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Electricity is a type of energy which exists when there is a difference in the number of

electrons present at two different points, whether the result of static, generation, or magnetic
field. It normally represents the flow of these electrons from one point to another, as in a circuit.

Electricity is one aspect of the electromotive force, or EMF, which is also displayed as magnetism in some situations, because current flow can induce magnetic fields, and magnetic fields which are rotated can produce electricity. Indian Electricity scenario: The electricity sector in India supplies the world's 6th largest energy consumer, accounting for 3.4% of global energy consumption by more than 17% of global population. the Energy policy of India is predominantly controlled by the Government of India's, Ministry of Power, Ministry of Coal and Ministry of New Renewable Energy and administered locally by Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs). Rapid economic growth has created a growing need for dependable and reliable supplies of electricity, gas and petroleum products. Due to the fast-paced growth of India's economy, the country's energy demand has grown an average of 3.6% per annum over the past 30 years. In June 2011, the installed power generation capacity of India stood at 177GW. Thermal Power Current installed capacity of Thermal Power as of June 30, 2011 is 115649.48 MW which is 65.34% of total installed capacity.

Coal Based Thermal Power is 96,743.38 MW. Gas Based Thermal Power is 17,706.35 MW. Oil Based Thermal Power is 1,199.75 MW.

Hydro Power India was one of the pioneering countries in establishing hydro-electric power plants. The power plants at Darjeeling and Shivanasamudra were established in 1898 and 1902 respectively and are among the first in Asia. The installed capacity as of 30-06-2011 is approximately 37,367.4 MW which is 21.53% of total Electricity Generation in India. The public sector has a predominant share of 97% in this sector

Nuclear Power Currently, twenty nuclear power reactors produce 4,780 MW which is about 2.7% of total generation.

Renewable Energy As on 30-06-2011 about 18,454.52 MW of Energy is being generated through renewable means. This forms about 10.42% of total Electricity Generation in India. Renewable energy in India comes under the purview of the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy. The Government of India proposed to launch its Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission under the National Action Plan on Climate Change with plans to generate 1,000 MW of power by 2013. Wind power is 12000MW The Indian government has set a modest target to add approximately 78,000 MW of installed generation capacity by 2012. The total demand for electricity in India is expected to cross 950,000 MW by 2030. Four major economic and social drivers characterize the energy policy of India: a rapidly growing economy, increasing household incomes, limited domestic reserves of fossil fuels and the adverse impact on the environment of rapid development in urban and regional areas.

According to a research report published by Citigroup Global Markets, India is expected to add up to 113 GW of installed capacity by 2017. Further, renewable capacity might increase from 15.5 GW to 36.0 GW.

Overview of Transformer A transformer is a device that transfers electrical energy from one circuit to another through inductively coupled conductorsthe transformer's coils. A varying current in the first or primary winding creates a varying magnetic flux in the transformer's core and thus a varying magnetic field through the secondary winding. This varying magnetic field induces a varying electromotive force (EMF), or "voltage", in the secondary winding. This effect is called mutual induction. If a load is connected to the secondary, an electric current will flow in the secondary winding and electrical energy will be transferred from the primary circuit through the transformer to the load. In an ideal transformer, the induced voltage in the secondary winding (Vs) is in proportion to the primary voltage (Vp), and is given by the ratio of the number of turns in the secondary (Ns) to the number of turns in the primary (Np) as follows:

By appropriate selection of the ratio of turns, a transformer thus allows an alternating current (AC) voltage to be "stepped up" by making Ns greater than Np, or "stepped down" by making Ns less than Np. In the vast majority of transformers, the windings are coils wound around a ferromagnetic core, air-core transformers being a notable exception. Transformers range in size from a thumbnail-sized coupling transformer hidden inside a stage microphone to huge units weighing hundreds of tons used to interconnect portions of power grids. All operate with the same basic principles, although the range of designs is wide. While new technologies have eliminated the need for transformers in some electronic circuits, transformers are still found in nearly all electronic devices designed for household ("mains") voltage. Transformers are essential for high-voltage electric power transmission, which makes long-distance transmission economically practical.

Overview of Indian transformer industry. The power sector value chain comprises generation, transmission and distribution (T&D). Electricity generated at a power plant is transmitted to the nearest grid via step-up transformers and then to the state grid (via step-up or step-down transformers). Then it is transmitted to a power substation via step-down transformers. Finally, distribution transformers are used to transmit power from the sub-transmission point to end consumers. Power transformers account for 70-75% of the total installed capacity while distribution transformer accounts for the remaining 20-25%. In the power transformer segment, step-down transformers account for 75-80% of the total installed capacity while step-up transformers account for the rest. India has set for itself ambitious targets of investments in the power sector, in view of the significant power deficit and sustaining the economic growth momentum. The momentum of capacity addition is expected to improve in the latter half of the Eleventh Plan and continue at a higher rate during the Twelfth Plan, with large capacity additions lined up by the private sector. Investments of INR3.5 trillion and INR4.7 trillion are expected in the power sector during the eleventh and twelfth five-year plan periods, respectively. Capacity addition of 54,000MW is expected during the eleventh plan and 100,000 MW is planned for the twelfth plan periods. With huge power plants coming up, the need for transmission will drive demand for transformers.

