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Lecture 6.2 The amount of water moving through the pipe is the amount of electrons moving through a wire.

It meant to express the amount of stuff its moving. In order to know the amount of energy, you need. All the electrons have the same amount of pressure and voltage so same amount of energy. The volt is like pressure, how much energy you have, how hard things are pushed. Current (amperes)- how much is flowers. Charge (Coulombs), how much you have. You dont see spark at lower voltage. You push water into the pipe. If the pipe is closed off, you cant push water into it and the water pushes back. Static electricity is like this. Two non-intuitive things: Electricity fills up the bucket fast because it travels so fast. You dont need something big, but you need something like a wire for the energy to travel so fast. The basic ideas are still the same. Waves chapters big on earthquakes and tsunami. Million feet, you will lose power due to resistance of the wire. The electrons all get through, but it comes out less with a lot less pressure, energy, etc. Current can make magnets. Big chunk of iron. Coil of wire. If you have a little bit of magnetic field, all the coils make magnetism. If you put the electrical charge through it, it because a magnet. He has made a strong magnetic field inside and weaker on the outside. This is called a solenoid. Very useful for locking car doors, but not rotary motion- things that runs for a long time, like a fan. Something like this doesnt work for a long time. Here weve a got a coil. Magnets have south poles and north poles. The north pole is the darker color and the south pole is the brighter. The unattractive force repels turning the wheel. After turning the wheel stops. The electric spark make the turn again, and repel forcing makes the wheel turn. This is the mechanic of the first motor. Every kind of motion we dont make with electric forces, the static one, but we make it with magnetic forces. To generate a lot of force, you would need high voltage and it is inconvenient. We are happy with things that dont spark. Current is convenient for us. Loudspeaker. There is a big cone that moves back and force. Sound is just a motion of air. To generate a lot of sound, you need a lot of air. What makes the cone move? This isnt perfect because there is a lot of weight. High voltage. Pay more to control more motion of the cone for a louder sound. Generating a mechanic motion is through a magnetic field. Another coil instead of a heavy magnet. This is bolted into the car. Extra 2 lb. A motor is spinning and the outside is the magnets holding it. Reduces the weight. 100th or 1000th of a horse power are motors. Moves elevator up and down. Where does all these electric power come from? You are using energy to lift an elevator car. PG&E has a plant in Central Valley that is covered with 9 volt batteries. They can truckloads and they keep plugging it into something. 9 Volt is an expensive way of making batteries. There is a lot of complicated chemistry. We really want something that is large, not subtle. Course methods of generating tremendous amount of energy that is turned into electricity. How do you do this? Michael Faraday. Magnets

should somehow make moving charges that makes a current. Meter that detects the flow of electricity. If you move a magnet toward the coil, it makes a current. Current if made by a movement. This is Faradays law. Red coil. Magnetic field from 0 to infinite (Big N and S). Changing magnetic field will induce a voltage, Faradays ring. What happens if you have a lot of voltage? A lot of current will flow and it makes a magnetic. Same ring with a cut in it. Now the current cant flow. Without current, no magnetic field. Something made of poor conductor, it will barely hop. What happens if you reduce the resistance of the ring a lot. He has a copper ring, which is a good conductor. It is a band of copper. It didnt help so much because it order to make a band, it got heavier. Without changing the weight, get more magnetism. The reduce the resistance and get more current flow. Dont catch it, it will stick to you. When we launch it, it goes higher. Copper exhibits this behavior even more. If we use liquid helium, it will become a superconductor. The physics of this is pretty simple. Rapid current change Rapid Magnetic field (B field) change large voltage elsewhere (its not just in here) This can make a big current, which makes a different large B from this ring magnetic forces fly. Changing induce a field voltage current. Generator runs backwards. There is a magnetic field coil. Now it is the coil other way and nothing. It can change a lot. The changing field becomes a voltage. Generators come from Faradays law from changing fields. They can generate currents. This particular one will generate something that is similar to direct current. Positive and negative. The original experiments were done with direct current from batteries. But today, we have alternate current. 120th of a second. 60 time a second including the two halves. Other places it is 50 times/sec. This seems complicated, but it turns out that there is a saving grace. Thomas Edison. Another Edison build power houses in Manhattan and almost went broke. Many had gas lamps. If you forgot to turn them off, they will burn forever. If you blow it out, the gas keeps flowing and at the end of an hour, the house ignites it. The houses blew up because gas lamps blew up. Edison advertise the lamps that you dont want to blow up. He was playing an fear. You dont have to worry because you just turn of the electricity. Edison s technology had a big problem. Running an extension cord all the way to Hoover Dam is very impractical. You need some distribution system. You want a power house and electricity coming out of the house through two wires and it does a spider webby kind of thing into individual houses. If no body is home, the water is already ready here until someone opens it up. You have allowed everybody to use the extension. Someone has paid for it and other people piggy backs on it. This dorm, which does the same thing inside it, does it fifty times. They are not suppose to have hot plates, but they do. This idea goes back to the idea of resistance. The amount of energy you lose in a wire depends on the current you lose. If you double the current, you lose 4 times as my energy. If you double the current, you need to push twice has much To get through, you need to move more and push harder through each piece. You can go back to the old method of having separate wires, but you can have one big piece of copper. This is what Edison did. Edison had a lot of money. It put a power station every three blocks. 1amp X 100 volts = 100

