Integrated Fish N Pultry Firm

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Selecting the country

Bangladesh is a low lying riverine country located between the foothills of the Himalayas and the Indian Ocean. It is bound by India to the north, east and west, Myanmar to the southeast and by the Bay of Bengal to the south. The country is characterized by alluvial plains which are dissected by numerous connecting rivers as well as streams and the country is vulnerable to both flood and drought. The land is devoted mainly to agriculture due to its fertile alluvial soils. Hills rise only in Chittagong region of the extreme southeast and the northeastern region of Sylhet. The country is covered by lush vegetation with bamboo and palm forests mixed with monsoonal forests while the areas of the south are covered with mangroves and hardwood forests. Population: Bangladesh is largely ethnically homogeneous. Indeed, its name derives from the Bengali ethno-linguistic group, which comprises 98% of the population. Bengalis, who also predominate in the West Bengal province of India, are one of the most populous ethnic groups in the world. Variations in Bengali culture and language do exist of course. There are many dialects of Bengali spoken throughout the region. The dialect spoken by those in Chittagong and Sylhet are particularly distinctive. In 2009 the population was estimated at 156 million. Religiously, about 90% of Bangladeshis are Muslims and the remainder are mostly Hindus.

Education: The educational system in Bangladesh is three-tiered and highly subsidized. The government of Bangladesh operates many schools in the primary, secondary, and higher secondary levels. It also subsidizes parts of the funding for many private schools. In the tertiary education sector, the government also funds more than 15 state universities through the University Grants Commission.

Primary (from grades 1 to 5), Secondary (from grades 6 to 10), Higher Secondary (from grades 11 to 12) and tertiary. The five years of lower secondary education concludes with a Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Examination. Students who pass this examination proceed to two years of Higher Secondary or intermediate training, which culminate in a Higher Secondary Certificate (HSC) Examination. Education is mainly offered in Bangla, but English is also commonly taught and used. A large number of Muslim families send their children to attend part-time courses or even to pursue full-time religious education, which is imparted in Bangla and Arabic in madrasahs Economy: At April 2010, USA based ratings agency Standard & Poor's (S&P) awarded Bangladesh a BB- for a long term in credit rating which is below India and well over Pakistan and Sri Lanka in South Asia. And, despite continuous domestic and international efforts to improve economic and demographic prospects, Bangladesh remains a developing nation. However, Bangladesh gradually decreased its dependency on foreign grant and loan from 85% (In 1988) to 2% (In 2010) for its annual development budget. Its per capita income in 2010 was US$641 compared to the world average of $8,985. But, if purchasing power parity (PPP) is taken into account, Bangladesh's economy is the 44th largest in the world at US$257 billion according to the IMF. The official currency is the Taka (Tk) divided into 100

Main Products of the country: Though Bangladesh is an agriculture based country but its product differs from its own choice. These are:

MAIN PRIMARY PRODUCTS: Cattle, Coal, Fish, Glass Sand, Jute, Limestone, Natural Gas, Peat, Rice, Salt, Sugar Cane, Tea, Timber, Tobacco, Wheat, White Clay. MAJOR INDUSTRIES: Aluminum Works, Fertilizers, Fishing, Glass works, Jute Mining, Paper and Leather Processing, Shipyards, Sugar Refining, Tea, Textiles. MAIN EXPORTS: Jute, Leather, Tea, Frozen Fish, Porcelain wares, Fertilizer, Cement, Textiles.

Selecting the Area

As the project need is to locate the business in the poorest region of the country. After doing some research we have found that Mymensingh is one of the poorest regions of Bangladesh but technically sound to do any kind of firm business for its sound climate and temperature and also vast availability of space to set up a business. More over the region has the lowest literacy rate and unemployment rate of the country. So, we have chosen Mymensingh as our project region.

Fish and poultry Firm- Current condition in Bangladesh

It is a graduation from mere suppliers of shrimps to high-end processors, inspired by best practices in other countries. Continuous efforts have given the Bangladeshi shrimp exporters a new identity. They are now known as the processors of value-added shrimps. They are no longer mere suppliers of raw materials for buyers. Today, a large volume of shrimps and frozen fish, the countrys third biggest export earner, are exported in ready-tocook or ready-to-eat forms, thanks to steps taken two decades ago. Based on that spirit, the Chittagong-based Apex Foods began efforts to process shrimps in 1988 and set up machines to make individually quick frozen (IQF) shrimps which give consumers scope to cook the desired quantity instantly. The move to export shrimps in IQF form was meant to shift from the practice of exporting shrimps in frozen blocks. It reduced the hassles of end consumers, who previously had to wait for the whole block to defrost before breaking free the desired number of shrimps. It is easily seen that Bangladesh fish export largely depend on shrimp. But we are going to target other fishes to get the attention of the foreign investors and also of the government.

Starting the Project

My business is fish and poultry farming & business. It includes fish, chicken and crabs. My business organizations name is Crossroads. Ltd. The business will be form near by the Valuka in Mymensingh. It is about 20 km. away from the town. At first I will start my business with $10000. Start up Employee may be 20. Strategies to be concerned with: *What needs are I trying to fulfill? *Whose needs are I trying to fulfill? In other words, who will be my customers? *Why will customers buy from my business? Do I have a special edge, something that differentiates us from my competition? *How will I fulfill their needs? In other words, what products or service will I provide? *How will I market to and reach prospective customers What are the financial requirements of the business and how will I fulfill them? Here I need to develop a financial projection for the business which shows, at a minimum, the uses of funds

Products to start Here is our concern not only in fish firming but also increase the availability of the unique fishes found in Bangladesh. The fishes are as follows: 1. Shrimp:

Its available in the market but only in case of export. We are going to try it available domestically. 2. Rui:

A quality full fish to export. It also have demand in the local market

3. Ruhu:

Almost unavailable in the market. We are going to save it from its existence

4. Katla

Domestically available but not with elite quality. We will try to give the best quality of it.

4. Crab

Most available species in mymensingh. We will try to make its availability as our advantage in business. 5. Chicken: There are two types of chicken 1. Deshi 2. Broylar 5.1 Deshi chicken:

5.2 Broylar chicken:

Budget Allocation Start-up Summary

At first I assume and determined the amount for starting my business is $10000 taka need some land for My farming. I initially demonstrate the number of My labor is 20. The start-up situation summary is briefly below: Start-up Requirements: for 2 year Start-up expenses: Land Hatchery Cage Pond Insurance Management Security Salary total $ free $1000 $500 $1000 $2500 $1000 $2500 $1500 $10000

Marketing and Distribution Strategy

Frozen meat products, deli food, chilled fish/seafood, chilled meat, canned meat, canned fish/seafood and frozen fish/seafood. Market, category and segment level information on value, volume, and expenditure & consumption, with historic (20032008) and forecast (2011-2013) data. Category level company and brand share as well as distribution share information. Review of the top two companies within the meat, fish and poultry market.

Reasons to Purchase 1.Develop business strategies by understanding the quantitative trends within the meat, fish and poultry market in Mymensingh 2.Design effective marketing and sales strategies by identifying key market categories and segments


We think that we have a lot of natural resources unused in Bangladesh. If we can use these efficiently we can develop in economically. In rural area we can establish an agro-based farm by which we can make efficient use of the unlimited rural resources. There are a lot of opportunities from the Govt. if we establish our business or company in the rural area. For example- we can say that Tax Holliday or Tax Free Business. I found that many of countries are much-more established than Bangladesh, though they get Freedom in the same time of our country. Because they established their own activities and by their own business. So, its not to be mentioned but there are opportunities in Bangladesh. But we need effective plan to make those opportunities in success.

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