Industry dynamics: Transformer industry is divided into distribution, power and other types of transformers. The demand for transformers comprises of new demand as well as replacement demand. About 95% of transformers used in the Indian power network are of indigenous make. New demand is dependent on the new power generation capacities added. Currently, India has an installed capacity of approximately 115,000 mw. As per the planning estimates, the installed capacity should be increased to 200,000 mw by 2012, majority of which is to be installed within next 3 years. The replacement demand depends on the life of the transformer and the existing capacity in the economy. At the end of the sixth five-year plan (1980-1985) a total of 337,584 MVA of transformer capacity was added. Since these transformers' life exceeds 20 years, they are due for replacement. Also, Indian players in the engineering segment, foraying into turnkey projects overseas, are further adding to the demand for transformers. The demand is expected to experience double digit growth over the next few years. On the other hand the production numbers indicate a dearth in supply. Though on a lower base the supply has grown at a rapid rate over a longer. of time, it seems difficult to match the rate of growth in demand. For the year ended April 2006, production of distribution transformers was 19,301,000 KVA, production of power transformers was 65,131,000 KVA, and 256,585 other transformers were produced. In light of strong demand and stringent supply, the transformer manufacturers are expected to enjoy strong order book along with firm margins.

Export and Import Status of the Transformer Industry In The Global market, performance of Indian product is acknowledged as technically at par with the leading international companies Since the transformer industry has matured enough as a reliable supplier, it is exporting transformer in various parts of the world including countries like USA, Europe, South Africa, Cyprus, Syria, Iraq and other Middle East countries and Far East countries. Exports of Transformers grew by 63.97% for FY 2008-09 to Rs 18163 million, whereas import increased by 41.13% to Rs 2705 million. Statistic Related to exportimport is provided below

Export-Import of Transformers Import Rs. Million Transformers up to 650 KvA Transformers - above 650 kVA Total 2007-08 1,028 888 1,916 2008-09 416 2,289 2,705 2009-10 791 7,143 7,934 Export 2007-08 637 10,417 11,054 2008-09 1,993 16,170 18,163 2009-10 2,788 15,192 17,980

For the financial year 2009-10, Overall Exports growth was slightly negative (-1.01%) with improvement in export of Transformer up to 650 KVA. For Year 2009-10, import increased at staggering rate of 193.29%. Considerable imports of industrial transformers, mainly from Korea and China were reported. Demand Analysis of Industry These are the key drivers of demand for the transformer industry:

1. Demand generated from capacity additions:

Large scale capacity additions with matching transmission & distribution infrastructure and reduction of Technical & Commercial (AT&T) losses will create huge demand for transformer industry. A target of capacity additions of 78,700MW was set in 11th five year plan. The working group of power has recommended capacity additions of 82,200 MW for 12th plan. At 60% target achievement, estimated generation capacity works out to be:

Estimated Generation Capacity Additions for 11th & 12th Plan period Capacity in MW 11th plan (2007-12)

12th plan (2012-17)

Installed capacity at the end of 10th plan Installed capacity as on 31 march 2010 Capacity additions till march,



2010 (for first 3 years of 11th 27,069 plan) Capacity addition targets for plan period Estimated Additions(at 60% achievement rate) Capacity target 30,979 49,320 78,700 82,200

2. Replacement Demand
Approximately 97,456 MVA of transformer capacity was added during 1983-887 & 238,150 MVA during 1987-91. As average life of a transformer is 25 years, these transformers are expected to be replaced during the 11th and 12th plan period. Thus demand from replacement for the remaining 1 year of 11th plan and 5 years of 12th plan work out to be: Estimated Replacement Demand MVA Transformer Capacity Added 1983-87 97,456 11th plan Average yearly Demand Years Average Total Demand for the period 19491 1 19,491 1987-91 2,38,150 12th plan 47630 5 2,38,150

Estimated Transformer Requirement (in MVA) for the period 2011-2017

Total Years by end of 12th Plan Period A. Demand from added generation Expected Capacity Addition for 11th and 12th plan period Transformer Capacity requirement /MW A. Demand from added generation B. Replacement Demand For remaining year of 11th plan For 12th five year plan B. Total Replacement Demand Total Transformer Demand (A+B) Average Yearly Demand 19491 238150 257641 1060627 176771 80,299 10 802986 6

3. Transmission lines expansion

Besides capacity addition, a strong inter-state and inter-regional transmission system has also been planned not only to evacuate the planned generation capacity but also to provide open access for transfer of power from surplus to deficit areas. Programme of expansion of inter-regional transmission capacity from 14,100 MW at the end of 10th plan to 37,700 MW at the end of 11th plan has been given.

4. Industrial Sector demand

Industrial sector demand is the largest consumer of electric energy in India. Industrial segment demand has been from various power consuming industries viz. steel, aluminium, cement, oil & gas, automobiles, engineering, mining & minerals, paper, chemical and petrochemicals etc. With the growth of Indian economy in last decade, industries have increased their manufacturing capabilities by many folds and this has increased their power usage. Industries are now increasingly relying on captive power plant as it is much more economical and reliable as compared to power supply from the grid. Revival in the economy will increase the Capital Expenditure incurred by the industries. Industries are expected to incur

part of this amount on captive power plant, which in turn will generate demand for transformers. The installed capacity of captive power plants was 24,680 MW in March 2007. It is envisaged that during the 11th plan period about 12,000 MW capacity power plants would be added to the system which will take care of the demand of the industry and also power to the grid. The GoI has reserved coal block with reserves of 3.2 billion tons of coal for allotment. 5. Export Demand Indian export of transformers for the year 2009-10 plummeted by 1.01% and grew by 63.79% for previous year 2008-09. Export demand declined for the year 2009-10 as worldwide economies were affected by economic slowdown. Though there exists significant export opportunity for Indian companies to grab, with the expected economic revival. Indian players have built considerable presence in accordance with global standards. Indian players are expected to tap markets like Australia, Oman, Egypt, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Thailand, Indonesia and Middle East. Investment in transmission: Transmission is split into transmission lines and substation, with each accounting for 50% of the cost. Transformers form a major component of substation and account for around 30% of the cost, while switchgears account for nearly 40%. The following can shown.


