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COE PLT3 Church Running head: COE PLT3 CHURCH

PLT3 Church: Code of Ethics & Conduct Aubree Clark, Charles Elliott, Michael James, Serena Sledge, & Tracie Westrate Cornerstone University

COE PLT3 Church Table of Contents Our Commitment Code Implementation To Whom the Code Applies Supplemental Decree Globalized Application Advice, Guidelines & Reporting Individual Considerations Acknowledgement Requirement Business Ethics & Practices Protecting Assets and Resources Use of Computers and Communication Systems Working for Other Companies and Board Positions Confidential Information Accuracy of Records and Information Reporting Records Management Media, Public and Government Inquiries Political and Charitable Conduct and Contributions Work Environment Equal Employment Opportunities & Harassment Health, Safety, & Environment Drugs & Alcohol Legal & Compliance

COE PLT3 Church Compliance with Laws, Rules, and Regulations Intellectual Property Contractual Authorization and Process Giving or Receiving Gifts, Entertainment, or Payments Disciplinary Action for Code Violations Form of Acknowledgement Legal Notice

COE PLT3 Church Our Commitment As an international nondenominational Christian Church, it is our duty at PLT3 to uphold the ethics principles presented in the Bible. We stand as leaders of the Christian faith through our ministries worldwide. Our commitment to this Code of Ethics and Conduct is not only a presentation of God word, but also the basis and foundation we have built upon in our organization. The dedication to this code is represented through the veracity of each of our employees. While our faith in each of our associates is great, we must all understand and adhere to this Code of Ethics and Conduct. It will act as guidance in our relationships with each other and our followers and provide a standard for demeanor. As the complexities of maintaining a globalized business increase, this code combined with our faith in God will provide us with the direction and discipline required for success. It is important that as you read this Code of Ethics and Conduct, you do so considering the weight of this document. While it is impossible to cover every ethical problem you might

encounter, it will help to categorize those situations that are most likely to arise, as well as provide good instruction as to when to seek guidance. Thank you for pledging to upholding our values and doing the work of our LORD.

COE PLT3 Church Code Implementation To Whom the Code Applies

This code applies to all employees of PLT3 Church and its affiliates. This includes: Senior Pastors Worship Pastors, Student Ministry Pastors, Missionaries, Board Members, Trustees, Office Management and Associates, Custodial Staff, any other Paid and Unpaid Staff, and Volunteers. For convenience, we refer to all of these as PLT3 Church in the code. The term Affiliates refers to entitles in which PLT3 Church owns, directly or indirectly, more than fifty percent of the voting right or otherwise had control over. Any entitles that PLT3 Church does not own but interacts with, at any level, is encouraged to adopt this Code of Ethics and Conduct policy or adhere to a policy of their own that demonstrates values and principles that are consistent with ours. Failure to do so could result in termination of that relationship. Supplemental Decree This Code supplements all of our other policies and guidelines. All of which apply to the same population as described above. All associates are responsible for reading and abiding by all PLT3 Church policies and guidelines as well as this Code. Each of these policies and guidelines complement the Code. Any questions that arise about this code, or any other policies and guidelines should be taken to the Board. Globalized Application This code applies in all countries where we conduct business. If you become aware or identify any real conflict between this Code and the perimeters of you job or the laws and regulations therein, you must consult with your overseeing Senior Pastor and/or the Board of Directors.

COE PLT3 Church Advice, Guidance & Reporting

If you have a concern or questions or do not understand a provision of this Code, your first resource is your Senior Pastor. Depending on the nature of your inquiry, your senior pastor may wish to consult the Board of Directors. You may also consult the Board of Directors if you are not comfortable taking the matter to your senior pastor. PLT3 Church has a policy prohibiting retaliation if you make a good faith complaint regarding conduct that you reasonably believe is unethical or that violates the law, this Code, or any of our other policies. Individual Considerations Ethical decisions are often complex and ambiguous. When put in a position to make an ethical decision or placed in an ethical situation in which the action you should take is not clear, we advise you to utilize the Six-Step Ethics Decision Making Model, described as follows: The first step is to identify all of the facts relevant to the situation. The second step is to identify the ethical issue within the situation. The third step is to identify your basic beliefs, controlling values, and the ethics principles as they apply to the situation. Within this step, you should also consult this code, and other applicable PLT3 Church policies and guidelines. The ethics principles are: autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence, and justice. Autonomy refers to self-rule, beneficence refers to benefitting other, nonmaleficence refers to not causing harm, and justice refers to righteousness and lawfulness. Step four is to identify valid alternative solutions. Step five is to predict the severity of the consequences for each alternative solutions identified in step four, in light of the beliefs, values, and principles identified in step three.

