Etwinning Special Christmas Edition: Xmas in Maribor, Slovenia

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eTwinning Special Christmas Edition MERRY

19th December

Special Christmas Issue

eTwinning Partners
The end of a long term
The Christmas holiday finally arrived.
IES MARINA CEBRIÁN, Here’s what the last days are like:
San Cristóbal de la Laguna POLAND

Zespól Szkól Gimnazjum i

We decorate Christmas trees at our school. There is
Szkola Podstawowa nr 13 a big one in the corridor and smaller ones in the class-
rooms. All the classrooms are beautifully decorated
Royal Grammar School, with baubles, ribbons, angels, Christmas cards and
High Wycombe:
decorations. Students belonging to one class have a
class meeting with their teacher. They share a wafer, [Above —putting up the tree
Prva gimnazija, Maribor:
tell wishes to one another and then sing carols. They in the library]
also have a mela. They eat a traditional Polish dish or Meanwhile in England ..... on the
just taste some cake. There is a special performance at last day of term we always have
our school gym every year. Students present Christ- just 4 lessons in the morning and
mas traditions, tell then the reports are given out. School
poem and sing car- finishes at 1pm instead of 3.40.
ols. The atmos- In the last week we sing Christmas
phere in the last carols in assembly instead of the usual
day before the hymn. Pupils start giving out
Christmas break is Christmas cards and some lucky
at the Polish school special. teachers get a present.

Xmas in Maribor, Slovenia

There is a tradition that Here's a photo of a deco- rated classroom.
we decorate our class-
We also have a game in our
rooms and on the last
class and the game is called
day before holidays the
The Secret Friend. Each gets
winning classroom is chosen.
a name of a school friend
Unfortunately our class has-
and has to surprise him or
Christmas Tree n't won yet. Some classes
her with small tokens of
decorations in the even prepare a programme
Canary Islands are inspired by a Christmas
made of recycled CDs spirit for the jury.
Christmas Christmas Eve in Poland
Christmas Traditions appears in the sky we are
Do you know what El starting eat twelve special,
Gordo is ? by Szymon (Poland)
Christmas dishes. In my house
It is a Massive Christmas In my house Christmas dinner we prepare several zup like
lottery in Spain which begins when everybody see żurek, barszcz czerwony,
takes place on 22nd
first star. Our tradition is grzybowa. We have also
December, almost
everyone buys a ticket. twenty dishes on table. We fishes, potatos, salad, kutia,
The results are sung by make place for unexpected peas and cabbage and many The typical Christmas Eve
San Ildefonso School guest. Only one dish In like . more. We pray and wish eve- pre-dinner custom of the
students as the balls come It’s be fish carp. It’s delicious!! rybody all the best with breaking and sharing of a
special rice wafer and
out of the machine. Christmas in my home. Christmas Eve wafer in hands. offering good wishes for the
When we end do it we go to year ahead
I describe you my typical
Christmas Tree. Under the
Christmas. In my home it's
Christmas Tree there are gifts talking, eating and laughing.
really important time. We
for every person of out family. Sometimes we go to walk.
spend it with all family. Every-
At the midnight we go to Everybady are waiting for the
body are cooking, cleaning and
church on pasterka. In next special time. We are happy
singing carols. We are waiting
day of Christmas we meet because we can meet with
for Jezus. When first star
with family again. We are lovely people and we get gifts.

Prva gimnazija, Maribor, Slovenia

s This is how our
lish C hristma
Eng school looks like in
Puddin December.
We call it the Old
Beauty and in
December it's even


CHRISTMAS RECIPES ingredients include cinnamon trinket hidden inside. The
FROM TENERIFE . and sesame seeds. polvorón. person who finds it will have a
ALMOND NOUGAT, POLVO- Basically it is a kind of mante- lucky year. mazapán. marzi-
RONES, BATATA SWEET cado, oval shaped, and usually pan. chocolate. chocolate.
TROUT OR ANGEL'S HAIR covered with powdered sugar.
champán. champagne.

