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Jacquelyn Burbank or Amanda Ulmer Tiffanie Williams & Co., 617-786-0010




Quincy, MA (July 17,2008) - Christa Hageafi, President of Dependable Cleaners, is pleased to announce the final winners in the 10th Annual Read to Ride summer reading incentive program. Week five contest winners include six-year-old Dominic Chiano of Marshfield and seven-year-old Nick Walker of Weymouth. Week six winners are eight-year-old MaryKate Seltzer of Quincy, and 15-year-old Marissa Taylor of
Pembroke. Chiano, a first time participant, goes to the library about twice a week and loves Curious George books. Chiano just learned to ride a two wheel bike a few months ago and cannot wait to practice his skills on his new bike. Walker, like Chiano, is also a first time participant. Walker loves reading books about animals and going to the library. Linda Walker, Nick's mother, says the program has "definitely influenced Nick's reading over the summer." Read to Ride's week six winners Seltzer and Taylor are also avid readers. Seltzer was a runner-up last year while Taylor is a first-time winner. "MaryKate has read more this summer because of the contest and tries to inspire neighborhood friends to also read more and participate in the contest," says Seltzer's mother Joanne. "I have been very impressed with Dependable Cleaners for having this campaign to motivate children to read during the summers."

Marissa's mother Sharon Taylor happily shares in the appreciation of the program. "Finding this program was great, it's just fantastic. It's a great way to encourage reading." Taylor is a Harry Potter fan with a particular love for science and historical fiction. This year 12 bikes were given away

pan of the Read to Ride summer reading program. Dependable

Cleaners received over 3,800 entries since the contest began at the end of May.

"Children who develop a love of reading at an early age arc often more successful in school and in life," said Hagearty, a mother of three children. "The success of this program relies heavily on the cooperation of area libraries, schools, and youth organizations as well as the overwhelming number of parents who encourage their children to read during the summer months."
Read to Ride 2008 is sponsored by Dependable Cleaners in conjunction with: The Patriot Ledger; Farina's Bicycle Center in Watertown; Anderson Bicycle in Quincy; Storybook Cove in Hanover; Buttonwood Books in Cohasset; and The Braintree Book Rack. For more information abott Read to Ride 2008 go to, where you can also find directions to the Dependable Cleaners location nearest you.
Dependable Cleaners, founded in 1944 qnd headquartered in Quincy, Mass., is a three-generation, family-run company. Presently, there qre I6 retail locations in Massachusetts. Delivery Service is available in I3 towns. For more information, or a list of locations, please call Dependable Cleaners at 617-471-1900 or log onto
wvvw. dep end ab I e c I e an er s. c om.


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