COE PLT3 Church Step six is to select the alternative with the least sever consequences and is most compatible with your personal beliefs, values, and principles, and those beliefs, values and principles shared by PLT3 Church. Acknowledgement Requirement After reading this Code, you will be provided with an opportunity to sign a Form of Acknowledgement. Signing this form states that you have received access to, read, understand the obligation to comply, and the consequences for violating this Code. This Code is effective

immediately. You will be expected to comply with the provisions within this Code regardless of an obtained acknowledgement receipt. Signed Acknowledgement Forms should be given to your overseeing Senior Pastor after signing and will be kept in your personnel file. The Code of Ethics information is also available in the Code of Ethics Training Program. This is a PowerPoint formatted presentation followed by a Form of Acknowledgement. This program must be viewed by all new associates before they are able to begin working, and is required for review, to be completed by an associate hire anniversary date each year with a current Form of Acknowledgement signed, in order to maintain employment.

COE PLT3 Church Business Ethics & Practices Protecting Assets and Resources As employees and volunteers of PLT3 Church you are the face of the church. The Senior Pastor and Board of Directors shall adopt codes of conduct that are deemed necessary to protect the

church and the church community. You shall act in the best interest of the church in the day to day operations. No personnel will abuse their position that results in inappropriate power or authority. Employees and volunteers shall respect the possessions of the church and others. Financial records will be kept and updated in a timely manner. Financial records will also be reported to the church community on a regular basis. Contributions, fees and payment for services will be handled in a timely manner and accounted for from the appropriate banking account. Any violation of these policies by employees and/or volunteers will be turned into the Senior Pastor and Board of Directors for review. PLT3 Church employees and volunteers are to function for the good of the church and their powers are to be used to protect, advance and promote the church mission. Use of Computers and Communication Systems Computers and technology systems are for church use only. Under no circumstance, should employees or volunteers excess offensive, inappropriate or sexual material. They also may not use the churches technology systems to harm or offend any other employees, church members or the public.

COE PLT3 Church Examples of inappropriate content include, though is not limited to: using resources in a wasteful manner, accessing inappropriate web sites, sharing confidential information with unauthorized recipients. Church employees and volunteers must not communicate or advocate religious beliefs contrary to the church teachings. Any computer or communication system misuse needs to be reported to the Board of Directors. Working for Other Companies and Board Positions PLT3 Church employees and volunteers must be careful of conflict of interest when working for other companies. Church employees and volunteers should avoid situations or positions that conflict with professional, personal or financial interests. A conflict of interest can present itself when an employee or volunteers business, firm or corporation would benefit financially from their connections with the church. Employees and volunteers must disclose any

potential situations that could create a conflict of interest. If a conflict of interest occurs, the Senior Pastor and the Board of Directors must be notified. Confidential Information PLT3 Church employees and volunteers must take great care when handling records of information for the church. Any information gained through administrative duties involving children, youth, volunteers or church members, will be classified as confidential. Information also disclosed while counseling, advising or lending spiritual guidance is deemed to be confidential, unless it is clear that one is dangerous to themselves or others. Information found in records shall only be used in promoting or conforming to the mission of the church. Any personal or financial records held by PLT3 Church, will be controlled by the Senior Pastor and only granted to others on a need to know basis. All personal information regarding

COE PLT3 Church employees and volunteers (ex: educational records, personal files, medical history, insurance information) will be maintained by the Senior Pastor and used only in accordance with federal,


state, local laws, and PLT3 Church policies. Anyone requesting access to records needs to identify that it information desired, is the information needed to complete a task. If an individual questions whether they need the information, they must address the Senior Pastor or the Board of Directors for a confirmation before accessing the information. No information on file at PLT3 Church may be used for civil litigation. Violation of confidential information needs to be reported to the Senior Pastor or the Board of Directors. Accuracy of Records and Information Reporting Records Management Media, Public and Government Inquiries Political and Charitable Conduct and Contributions

