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(Keygoe ver 2.2.0)

Table of contents
1.0 Introduction........................................................................................................................2 2.0 Keygoe Installation............................................................................................................2 2.1 Installation procedure.....................................................................................................2 3.0 Keygoe SS7 Configuration................................................................................................8 3.1 SS7 Configuration procedure.........................................................................................8 4.0 Demo Program Configuration..........................................................................................57 4.1 Procedure to run Demo program..................................................................................57

1.0 Introduction
This document will describe step by step procedure to configure Keygeo for SS7 Enviorment.

2.0 Keygoe Installation

2.1 Installation procedure To install run Keygoe V2.2.0.exe

Step 1

Step 2: Click OK to continue

Step 3

Step 4: Click Next to continue.

Step 5: Click Next to continue.

Step 6: Click Next to continue.

Step 7: (No need to select (I need am originally ini files) if Keygoe installed first time)

Step 8: Need not to select Setting Local Config.

Step 9

Step 10: Set the local machine IP address and click Set to continue.

Step 11: Click OK to continue.

Step 12: Click Finish to restart the machine.

3.0 Keygoe SS7 Configuration

3.1 SS7 Configuration procedure

Go to C:/DJKeygoe/bin and open ITPCFGIPSET.exe.

Enable Local IP and Set Config server IP as a local IP.

Click OK to continue.

Go to C:/DJKeygoe/bin and open Config.bat, it will run and close automatically.

Go to C:/DJKeygoe/bin and open DJITPConfigServer.exe, it will run and close automatically.


Go to C:/DJKeygoe/bin and open DJITPInterFaceCM.exe.

Click Settings Icon.


Set machine IP address and click OK to continue.

If Keygoe system (Machine IP) is not appears in the screen then click Refresh icon button.


Right click keygoe system (machine IP) go to Add unit (R) and go to DSP (D) and choose search DSP (S) for adding DSP.


Select Chassis 1 to precede the configuration.


Select Slot1 and select DSP0 and Set IP address in the same subnet of machine IP.

Click OK to continue. Note: Follow the above step for adding all DSPs. If DSP has not shown in above Find DSP module screen, follow this step: Right click keygoe system (machine IP) and go to Add unit (R) and go to DSP (D) and choose add directly (D) for adding DSP directly using MAC ID.


Set MAC ID( Note down the MAC ID from back side of the E1 card) and Set IP address in the same subnet of machine IP.

Click OK to continue.


If the DSPs are added correctly then the screen appears like this.

Right click DSP and click Update firmware (G). 17

Click browse button and choose the file from c:\DJKeygoe\Bin.

Choose (c:\DJKeygoe\Bin) ITP1200C_R000020EL and click open to continue

Choose the file and click Begin to load. This screen shows the updating the DSP firmware.


Click OK to continue DSP must be reloaded after changing any configuration on DSP module For DSP reload Right Click on DSP > select Reload DSP.

Right click keygoe system (machine IP) go to Add unit and click Flow (F).


Be sure that both (Keygoe application IP & Flow module IP) are same.

Click OK to continue.


If Flow module is added correctly the screen appears like this.

Right click keygoe system (Machine IP) and go to Add unit and click Media.


Be sure that both (Keygoe application IP & Media module IP) are same.

Click OK to continue.


Right click keygoe system (Machine IP) and go to Add unit and click SS7 (S).


Be sure that both (Keygoe application IP & SS7 module IP) are same.

Click OK to continue.


Click Start all keygoe units icon for starting all units.

If all units are added correctly the screen appears like this. Click Stop all keygoe units icon for stopping the units.


Click Yes to stop all keygoe units.

This screen shows all the units are stop. Note: If keygoe units are not come green color, follow this steps: Go to C:/DJKeygoe/bin and open Remove server.bat for stopping the all units. Go to C:/DJKeygoe/bin and open Start server.bat for starting the all units.


Flow the steps for Associate Flow, Media & SS7 units with DSP Right click DSP and click Associate unit (R).

Add 3 Associate module type by Clicking Create button for associate the Flow, Media & SS7.


Expand all the modules.


Set Module type Flow, Media & SS7 and click Set to continue.

Click OK to continue.


Go to Flow0 and double click the common Set.

Expand CT Bus resource configuration item.


