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Chapter 27: The Sun, The Solar System and 2012 The Earth and the Sun, both

bodies revolve, or spin, around the very center of the mass between them. This point is called the "barycenter." Earth and the sun are "connected" by the gravity pulling them together. It's like the light end and heavy end of the sledge hammer. So the center of mass between the Earth and the sun is almost - but not quite - the very center of the sun. What is a Barycenter? In non technical term, itd mean the exact center of all the material (that is, in mass) that makes up the object. So, in the case of a planet the size of Jupiter, which is 318 times as massive as Earth, the barycenter of Jupiter and the sun is a bit further from the sun's center. So, as Jupiter revolves around the sun, the sun itself is actually revolving around this slightly off-center point, located just outside its center. Thus, a planet the size of Jupiter will make the sun appear to wobble a tiny bit. We take advantage of this bit of knowledge to look for large planets in other solar systems, by learning to detect this type of tiny wobble in the star's position. Jupiter makes one complete trip around the Sun every 11.861773 years. A new theory put forth by Dr. Rollin Gillespie shows that Jupiter, and to a smaller degree the other less massive planets, may be what triggers the 11 year cycle of sunspots and solar flares. The barycenter is not a single point in the Sun. Because the Sun is a rotating gaseous sphere, the barycenter forms a vertical, cylindrical "sleeve" that is partially inside and outside the main solar body. All of the planets have such a "sleeve," one inside the other, depending on their relative mass and the location of their barycenters. The particular sleeve representing the mass of Jupiter intersects the solar surface at 35.9 degrees North and South. This is precisely where sunspot and flare activity begin and end during each 11 year cycle and cause the solar flip of its magnetic poles The new cycle has already begun with the recent observation of a solar spot with reverse polarity. But a surprising activity on March 27, 2008, showed some huge eruptions with Mclass radiation at about the equatorial region of the Sun.. These surprising eruptions suggests a barycenter of disturbance from an object even more massive than Jupiter, placing the "sleeve" outside the Sun. Could this be the beginning of the Galaxy's effects on our Sun? Scientists have noted that when Jupiter and Saturn are aligned on the same side of the Sun, the solar maximum (the period when we have the most sunspots and flares) is at its weakest; when they are on opposite sides of the Sun the solar maximum is at its strongest. The positions of these two planets on December 21, 2012 are ideal for extreme solar activity. The Sun rotates at a slight angle (7.25 degrees), much as our Earth does. So as it wobbles,

it tilts the sleeves, causing them to clash with each other and eventually disrupt the surface. Having the barycenters of the most massive planets, Jupiter and Saturn, in maximum misalignment is especially disruptive. This disturbance, to put it simply works its way to the surface and erupts in sunspots and solar flares or CME's (Coronal Mass Ejections). The last solar cycle was at its maximum in 2001. Each active solar cycle has a period when the flares are strongest, usually happening near the solar equator, called the "solar maximum." This is significant because the next "solar maximum" event will coincide with December 21, 2012. But wait - there's much more! Solar flares are pieces of the sun which leap into space, discharging radiation and strong electrical currents that travel outward into space. They often fall back to the surface of the Sun. Sometimes, a very strong flare, called a Coronal Mass Ejection (CME), actually leaves the Sun and this deadly mass shoots out from the Sun towards the planets like a bullet. Usually these CME's don't hit anything but occasionally they hit a planet like Earth. Most solar flares are small, but then even a small flare can be very dangerous. In 1989 a flare hit the North American continent and fried electric lines, it zapped power grids in the US and Canada, and created large power blackouts. Flares can also affect our moods and physical health. In theory, a large flare impacting the Earth could zap the ionosphere and hence can take down all the satellites, cell-phones, GPS etc. and irradiate the surface, killing every living organism that it touches. Solar flares and sunspots have an average cycle of 11.120412 years (estimated from one "solar maximum" to the next). Right now, in 2012 we are in the active period of cycle number 24, after an unusually long period of quiet solar activity. This cycle is predicted to be an extremely violent cycle. The small discrepancy between the average 11.120412 year solar cycle and the 11.861773 year period of Jupiter is close enough to be significant but suggests that something else is also influencing solar disturbances. Sure, it could be attributed to the various positions of the other less massive planets, but it could also be something even more significant - the Milky Way. The Perfect Storm Our solar system is part of a huge disc shaped collection of stars and planets called the Milky Way Galaxy. And we're located somewhere on the edge of this disc, slightly on top of the narrow disc. But very soon we'll be moving to the bottom of the disc. This change from top to bottom, begins on December 21, 2012. Yes, that's right. On the same day when our Sun is at its solar maximum, something will happen that's never happened for thousands of eons of time - the ecliptic of our solar system will intersect with the Galactic plane, called the "Galactic Equator" of the Milky Way! By some amazing coincidence, not only will we be intersecting with the Galactic Equator, but we will be doing this precisely aligned with the center of the Galaxy where there is maximum mass! More mass means more gravity. More gravity means more influence from those barycenters in our Sun. That means exponential increases in solar disruptions - all coinciding

