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1. Effective Excellent Very good Creditable Adequate Barely adequate investigation, investigation, investigation, investigation, investigation, investigation, research and insight research and research and insight research and insight research and research and to interpret and insight to interpret to describe, interpret, to describe, interpret, insight to describe, insight to describe, evaluate how and evaluate how and evaluate how and evaluate how interpret, and interpret, and significant planning significant planning significant planning significant planning evaluate how evaluate how issues and current issues and current issues and current issues and current significant significant policies and issues policies interact policies interact with policies interact with planning issues planning issues interact with and with and influence and influence land and influence land and current and current influence land uses land uses and uses and activities in uses and activities in policies influence policies interact and activities in the activities in West West End- Highgate West End- Highgate and interact with with and influence study area End- Highgate Hill Hill Hill land uses and land uses and activities in West activities in West . . . End- Highgate Hill End- Highgate Hill. 2. Wide ranging Excellent wide Very good range of Creditable review, Adequate review, Barely adequate critical and creative ranging review, review, assessment assessment and assessment and review, thinking, evaluation assessment and and synthesis, synthesis, including synthesis, assessment & & synthesis, synthesis, including including consideration of the including synthesis including including consideration of the consideration of the metropolitan context. consideration of consideration of consideration of the metropolitan metropolitan context. the metropolitan the metropolitan metropolitan context. context. context. context., 3. Creative and imaginative anticipation of future problems, potentialities and appropriate objectives. Criteria Excellent creativity and imagination in anticipating future problems, beneficial directions and objectives Very good creativity and imagination in anticipating future problems, beneficial directions and objectives Creditable imagination in anticipating future problems, beneficial directions and objectives Adequate anticipation of future problems, directions and objectives Barely adequate anticipation of future problems, directions and objectives

Student 2-1 Inadequate investigation, research and insight to describe, interpret, and evaluate how significant planning issues and current policies interact with and influence land uses and activities in West End- Highgate Hill Inadequate review, assessment and synthesis, including consideration of the metropolitan context. Failure to anticipate future problems, directions and objectives


4. Social and ethical responsibility in considering the needs and views of groups and communities likely to be affected 5. Written communication of complex ideas and interpretations

Excellent use of inquiry, consultation and interpretation of evidence to contribute to issues and draft objectives Vivid, clear and accurate communication of complex ideas in excellent writing, Excellent presentation and structure to communicate clearly and logically using highly effective graphics, diagrams, photography, appendices and references.

Very good use of inquiry, consultation and interpretation of evidence to contribute to issues and draft objectives

Creditable use of inquiry and consultation to contribute to issues and draft objectives

Adequate use of inquiry and, consultation to contribute to issues and draft objectives

Barely adequate use of inquiry and consultation to contribute to issues and draft objectives

Failure to use inquiry and consultation to contribute to issues and draft objectives

Clear and accurate communication of complex ideas in effective writing

Creditable communication of significant ideas in effective writing

Adequate communication of ideas in effective writing

Barely adequate communication of ideas in writing

Inadequate communication of ideas in writing

6. Overall quality of presentation, including supporting graphics, diagrams , photography and references

Very good presentation and structure to communicate clearly and logically using highly effective graphics, diagrams, photography, appendices and references

Creditable presentation and structure to communicate clearly and logically using effective graphics, diagrams, photography, appendices and references.

Adequate presentation and structure to communicate clearly and logically using adequate graphics, diagrams, photography, appendices and references.

Barely adequate presentation and structure to communicate clearly and logically using barely adequate graphics, diagrams, photography, appendices and references.

Inadequate presentation and structure to communicate clearly and logically using graphics, diagrams, photography, appendices and references.

Overall comments

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