In CT Bus resource configuration item expand 0 and modify the Chassis ID from 0 to 1 and click Set to continue.

Click OK to continue.


Right click Media 0 and click Associate unit (R).

Add 1 Associate module type by clicking the Create button for associate with Flow.


Change Module type as Flow module.

Click OK to continue.


Right click SS70 and click Associate unit (R).

Add 1 Associate module type by clicking the Create button for associate with Flow. 34

Change Module type as Flow module.

Click OK to continue.


Go to C:/DJKeygoe/bin and double click the Remove server.bat for stop the Keygoe service.


Go to C:/DJKeygoe/bin and double click the Start server.bat for start the Keygoe service.

This screen shows all the units are working fine.


Expand DSP and expand the Run Config and double click the Global Config.


Expand the Digital interface configuration.


In Digital interface configuration expand 0 and set the Digital interface type as E130(1 SS7-ISUP link) and click Set to continue. Note: Set the timeslot as per MSC configuration. If signal timeslot is 16, config SS7 link 1 timeslot is 16 and SS7 link 2 timeslot is 0. In SS7 one link will support 20 E1s. Make sure with MSC guys for this E1 & link.


For second E1, if there is no link has to define, set the Digital interface type as E1-30(0 SS7-ISUP link)

Click OK to continue.


Expand the SS70 and again expand the MTP3 parameter then double-click the Config mode. In SS7X expand the MTP3 parameter and double-click the config mode.


Change the Configuration mode from easy mode to standard mode and click Set to continue.

Click OK to continue.

Right click SS7X click stop unit (S) to stop the SS7 unit.


Right click SS7X click start unit (S) to start the SS7 unit.

Expand the Parameter config to config the Standard mode parameters.


Double click the SAP parameter.

Select the Several source and click OK to continue.


Change the Link type parameter as CCITT and SPC Length as CCITT blue book-14bit in ISUP parameter.

Click OK to continue.


Double click the Route Parameter.

Select Several source and click OK to continue.


By default Switch type is CHINA.

Change Switch type from CHINA to CCITT


Enable the two routes first for Inbound and Second for out bound, set the vales of DPC and OPC as per Switch then select SET button.

Click OK to continue.

Double click the Link set parameter.


Select Several source and click OK to continue.

Check whether DPC value is set or not and click Set to continue.


Click OK to continue.

Double click the Link parameter.


Select Several Source and click OK to continue.

Set the values corresponding to DPC, OPC, LINK type, SLC, SSF. Then Set these parameters.


Right click the SS7x and click stop unit (S) to stop the SS7 unit.

Right click the SS7x and click start unit (B) to start the SS7 unit.


Expand DSPx and expand State info and double click the E1port state.

Select several source and click OK to continue.


Check alarm state, if alarm means E1 is not up. If non-alarm means E1 is up. Receive signal voltage 0dB means E1 is up and -12dB means E1 is not up.

Double click the MTP2 link state.


Select Several source and click OK to continue.

Check Link status, it should be in In_Service. If Link status is Out_of_Service or Initial_Alignment means link is not up.


For checking the link status, go to Status & statistic and click the Link status it will show the status Link is working.

4.0 Demo Program Configuration

4.1 Procedure to run Demo program

Go to C:\DJKeygoe\Samples\XMS_Demo and open the XMS_Demo.INI.


Change IP address to Keygoe IP and set Partwork is 1 and set PartworkmoduleID is 1. Partwork = 0 means DSP is not enable. Partwork = 1 means DSP is enable. PartworkmoduleID = 1 means DSP0. PartworkmoduleID = 2 means DSP1. PartworkmoduleID = 3 means DSP2.

Run XMS_Demo.exe for testing the Inbound.


This screen shows the inbound call is landing.

Go to C:\DJKeygoe\Samples\XMS_Demo and open the XMS_Dial.INI.


Change IP address to Keygoe IP and set Partwork is 1 and set PartworkmoduleID is 1. Partwork = 0 means DSP is not enable. Partwork = 1 means DSP is enable. PartworkmoduleID = 1 means DSP0. PartworkmoduleID = 2 means DSP1. PartworkmoduleID = 3 means DSP2.

Run XMS_Dial.exe for testing the Outbound.


This screen shows the outbound call is landing.


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