on the same day! The date, December 21, 2012, is a special day. It represents the maximum possible influences for solar flares that the universe can possibly provide. Undoubtedly the Mayans, or the civilization that influenced them, somehow knew about these things and guess that explains their obsession with Astronomy and the Sun. It's also important to stress that December 21, 2012 is only the "solar maximum" but that the gravitational effects of the Galaxy have already started to assert their influence on the Sun. The drift towards alignment with the galactic equator is relatively slow and, in truth, has already started. But the precise culmination of this, plus the alignment of Jupiter and Saturn all make 12/21/12 an ominous date. Following news reports of the discovery of gamma rays coinciding with the Galactic equator through which were now passing and the alarming report that our planet's magnetic shield which guards us against, among other things, harmful gamma radiation has been damaged. Physicists Find Evidence For Highest Energy Photons Ever Detected From Milky Way's Equator (ScienceDaily) Physicists at nearly a dozen research institutions, including New York University, have discovered evidence for very high energy gamma rays emitting from the Milky Way, marking the highest energies ever detected from the galactic equator. Their findings, published in the Dec. 16 issue of the Physical Review of Letters, were obtained using the Milagro Gamma Ray Observatory, a new detector located near Los Alamos, N.M., that allows monitoring of the northern sky on a 24-hour, 7-day-per-week basis. Gamma rays are considered by scientists to be the best probe of cosmic rays outside the solar neighborhood. The research team, which includes nearly 40 physicists, reported that Milagro, positioned at an altitude of 8600 feet in the Jemez Mountains, detected a signal along the galactic equator region and interpreted it as arising from gamma rays with a median energy of 3.5 trillion electron-volts, or 3500 times the mass-energy of a proton. Previous satellite experiments have seen gamma-ray emissions along the galactic equator reaching up to energies of only 30 billion electron-volts. These emissions are understood to be produced by interactions of cosmic-ray particles with the abundant interstellar medium near the galactic equator. Previously, some researchers had speculated that additional mechanisms were needed to explain the large number of particles observed at high energies. However, the measurements by Milagro can be understood by assuming a cosmic ray energy spectrum near the galactic center similar to that in the solar system and the standard properties of particle interactions. The results presented in the Physical Review of Letters paper were gathered over a three-year period, beginning in July 2000.

