cultivating experts who can lead next-generation biotechnology. Professor in Charge : Seung-Hwan, Park, +82-42-860-4410, shpark@kribb.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

University of Science & Technology

Advisor (E-mail)
Bong Hyun, Chung (chungbh@kribb.re.kr) Bo Yeon, Kim (bykim@kribb.re.kr) Chang-Jin, Kim (changjin@kribb.re.kr) Ohsuk, Kwon (oskwon@kribb.re.kr) Haryoung, Poo (haryoung@kribb.re.kr)

Nano-bio Sensor / Chip Nano-bio materials Bio Imaging Molecular Cell Biology microbial explotation Functional genomic study of microbial metabolic / signal transduction networks and synthetic biological cell remodeling Viral Immunology, Vacccine


Ph.D. Integrative

Biomolecular Science

Biosystems & Bioengineering


Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

17. Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology


Green Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology

This field discover how to transfer exiting chemical industry into green industry by effectively controlling contaminated environment. Through the converged study with environmental engineering and bio engineering, research-oriented onsite instruction will provide knowledge and capability to reserve and restore earth's ecology system. Professor in Charge : Chul Wee, Lee, +82-42-860-7381, chulwee@krict.re.kr

Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry

Key topics include designing unique Drug-like compound; securing compound's diversity by utilizing organic chemicals and computer chemicals associated with medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry; technique to abstract prospective new material; technique of controlling bio-molecular delivery by utilizing DDS technique. Professor in Charge : Hyeon Kyu, Lee, +82-42-860-7016, leehk@krict.re.kr

Nanomaterials Science and Engineering

This field aims to develop and apply nanomaterials. In specific, its research areas are nanometals, nanoceramic, nanopolymers, and nano structure complex materials. Professor in Charge : Byeong Ki, Cheong, +82-2-958-5385, bkcheong@kist.re.kr


University of Science & Technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

17. Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology


Program Offered for admission

Major Advisor (E-mail)
Jeonghoon, Kim (jhoonkim@krict.re.kr) Hyungrok, Kim (hrkim@krict.re.kr) *co-advisor : Jong-San, Chang Kew-Ho, Lee (khlee@krict.re.kr) Kee-In, Lee (kilee@krict.re.kr) *co-advisor : In Taek, Hwang Jong-San, Chang (jschang@krict.re.kr) *co-advisor : Young Kyu, Hwang Ki-Won, Jun (kwjun@krict.re.kr) Jin hee, Ahn (jhahn@krict.re.kr) Medicinal and Pharmaceutical Chemistry Hyeon Kyu, Lee (leehk@krict.re.kr) Young-Sik, Jung (ysjung@krict.re.kr) Heejung, Jung (heejung@krict.re.kr) Nanomaterials Science and Engineering Sang-Jin, Moon (moons@krict.re.kr) Jong-Cheol, Lee (leejc@krict.re.kr)

membrane separation catalytic conversion of biomass-based chemicals membrane separation


Ph.D. Integrative

Green Chemistry and Environmental Biotechnology

bio-organic synthesis

synthesis of porous hybrids

green catalysis medicinal chemistry medicinal chemistry discovery of drug candidate discovery of drug candidate organic solar cell device & materials organic photovoltaic cells


University of Science & Technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

18. Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science


Medical Physics
The aim of Medical Physics Major is to nurture scientists with global competitiveness in the medical instrument field. The students will be educated with basic medical measurement science which is the multidisciplinary science of physics, biology and engineering in the various research laboratories. The topics of curriculum includes basic subjects such as Introduction to Medical Physics, Medical Elecronics, Bioelectricity and Biomagnetism, advanced subjects such as Advanced Cognitive Neuroscience, and principles and utilization of advanced measurement instruments used in various medical measurement fields such as radiation, laser, ultrasound. Professor in Charge : Yong Ki, Park, +82-42-868-5003, super203@kriss.re.kr

Science of Measurement
Science of measurement explores not only measurement in optical technique, dynamics, electromagnetism but also cutting-edge future convergence science in energy saving, preserving atmosphere environment, and space technique. Professor in Charge : Seung Nam, Park, +82-42-868-5200, snpark@kriss.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Major Advisor (E-mail)
Hyun Kyoon, Lim (hlim@kriss.re.kr) Medical Physics Sea Chae, Jeoung (scjeoung@kriss.re.kr) Seung Nam, Park (snpark@kriss.re.kr) Science of Measurement Geun Woo, Lee (gwlee@kriss.re.kr) Jae-Kap, Jung (jkjung@kriss.re.kr) fs Laser Undecided Material study using levitation techniques Measurement Standards of High Voltage and Current

