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SUMMARY OF JOURNAL REVIEWS EDP 111 Educational Research A.

Research Objective: The research objective is to gather insights that can help the researchers in developing a numeracy test intended for high school freshmen. The paper also seeks to understand the many factors and reasons involving the need to identify non-numerates as early as grade school so that appropriate interventions can be made right after. The researchers also tried to gather numeracy test samples and analyze them so that they would fit to the minimum learning competencies required for students entering high school. It can be noted that there is no existing numeracy test as yet in NCR, thus the researchers intend to come up with one as a response to lessening the number of students who seem uninterested or have negative regard toward Mathematics. B. Summary:
Journal title, title of article with Author/s and date of publication Research Design What is the research question? Type of Data Gathered Insights gained in relation to your Research topic Insights learned regarding the role of research in the practice of education

J1. Drig, B., & McCrae K. R. (2003). A good start to numeracy. Effective numeracy strategies from research and practice in early childhood. Commonwealth of Australia.

National Longitudinal Study

What characteristics of effective numeracy strategies are needed in early childhood?

Concept of Numeracy and Effective Strategies

J2. Lekkanen, M, RaskenLongitudinal puttonen, H., Aunola, K. & Study Nurmi, J-E. (2005). Mathematical performance predicts progress in reading comprehension among 7-year olds. European Journal of Psychology of Education, 20 (2) 121-137.

Is there a relation between mathematical performance and reading comprehension during the first and second years of primary school?

Initial math and reading skills, General concept ability, and Visualmotor skills.

This study lays the foundation of numeracy based on the experiences of children as they undergo unparalleled cognitive, social and emotional growth during their early years (Diezman & Yelland, 2004, 48). A good early childhood start in numeracy is critical to later numeracy success. This holds true as well for the Grade VI students to be equipped with the right KSA in Math before they go to high school. Results showed that Math and Reading Comprehension were highly associated with each other across both years. It could also be noted that mathematical performance predicted subsequent reading comprehension during the first rather than vice versa. The results suggest that it is important to pay more attention to

While we commit ourselves to develop a numeracy competencies test for high school entrants to determine whether they are nonnumerates or not, we would like to believe that many children have well-developed numeracy skills before they start formal education . We would also predict parental involvement to be an important factor in ensuring positive outcomes for children. This study has a semblance with the first in that it relied on the importance of numeracy in the early years. What could be striking is the fact that any positive outcome they get from numeracy can be carried over in their reading comprehension competencies. As teachers handling teachers, we would conduct FGDs to come up

J3. Stern, A. S. (1999). Numeracy: the new literacy for a data-drenched society. Redefining Literacy, 57 (2), 813.

Quantitative Research

What are the components and characteristics of numeracy that are associated with literacy? (not sure with this, Mam.)

Survey Questionnaire

the role of mathematical knowledge when children are entering to school. Numeracy does not only involve the competence in the use of the four (4) fundamental operations, it can include many strands of quantitative thinking, e.g. from higher arithmetic (ratio, percentage and proportion), measuring geometry, mental arithmetic, argument of persuasion, chance and risk to finding unknowns. Since we tend to develop a numeracy competency test catered to incoming high school entrants, we are inclined to believe that there is a dire need to master the four fundamental operations before more complex mathematical concepts can be understood. Identifying the non-numerates and intervening on it are a very important jumpstart to alleviating cases of math avoidance and other negative attitude towards it. Based on the study, standardized tests in the United States indicate that girls now score just as well as boys in Mathematics.

with tailored fit strategies that could improve students KSA toward numeracy. Having known that numeracy is in fact a number literacy, more effort should be extended if we wish schools to graduate informed citizenry that could support a democratic government. In other words, schools should produce students who are numerate as well as literate. We believe that schools must have a serious program that would cater to non-numerates so that they would not be lagged behind. Research tells or suggests many strategies to curb or at least lessen this kind of problem. Teachers handling Mathematics should therefore be adept, more concerned, and must have the highest interest and motivation to bring about change into the lives of these students who are considered non-numerates. This study teach us that gender differences can not always be a primary factor in determining who is more into Mathematics. This tell us further that with regard to teaching Mathematics, how concepts are grasped or understood may only be based on attitude or interest.

J4. Hyde, J., Lindberg, S. M., et al. (2006). Gender similarities characterize math performance.

Meta-analysis of existing standardized tests in Mathematics

What are the differences in scores among boys and girls in Mathematics standardized tests?

Standardized test results

Journal title, title of article with Author/s and date of publication

Research Design

What is the research question?

Type of Data Gathered

Insights gained in relation to your Research topic

Insights learned regarding the role of re in the practice of education

J5. Weller, J. A., Dieckmann, N. F., et al. (2012). Development and testing of an abbreviated numeracy scale: a Rasch analysis approach. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, J. Behav. Dec. Making

Longitudinal study

What are the the associations between numeracy and risk judgments using a Rasch Scale test, compared with previous scales?

Existing numeracy measures Pretest and Posttest results

The study discusses the usefulness and the advantages of the new scale, which the authors feel can be used in a wide range of subject populations, allowing for a more clear understanding of how numeracy is associated with decision processes. Administering a measure that does not match the range of ability level of the population of interest, which may be the case for highly numerate populations such as college students or ones that are less numerate (e.g., older adults or those with lower educational levels), potentially limits the tests ability to discriminate ability level. Put differently, the items in the measure essentially become redundant as respondents answer all items correctly in the former case and incorrectly in the latter. Therefore, a numeracy measure with a greater range of difficulty would be desirable. In the current study, they developed such a measure by adopting an item response theory (IRT) approach.

Individual differences in numeracy been shown to have important assoc with judgment and decision making.

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