So, what makes 2012 significant is that it coincides with the alignment of the center of the Milky Way galaxy, the sun, earth, and the other large planets. Which might create a gravitational cosmic tsunami and could cause the sun to scorch the earth. That means that the only immediate survivors would be people in the underground cities, caves and submarines. However, even these people may not survive too long because such an event (gravitational surges) might bring mega earthquakes and volcanic activity resulting in tsunamis and floods. Further these events might collapse underground cities and caves, as huge tidal floods would flood subways and coastal and low lying areas. However, if a few did manage to survive. They would not be able to come out of their underground dwellings for some time, because the earth's protective magnetic shield may be gone and would have destroyed all means for communication and would have rendered the surface radioactive and inhabitable. Also if the upper atmosphere and the earth's atmosphere was able to repair itself in even a short period of time of one year, the survivors would face a barren world. All surface vegetation and animal life will have been destroyed. The surface of earth might perhaps look like a barren planet. The only possible source of food for those few survivors might be the ocean, as plant life and sea life might survive this event to some small degree. However, there is one problem... more than likely all the plankton will die. Since they live at the surface of the water and will be destroyed by the radiation. Plankton is the basic building block of life for many living organisms in the ocean and is also the biggest generator of oxygen on the planet. With plankton gone, so would the forests resulting in depletion of oxygen on the planet. LaViolette's Superwave Theory: In the 1960s with the Apollo 11 astronauts photographed and took samples from some small craters, about 20cm to 1.5 meters across. When they examined the floors of these craters they noticed what looked like glazed donuts. These were actually chunks of moon dirt that were coated by glass. The glazed areas are clearly concentrated toward the top surfaces of protuberances, although they exist also on some sides. Points and edges appear to be strongly favored for the glazing process. In some cases, droplets appear to have run down an inclined surface for a few millimeters and congealed there. Hardly anyone in the general public was made aware of this discovery and, even if they were, they could hardly have realized the significance. But in 1969, an article in Science by T. Gold proposed a theory of how they were made. Glass, as we know, is made from melting sand. It occurs naturally near sources of high temperature, such as volcanoes and meteor impacts. The atom bomb tests in New Mexico's White Sands area produced a small "lake" of glass at ground zero. So it was never a question about the lunar glass also having been created by something very hot. The fact that the glaze was confined to small patches, 0.5 to 10mm, suggested to scientists that the surface had been zapped rather than slow-cooked. And the likely source of this zap was our Sun. Gold estimated that the solar luminosity would have had to increase by 100 times what it is normally, for a duration of from 10 to 100 seconds.

Also, because of the lack of debris or dirt covering this glass, it must have occurred within the last 30,000 years. This made Gold propose that the Sun - our Sun - does this every 10,000 years or more. He suggested that future research should look for a "trigger" event - possibly a large comet or asteroid impacting the surface of the Sun. Decades passed and this theory didn't receive much attention. Then, as it often does, the theory got a fresh look by a genius, Dr. Paul LaViolette. He was not satisfied with the source of the glass being caused by a solar blast, mainly because the output would have had to be on the scale of a nova, not just a flare. He envisioned another possibility. LaViolette envisioned a large solar flare or coronal mass ejection (CME) that would become magnetically entrapped in the Earth's magnetosphere. The magnetosphere would then hold on to this fireball of radiation like a magnetic thermos bottle, allowing the Moon and Earth to be exposed for a duration of time long enough to really "flashbake" their surfaces. Critics quickly denounced LaViolette's theory citing evidence of "cosmic dust" and rare elements in the lunar glass and concluding that the heat source was from a meteor impact. But LaViolette proposed that this cosmic dust was likely present on the surface of the Moon during the time it was melted into the glass. In fact, he proposed that the entire solar system was full of this cosmic dust at the time of this solar eruption. He was vindicated when polar ice cores showed unusual cosmic dust deposits at strata marking the end of the last ice age. This time period, about 12,950 BCE, approximates the current age of the Moon glass. So where did all this cosmic dust come from? Like Earth, our entire solar system has its own atmosphere, called the heliopause. This "bubble" surrounds the Sun and planets as it travels through galactic space. Like our earth's magnetosphere, the movement of the heliopause creates a rounded "head" and a narrowing "tail." Actually, it's more egg shaped. Until recently, astronomers believed that our solar system was a region relatively free from cosmic dust. The cosmic dust and frozen material of space were kept outside this protective bubble. This was confirmed when the IRAS and Ulysses spacecrafts which showed infrared images of the solar system, surrounded by wispy clouds of cosmic dust that increase in density just beyond Saturn. So if the cosmic dust is surrounding the heliopause, what would make it suddenly enter the heliopause and how would this coincide with huge solar flares? LaViolette envisioned something disrupting the heliopause from the outside, impacting it and drawing cosmic dust inside with it and energizing the Sun. The energy of such an impact would be immense. The most logical place to look for such enormous energy was the Milky Way Galaxy. Examining the shape of the cosmic dust clouds, the IRAS satellite team reported that the