watts. This doesnt say anything about needing one amp. 0.001 amp X 1000 volts. This is a 100 watts. This works. This reduces the current in a wire. The problem with this is that 1000 volts in the wall outlet is the shock. It is also connected to the source of high power. There is a difference of opinion of how you can hurt your self. Licking 9 Volt yourself, you wont electrocute yourself. The line comes from the idea of resistance. The wire or a person or a heater, more current that will flow. The worst thing you can do with it is Voltage between his hands is his heartbeat of his heart beat. This is not an EKG electrocardiogram. This is just a demonstration. The place that most matter is your heart. Electrocuting your toes is very hard. Electrocity runs through the hot dog and it stops itself when its well cooked. As the hot dog cook wells, a lot of liquid runs through it through the split. You dont want to do this to yourself. Electrocution works with few thousandth of an amp aimed at the heart. As long as the outside world current is larger than the nerves, then the suitable size currents will cause problems. When heart stops, they give the heart a spark. Defibrilator. Fibrilation. The heart is not a one thing. It is complicated. The thing that causes you to stop pumping is that it is confused. It is fibrillating, or undecisive. The lot current for attention. Then you let them go. Then it is reset and starts again. Lot DC current. They hope that the heart will come back. Constant Voltage. You tend to me unable to let go. When nerves fire, the muscles shrink. If you gave DC, you cant let go. AC- 120X a sec. It was buzz. 120 a sec, your muscles rapidly tire. If through the heart, it is bad because the timing chanes. Edision was a proponent of using direct current. Why would you build AC if it is dangerous? It is not a matter of safety. It wont cause enough current to flow through me. People who decided that 110-120 volts would be safe were right on the edge. People who thought 220 would be safe were relying on the wrong data and they didnt know that. Once the technology is in everyhouse, it is difficult to change it. Sweden did it. The transformer only works if you have continuously changing current. Similar to this, the two coils are wrapped around. There are very small number of turns there. There are a lot more turns there. Fine wire makes a voltage out of the changing magnetic field. Higher voltage because you have a higher turns. Step-up. You got the power plant and higher tension lines. Tension there is a synonym for voltage. These might be 100K volts. Dangerous voltage. You only need a small wire. Substation. Transformers convert this into 12K volts. Bunch of 12K volts that goes to different places. Power poles are wood. There are 3 wires on them. They also use the wires for phone and TV. The house is hooked up to 3 wires. The other 3 wires are 12K volts go into the can and 110 volts goes out. Youll bring 100 volts in. You solve the problem of having a very high voltage. People who live near those power lines fear it. The alternative are worse is that there will be the 1000 times of lines and the current goes up and the magnetic you are generating will go up. Epidemiologist- the solution would not be to run them at lower voltage, but higher voltage and reducing the effect of the magnetic field. Spreading them out. Figuring how to run them at higher voltages. There are practical limitations to technology. Highest 60K Volt. Now it is 250K lines. We are getting better at reducing the impact of the current. Hoover Dam, where the electricity comes from at Las Vegas. A lot of the power that fill

everyday comes from a large power plant. This design of power grid is also true in how we generate power. Small to big to small. Hoover dam works off water generate a lot of power. CA use a lot of power during day time for AC. The load goes up and down. Making aluminum cans and water out of delta goes on all the time. Day time you need morepeak power. Ads from IBM, idea of the smart grid. If you can move power off that peak, doing things other times, that is affectively good as building power plants because less demand at the times. Laptops, store enough electricity do things for power. For other countries, you cant store power in the battery, not enough. During night, you need to turn off a lot of power plants. You need power plants to meet the daily change. The most efficient ones run 24hrs/day. You dont want to shut of coal and nuclear plants. You want natural gas plants on and off. If you can move some of it to other places. The night time one works at 1/3 as much. No hot water when you came back from work. Smart grid- taking the incredibly distributed system and making power that can be deferred. Making it smart that some pieces know that people will need things at certain times.

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