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Twitter Networks

Focusing, Informing, Connecting and Expanding

Sunday, May 6, 12

Why We Dont Tweet

We dont see the point.

Sunday, May 6, 12

Its just one more thing.

Sunday, May 6, 12

Its not valid instructional.

Sunday, May 6, 12

Social media or emerging technologies should give you a brand new something.

Sunday, May 6, 12

Not an old something dressed up in a blue bird costume.

Sunday, May 6, 12


Sunday, May 6, 12

Why I Began to Tweet

I needed ample, continuous sources of information in real time about my market.

Sunday, May 6, 12

What I Thought
Ample, continuous sources of information in real time about their market.

Sunday, May 6, 12

What I Learned
amazing resource opportunity to contribute real and growing network
Sunday, May 6, 12

The Gift of Twitter

A global playground of focused information (course-based), meaningful connections, personal contributions, compelling and easy research, and a tool for students future professional life.

Sunday, May 6, 12

55+ students, combined grad and undergrad 22 undergrad students 3 grad students

Sunday, May 6, 12

Systematic Approach
Create a Prole Follow Re-Tweet (RT) Tweet from Sites (current events) Original Tweets

Sunday, May 6, 12

How It Works
following (voyeurism) retweeting (plagiarism) tweeting (journalism)

Sunday, May 6, 12

How It Works
real time only see the tweets of those you follow only people who follow you will read your tweets

Sunday, May 6, 12

Unless Youre Trending

(but thats another workshop)

Sunday, May 6, 12

Google Alerts Personalized Magazines (Zite, Flipbook)

Sunday, May 6, 12


a Twitter account for each class only follow the students

Sunday, May 6, 12

It is essential for students to explore the topics that are the most meaningful and of highest interest to them within the course content.

Sunday, May 6, 12

Whats the point?

100% of students looked at and read the websites of the organizations they were following.

Sunday, May 6, 12

Its just one more thing?

95% of students believed that it was a useful tool for gathering and sharing information.

Sunday, May 6, 12

Its not instructional?

90% of students read the articles they tweeted.
And MLA recognizes it as a citation
Athar, Sohaib (ReallyVirtual). Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM (is a rare event). 1 May 2011, 3:58 p.m. Tweet

Sunday, May 6, 12

100% of students discovered news or information that they felt was valuable to their own learning.

Sunday, May 6, 12

What they said ...

Sunday, May 6, 12

I have been learning about more groups and organization through twitter, some Im sure I wouldnt have without it.

Sunday, May 6, 12

I like being able to follow and see what other people are doing with my same interests. I wouldnt know of many of the things Ive learned through Twitter.
Sunday, May 6, 12

I have learned more about different organizations and current events by having a twitter account. By retweeting, it allows me to be more involved.
Sunday, May 6, 12


hashtags, trending, vernacular, protocol, culture

Sunday, May 6, 12


5 Cool Ways to Use Twitter in the Classroom

5 Dos and Donts for College Students Using Social Media

Twitter in Education

Twitter Handbook for Teachers Twitter Terminology 101
Sunday, May 6, 12

Twitter How To from the OIA

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