Technological Trend in the Industry: India has technology and capacity to manufacture a wide range of power transformers, distribution transformers and other type of special transformers traction, furnace etc. Indian Companies are capable of manufacturing energy efficient transformers with low losses and low noise levels. Towards introduction of next voltage level in High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC), implementation of +/-800KV, 6000 MW HVDC Bi-pole line from north eastern region to northern region have commenced. The Link shall pass through chicken neck area of north eastern region and shall be transmitting power over a distance of more than 2000 km. With regards to alternative current (AC), establishment of 1200 KV Ultra High Voltage (UHV)

AC test station at Bina in Western region is under process as a collaborative effort with manufacturers, who would be able to field test their indigenously developed 1200 Kv equipment on long term basis. Players in Transformer industry have updated their manufacturing facilities to cope with technical requirement at national and international levels. They have established in house R&D Labs and are regularly updating their technical capabilities to develop transformers of latest technology and design. Few big players are also considering setting up manufacturing unit to cater new 765 KV and higher category. This technical competency provides them competitive advantage in global market place.

Significant capacity expansion


Over the past four years, capacity utilization has improved to 80%, on the back of strong demand and as expansion projects were under construction for majority of the companies. Currently, BHEL and Areva T&D are undertaking capacity expansion of 25,000 MVA and 15,000 MVA, respectively, which would be commissioned by the end of the eleventh five year plan. Going forward, it appears unlikely that companies would undertake new projects given that significant capacity has built up in the industry.

About ITMA Indian Transformer Manufacturers Association [ITMA] a national association was established in 1979 with the objective of promoting the interest of manufacturers of Power & Distribution and Special Type transformers and its Allied Industries dealing in Raw Material of CRGO Steel Lamination, Amorphous metal Insulating Material, Accessories like Buchholz Relay, OLTC, Radiators, Valves, Oil & Winding Temperature Indicators, Transformer Oil, Insulating materials, Insulators and Winding Wires, Cables/Conductors and Accessories and Software etc., and to voice the problems of the Industry with the Government of India, State Governments, State Electricity Boards, Utilities and Power Companies in the business of Generation, Transmission & Distribution of electricity. ITMA has in its fold about 250 members located in various states in India & Abroad and represents the maximum production capacity of power/distribution transformers in the country with l leading transformer manufacturers on its rolls. ITMA was conceptualized also to form a powerful lobby for the transformer and allied industries by establishing a very good rapport with the Ministry of Power, Ministry of Commerce, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Steel, Ministry of Heavy Industries, Ministry of Small Scale Industries, CEA, PFC, REC, BEE, NTPC, PGCIL, NPTI, BBMB, BIS,Test Houses, Research Institutions, SEBs /Utilities, GENCOS, TRANSCOS, DISCOMS, Power Companies and Excise & Customs departments, DGFT, MMTC& PSUs etc. ITMA endeavors to disseminate relevant information to members from time to time and render such help to the industry as would contribute and give impetus to the power scenario and other matters of interest to the industry and through it national growth besides organizing

conference/seminars at national and International level for discussion/exchange of latest technical know how for introduction in the industry. ITMA seeks solution of all technical & commercial problems of members with the help of appropriate authorities so as to enable them to conduct their business with absolute confidence. Members are kept informed about important decisions on Foreign Trade, importexport policy, industrial regulations, Banking and Finance, Company Laws & Taxation, Industrial Technology, Joint commission of other countries on relevant matters obtained from various sources. ITMA publishes a Bi-Monthly journal containing valuable articles and information on current scenario in the power industry for the benefit of members and other connected with Power/Energy sector. The journal is circulated free among members, transformer manufacturers & allied industries, technocrats, engineers, advertisers. Besides, it is also widely sough after in all SEBs, Utilities, Electrical Industries, Prominent Consultants, Energy Planners, R & D Organizations and Central & State Govt. Undertakings/PSUs and others. ITMA also publishes a directory after every two years, updating company details and information due to enrolment of new members, change in the telecommunication network and addition of new products/items introduced by members, non-members, suppliers, Exporters & Importers of Raw Material & Fabricators etc. As always the copies are extensively distributed in the power sector Industry particularly to our Members/ Non-Members, SEBs, UTILITIES/GENCOS, TRANCOS & DISCOMS, Central & State Govt. Undertakings/PSUs and NABL Members, besides Indian Embassies Abroad, Foreign Missions in India, Corporate Houses and Others. I TMAs News Letter to keep abreast with the activities, having been taken up by the ITMA for the benefit of its members, a communication is the only way to keep them updated. As always the copies are extensively distributed in the power sector Industry particularly to ITMA Members/ Non-Members, SEBs, UTILITIES/GENCOS, TRANCOS & DISCOMS, Central & State Govt. Undertakings/PSUs and NABL Members, Corporate Houses and Others. Once a Transformer manufacturers and suppliers of Allied items manufacturers becomes a member, ITMA extends full help, guidance to him to resolve any issues pertaining

to Government Departments at Central, State level for their business growth. Moreover, members get all circulars/Notifications pertaining to taxation, import-export policies & industrial regulations etc. Besides, Bi-monthly Journal, ITMA Directory, ITMAs News Letters & PVC circulars etc. are sent regularly free of cost.
11th International Conference on Transformers

11th International Conference on Transformers [TRAFOSEM 2011] to be held on 21st & 22nd November 2011 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi jointly with well known apex organizations of Government of India. Such a conference as one of the activities of ITMA has greater relevance in the present context of fast development of Power Sector for implementing latest technologies in the transformer industry would solicit your esteemed participation in the Conference. The conference would be covered by TV Channels, Press Media and will be reviewed by technical magazines and journals. We would request you to consider befitting sponsorship fee at the earliest as the Transformer Industry has been doing very well for the last couple of years so as to ensure a grand success of the conference as it is going to be a high profile event to be inaugurated by high dignitary most likely the Power Minister of Government of India. It would be an apt opportunity for your company/organization to promote itself before such illustrious gathering where PSUs, Utilities, Government Departments shall be present and the same shall go a long way to promote your business and services.

