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One-Way Analysis of Variance with SPSS [Name of the writer] [Name of the institution]

ANOVA 2 One-Way Analysis of Variance with SPSS

ANOVA Test Descriptive statistics of the ANOVA are presented in the below table. This table presents the Sum of Squares, degrees of freedom, mean square, F-ratio, and significance of F-value. However, main important column in the data are first and significance column. Main notable thing to note is that sum of squares for the data is higher for the within groups as compare to between groups. Between Groups represent the 22671.0 sum of squares out of 121342; whereas, Within Groups constitute 98671 sum of square value in total proportion of variance. F-value stood at 6.8476, which is significant at 0.05 confidence interval level. This shows that ANOVA test for the two selected variables result in rejecting the null hypothesis and accepting the alternate hypothesis, which states that average income of all race groups is not equal (Creswell, 2009). Descriptive Statistics RESPONDENT INCOME IN CONSTANT DOLLARS 95% Confidence Interval for Mean Std. Std. Lower Upper N Mean Deviation Error Bound Bound Minimum Maximum 918 3.33E4 29866.927 985.755 31382.45 35251.64 402 145118 155 2.17E4 17353.556 1393.871 18920.95 24428.10 402 96360 2 2.26E4 19163.478 1.355E4 194761.39 9034 36135 149592.64 28 4.31E4 39110.453 7391.181 27929.51 58260.41 94 2.86E4 29455.880 3038.142 22592.16 34658.46 33299.23 1606 402 402 145118 145118 145118


1197 3.17E4 29051.287 839.689 30004.37

ANOVA 3 ANOVA RESPONDENT INCOME IN CONSTANT DOLLARS Sum of Squares df Mean Square Between Groups 22671.0 4 56670.9 Within Groups 98671.1 1192 82780.8 Total 121342.1 1196 Post Hoc Test Above test define that average mean income is not equal for all race groups. Therefore, some race groups have unequal average income. In order to assess the groups that have unequal average income, post-hoc Tukey test is conducted on the data to determine the unequal relation between race groups with respect to the race group of households. Table presented below shows the post hoc Tukey test analysis. Significance values highlighted in bold shows that relations do not satisfy the null hypothesis relation. Therefore, at 0.05 alpha levels, we can conclude that average income level of respondents belonging to White American and Black American groups is no equal. Similarly, average income level of respondents belonging to Black American and Asiatic Oriental race group people is not equal since the relation is significant at 0.05 alpha levels, resulting in rejecting the null hypothesis.

F 6.846

Sig. .000

ANOVA 4 Multiple Comparisons RESPONDENT INCOME IN CONSTANT DOLLARS Tukey HSD (I) RACE OF HOUSEHOLD WHITE (J) RACE OF HOUSEHOLD BLACK AMER INDIAN ASIATIC, -9777.915 ORIENTAL OTHER, MIXED 4691.737 BLACK WHITE -11642.521* AMER INDIAN -909.851 ASIATIC, -21420.436* ORIENTAL OTHER, MIXED -6950.784 AMER INDIAN WHITE -10732.670 BLACK 909.851 ASIATIC, -20510.586 ORIENTAL OTHER, MIXED -6040.933 ASIATIC, WHITE 9777.915 ORIENTAL BLACK 21420.436* AMER INDIAN 20510.586 OTHER, MIXED 14469.652 OTHER, MIXED WHITE -4691.737 BLACK 6950.784 AMER INDIAN 6040.933 ASIATIC, -14469.652 ORIENTAL *. The mean difference is significant at the 0.05 level. Conclusion If the critical level associated with the F statistic (ie, if the probability of obtain values as obtained or older) is less than 0.05, reject the hypothesis equality of means and conclude that not Mean Difference Std. (I-J) Error 11642.521* 2498.467 10732.670 2.037E4 5519.582 3115.774 2498.467 2.048E4 5908.016 3761.238 2.037E4 2.048E4 2.106E4 2.056E4 5519.582 5908.016 2.106E4 6194.381 3115.774 3761.238 2.056E4 6194.381 95% Confidence Interval Lower Upper Sig. Bound Bound .000 4816.82 18468.22 .985 -44907.99 66373.33 .391 .559 .000 1.000 .003 .346 .985 1.000 .867 .998 .391 .003 .867 .134 .559 .346 .998 .134 -24857.17 -3820.42 -18468.22 -56847.44 -37560.88 -17226.32 -66373.33 -55027.73 -78041.51 -62209.25 -5301.34 5279.99 -37020.34 -2453.13 -13203.90 -3324.76 -50127.39 -31392.43 5301.34 13203.90 -4816.82 55027.73 -5279.99 3324.76 44907.99 56847.44 37020.34 50127.39 24857.17 37560.88 78041.51 31392.43 3820.42 17226.32 62209.25 2453.13

ANOVA 5 all population means are compared equal. Otherwise, we cannot reject the hypothesis of equality and cannot say that the groups being compared differ in their population averages. However, average income level of race group of households is not equal across all groups. Based on the results of ANOVA test, null hypothesis is rejected and accepting the alternate hypothesis.

ANOVA 6 References

Bernard, H. (2006), Research methods in anthropology: qualitative and quantitative approaches, 4th edition. Rowman Altamira, pp. 145-238 Corbin, M. (2008), Basics of qualitative research: techniques and procedures for developing grounded theory, Sage Publications, pp. 69-172 Creswell, W. (2009), Research design: qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approach, Edition: 3. Sage Publications, pp. 114-220 Hardle, A. (2007), Applied multivariate statistical analysis, Edition: 2. Springer Link, pp. 84245 Jackson, S. (2008), Research methods: a modular approach, Edition: 1. Cengage Learning, pp. 106-167

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