cloud was tilted relative to the solar system's ecliptic - the narrow plane containing our planets. LaViolette realized that this odd alignment traced back to the Galactic center. This was quickly verified by NASA's Ulysses spacecraft and New Zealand's AMOR space radar observatory. Whatever caused the last ice age to end, the Sun to flare up and caused the glass to form on the Moon, came from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. The plot was getting more interesting. Astronomers have known about intense radiation from space since the 1970s. Multiple bursts of powerful gamma rays were routinely detected and believed to originate from stars in the Milky Way. Assuming this energy originated locally, astronomers concluded this type of gamma ray burst was insignificant and harmless. Then, in December 1997, they had the technology and good luck to catch a strong gamma ray burst and track it. The source was not inside the Milky Way Galaxy. It was from a distant galaxy billions of light years away! A review of other bursts showed that their assumptions had been wrong all along. All of the gamma ray bursts they were observing were from other galaxies far, far away. The amount of energy coming from objects so distant was a real shock. No one had ever imagined such powerful bursts could be generated by galactic centers. The thought of a burst coming from our own Milky Way galactic center was abysmal. A burst of the same intensity as the 1997 event, originating from inside the Milky Way, would deliver 100,000 time the lethal dose of radiation, killing every life form that was exposed. Could that really happen to us? This question was answered on August 27th, 1998 when an unusual 5 minute gamma ray pulse was located just 20,000 light years away in the constellation of Aquila. This may sound like a huge distance, but to astronomers this is just "next door." The Milky Way Galaxy, for example, is just 100,000 light years from end to end. The 1998 event was close enough and strong enough to ionize Earth's upper atmosphere, damage a couple of spacecraft and disrupt global communication. Ironically, all of these facts are incorporated in LaViolette's "superwave" theory. He concludes that there are cyclical and frequent explosions from the Galaxy's core. These waves of radiation advance outward to the edges of the Galaxy, impacting everything and causing stars to erupt in their path. He believes this is what has happened many times to our own solar system - the most recent superwave of radiation being 14,950 years ago. He envisions the shock wave - or superwave - dragging cosmic dust along with it as it enters the heliopause and energizes our Sun. Ice core samples support this view. Evidence of the effects from cosmic dust show at ice core strata corresponding to the years 11,880 to 11,785 BCE. This evidence, along with the Moon glass, the presence of cosmic dust and the abrupt and atypical end of the last ice age - all point to an intimate relationship between extreme solar activity and gamma radiation from the Milky Way Galaxy's center. What will it be like when this happens to us?