COE PLT3 Church Work Environment Equal Employment Opportunities & Harassment We are committed to providing equal employment opportunities for all our


employees, both paid and unpaid, and will not tolerate any speech or conduct that is intended to, or has the effect of, discriminating against or harassing any qualified applicant or employee because of his or her race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), national origin, age, physical or mental disability, veteran status or any characteristic protected by law. We will not tolerate discrimination or harassment by anyone pastors, staff, volunteers, congregation members and guests. This policy extends to every phase of the employment process, including: recruiting, hiring, training, promotion, compensation, benefits, transfers, discipline and termination, layoffs, recalls, and church-sponsored educational, social and recreational programs, as applicable. If you observe conduct that you believe is discriminatory or harassing, or if you feel you have been the victim of discrimination or harassment, you should notify our Senior Pastor or Office Manager. Not only do we forbid unlawful discrimination, we take affirmative action to ensure that applicants are employed, and employees are treated during employment, without regard to their race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions), national origin, age, physical or mental disability, veteran status or any characteristic protected by law. The Office Manager has been assigned specific responsibilities for implementing and monitoring affirmative action and other equal opportunity programs. One of the tenants of this Code, however, is that all employees are accountable for promoting equal opportunity practices within our church. We must do this not just because it is the law, but because it is the right thing to do.

COE PLT3 Church


For more information concerning our anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies, you should refer to our Employee Guide. We will not retaliate against any employee for filing a good faith complaint under our anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies or for cooperating in an investigation and will not tolerate or permit retaliation by paid and unpaid staff, pastors, volunteers, or co-workers. To the fullest extent possible, the church will keep complaints and the terms of their resolution confidential. If an investigation confirms harassment or discrimination has occurred, the church will take corrective action against the offending individual, including such discipline up to and including immediate termination of employment, as appropriate. Health, Safety, & Environment We are committed to providing safe and healthy working conditions by following all occupational health and safety laws governing our activities. We believe that the church and each and every employee have a shared responsibility in the promotion of health and safety in the workplace. You should follow all safety laws and regulations, as well as church safety policies and procedures. You should immediately report any accident, injury or unsafe equipment, practices or conditions. You also have an obligation to carry out church activities in ways that preserve and promote a clean, safe, and healthy environment. You must strictly comply with the letter and spirit of applicable environmental laws and the public policies they represent. The consequences of failing to adhere to environmental laws and policies can be serious. Our church, as well as individuals, may be liable not only for the costs of cleaning up pollution, but also for significant civil and criminal penalties. You should make every effort to prevent violations from occurring and report any violations to the Office Manager or our LBA Board. Drugs & Alcohol

COE PLT3 Church Alcohol and drugs can impair your ability to work effectively and can endanger you and


those around you. The PLT3 Church prohibits the possession, use, purchase, sale, attempted sale, distribution or manufacturing of illegal drugs in the workplace, including non-prescription controlled substances, as well as the abuse/misuse of alcohol and illegal and prescription drugs, while conducting church business on or off our premises. You should not report for work with levels of alcohol in your system that could impair job performance. You may not possess or use alcohol while on Church of the PLT3 premises. Alcohol is prohibited from any sponsored event of Church of PLT 3. Employees who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, up to and including termination. As involvement with certain drugs is illegal, violations of this policy could also subject you to arrest and prosecution by law enforcement agencies. Where allowable by law, PLT3 Church reserves the right to take appropriate steps to investigate compliance, including but not limited to drug and/or alcohol testing by qualified medical professionals and searches in the workplace.

COE PLT3 Church Legal & Compliance Compliance with Laws, Rules, and Regulations


The Church of PLT 3 has a strong commitment to ethics and integrity, and our core values define the means by which we do business. We Believe God is the source of all that exist, therefore we exist to serve God each and every day through the works of our Pastors, office staff, custodial staff, and our unpaid staff and volunteers. These individuals help us provide a benefit to the communities we serve. Integrity and honesty are critical to our ongoing success. Each day we are challenged to be fair and consistent; to be compliant with the laws that govern our activities; and to notify others when something needs to be corrected. Our Church Code of Conduct and Ethics provides guidance in making the right choices when called upon to do so. Please become familiar with this Policy, as well as all of our Compliance Policies and Standard Operating Procedures. Intellectual Property Our intellectual property is a valuable asset that must be used properly and protected from infringement by others. The Church of PLT 3 name and computer software are examples of assets that makes up our intellectual property. As responsible leaders, we must also respect the intellectual property rights of others. In order to use and protect our own intellectual property and to prevent violating the intellectual property rights of others, all employees and volunteers must follow these guidelines: Do not use or copy a trademark, copyrighted material, trade secret or patented invention of another or allow others to use or copy a PLT3 trademark, copyrighted material, trade secret or patented invention without permission. Do not allow the unauthorized use or copying of licensed software.