Recently development in industry: Recently, the world's leading power and automation technology group ABB announced that it will with the China Southern Power Grid Co., Ltd. cooperation, responsible for building its Nuozhadu - Guangdong HVDC converter station of a project design, manufacture, installation and commissioning of 800 kV high voltage DC transformer equipment. Highest in the world as a world-renowned 500 power transformer business, this is not the first time in our hand ABB power transformer market. ABB even said that only the Chinese

have the most complete product line booster cable other countries have not realized from products and components to the service areas of market coverage. This international giant strong competition in the domestic market behind the eyes on the one hand, China's power equipment market is huge potential; the other hand, reflects the considerable progress of Chinese enterprises, power cord especially in terms of quality, domestic power transformer has been increasingly closer to international standards, making the international giants had to pay "special skill" compete in the Chinese market. Power transformer, a static electrical equipment, is used to a certain value of the AC voltage (current) into the same frequency value of one or several other different voltage (current) equipment. AQSIQ released the results of supervision and checking of the third quarter of last year showed that in 12 provinces, trouble light municipalities, 29 companies produced 29 power transformer products, 6 kinds of products that do not meet the requirements of relevant standards, the passing rate of 80 %. "This result basically reflects the current domestic power transformer industry quality standards. It should be said after so many years of development, the overall level of domestic transformer industry has basically reached the world-class level, quality is almost the same level with foreign products." China Electrical Equipment Industry Association transformer branch of the relevant responsible person said. It is understood that the high ground occupied by the world's technology industry, mainly to see the two figures transformer, product capacity and voltage level. Back in the "Eleventh Five-Year" early, China already is the world's production and application of power transformers power, but not power. At that time, there are only few companies able to produce 500 kV EHV transformers EHV transformer market share basic monopoly by foreign giants. As China's first UHV project launched, ushered in the development of the domestic transformer business opportunities, product and capacity in one fell swoop voltage ranked first in the world, occupied the commanding heights of industry, technology development, while promoting the low-voltage transformer technology continues to mature and improve. "At present, China has to create a global leader in power transformers. As part of the power transformer industry, ABB transformers manufactured in China have been exported to Europe, Oceania, Africa, Asia and other countries, which fully reflects the world, China has been widely recognized. "ABB Hefei Transformer Co., Ltd. Distribution Engineering Manager

Jiangshu Wei told reporters, ABB in the global unified technology platform, production technology and standards. As part of the power transformer industry, whether for power or distribution transformers, ABB have been in 10 years ago to design the most advanced technology platform for the introduction of the public in China. Branch of China Electrical Equipment Industry Association official says the transformer, the transformer of the future direction of development is still towards the energysaving, low noise, fire and explosion, high reliability aspects of development, there are two main development directions: First, the high-pressure, high pressure direction, especially the 750 kV, 1100 kV. Second is to energy conservation, the development of miniaturization, the former is mainly used in long distance power transmission lines, which are mainly used in urban power transmission lines. According to reports, the main transformer manufacturing process with the development of new products, new features of the structure corresponding to the process developed, and focus on new materials, development and application of new equipment in order to continuously improve product quality and reliability, but The new technology research and development require substantial capital investment and production costs increase. Transformer industry fears raw material shortage: Besides, to improve its overall quality standards, ITMA has also assigned a Mumbaibased consultant - ABPS - to come out with a report by the end of October, with the help of the Union Ministry of Power and the Bureau of Energy Efficiency.The report will mainly focus on improvement in manufacturing standards, its implementation and guidelines for doing so. "We are involving manufacturers, users and utilities in the study. We want this report to be thoroughly debated, so that the Union Ministry of Power can come out with guidelines on manufacturing standards to improve the quality of Indian transformers," Aggarwal said. Once the guidelines are put in place, they would have to be debated with the central authorities, like the Bureau of Energy Efficiency. These guidelines would also have to be included in transformer specifications. "Fortunately, the Union Ministry of Power has been very receptive to the need to raise the levels of Indian transformer technology and it has even borne much of the cost of the ABPS study. Once the guidelines are in place, it would become mandatory for all manufacturers and end-users to follow them," he said. In this connection, the Union

Ministry of Steel has come out with an order on June 25, which stipulates that six months from now, import of all second-grade CRGO into the country will be banned. "Only imports of prime quality CRGO will be allowed. All foreign manufacturers will also have to register with the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) and only coils with an ISI mark will be allowed to enter by the customs authorities. This will help the industry a lot," he added.

1.2 .Company profile

Background: The company enters the transformer business with a manufacturing facility in Peenya, an industrial hub on the outskirts of Bangalore in India during 1978. An obsession with quality, human resources, research and development and most importantly, customer, develop as the four pillars of our foundation. We plan to develop over the next 20 years as a supplier of repute in south India. we also contribute a great amount ti the installation base of larger transformer companies in the rest on India. In 2001 company realizing that reputable suppliers offering cost benefits as well as high quality are not in short supply, the company undertakes a massive expansion and growth program which results in large scale investments. The outcome is quickly forthcoming with substantial sales growth and expansion to all parts of India and other countries. After 2007 onwards having one more production facility in Haridwar, Uttarkhand, at the foothills of the Himalayas, to meet the demand of the north part of country. The company now looks more aggressively at the world market.