turrón. Nougat candy, usually

made with honey, sugar, egg
white and almonds, and
shaped into rectangular tab-
lets. mantecado. Traditional
Spanish Christmas sweet
made mainly with lard, flour roscón de reyes. king cake.
On January 6, it is a tradition cava. Another kind of spar-
and sugar. Other common
Page 2 to eat a king cake with a small kling wine, like champagne,
Special Christmas
More Christmas Traditions Issue
Spanish Christmas tradi- everywhere in the world grandmothers bake traditional
tion is the decorations, like which is celebrated in family cake called “potica” (nut rolls)
the street Christmas lights circle. But it's not as popular or fruit bread. Under the
and, of course, the Nativity as New Year's Eve. It is a Christmas tree there are a
Scenes. A Nativity Scene is a tradition that we wait for Christmas crib and gifts for
depiction of the birth of Jesus, Christmas Eve so that four good children.
generally with small figures. It Sundays before Christmas we
On Christmas Eve people go
depicts at least the Child Jesus lighten up candles on advent
to midnight mass. In our fam-
in the crib, the Virgin Mary wreath.
ily it is a tradition that we go
and St. Joseph, but there are
to church on foot with
also a lot of other figures,
torches and before that we
such as shepherds, sheeps, People send Christmas cards Slovenian Christmas cake
have traditional Christmas
villagers, the Three Wise Men and sing Christmas carols. We
on camels, etc. decorate our Christmas tree
and bake Christmas cookies. Christmas is one of those
There is a pleasant atmos- holidays when we can spend
Christmas customs in Slove- phere in our homes. It smells our time with relatives and
nia Christmas is very popu- of good food, candies, and people who are very close to
lar holiday in Slovenia, like oranges. Our mothers or us.

Multi-Lingual Christmas

Page 3
Christmas Eve in Poland—Mateusz Czernek

Organization For me Christmas is the most beautiful time during the entire year. When
the family meets in its entirety at the same table doing amazing atmosphere
in August. This is a beautiful feeling. Christmas are successful in this way when the
windows for our home is cold and a lot of snow. I think that each of

us in their homes has its own habits, which remain
Ś wia t !
to this day.
one STMAS Throughout the year, we are waiting for the only date:
and The twenty fourth of December!. This is such a period in life when
all ! everyone has a wonderful mood to feast and meetings with family. On this day, they met in
my house is a lot of people who do dishes on Christmas night. And he is embellished table and
placed him on board. Of course, no one can run into choinką gifts because it would be without
gifts for the holidays and Christmas trees.

A Christmas tree in my house always looks wonderful. At the center of the table stands a Christ-
mas candle next to it on the plate are 'opłatki' which will be divided already evening. It can not run
So this is Xmas out of hay into a beautiful white cloth-table as tradition requires tries.Every year, when the mo-
ment nastaje already on the table must be 12 dishes including min.: 'Barszcz', 'carp', 'herring',
and what have you done,
'pierogi with cabbage', 'noodles with poppy'.
another year over
and a new one just Once all sit at table, we are waiting only for one beautiful star in the sky that will give us the signal
that you can already start Christmas Eve. Everyone takes the hand and each wafer with each be-
gins to share it or tell themselves desired. After the demands of children or me, my sister, and my
And so this is xmas cousins, lets get to unpack gifts.
I hope you have fun
Then comes the moment on trying each of the holiday dishes to taste.The biggest gourmand in my
the near and the dear family are: Dad, uncle and grandfather. Then, are beautiful carols that always starts my grand-
one mother. After a wonderful evening everyone goes to their homes but only for a moment. Why?
Because at 12 at night my whole family goes to church for midnight mass.With midnight mass
the old and the young.
returned to the house and everyone goes with a smile on your face, and each has a good humor.
AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR That, focus Wigilie although each end holidays do not end with the past times. Then there's still 1
day festivities, followed by 2 days of holidays. In the following days is a Christmas carol or
pastoral priest comes to each of the houses and we pray. I think that the
Christmas holidays are the most beautiful in the whole year. Feliz N
John Lennon !
Spanish Christmas Traditions
Other Christmas Eve. The dinner. At midnight, it is tradi-
night before Christmas, it is tional to eat twelve grapes,
customary to organize family one on each chime of the
reunions, in order to have a clock (well, as you can imag-
dinner and celebrate together. ine, not everyone succeeds in
A Midnight Mass called Misa doing that). Next, everybody
del Gallo (Rooster’s Mass) is drinks a toast, with cham-
also celebrated to commemo- pagne or cava, and the party
rate the birth of Jesus. goes on as much as we can
take, specially young people.
Día de los Santos Inocen-
tes (Innocent Saints’ Day). On Epiphany. Spanish children
December 28, we commemo- do not address their letters to The Christmas Market
rate the Biblical Herod’s Santa Claus, but to the Three in Oberhausen,
slaughter of the innocents. On Wise Men. On January 5, big Germany
this day, all kinds of hoaxes parades are organized in
and jokes (called inocentadas) which the Three Men partici- ryone buys a ticket.
Vesel are committed on friends and pate in person, even though
b ožič relatives. In this sense, it is the they have a lot of work to do
! equivalent of the April Fools’ that night.
ten !
El Gordo. Massive Christmas
ei hnach
New Year’s Eve. This day is lottery which takes place on W
also celebrated with a family 22nd December, almost eve-

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