COE PLT3 Church Do not make commercial use of the name, without first having obtained permission to do so. Employees and volunteers must cooperate in not violating ownership rights of such intellectual property. Contractual Authorization and Process All contracts must be reviewed, debated and voted for approval by a 2/3 majority of the PLT3 Church Board. Giving or Receiving Gifts, Entertainment, or Payments


The PLT3 Church has a zero tolerance policy for receiving gifts and entertainment when there is any chance that the purpose is to improperly influence the recipient, violate the Church policies or violate the law. Gifts and entertainment apply to anything received as a result of an actual or potential business relationship and for which the recipient does not pay face value. In the event that the recipient is willing to pay face value for a ticket or other gifts and entertainment, when in fact the market value is significantly higher than the face value, the associate must still have the item approved in advance in accordance with this policy. Examples of gifts and entertainment include: meals, travel and travel accommodations for business or vacation purposes, tickets to sporting or cultural events, discounts not available to the general public, gift certificates, or any other merchandise or services. For the purposes of this policy, the following shall not be considered gifts and entertainment and may be accepted within reason: Tithes, Offerings, grants, continuing professional education or development opportunities; meals provided or paid for by vendors, during traditional business hours, where business discussions or negotiations are the main purpose, mementos or other similar awards provided or paid for by vendors as recognition for service on a

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particular matter where such memento or award has no intrinsic value, other Church events where multiple clients or potential clients are invited or which are open to the public. These guidelines apply at all times and do not change during traditional gift-giving seasons, or during the planning of a Company event. Associates are encouraged to share this Gift and Entertainment Policy with current and potential vendors and suppliers to avoid waste as well as an uncomfortable or embarrassing situation for The PLT3. Gifts and entertainment acceptable in foreign countries There are some countries where refusal of a gift would cause professional embarrassment or be a cultural insult to the person offering it. In these cases, the best practice is to discuss the Company policy with foreign officials or vendors prior to the meeting and in the event the Associate feels compelled to accept the gift on behalf of the Company, report it to Church management, and turn it over to the Company immediately. Cash gifts or gifts having a value other than a nominal value are never acceptable. Exceptions to the PLT3 Church Gift and Entertainment Policy Board Members may authorize an exception to the current policy or may designate the Senior Pastor to review and approve exceptions on their behalf. All exceptions must be approved in advance and must be submitted to the Board. An exception notification must include the following: 1. Name of the gift giver; 2. Name of the gift recipient; 3. Description and identification of the gift; 4. Value of the gift; and 5. Reason for giving it.

COE PLT3 Church Disciplinary Action for Code Violations


PLT3 Church will impose discipline for each Code of Ethics violations in accordance with the nature of and facts relating to the violation. A failure by any associate to observe and

obey the laws and regulations governing PLT3 Church business, this Code, or any other policy or requirement may result in disciplinary action up to, and including, terminations, and if warranted, legal proceedings.

COE PLT3 Church Form of Acknowledgement


I acknowledge that I have received and read the PLT3 Church Code of Ethics and Conduct and understand my obligations to comply with the principles and policies outlined in the Code.

I realize the consequences for violating the principles and policies outlined in the Code.

I recognize that my agreement to comply with the Code does not constitute a contract of employment with PLT3 Church.

Name (Printed): __________________________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________

COE PLT3 Church Legal Notice This Code serves as a reference to the associates of PLT3 Church. PLT3 Church reserves the right to change, rearrange, or withdraw this Code or any and all policies, procedures, and


training programs, partially or completely, at any time, with or without notice. PLT3 Church also reserves the right to interpret this Code and the policies therein as it deems suitable. This Code is not a contract of employment. This Code does is not intended to create an entitlement to continued employment, nor does it modify the employment of any associate. Unless otherwise agreed to in writing, each associate is employed on an at-will basis. PLT3 Church reserves the right to discipline and/or terminate the employment of any associate with or without cause or prior notice.

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