A new factory will be operational in western India in December 2007 to cater to the global market. The total shop-floor area across these three factories is over 120,000 sq .ft with immense space for future expansion.

Our mission
To be one of the 5 largest suppliers of Power Engineering products and services in the world.

To excel as an employer, a corporate citizen and as a contributor to the betterment of the global environment. And we do it with PASSION.

Values and guiding principle

We will contribute positively to the betterment of the earth and environment we live in. We will do this by ensuring sustainable and renewable consumption of our inputs. We will regenerate, recycle and above all create resources in excess of what we use. We will consciously reduce pollution in all our processes.

We will be an excellent corporate citizen and company with the spirit and letter of laws in each geographic region that we operate in. We will never compromise on ethics or integrity.

Our relationship with customers are based on respect and integrity and we will delight them with our products and services by using the best applicable technology, processes


and continuous innovation. We will work towards ensuring all our customers permanently use our products and services.

We are committed to the welfare of our employees. We will ensure that employees are proud, safe and happy in their work environment. We will achieve this by being open, frank and transparent at all levels of our company. Our employees will be encouraged and motivated to innovate and achieve their potential, both professional and personal.

We are an equal opportunity employer.

Our suppliers are our partners and we will treat them as such. We will be fair and transparent with our suppliers and deal with such suppliers who share our values and beliefs.

We will reward our shareholders with a better than average return on investment and will assure them that our commitment to the guiding principle will make them proud of this company, the organization and the people involved in it.

Four pillars of the organization

1. Quality systems and processes. 2. Research and development. 3. Human resources. 4. Customers.

The above can be explained as follows.


1. Quality system and processes A detailed documented quality system, exceeding ISO 9001 requirements A qualifying process for each person across all areas in manufacturing. A monitoring system to ensure conformance to quality system. A thorough, documented review of customer complaints and suggestions along with the implementation of solutions. A system of manufacturing called UPPS(universal power production systems) dedicated to efficient, lean, zero-defect manufacturing systems and processes.

2. Research and development A separate research and development team consisting of: Engineering Purchase Manufacturing Quality Developed so far: Vacuum circuit breakers up to 33kV Unitized sub station Cast resin transformers Dry and oil type reactors up to 200kVAR Nearly 2% of sales dedicated to research and development.

New developments and effective use of materials and resources have saved the company over 8% per annum.

3. Human resources A clearly documented HR procedure covering all levels of the company. A system of work ownership by all employees of the company. Highest compensation package for worker cadre in the area. A compensation plan which rewards all levels equally. A mandate that each employee must complete at least 100 hours of training each year. A 360 degree quarterly review for all employees on performance and concerns.

4. Customer Dedicated account managers for all regular and large customers, who arrange: Commissioning of transformer(India only) Service check-ups Annual maintenance contracts A documented feedback system from customers for constants improvements. Customer seminars and training seminars for maintenance.

Energy efficiency programs and replacements programs.

Business units:

1. Power and distribution transformers business located at Bangalore. (Identified as group ABC)

2. Distribution transformers business located at Haridwar.

(Identified as group H)

3. Dry type transformer business located at Bangalore. (identified as group D)

4. Switchgear business located at Bangalore. (Identified as group SG)

5. The corporate services operate out of an office located at Bangalore.


Regional offices:

Ahmedabad Bangalore Chennai Coimbatore Delhi Kolkata Mumbai Pune Secunderabad


We design and manufacture transformers that confirm to Canadian standards CAN/CSA C88 C802.1 testing of such transformer is done in conformance to CAN/CSA-C802. The testing of transformer is done according to CAN/CSA C802.1. We also design and manufacturing and test transformer that confirm to IEC and Indian standards services although transformer are Fit & forget products, they do, over a course of monitoring; we are the first company in India to offer a comprehensive plan to ensure a trouble free services of your transformer.


All these products are manufactured in different ratings and at most times are manufactured to meet customers specific requirement.

Product lines: 1. Distributor transformer 2. Dry type transformer 3. Power transformer 4. Furnace duty transformer 5. Cast resin transformer 6. LV and MV switch gear 7. Unitized substations

1. Distributor transformer 100KVA to 20000KVA Voltages from 3.3KV to 66KV Off load or on load tap changing.


Corrugated tanks/ traditional tanks. Hermetically sealed transformers.

2. Dry type transformer

Ranges between 100KVA up to 3150KVA Voltages up to 33KV



VPI technology Cast resin transformers Available in class F and H With on load and off load tap changers.


3. Furnace duty transformer

Up to 15MVA 33KV suitable for induction arc furnace.

Up to 10MVA 33KV-50000A suitable for submerged arc furnace.


4. Switchgear and package substations

Vacuum circuit breakers. Voltage upto 11KV, 1600amps



Packaging unit substation 11KV, 990KVA with oil cooled transformer 11KV, 1600KVA with dry type/cast resin transformer.