Perhaps the most dramatic evidence of what we can expect in 2012 comes from the most unlikely place - ancient petroglyphs! Ancient rock carvings from around the globe, created during the last solar "zap" 14,950 years ago, seem to illustrate a spectacular event that happened when the Earth was last hit by extremely high radiation. We are all familiar with the sparks that flash brightly when we discharge electrical current. Lightning is a good example. Extremely high energy, called plasma, has been shown to form unique shapes when it is made to discharge - especially around a sphere. The northern lights are an example of how this "spark" of plasma can form luminous, electrically charged sheets or tubes at the Earth's poles. The aurora, as it is called, occurs when mild energy from our Sun is trapped and dissipated by the Earth's magnetic poles. Extremely high energy - the type that would have caused the Moon glass and zapped the Earth - creates a more elaborate discharge. Physicists call it a z-pinch formation. The z-pinch has been extensively researched by a group headed by Anthony L. Peratt with the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM and is described in his paper, Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity Part II: Directionality and Source. In this paper, Dr. Peratt illustrates the shape and characteristics of this high energy discharge on the Earth and shows thousands of petroglyph sites all over the globe where this z-pinch was observed and recorded in ancient carvings. The term z-pinch originates from experiments where physicists made extremely high current to flow through thin wires that were arranged vertically in a tubular formation. They noticed that the energy quickly vaporized the wires, but the magnetic field generated by these paths remained and contained (or "pinched") the stream of energy, collapsing the streams of energy toward the center of the tube-like configuration. So what do we know for sure? The recent data shows that dramatic and potentially deadly effects can result from solar flares and coronal mass ejections. Substantial data suggests that an event, similar to the one anticipated in the 2012 "doomsday" scenario, occurred about 14,950 years ago and was recorded by ancient humans. This event appears to have lasted for several years in duration and was responsible for the abrupt end of the last ice age as well as a substantial culling of the human population. The surprising findings of LaViolette, supported by other research, suggests that the extreme solar event corresponded to powerful radiation coming from the center of the Milky Way Galaxy and was associated with gamma rays and cosmic dust. Recent observations have shown a dramatic increase in gamma ray energy in the Galaxy's equator which will be in maximum alignment with our solar system on December 12, 2012. The past records in ice cores (strata from 13,880 to 13,785 BCE) suggest that intense radiation from this last event could have lasted many years.

It seems highly likely that this alignment will cause another extreme solar event since other factors precipitating a "solar maximum" i.e. the opposition of major planetary barycenters also converge on this exact date. The fact that galactic centers routinely radiate lethal gamma rays makes it unlikely that life, at least as we understand it, can survive in the universe. Sooner or later it is destined to be zapped. A new genetic study of Y-chromosome variation by Dr. Marcus Feldman of Stanford University shows that the population from which the world's present population is derived consisted of about 2,000 individuals. Somehow, humans, flora and fauna did survive the past doomsday and some may yet survive past 2012. Organisms on Earth, including humans, have evolved during quiet times - between the lethal blasts from our own Milky Way center. This means that we are indeed quite unique and lucky. But it also means that our ultimate demise is part of the natural order. This universe is larger than ourselves and our lives. We are just transient phenomena, seemingly running counter to the laws of entropy, yet a part of the cosmic reality. This is neither good or bad. It simply is. And yet there is part of us that may continue. This hope is what we must hold on to. References: [1] Gold, T. "Apollo II Observations of a Remarkable Glazing Phenomenon on the Lunar Surface." Science 165 (1969):1345. [2] Excerpt from Paul LaViolette's 1983 Ph.D. dissertation, "Galactic Explosions, Cosmic Dust Invasions, and Climate Change." [3] Morgan, Laul, Ganapathy, and Anders (1971 Morgan, J. W., Laul, J. C., Ganapathy, R., and Anders, E. "Glazed Lunar Rocks: Origin by Impact." Science 172(1971):556 [4] Zook, H. A., Hartung, J. B., and Storzer, D. "Solar Flare Activity: Evidence for Large Scale Changes in the Past." Icarus 32(1977):106 [5] Anthony L. Peratt, Fellow, IEEE, John McGovern, Alfred H. Qoyawayma, Life Member, IEEE, Marinus Anthony Van der Sluijs, and Mathias G. Peratt, Member, IEEE, "Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High-Current Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity Part II: Directionality and Source," IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, Vol. 35, NO. 4, August 2007. [6] Markus Landgraf, Max Plank Institute. [7] -also- also-

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