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Genicon case write-up Case summary The company Genicon, a U.S.

-based firm that manufactured and distributed medical instruments for laparoscopic surgeries had to decide which emerging market to enter for next. The four choices are Brazil, Russia, India and China. With data provided in this case, the management should rely on the data and collected information about the four countries to make their decision.

Answers to the questions To evaluate the four potential markets in the quantitative perspective, I will choose to consider the size of the market and the growth rate of the market. In the non-numeric perspective, Ill take other factors like economic and policy environment, competition into account. From the exhibit 4 of the case, we can see that China has the greatest growth rate of the medical device market, much higher than any other candidates. But considered that China has the greatest population among those four countries, the potential of growth should be considered low. Instead, to look at India, the size of market is relatively small compared to its population so that we can expect greater potential of the India market. India has the predicted growth rate of 11.3% and can be seen as stable. As for Brazil, the growth rate is gradually growing and ranked no.2 in the four countries. With the help of the government, the Brazil market is very positive for Genicon. Russia, on the other hand, has the least attractiveness both in the size of market also the growth rate.

So in the quantitative perspective, China has the great potential for Genicon. But, in the non-numerical perspective, lets look into the four countries separately. India is a good market to enter because the government is offering a strong signal for supporting healthcare industry. Also the shorter approval time for innovative products and reductions in levies enables Genicon to enter the market faster with lower costs on tax, legal, etc. China, although has the largest market size for the medical devices, the current regulatory framework is not the best for Genicon due to the opportunity cost saved in the set-up time. In Brazil, because of the highly fragmented distribution sector, it will require Genicon to invest higher labor and capital to enter the market. The problem for the Russia market is the political issues. The government of Russia has the regulatory that supporting domestic companies, creating many barriers for the foreign competitors. Also the relationship between Russia and U.S. is kind of frenemies, it is unclear how the tension between two countries will affect the business. To summary, from both the market size and growth to economic and regulatory environment, India is more suitable for Genicon right now. With the large base of population, stable growth rate of demand and the government favoring regulatory, India can provide the greatest potential for Genicon.

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