Our esteemed customer are from varied industry segments in India and overseas such as: State electricity boards Textile Automobile

Hospital Hydro power projects IT park Leather Rubber Steel plants Wind energy

We export our products to several countries in North America, Europe, Middle east Asia and African continents. In order to meet our aggressive and robust growth plans, we are poised to increase our customer base by venturing into various other segments and looking for avenues around the globe or an inorganic growth mergers and acquisition. Company also have other customer apart from above. Some of them are as follows. Electrical contractors Electrical consultants Builders and developers Construction and project managers. These customers are spread across the Bangalore. Marketing people of the company will regularly contact with them, to find out new customer as well as new upcoming projects. So that company can get orders to full fill customers demand as well as organization objective.


Quality policy: Our valued customers require electricity, which is reliable, clean, stable and offers them long term economic benefits. Universal power transformer shall implement and work within a quality system which shall allow us to: 1. Delight our customers within our products and services that deliver reliable and stable power for the long term

2. Evolve new products and services to meet our customers requirements for lower energy consumption, reliable and long term power.

3. Delight our colleagues at all levels of the company so that they in turn will delight our customers.

4. Delight our suppliers with our transparency and invite them to work with us in meeting the end customers requirements.

5. Reward our shareholders.

Work as responsible and ethical members of the community and society in building the foundations for prosperity way of charitable acts towards education and establishment of a reliable infrastructure. This shall be accomplished through the implementation of a quality system which sets ISO 9001- 2001 minimum standards for all of the processes required to meet our goals and objectives.


1.5 competitors profiles:

Company Crompton Greaves Transformers & Rectifiers India Ltd (TRIL) BHEL Vijai Electricals Emco Ltd ABB Areva T&D Voltamp Transformers Ltd (VTL) Bharat Bijlee Ltd Indo Tech Transformers Ltd Capacity(MVA) 24,670 23,200 20,500 20,370 20,000 16,875 15,000 13,000 11,000 7,450

The some of above can be explained as follows. Crompton Greaves: As one of the world`s leading engineering corporations, CG provides end-to-end solutions, helping its customers use electrical power effectively and increase industrial productivity with sustainability. CG was established in 1937 in India; and, since then the Company has been a pioneer and has retained its leadership position in the management and application of electrical energy. Our unique and diverse portfolio ranges from transformers, switchgear, circuit breakers, network protection & control gear, project engineering, HT and LT motors, drives, lighting, fans, pumps and consumer appliances and turnkey solutions in all these areas; thus enhancing the many aspects of industrial and personal life. This portfolio has been structured into 3 SBUs


- Power Systems, Industrial Systems and Consumer Products. For details please refer to the panel on the right.

Vijai electrical:

Vijai Electricals Ltd's manufacturing plant for AMDT's, the first of its kind in India, for Amorphous Metal Distribution transformer's (AMDT's) is the largest, fully integrated, manufacturing facility in the world outside USA. Samrakshana Electricals Ltd. (SEL), sister concern of Vijai Electricals Ltd. provides support to Vijai by manufacturing and supplying almost all major components that go into the making of Transformers. This helps Vijai to get an edge over competitors in terms of quality, price and delivery schedules, while maintaining an effective and complete control on the entire supply chain.

Pioneering Leadership, Remarkable Vision, Strong Customer Focus and a Relentless Commitment to Quality and Innovation has made Vijai Electricals Ltd. as one of the largest and leading manufacturers - exporter of Power and Distribution Transformers in India. Established more than three and a half decades way back in 1973, Vijai Electricals Ltd. has come a long way in the manufacture of Electrical Power & Distribution Transformers. Today it stands as one of the most trusted and reputed brand name among all the custom.

VOLTAMP: Voltamp Transformers Ltd. was initially incorporated as Private Limited Company and established in year 1967 in Vadodara. Further, by a special resolution passed by the shareholders under section 31 and 44 of the Companies Act, 1956, the Company has been converted from Private Limited to Public Limited Company w. e. f. 22.02.2006. The Company has installed facility to manufacture Oil filled Power and Distribution Transformers up to 160MVA, 220kV Class, Resin Impregnated Dry type Transformers up to 5 MVA, 11KV Class (In Technical collaboration with MORA, GERMANY) and Cast Resin Dry

type Transformers up to 12.5 MVA, 33 KV Class (In Technical collaboration with HTT, GERMANY). The total installed capacity is 13000 MVA per annum on three shift basis.

Emco ltd Founded in 1964, EMCO is one of India's leading electrical technology and solutions provider in over 40 countries. In over 4 decades, EMCO has transformed from a single product company to a multi-product and solutions provider for power generation, transmission, distribution and industry. Amongst the Power Equipment category, EMCO is ranked 9th D&Bs Indias Top-500 Companies 2008, is 58th among 100 fastest growing companies in India (Economic Times June 2007) and has been honored with a coveted CII HR Excellence Award for 'Commendation for Strong Commitment to HR. With 1700+ Emcoites, 5 certified Manufacturing plants in India conforming to global standards, solutions and product range upto 765kV, and customers in 40+ countries around the world, EMCO anticipates and develop tailor-made solutions for unique customer needs through various pioneering practices like engaging an International Advisory Board on Technology (IABT), leveraging customer case studies to build knowledge references across the company.

It focuses on its customers and strives to match their exacting needs and expectations. Today, behind every product and every action, the customer has become the sole focus. This culture is sustained by core values of becoming customer-centric, reliable and result-oriented. EMCO is also committed to environmental & social responsibility for a better tomorrow.


A group of people systematically structured and managed to meet a need or to pursue collective goals and objectives of a company on continuing basis.

Purpose of Organizations:

People need to work together to accomplish goals and objective of organization. Goals are too large & too expansion to be achieved without cooperation. By working together, people can produce more output in less time. Work can be divided easily.

Every organization should have a defined organizational structure. A well thought out and strategic structure helps support good processes for communication and clarifies lines of authority and reporting relationships to assure that work processes flow in a defined process.