Medical images, Bio-signals


Ph.D. Integrative


University of Science & Technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

Overseas Residents

1. Korea Institute of Energy Research


Advanced Energy Technology

Topics in this field include core technologies such as processing clean energy, fuel cell research, and bioenergy, technologies of high functional recycling, and technologies of future-oriented high functional new materials. Professor in Charge : Jae Ho, Kim, +82-42-860-3351, jaeho@kier.re.kr

Energy System Engineering

Practical techniques of programming to utilizing clean future energy in reality will be covered to learn various skills related with key technologies in improving function of energy materials and new materials. Professor in Charge : Byeong Shik, Park, +82-42-860-3323, bspark@kier.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Advanced Energy Technology

Advisor (E-mail)
Rak-Hyun, Song (rhsong@kier.re.kr) Byung Sik, Park (bspark@kier.re.kr) Dae Hun, Chung (cdh@kier.re.kr) Solid Oxide Fuel Cell CHP, ORC, DHC Energy Network



Ph.D. Integrative

Energy System Engineering


University of Science & Technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

Overseas Residents

2. Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information


Information Science & Technology

A department that builds expert knowledge in both the computer system and information content fields to research technology related to electronic communication and advanced knowledge information. Professor in Charge : Young Ho, Mun, +82-2-3299-6090, yhmoon@kisti.re.kr

Program Offered for admission

Major Advisor (E-mail)
Byoung-Youl, Coh (cohby@kisti.re.kr) Oh-Jin, Kwon (dbajin@kisti.re.kr) Information Science & Technology Yeongho, Moon (yhmoon@kisti.re.kr) Hyuck Jai, Lee (hlee@kisti.re.kr)

Technology Opportunity Analysis


Ph.D. Integrative

Detection of Emerging Technology

A Study on Knowledge Technology

competitive analysis


University of Science & Technology

Admissions Guide for International Applicants, 2012 Fall Semester

Admission Application for International Applicants

Admission is based on the evaluation of the entire application packet, with major consideration given to the applicant's intellectual capability, leadership potential, and communication skills. Please read the instructions carefully before filling out the application form.

Application Form
The UST offers M.S., Integrative and, Ph.D. programs in about Seventies fields of study. Write the program and field of your choice. For detailed information, please refer to admission guide.

English Proficiency
The applicants must have a good command of the English language. Those who are not from a country where the first language is English, they are recommended to take either the TOEFL or TOEIC or IELTS or TEPS. Please enclose a copy of your score report in the application packet. For information about registering for the TOEFL test, refer to the <www.toefl.org>.

Transcripts & Diplomas

Official transcript(s) and a copy of diploma(s) from the college or university attended, including graduate schools where applicable are required. Where the transcript(s) and diploma(s) are not in English, the official transcript and diploma must be accompanied by an authorized English translation.

Recommendations provide an opportunity for the Admission Boards to gain additional information about your performance in professional and academic settings. The applicant's recommenders should be individuals who can discuss specific and relevant details about your performance. All applicants are required to submit two recommendations. Preferably, one of them should be from an individual who has known you in a professional context; the other from a college or university instructor.

Proposal for Study

The proposal for study should be in English and no longer than three pages. (A4 paper: double-spaced, single-sided) Candidates should expand on their motivation and qualifications for pursuing their education at UST in their proposal for study.

Confidentiality and Privacy

The UST considers the application materials to be not only confidential, but also personal and private. We will not use them for any purpose other than evaluating the applicants.

Mailing Instructions
The applicants must collect the applications for admission, recommendation letters, transcripts & diplomas, and proposal for study.
University of Science & Technology

The applicants must enclose them in the application packet before mailing. Do not mail your materials to us separately. - Read the instructions carefully before filling out the application. - Mail the recommendation to your respective recommenders as soon as possible. Allow your recommenders adequate time to complete and return the forms to you so that you can meet the deadline. - Proposal for study and any other enclosures should be submitted on A4 paper (double-spaced, single-sided).


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