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MATCHING: 1.. risk 2.. canal treatment 3.. original crown 4.. dental root 5.. build-up 6. . Root Pin

A) Root canal therapy refers to the process where a dentist treats the interior aspects of a tooth B) In some cases, instruments can fracture and leave fragments in the root canal C) If there's too much damage to a tooth, your dentist might suggest a crown D) In dentistry, a root pin serves in the retention of artificial teeth E) The original dimensions of the tooth approach if not duplicate F) A root canal is the space within the root of a tooth.

canal treatment - risk - build-up - Root Pin - original crown - dental root

Root posts in dentistry A root post is used for the retention of artificial teeth
If a tooth has been destroyed by a deep cavity so that theres nothing left of the tooths 1., then it wont be possible to fit that tooth with a crown, because the crown woudnt have any hold. There will be more on that in the video "Tooth Core Build-Up". The important thing for a good core build-up is the fastening of the root post in the root of the tooth. This requires a good root 2. and a sufficiently deep excavation. There will be more on that in the video entitled "What is a Root Canal". Root posts are divided into pre-manufactured posts and posts that are custom-made by the dental technician. On the left, you see a pre-manufactured glass fiber post. The core build-up is on the top, the excavated tooth core is in the middle, and the pre-manufactured glass fiber post is on the bottom. On the right, you see a custom-made metal post. Again, the tooth core is on the top, the excavated tooth core is in the middle, and the custom-made metal post is on the bottom. Nowadays, custom-made posts are rarely used (with the exception of root post caps more on that in the video entitled 3.." "), because there are very good pre-manufactured products on the market. Here you see various pre-manufactured root canal posts: On the left, you see a pre-manufactured steel post, and on the right, a pre-manufactured glass fiber post. Steel posts whether custom-made by the technician (as seen in the image) or premanufactured sometimes result in a lengthwise fracture after several years. Thanks to positive developments in bonding systems (more on that in the video entitled "What is Dental Bonding"), glass fiber posts are used more and more often nowadays because they significantly reduce the 4. of a root fracture. Glass fiber posts are bonded to the dental root in order to minimize the fracture rate. However, there is still a lack of scientific studies available, primarily due to the short follow-up periods. In the video, you will see a core 5. by means of a glass fiber post. First, the tooth core is shown with the old amalgam filling being removed; the tooth is

surrounded by a cofferdam (the blue membrane). The dark areas below the amalgam filling are either amalgam discolorations or cavities. The caries are removed. Now the tooth core is built up. In order to do this, a retention must be created; this is why a glass fiber post is fastened in the rear 6... You see how the dental root is first excavated the drill used corresponds to the diameter of the glass fiber post. Now, the drill hole is cleaned and seared. The searing process enlarges the bonding area. After drying and treating the drill hole with various other chemicals, the bonding agent is inserted together with the glass fiber post. Everything hardens for a few minutes, after which the protruding remains are removed and the rest of the core is built up. ANSWER SHEET: PART 1: 1B 2A 3E 4F 5C 6D

PART 2: 1. original crown 2. canal treatment 3. Root Pin 4. risk 5. build-up 6. dental root


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