Organizational structure types

Pre-bureaucratic structures Bureaucratic structures Post-bureaucratic Functional structure Divisional structure Matrix structure


Type of organization It is the combination of product and functional organization, which can be explained as follows. Functional: Functional organizational structures are the most common. A structure of this type groups individuals by specific functions performed. Common departments such as human resources, accounting and purchasing are or agonized by separating each of these areas and managing them independently of the others. Product: Another common structure is to be organized by specific product type. Each product group falls within the reporting structure of a senior leadership person and that person oversees everything related to that particular product line.




The employee-employer relationship is meant to be symbiotic. In accordance with the mission of the company, we strongly believe that, a satisfied employee is an un advertised asset of the company, therefore company had committed to bind the organization with common purpose. We at UPT recognize and respect an employees expectation of compensation, career growth, wholesome employment and wok-life balance as much as we expect the employee to contribute to the growth of the company. We would like to tell us of the shortcomings so that corrective action can be taken. Basic pay House rent allowance Variable pay Children education fees House warming Marriage gifts Mediclaim Statutory bonus Salary advance Employees soft loans

Benefits to associates:

Shift allow Over time Attendance bonus for associate Travel allowance Overseas travel Uniform Beverages Free annual health check ups Annual sports meet Outing Issue of birth day sweets

Job design &training development The job of employee is dynamic in nature, it has been designed in such a way that it will create an enthusiasm among the employees as the jobs are internally and externally motivating to employees. The job design is always aligned to the context of the business we are operating. Performance management system Training and development Leadership programs Job rotation


Reward and recognitions Succession planning

Code of conducts: It is the responsibility of all employees within the company to know the rules and regulations stipulated in the policy manual. All employees shall comply with the rules and regulations. All employees will also ensure that their fellow employees who work with them comply with the rules and regulations and report to the HOD on non compliance of the rules by others Employees in marketing and senior members of the company are required enter into agreement with company.

All workers are expected to work eight hours a day.

Deduction in late coming exceeding 120 mins of late coming in a month there will be deductions in the salary @ prescribed rates in various slabs for all employees.

Employees should not indulge in lending money for gain to other employees whether by way of a chit fund or by any other means.

The management of universal power transformer lays stress on internalizing the guiding principles to articulate who we are, what we do and how we do whatever we do.

Employees entertaining visitors including suppliers, vendors, consultants must do so only in the designated meeting rooms.

We have strict no smoking policy in all our campuses.

Sexual harassment is an unacceptable behavior. Such behavior include unnecessary touching of person, using sexually degrading words, offensive telephone calls and suggestive sexual pictures. Such instances can be immediately brought to the notice of the authorities concerned.

All employees must wear the company while on duty, inside and outside the premises.

All the trainees and new employees will be issued identity cards with photo, name, joining date and the blood group, by the HR department within 10 days.




Marketing is the ongoing continuous process of defining, anticipating and creating customer needs and wants and organizing all resources to the enterprises to satisfy customer demand at the desirable profit to the firm and also to the customer. It is the system of integrated business activities designed to develop marketing plans and programs leading to the satisfaction of the customers. Marketing is about acquiring and retaining customers for the products and services by delivering customer value.

Functions: To explore new area having good business potential. To review the periodical assessment of ongoing relationship between customer company once or twice in year.

Keep monitoring after the sales. To create a bridge between customer needs and companys business. To maintain good relationship with electrical contractors, consultants and builders.

Process: In this, they first find out customer from different sources.

After finding the customer, they send a quotation form, to customer so that customer can get the product according to his requirement.

The marketing department, then go and meet the customer to get final order.


After getting a final order they take an 10%advance amount on total amount and their only they will give them the date of delivery.


Answering customer enquiries about products and services. Providing specialist information and advice to meet customer needs. Providing after-sales service, including replacing damaged goods, arranging for repairs or for spare parts to be obtained and fitted

Dealing with customer complaints according to company procedures. Providing technical advice. Keeping customer records up to date. Responding to customer enquiries by solving the problems. Collecting customer feedback



Finance department deals with various financial functional activities of the organization. Finance is the life blood of any organization. To run the transaction successfully, there should be sufficient funds flow, ensure costs are controlled, established and control profitability levels. Finance department is to identify appropriate financial information prior to communicating this information to managers and decision-makers, in order that they may informed judgments and decision.

Functions: Funding activities like: project, financing, loan, loan repayment.

Treasury function like maintaining cash or bank balance for different payments.

Book keeping function which maintains books of account. There is an own computerized system including the accounts of sale, purchase, cash/bank, stock, tax, fixed assets, etc.

Audit is conducted in the regular interval for appraisal activity within an organization for review of operation management and stake holders of the company to get the financial status.


Budgeting function: it is a statement showing the anticipating revenues and expenditures. It is matching the revenues and expenditures.

Financial place a very important role in the organization. Management of finance is very crucial task. Efficient management of finance results in the progress of the organization.


Production is the functional are for turning inputs into finished outputs through a series of processes. The chief projects and the chief operations is responsible for making sure that raw materials are provided and made into finished goods effectively. They must make sure that work is carried out smoothly, and must manage the procedures for making work more efficiently.

Function: It concern with manufacturing of products To set standards and targets for each section of the production process. It includes the maintenance of the production line and other necessary repairs. It closely monitors the quantity and quality of products coming off a production line Estimate cost for producing in different quantities and by using different methods. Complete the project within time. Proper implementation of 5 s and TPM


It includes mechanical & electrical works.

Manufacturing process:


The above manufacturing process can explained by as follows.


All windings are made by experienced and qualified winders with at least 2years experience.

Dry type windings are on fiber glass mandrels to ensure that there is no inadvertent tearing of the insulation.

All windings are designed to withstand short circuit and minimize copper usage.


Windings are made using either copper or aluminum, and can be offered for oil filled transformers, VPI dry type transformers or cast resin transformer.


Core used is grain oriented steel, manufactured and designed considering the step lap method, including mitred joints.

Using optimal design and manufacturing processes, air gaps are reduced between yokes and legs, reducing noise and losses.

Core is bound and coated with a special resin which further reduces noise and losses.

Core is sourced from quality vendors and processed on automated machines to ensure proper 45degree edging.

Each core is inspected and losses are measured prior to next process.


Windings are taken after consolidation and placed on individual limbs of cores.

Proper insulation scheme, spacers and routing of cables ensured.

Reblading, brazing, of busbars and final fitting completed.

Core coil assembly is dried for over 12 hours at up to 105 degrees, until completely dry.

33kV and above are processed under vacuum.

4. FINAL ASSEMBLY: Fully dried and consolidated core coils are taken and inserted into tanks.

After tightening, fixing and cover closure, fittings and accessories are mounted.

Tanks are pressure tested for 4hours in Hot oil conditions.

Transformer are painted and paint thickness is checked and maintained.

custom painting system according to customers requirements are offered in Epoxy, Hot zinc spray, powder coating and polyurethane.


5. TESTING AND INSPECTION: All transformer are tested in our lab according to national and international standards (IS: 2026, IEC 76, etc.)

Voltage ratio

Winding resistance

Impedance voltage

No load and load losses

No load current

Dielectric tests

Noise level measurement


DGA-Dissolved gas analysis for testing oil

Harmonic measurement and analysis

Temperature rise test plant

Vacuum and pressure test plant

Oil test facilities.

Specific type tests at approved laboratories can be offered such as

Measurement of zero sequence impendence

Lighting impulse test

Dynamic short circuit test.


In this way transformers are manufactured and processed.

Relationship between departments: Here in Universal, managers use software called CINCOM for

communication between different departments like Marketing, Accounts and Production, also monthly meetings will be conducted.

Advantage and disadvantage of different departments:


Logical reflection of functions. Maintain power and prestige of major functions. Follow principle of occupational specialization. Simplifies training.

Furnishes means of tight control at top.


De-emphasis of overall company's objective Overspecializes and narrow viewpoint of key personnel Reduces coordination between functions Responsibility for profits is at the top only Slow adaptation to changes in environment Limits development of general managers

It is simplest form. A SWOT analysis can be understood as the study and analysis of an organization's internal strengths and weaknesses, and its environments opportunities, and threats. It is a general tool designed to be used in the every stages of decision-making and as a precursor to strategic planning in various kinds of departments. An understanding of all external factors, (threats and opportunities) together with an internal

examination of strengths and weaknesses assists in forming a vision of the future as well completing the objective of organization.

The above terms can be explained as follows. Strengths: It is an important characteristic of the business, that give it an advantage over others in the industry. Weaknesses: are characteristics that place the firm at a disadvantage relative to others.

Opportunities: external chances to make greater sales or profits in the environment. Threats: external elements in the environment that could cause trouble for the business.

4.1 Strengths.

It is one of the old companies in the transformer business over 33 years. They have their own strong R&D department UPT gives complete range of products according to customer requirement. Having good technology and design ability. Company has its own system of manufacturing called UPPS (Universal Power Production Systems)

They adopted some Japanese techniques, such as lean, zero defect manufacturing systems and processes.


Tapping the rural market is problem, because of service.


Communication gap between different departments. Space constraints in shop floor.


strong demand generated due to the industrial growth. In case of transformer business local players play major role. South India is developing rapidly, so UPT can utilize this advantage.

UPT started its own new service scheme known as AMC. By providing this is to customer it can improve its sales.


Number of small contractors increasing every day. Competition from Chinese industry.


Government policies.
Transformer industry fears from raw material shortage.


6. Findings, Suggestions & Conclusion


Majority of people are concerned about service of the transformer.

For service, majority of them will concern to local electrical people.

Service must available at right time.

The government has brought new policy over transformer maintenance. Everyone should produce annual maintenance report to officials of the electricity department.

Regarding with universal power transformer, majority of customer accept that the company has excellent product and service.

Many people are concerned over quality while purchasing the transformer.


Some people are aware about the universal brand and they trust.

In shop floor, workers are satisfied with working conditions.

Storage of transformer is one of the problems in factory.


Universal power transformer is one of the old company. Hence it can expand its business easily.

The company must apply more Japanese quality technique, so that it can improve its production.

Continuous training to the employees, so that their efficiency can be improved.


While making decisions, consider employees suggestions.

The company should do publicity to improve the brand image by providing the good service to existing customers and new customer who will take AMC.

In todays business, customer satisfaction is very important. So one must take care about them.

I had made a thorough study of almost one month in UNIVERSAL POWER TRANSFORMER PVT LTD. As reflected from my findings, they are very competent and are able to satisfy their clients to large extent, since, they have entered Indian market 32 years ago.

There is , however, still there a vast potential of the Indian market untapped by them. Hence they have publicize their brand name in the market to reach more number of clients in India. India being the second fastest emerging economy at present in the world, the potential business opportunities are unlimited for this company. Hence, they may have to spread their area of business operations in India, increase their branches by bringing in more resources to expand their business and exploit the market to create more wealth for their stakeholders.




Companys product brochure.

Research methodology (methods and technique)- C.R.Kothari.




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